Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Should be Treasured ❯ Bits and Pieces of My Past ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yugi arrived back at Seto and Joey's place and smiled lightly as he saw his note had been taken off the door, meaning the other two had come out. He went in the guest bedroom that Seto had given him and lay down on his bed, feeling somewhat exhausted.

"Why did I tell that lady I was Yami's boyfriend?" He asked himself out loud. "Could it have really been my memories coming back to me like Yami said?"

He rolled onto his side and looked out the window, down on the street watching people walk by, some more quickly then others. Across the street he saw a boy and a girl run towards each other and hold each other affectionately, smiles on both their faces.

"I wish Yami would hold me like he used to at school; that was so comforting." He mumbled just before he fell asleep.

Joey smiled and closed the door after he heard what Yugi had said. "Seto, I think our Yugi is coming back to his senses."

"Why's that?" Seto called from the couch, flipping through channels to try and find something interesting.

"He told the secretary at the hospital he was Yami's boyfriend without realizing it and now he just said he wish Yami would hold him like he did at school."

Seto dropped the remote on the couch in surprise and looked at Joey. "He is?"

Joey smiled and nodded.

"That's wonderful, Joey. Soon they'll both be happy again."


Yami reluctantly walked into the dining room and sat down glumly. He hadn't wanted to come out of his room, but his mother had threatened to bring him back to the hospital if he didn't eat something.

"It's about time. You should get out of that room more often, it's not healthy to stay cooped up like that."

"Yes, mother." He replied quietly.

"I know you want Yugi back, honey, but these things take time. Remember what I said at the hospital about it?"

"I remember." He picked up his fork and started poking his food.

Kiore watched him sadly. `I wish there was something I could do for him, but the only thing he wants is Yugi back.'

An idea suddenly came to Kiore and she couldn't wait until she was alone to get started.

"Things will turn out for the better, Yami dear. You'll see." She gave him a motherly kiss on the cheek and quickly left the room to get started.


The telephone rang and with Joey and Seto having `dessert' in their bedroom Yugi was left to answer it.

"Hello? This is Yugi speaking."

"Ah, Yugi, just the person I wanted to talk to."

Yugi thought for a minute before he recognized the voice. "Kiore?"

"That's right, how are you feeling?"

"Okay I guess. Is everything okay? How's Yami?" He couldn't help asked the last part.

"Everything's fine here. Yami's a bit upset though. I had to threaten to take him to the hospital again if he didn't eat something. Actually, that's why I called. I wanted to know if you could do a favor for me?"

"I'll try; what is it?"

"I figured Yami hasn't seen all his friends from school in a long time and that it might cheer him up. It would do him wonders if he would just smile again. Would you mind coming over tomorrow? And bring Joey and Seto with you?"

"Sure, Kiore. I could do that; I'd do anything for Yami." He replied without thinking about it.

"Yugi, are you sure you're okay?"

"Sure, I am. Why?"

"You just said you'd do anything for Yami."

"I - Oh, that's been happening a lot. Yami told me at the hospital that it might have something to do with my memories coming back to me."

"Well I'm glad. Maybe then things will be able to come back to normal. But…would you mind if I asked you a personal question? It's been bugging me a bit lately and it would just help if I knew."

"I suppose you could. I do recall you telling me once that I'm part of your family now, but it's kind of fuzzy."

Kiore smiled into the phone even though she knew Yugi couldn't see it. "Do you feel anything for Yami anymore? Even if it's just a small thing?"

Yugi faulted. Did he feel anything for Yami? He had been feeling strange around him though he only rubbed it off as not being able to remember him. `What of that dream I had of Yami a few nights ago? Did it mean anything?' "Would you tell Yami if I told you?"

"Only if you said it was okay."

"I don't want to get his hopes up when it only turns out to be a fluke. I've already hurt him so much without even meaning too and I feel guilty enough." He took a deep breath and continued. "I think I do feel something when I'm around him, but I'm not very sure."

"Thanks, Yugi. How about tomorrow you try spending time with Yami? It might help with your memories."

"I'll try that. Goodbye, Kiore. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodbye, Yugi."

Yugi hung up and went up to Seto and Joey's bedroom door. Putting his ear to it he didn't hear anything so he knocked and entered when Seto answered. A blush covered his face as he saw Joey snuggled up lovingly against Seto's chest, the covers the only thing hiding their nude forms.

"S-sorry to disturb you," he stuttered, "but Kiore just called. Yami's been out of it lately and she thought that seeing his closest friends from school would help. She would like it if we went over there tomorrow and just hang out with him for the day."

"Nothing to worry about, Yugi. We'd love to go."

Yugi smiled and nodded before closing the door behind him. He couldn't help but feel a flutter of happiness at being able to see Yami again. `He'll be so happy to see me again.' Yugi looked down at the floor thinking about everything they could do and his eyes wandered to what he was wearing, his eyes widening. `What am I going to where?'

He skidded into his room and started throwing things out of his bags, trying to find something to where when he suddenly stopped and looked at himself in the closet mirror.

"Why do I care if Yami likes what I'm wearing?" He rubbed his temples and groaned as he felt a headache creeping up on him. He crawled over to his bed and lay down. "I'll figure it out later after I wake up."


Yugi awoke sleepily as he felt himself being shaken. "Joey? What's wrong?" He mumbled as he saw blonde hair through his blurry vision.

"It's time to get up. We're going to Yami's today, remember?"

Yugi shot fully awake and looked at the clock beside his bed. "I wasn't supposed to sleep that long!" He shouted worriedly. He jumped from the bed and started rummaging around his bag and his clothes on the floor again.

"Yugi, are you okay?"

"I don't know what to wear." Yugi told him as held a shirt to his form before throwing it behind him; it landed on Seto's head.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Yugi doesn't know what to wear."

"Why would you care?"

"I don't know, but I just know I have to. I want to look nice for him." He explained as he held up a pair of black pants before throwing them aside.

Joey and Seto looked at each other for a minute before kneeling down beside their friend and pausing him from further searching.

"Yugi, are you feeling anything for Yami?" Seto asked him.

Yugi started for a minute and squeaked in embarrassment. "I-is it that obvious?"

The couple nodded.

Amethyst eyes fell to the floor and Yugi nodded, telling Seto and Joey what he had told Kiore on the phone when she asked him the same thing.

"That's great news, Yugi. You might be getting your memories back soon." Joey excitedly told him.

Yugi nodded. "I know, Kiore and Yami both seem to think so."

"When did you see Yami?" Seto questioned.

"At the hospital yesterday. Keith was arrested and I saw it on T.V. saying he attacked Kiore and Yami and Yami ended up in the hospital for a few hours."

Seto and Joey looked surprised at this bit of news, but one glance at the clock by Seto and he hurried Yugi to get ready. Just looking at his lost expression though it was clear he was still stressing over what to wear. Him and Joey helped him throw clothes around the bedroom until Seto found something that would look good.

Minutes later Yugi stood in front of his mirror wearing his black, sleeveless shirt and dark blue jeans.

"Are you sure he'll like this?" He asked with notes of worry obvious in his voice.

Joey let out a breath of exasperation and started dragging his friend towards the door. "Don't worry about it, Yugi. He'll love you no matter what you wear."


The three arrived shortly after the rest of their friends did. After saying `hellos' and other greetings they finally decided to ring the doorbell.


Kiore hid her glee of happiness when she heard the doorbell. "Yami, dear, could you get that? I've got my hands full with other things at the moment!" She lied.

"Sure, mother." Yami replied dully. He opened the door and was showered with surprise at seeing his friends all standing there smiling excitedly at him.

"Surprise, Yami!" They all shouted.

"I-I don't get it. What's going on?" He asked, not knowing what else to do.

"Well, we thought about it and decided that we haven't seen each other in such a long time that we wanted to get together." Seto explained coolly.

At seeing Seto and Joey there Yami eagerly searched the small crowd until his eyes landed on innocent looking amethysts.

"Hey, Yami." Yugi squeaked, embarrassed at the immediate attention.

Yami looked him up and down and couldn't hide the small smile that lifted his cheeks and his eyes seemingly sparkle with joy. "Yugi, you look great."

"He should, he spent…" Joey started only to be interrupted by Seto covering his mouth with his hand and shaking his head negatively.

"What was that, Joey?" Yami asked with confusion.

"It was nothing." Seto answered instead. "You know Joey, blurts out when he doesn't mean to; just ignore him."

Yami nodded, a little unsure, and gestured for everybody to come in.

Seto glanced at Yugi and saw him hanging back a little bit, but it was noticeable where his gaze was landed. Biting his lip, an idea came to him.

"We'll be right back, Yami. We've got another surprise for you." Everybody looked at Seto like he was crazy. "Remember, that surprise we all talked about before? Yugi, you said you'd keep him busy."

"I did?" He squeaked once more. At seeing Seto's eyes motion to Yami and a slight nod only he could see. A small blush appeared on his face, but he nodded. "That's right, I did." He turned to Yami. "Come on, Yami. Let's go to the library while they get you're surprise ready."

After the two had disappeared behind the library door everybody turned to Seto with questioning looks.

"What was with the sudden turn in events, Kaiba?" Bakura asked with suspicion.

"I have a feeling that Yugi's memories are catching up with him about Yami. He told us this morning that he did have feelings, but he didn't understand where he suddenly got them. Maybe if Yugi spent more time with Yami then it might just help."

Everybody looked at Seto in shock before large smiles spread over their faces.

"So what are we going to do for a surprise for Yami while Yugi's keeping him busy?" Ryou questioned.

"I was hoping that the surprise would be that Yugi would remember Yami, but if that doesn't work then I was thinking we could take him to see that movie I know he's been wanting to see. It's not as good as Yugi getting his memories of him back, but it'll do."


Yugi and Yami sat down on the couch in the library and stayed their in silence for a while before Yami finally broke the silence.

"Yugi, I'm sorry if I've been making you feel guilty about losing your memories."

The younger looked at the crimson eyes teen in surprise. "You don't have to apologize. It wasn't anybody's fault but Keith's."

Yami started and he felt his mouth gape open. "Keith, how did…how do you figure that?"

"I remembered a short while ago. I suppose when I saw him on T.V. the other day before I came to visit you in the hospital. I just didn't say anything since I was so worried about you. I know he raped me and that's how I lost my memories." He looked down at the floor, ashamed.

"Is that all you remember?" Yami pressed on eagerly.

"Not really, the rest is still pretty fuzzy. I do remember somebody calling out my name just before I fell unconscious; I don't know who though."

A burst of happiness went through Yami and he couldn't resist pulling Yugi into an excited hug. "I'm so proud of you, Yugi."

"There's one more thing." Yugi whispered, almost too shy to keep going, but still knowing he had to tell you Yami.

Yami pulled away and looked at Yugi expectantly.

"I haven't told Joey or Seto about this, you're the only one, but I've been thinking about moving back in with you. If you want me to that is." He added the last part in a hurry.

"Oh, Yugi, of course. I'd love it if you came back…but why? Aren't you still uncomfortable about…"

Yugi quickly shook his head. "I don't feel uncomfortable about it anymore because I - I've been having feelings for you and I don't know where they're coming from right now, but I know they're for you. Seto and Joey, even your mother, said that it was mostly possible my memories are returning…and if that's true then I do want to be with you."

"You mean that you're feeling emotions towards me?" Yami asked almost unbelievingly.

Yugi nodded, a small blush coming over his pale cheeks. Before he realized what was happening though he was pulled a tight hug and felt Yami nuzzling into his neck lovingly. He couldn't help but feel that it was the perfect feeling being in Yami's arms again.


Kiore walked into the room curiously when she couldn't hear much talking and was surprised that her son and Yugi were missing.

Malik saw the look and answered before she could ask. "They're in the library. Seto thinks that Yugi might get his memories of Yami back faster if he spent some time alone with him. They've actually been in there for quite a while."

Kiore smiled and nodded, moving her gaze to the closed library door. "I've made lunch. I should go tell them."

At the mention of food Joey grabbed his boyfriend's arm and dragged him towards the dining room to eat, Seto rolled his eyes at the blonde's antics.


"Yugi?" Yami mumbled into Yugi's neck as he continued to hold the younger to him. "Would you mind if I kissed you?"

Yugi gasped and pulled away slightly to look Yami in the eye. "Yami, I…"

"Not a big kiss, just a small one, please?"

Yugi smiled slightly and nodded. "Just a small one." He confirmed.

Yami smiled back and leant forward, pressing his lips lightly against Yugi's and savored the sweet taste he'd missed for so long.


Kiore smiled as she saw her son pull away from Yugi slowly, the love evident for the younger in his eyes. She waited a short while in case they were going to say anything else to each before making her presence known.

When she did step over to them Yugi snuggled himself into Yami's arms with Yami's head resting atop the other's; both their eyes were closed in contentment.

"Yami, Yugi?"

Yami looked up to her, a small smile raising his cheeks slightly. Yugi only opened his eyes to show he was listening.

"Lunch is ready if you're hungry."

"We'll be there in a minute, mother."

Kiore smiled and nodded, leaving the two to be alone again.