Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Should be Treasured ❯ Painful Memories ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

God people I'm sooooo sorry that took so long!!! I hope it NEVER takes that long to update again; you must all hate me for taking forever to get it posted. Everything possible under the sun has been happening at my school and I've had these tests and I need to pass them. And then I got asked to my homecoming dance by this super cute guy that I like so I've been bouncing off the walls about that since my love life has been completely down in the dumps. Some people couldn't even believe I haven't had my first kiss yet and here I've got all these couples around me and it's been driving me up the wall having to watch it!! Grrr, but now it's not so bad and I finally got time to finish this chapter. I even got as so desperate as to get ahead in my math class so I wouldn't have homework in it so then I'd have a free lunch where I usually do it just so I could use the computer's in my English class and start writing it at school whenever I could. It's been really hectic and all, but I hope you enjoy this chapter.


It took only a short while to move Yugi's things back to Yami's place. He agreed with Yami that he was going to sleep in their room, but still in a separate bed since he still felt shy and even somewhat embarrassed about it.

One morning a few days later, Yami woke up early like he started to have himself do so he could wake up and watch Yugi sleep. He loved how he looked when the young one slept and his face always looked in so much contentment.

Yugi then stirred and groaned Keith's name slightly, his head started thrashing back and faith.

Yami growled and threw his covers away from him. He knelt down beside Yugi's bed and leant forward slightly to place his lips on Yugi's.

Amethyst eyes shot open and Yugi sat up quickly, his fingers lifting to feel where Yami had given him the slightest touch. He looked down at Yami, confusion flitting across his face for a second. "Yami?"

Concern fled across ruby-red eyes. "Yugi, what's wrong?" He asked as he sat down on the edge of his bed.

Yugi's face suddenly brightened and he threw himself off his bed and into Yami's arms, causing the older of the two to fall back from the force. "It's a dream, Yami! The best dream anybody could ever hope for." He said excitedly into Yami's shirt, continuing to hide it there for some reason. "I remember everything about you, Yami! I remember everything I ever lost in my memories!"

Disbelief covered Yami's demeanor before his arms came up and held Yugi tightly to him. "Oh, Yugi." He whispered, afraid to talk louder as if the mood would suddenly break and somebody would jump out from the large closest adjacent to them and yell `Gotcha!' He wasn't sure he could think of anything else to say though either; who could reply to something as wonderful as that?

"Yami," Yugi suddenly asked, lifting his head up at last to look his lover in the eyes, "can I ask you a favor?"

"Anything, love."

"Would you kiss me again?" A slight blush covered Yugi's cheeks.

"Like the library?" Yami asked, confused.

Yugi quickly shook his head with a darker red covering his previous blush. "No, Yami. Like this…" He leaned up and pressed his lips tightly against Yami's, wrapping his arms around the older's neck and shifting slightly so he was then straddling Yami's lap.

It was only a short while before Yami pressed forward eagerly and swiped his tongue across Yugi's bottom lip. Yugi moaned and happily opened his mouth to let the impatient hot muscle explore his mouth.

Thoughts of what everyone else would say and do when they found out about his sudden exciting recovery of his memories passed through Yugi's mind. He found he was too excited to wait and see their reaction and pulled away from Yami's easily missed touch.

Yami's hands, hidden underneath his pajama top, stopped moving and Yugi wondered briefly when they moved there in the first place. "Yugi?" Yami said through clenched teeth, obviously holding back from ravishing his boyfriend.

The younger teen felt bad and extremely guilty for Yami and he even knew how he felt, but he did want to see everyone so they would know before things became even more intimate than they seemed to have already gotten before he pulled away. "I want everyone to know, Yami. We can come back up here as soon as I've told you're mother and called Joey and everybody else. Please?" He begged slightly, using his well-used puppy dog eyes.

Yami smiled and nodded; he understood how Yugi felt about wanting everybody to know.

The couple got dressed before making their way down the stairs to find Kiore.

They found her in the library reading a romance novel like she usually did, a worried expression across her face.

"Mother, is everything all right?" Yami asked her, concerned if the look was for the book or for something else on her mind.

Kiore looked up from her book and smiled sadly at the two. "I just got off the phone with Mr. Johnson." She explained to them.

"Your lawyer? Why?"

"He found out about Keith's trial and called me to tell me about it. It's going to be next month on the eighteenth." She turned to Yugi directly. "He wants you to go on stand to testify against him for what he did to you. He knows you don't remember, but he still wants you to try."

Yami turned to Yugi and got worried over what would happen if he relived everything to soon. He feared what would happen and tried to jump in before Yugi said what he knew he was going to tell his mother. Unfortunately, he was a second too late.

"Kiore, I remember everything now. I realized it when I woke up a short while ago. I'll go up and testify if they all want me to."

"But, Yugi…" Yami started to protest. Yugi just gave him a look that said `you can't protect me forever' and the crimson-eyed teen knew it was very true. Reluctantly, he nodded and looked back to his mother.

"You remember everything?" Kiore asked in amazement.

Yugi smiled at her and nodded.

"Oh, Yugi, that's wonderful!" She nearly squealed and jumped up to hug Yugi tightly. Pulling away only after she gave the short teen a quick kiss on the cheek.

After finally escaping Yami's mother in the library the couple stopped in the hall to phone their friends to tell them the good news, and then made their way upstairs again. Yugi flopped onto his bed and sighed. Yami sat down on his own bed and looked at Yami curiously.

"Yugi, are you going to keep sleeping in that bed or are you going to share mine again?" He asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

Yugi chuckled slightly under his breath. "I've only just realized how lonely I am without you sleeping beside me, Yami. What do you think I'm going to do?"

A large smile replaced Yami's frown and he decided to just watch his lover for a short while. "Didn't you say we were going to continue what we started after you told everybody?"

"I'm not in the mood anymore, Yami. I'm sorry." Yugi opened violet eyes and looked at his boyfriend sadly. "Forgive me?"

"That's okay, Yugi; I understand." Yami told him. `Maybe later then; I can't wait to show him how much I love him and missed him over the past few months.' When Yami focused back on Yugi again he noticed his younger lover had fallen asleep. He smiled and went over the short distance to him. Yami kissed his cheek lightly and then covered him in one of the blankets.


A few hours later Kiore knocked on the door and smiled at the slumbering Yugi.

"Yes, mother?" Yami asked as he turned his eyes to her.

"I called Mr. Johnson a little while ago to let him know Yugi remembered everything. He's on his way right now to ask him a few questions and he should be here in a little while."

Yami still didn't like the idea of Yugi already reliving everything he just remembered, but he understood why Yugi felt the need to do so. He nodded to his mother. "Alright, I'll wake him in a minute."

Kiore smiled and turned, closing the door behind her as she left.

Yami sighed when she did and punched his pillow. `Why does everything have to happen to Yugi? First that stupid bet, and then his grandfather dying, then the whole thing with Keith, and now he has to face him again only after just remembering everything; it's not fair what they're doing to him!'

He looked at the clock and decided he'd better wake Yugi up if he was going to freshen up a little bit before Mr. Johnson got there. He stood from his bed and knelt beside Yugi's. "Yugi," he called softly, not really wanting to wake his lover. "Koibito, you need to get up now."

Yugi groaned but opened his eyes anyway and smiled softly when he saw Yami. "What's wrong, Yami?" He asked, his voice filled with sleep.

"My mother's lawyer is coming over to ask you a few things for the trial next month."

A frown covered Yugi's face and he sat up on the bed. "Why today?" He questioned with a hint of fear.

Yami shook his head. "I don't know why. Come on, I thought you'd like to freshen up a little bit before he got here."

Yugi nodded and stood to go to the bathroom.


The couple made it downstairs just as the doorbell rang and Kiore answered; a man who looked to be in his mid-forties stepped in and greeted Yami's mother. He had graying brown hair and light blue eyes. Glancing up the stairs he smiled at Yami and waved.

"Hey, Yami. Enjoying your vacation from education?"

"It's okay. I'll be going to college soon though as soon as fall comes around. Yugi will be too." He gestured behind him where Yugi was peeking out from behind him.

"Ah yes, Yugi. Congratulations on your returned memories; you must be excited."

"More so, some things I tend to want to leave forgotten, but I didn't have the fortune of having it." He replied politely, curling up to Yami's backside even further.

Yami frowned as he noticed Yugi's usual way of showing he was uncomfortable something. He'd grown that habit in his junior year when some of the students were still infuriated at him for `stealing' Yami from them.

It seemed that somehow Mr. Johnson had noticed Yugi was tense with him there and he smiled further. "Come on then, Yugi. We'll go in the library and have a little chat. We'll be done before you know it."

Yugi nodded slowly and hesitantly stepped out from behind Yami, taking his hand.

"If you wouldn't mind, Yugi, I'd like to be just the two of us."

Yami could see the fear pass by his little lover's eyes and his heart went even further out to him. He realized though that the longer Yugi didn't move the longer Mr. Johnson was going to be there. "Go on, Yugi." He urged comfortingly. "I'll be right outside when you're done. It'll go by really fast, you'll see. Besides, the faster you go in, the sooner you'll get done."

Yugi glanced at him, but nodded anyway. He let go of Yami's hand and walked slowly down the stairs, following as Mr. Johnson led him into the library.


"Well, Yugi, how are you feeling today?" Mr. Johnson asked once they sat down.

Yugi just nodded his head and secretly wished that he wouldn't use small talk and get down to the real questions. Like Yami said, the faster he came in here and answered Mr. Johnson's questions, the sooner he'd get to be with Yami.

"That's good." Mr. Johnson continued, not fazed by the obvious fact that Yugi was completely uncomfortable sitting alone with him; for more reasons than one at that. He took out a notepad and a pen and readied himself to write down Yugi's answers for his questions. "Okay then, Yugi. How long had you known Keith to be a rapist?"

Yugi shivered, but took a deep breath and replied with, "Since the beginning of my junior year in high school when Yami told me himself."

The man nodded and wrote down what he said. "When did you first meet him?"

"When I came here the beginning of this summer."

"What did he act like? Normal? Or was he real obvious?"

"He seemed really nice, but Yami kept telling me to watch his eyes and I'd know it was all an act to get to me. His eyes always showed what he wanted and they always looked really lustful to me." Yugi wrapped his arms around his himself, fully expecting his most feared question of all to be asked pretty soon if not next. He would absolutely hate answering that question, but he knew it would have to be done.

"Can you describe what happened that day when he finally got to you, Yugi?"

All the blood rushed out of Yugi's face as the question he was just thinking about was asked. It was bad enough he remembered those memories, but to tell what happened in detail would be the death of him. He willed back his tears and started spilling out the details of the day he wished he rather would've never remembered.


A little while later Mr. Johnson stepped out of the library with a frown on his face, pocketing the notepad he'd written in as he did. He turned to Yami with a frown and concern dripping in his eyes.

"I'm afraid we should've waited a little longer. He seems quite shaken up and very near on the verge of tears with some of those questions. I apologize if I said something I really shouldn't have. Could you tell him that for me? He seems to be out of it and not really responding anymore to me."

Yami's crimson eyes widened and he nodded hastily, glancing at the partially open library door. "Of course, Mr. Johnson. My mother's in the kitchen if you wanted to speak with her anymore."

"No, I really should be going. Don't mind showing me out though; go check on Yugi."

Yami nodded and watched as his mother's lawyer let himself out. He turned back to the door and froze as he saw Yugi walking shakily out of it, his face pale and his eyes glazed over with unshed tears. He moved forward and cautiously wrapped his arms around his lover. "Yugi? Koi?"

With that the younger teen burst into tears and held onto Yami as if he were a lifeline. "I want it to go away, Yami!" He cried into his black shirt. "Why did I have to remember everything?"

Yami soothed Yugi's back lovingly and whispered little nothings into his ear as he slowly lowered the both of them to the floor. "I know, little love, I know. Just take a deep breath and try to relax; everything's going to be okay."

Kiore walked out of the kitchen and a concerned frown came over her face when she saw the two boys sitting on the floor. She looked to her son questioningly and he only shook his head to show now wasn't the time to ask. She nodded and went back into the kitchen thinking that both boys might like a cup of hot chocolate to help.

Yami started to rock back and forth on the floor until finally Yugi's sobs turned to only hiccups and his grip loosened considerably. "Little love, what did he ask that's got you so worked up?"

After a minute, when the ruby-eyed teen started to believe Yugi had fallen asleep, a mumbled, almost inaudible answer reached his ears. "He asked for details the day Keith raped me. I didn't think it would be so bad and I knew he was going to ask me. Then he asked what I felt when I'd lost my memories and if I even recognized Keith or knew something as bad as what did happened happen." Yugi snuggled his face further into Yami's chest, trying to crawl into the older's lap as he continued to seek the warmth and comfort he needed. "I don't want to tell it again, Yami." He cried, tears pricking in his eyes again and he let them fall slowly and silently down his reddened cheeks. "He said I would probably have to tell it again at the trial."

Yami tightened his grip around Yugi and nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard two soft clinks beside him. He looked down on the floor and saw two steaming mugs of cocoa for him and Yugi. Looking up he smiled and nodded his thanks to his mother. He picked one up and urged Yugi to sit up and take a sip, promising it would help him calm down further. He took up the other and also started to sip his, loving how the chocolate slid down his throat and warmed his insides.

"Thank you, Yami." Yugi whispered after he swallowed the hot liquid. He knew he needed Yami's love now more then ever. He didn't know why, but he knew that he needed the reassurance that Yami would never leave him no matter what.