Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Memories-Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yeah! Chapter 7! Not much to say on this one just read and figure out the new plot twist! Hope you like it! It's a little short, but I update fast (or so I've been told) so it wont be a long wait for the next chapter!

Malik smiled at Ryou as he led him to the guest room. Ryou gave a weak smile back to him as he sat upon the bed.

"You worried about Bakura?" Malik asked grabbing a T-shirt

"A little, but I'm pretty sure he'll be okay." Ryou forced a smile.

"You don't have to force yourself to be cheerful Ryou, if your dreams are anything like Bakura's…" Malik trailed off and handed Ryou the T-shirt.

"I don't really have any clothes that would fit you, I hope you don't mind sleeping in a T-shirt or anything." Malik said

"No its fine." Ryou said

Malik smiled at him and was about to leave.

M-Malik?" Ryou asked


"Will you stay with me tonight? In case I have another nightmare?" Ryou said little shakily.

"Of course, but my rooms bigger so we'll sleep there tonight, okay?" Malik said

"Sure, let me change and I'll meet you there." Ryou said this time with a real smile.

Malik shut the door behind him and sighed deeply, at least he could be near the angle and for some reason he was more than happy if that's all he ever got from him. He walked to his room and changed into a simple pair of silk pants, he loved silk. He lay upon his bed contently and barely noticed Ryou come inside and climb into bed next to him.

"Malik?" Ryou asked noticing his lack of movement.

Malik jumped slightly "I didn't even hear you come in." Malik said sitting up

Ryou was adorable in the oversized shirt he wore; it hung loosely around his shoulders, his smooth legs exposed. Malik looked away…Yami didn't realize what a beautiful thing he had, Ryou was flawless to Malik's eyes, and he so wanted to touch him…but didn't dare. He pulled the covers over Ryou and himself, Ryou had claimed sanctuary here he couldn't take advantage of his vulnerability not now or ever. He hugged Ryou softly, who almost had fallen asleep instantly in his arms. Ryou must have been sleep deprived the past few days with all the nightmares. He snuggled close to the beauty and fell asleep cradling him in his arms.

Yami sat in front of the bathroom door becoming more and more frustrated.

"That's it!" Yami screamed as he basically kicked down the door.

He looked inside only to find an empty room, and an open window.

"That insolent little…" He stopped as he looked out the window,

It led into a one-way ally. Yami climbed out of the window and followed where the ally led. Yami shook his head when he came to the busy streets, Ryou could have gone anywhere from this point. He looked straight ahead and noticed Malik's apartment.

"If you ever need a place to say Ryou, your always welcome."

Those words Yami remembered Malik saying to Ryou when he was still dealing with Bakura hitting him. Yami smiled slightly, he'll have more to worry about once I get a hold of him, Yami thought. As he went across the street and was in front of Malik's door within seconds. He knocked lightly on the door.

Malik was about to fall asleep when he heard a soft knocking upon the door. He reluctantly let go of the undisturbed Ryou and got up to answer it, thinking it was Bakura naturally. As soon as he opened the door Yami punched him straight in the face knocking him backward. Malik winced at the pain, totally unprepared for the blow not even seeing the person who had hit him, although he already knew who it was. Malik opened his mouth to speak but Yami grabbed him by the through cutting off any words. He slammed Malik's head against the wall, which fell motionless on the floor unconscious. Yami sighed still angry as he went into the bedroom. Yami sat softly on the bed next to the still sleeping Ryou; luckily the commotion had not woken him up. Yami whispered softly into his ear.

"You have no idea what tonight will cost you." Yami said

Ryou woke up at this, but was slapped across the face so hard he fell unconscious on the bed as Yami effortlessly picked him up and carried him out of the apartment.

Bakura arrived at their home, quietly walking inside. He walked upstairs to see the bathroom door basically broken down, and went inside. He searched the house but couldn't find Yami anywhere; he found Yugi asleep in his room but that did him little good. He shook his head trying to think of where Yami went, and then it suddenly dawned on him what must have happened.

"He followed Ryou's tracks." He said

He quickly ran over to Malik's apartment to find the door wide open, he quickly ran inside only to find an unconscious Malik and Ryou missing. He couldn't leave Malik unattended so he laid him on the couch placing a cold washcloth on his head and he soon awakened.

"Bakura?" He said a still a bit dazed

"What happened?" Bakura asked trying his best not to raise his voice.

"I…I don't know, I opened the door and as soon a as I did I was punched then slammed against the wall. I must have fallen unconscious…" Malik eyes widened "where's Ryou!" He asked voice full of panic.

"Yami must have knocked you out then taken Ryou." Bakura said regretfully.

"Then why are we just sitting here?!" Malik said as he tried to get up.

Bakura pushed him back down on the couch "You're in no condition to be going anywhere Malik, besides Yami's not stupid enough to go back to our place. We need to find out from Yugi where he would most likely go and see if their link can help us any too okay but for now we stay put okay…he's not hurt he's just unconscious as far as I can tell okay." Bakura said

Malik lay back on the couch feeling useless. "I feel like I failed him." Malik said "He comes here fro help and I deliver him right into the arms of the man he's avoiding."

"I probably would of fell unconscious from the punch Malik, don't beat yourself up. There are only so many places Yami can go. We'll work this all out in the morning."

Yami held Ryou tightly in his arms as the rain began to pour down upon them as he stood waiting in front of Setos mansion. Seto opened the door and smirked.

"We have graciously accepted your offer." Yami said

"I knew you would." Seto said stepping aside.

Pour little Ryou, right into the arms of the 'enemy' oh well makes for an interesting twist no? Although most probably saw that one coming. Please review! I'll try to add Yugi to the mix but he wasn't around in the last story so it makes it kind of hard but I will try. Joey might show up in later chapters too possible Joey/Yugi paring (if you want it say so) anyway Please Review! LOL to those who make inspiration possible! I have been blessed with a new muse! Huza!