Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Memories-Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mmmmmm lemon, I got more than one lemon scene in the story and duh they are Yaio

~Me put warning now~ Anyway I hope you enjoy chapter six! Please Review!

Yami walked into the house quietly. It was late, Seto had convinced him to stay a while, but finally he had to see if Ryou had ever come home. He wasn't to proud of being mixed up with Seto but things just happen sometimes. As he walked inside he noticed both Yugi and Ryou asleep on the couch. He clenched his fists, what the hell was that boy thinking! Not telling me where he was going or… Yami stopped

"That…boy?" Yami said aloud

Suddenly Ryou jolted awake screaming, scaring Yami and causing Yugi to fall off the couch.

"Ryou?" Yami asked

"Are you okay?" Yugi asked rubbing his head slightly.

Ryou didn't say a word and just simply ran upstairs and into the bathroom locking the door behind him. He immediately began to run a bath and couldn't stop the memories that now flew through his mind.


"Scream all you want, this will hurt." He said

He trusted himself deep inside Ryou who did scream but it was muffled by Yami's hand. Yami could tell the boy was in real pain now and almost smiled. Yami held his position for a short while but not long enough for Ryou to get used to the feeling or adjust as he pumped slowly in and out of Ryou who cried even more. Oh Ra, Yami said to himself as he took Ryou into his arms moving faster upon him, so hot, so tight, such bliss this is, Yami was in heaven. Ryou however was in hell, it hurt like a thousand knives and it was only getting worse as Yami continued, going faster all to soon. Ryou's body was far from ready for contact such like this, he was only thirteen, tears flooded down his cheeks and his cries of pain were muffled by the Pharaohs hand and he thrust deeper and harder into him every time. Yami removed his hand from his mouth grabbing him by the hips pulling Ryou into him only magnifying the pain throughout Ryou's body. Yami had never felt such perfection as he continued not wanting to ever stop hoping he could draw this out as long as possible not caring what damage he did to the child beneath him. Ryou thought he would die if the pain continued and the pain did continue but he did not die. With one final thrust Yami exploded into Ryou collapsing on top of him breathing heavily, exhausted not willing to pull out of Ryou just yet.

He waited until his rapid breathing had calmed some before he moved away from Ryou. Ryou hurt all over every bone in his body ached his arms has lost feeling from being elevated and he was bleeding he could feel the blood all over his inner thighs as he tried to hide his face because of the shame he felt, true he didn't let Yami do this but he didn't do anything to stop it either. He felt so weak so helpless he couldn't stop crying and he could barely sand the sound of them as the echoed through his ears. Yami put on a robe and then walked back to the trembling crying Ryou. He untied his hands kissing him gently on the forehead before saying,

"I think I'll keep you."

~End Dream~

Ryou sobbed uncontrollably into his hands, as a knock on the door brought him back to reality.

"Y-yes" Ryou's said in-between sobs

"Ryou? Are you okay?" Yami said through the door

"I'm fine" Ryou said as he backed into a corner sinking to the floor

Yami knew he was lying and he knew Ryou was upset and although he cursed himself for it he wished he could break down the door and make Ryou talk to him.

"Ryou stop lying to me! I know something's wrong! Why wont you tell me!" Yami asked

"P-please Yami…just go away." Ryou said softly but Yami still heard it.

"No." Yami said "I'll wait in front of this door all night if I have to, and when you come out come hell or high water we are going to talk." Yami said planting himself in front of the door.

Ryou wiped his eyes shaking his head. Why do things like this always happen to him? Can't he be happy like everyone else? He shook away that thought and decided to take the bath anyway, he still felt like it had actually happened, and although eh knew it was a dream, and tried to convince himself that's all it was, he couldn't suppress his fear and hatred of Yami. He wished he had never met him, or at least never had gotten involved with him. Yes Yami had stopped Bakura from hurting him but now all Ryou could think of was Bakura…he wanted his Yami, not another's.

Yami sat in front of the door content he wasn't about to leave, and Ryou would have to come out sooner or later. He was so angry at that moment, he felt like Ryou thought him inferior, like he couldn't understand what was wrong, that's why he wasn't telling him.


"Don't you remember anything from that time?" Bakura asked

"No, at least not anything to explain your dreams, I'm not a fortune telling or something. If you want an answer you need to talk to Yami or maybe Ryou." Malik said

"I'm afraid it would frighten him, it frightened me even." Bakura swallowed "Was Yami a kind Pharaoh? Could he do that to someone, would he?" Bakura asked

"He wasn't cruel, but what he did behind closed doors were a mystery. He very well could hurt him, he had the power." Malik paused "But were all different Bakura, now at least I don't think he'll hurt Ryou again." Malik said

"Really, what was I like?" Bakura asked

"Like you are now…kind." Malik said

"Are you forgetting what I did to Ryou? How cruel I was to him? Now all I want is to protect him, its like I'm converting back to who I used to be." Bakura said

Malik stood up "I still can't see Yami hurting Ryou Bakura, it just doesn't seem likely." Malik said then he heard a knock on the door.

Malik went to answer it, and was surprised to find Ryou there.

"What are you doing here? Its almost midnight." Malik said, but more than happy to let him inside.

"You said if I even need a place to stay I was more than welcome." Ryou said not looking up.

"Hikari?" Bakura said a bit surprised

"Bakura, so this is where you have been all day?" Ryou asked

Bakura nodded "Yes, why are you here? And at this hour." Bakura said

"Me and Yami had a little fight, I didn't want to be near him." Ryou said simply

Malik raised an eyebrow "Wouldn't he notice you gone? I mean I'm not on his bad list or anything, but he keeps me an arms length away from you at all times." Malik said

"He doesn't know I left." Ryou said

"How did you manage that?" Bakura asked

"I snuck out through the bathroom window, it'll take him long enough to find out I'm even gone." Ryou said sitting down.

"I remember you pulled that stunt on me…locked yourself in there and snuck out, ran straight to Yami if I recall right." Bakura said

"The roles are reversed now." Ryou said "It's like I can't go anywhere without his permission, he's been getting angry over the smallest things. Its like he changed overnight or something, and I don't understand it…" Ryou stopped

"I know how you feel." Bakura said

Ryou looked at him "What were your dreams about?" Ryou suddenly asked

"You and Yugi have been talking again haven't you?" Bakura said

"Don't change the subject, what were they about? Yami was hurting me wasn't he?" Ryou said his voice almost breaking.

"That's an understatement compared to what I saw him doing to you." Bakura said under his breath, fists tightening at the thought of it.

"I've been having them too, they get worse every time, I'm afraid to even close my eyes, there too vivid and real. I try to convince myself they are nothing but then why do they keep on coming?" Ryou's eyes filled with tears.

Malik embraced him strongly. "We'll do what we can, you can stay here as long as you feel necessary." Malik smiled at him, happy to have Ryou in his arms.

Bakura stood "I'll go back to the house and see if I can talk to Yami."

"What do you plan to say?" Ryou asked not letting Malik go

"Not sure yet." Bakura kissed Ryou lightly on the forehead "Maybe were not the only ones having odd dreams." Bakura said as he left.


Seto lay contently in his bed not stirring one bit despite the pleasurable dream he was having.


Seto stopped kissing Ryou, letting him go. Ryou simply fell to the floor as tears escaped his eyes and Seto looked at him confused.

"Why are you not resisting?" Seto asked

"Why bother? Everyone here gets what they want except me. Its not like I could stop you even if I wanted to." Ryou replied shakily.

"Indeed." Seto said smugly.

He once again pulled Ryou into a kiss, he noticed the boy stiffen at his touch but that was all. He placed Ryou on the bed and kissed down his neck removing Ryou's shirt and pants quickly. He stared for a moment looking over Ryou's body. His skin was flawless thankfully Joeys power can remove scars as well; otherwise it wouldn't be so beautiful. He smiled as he let his hands wander all over Ryou's body. Ryou repressed the urge to scream and cry at Setos touch; he didn't want to give that satisfactory. Ryou bit down on his lip as Seto pushed his fingers inside Ryou. Tears breached Ryou's eyes but he refused to cry and only bit harder upon his lip not even noticing the blood that seeped into his mouth. Seto kissed him as he pulled his fingers in and out of Ryou quickly, and actually enjoyed the copper taste of Ryou's blood and smiled evilly. Ryou couldn't stand it much longer and prayed it would be over soon and Seto would leave him alone. A few tears escaped his eyes but he closed his eyes tightly to prevent any others from escaping, as he clenched his teeth. Seto pulled his fingers out of Ryou and straddled him, slowly pushing himself inside as he moaned slightly. Seto couldn't let Yami find Ryou bleeding so he had to take it slow whether he wanted to or not…he didn't need to be in the dungeon with Bakura. Ryou couldn't help but cry out a little when Seto slowly pushed himself inside him, every inch he moved in was agony to Ryou, he knew he was going slow to make sure he didn't bleed, but it hurt much worse than him going quickly. Finally the agony subsided and Seto rested upon Ryou's chest gently sucking upon his neck. Seto began to pump slowly in and out as the pain once again returned to Ryou he began to cry trying his best to stop the tears that flooded down his cheeks, but it was useless. Seto breathed heavily as he exploded inside Ryou who was now pushing against the stronger one in a futile and useless attempt to move him. He pulled Ryou into a rough kiss as he pulled away and slowly got dressed.

"You need to get dressed, I don't think Yami would be pleased to find you like that." Seto said

He walked over to Ryou once more, and gently caresses his tear soaked cheek kissing him once more before he left.


Seto sighed and slowly woke up.

"That was interesting…" He said a bit bewildered. "I wonder if Yami can share?" Seto thought for a moment an evil grin slowly creeping across his features.

And all the pieces fall together, whether Ryou likes it not he will end up moving in with Yami and Seto, so needless to say, although he is under to protective wing of Bakura and Malik, he wont stay there for long…I'm thinking of making a Ryou/Bakura/Malik coupling though, something new. I left Malik all alone and depresses (kinda) in my last story, tell me what you think, paring suggestions are always welcomed! Please Review