Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Memories-Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sorry chapter eight is late (according to my standards at least) My English teacher popped a last minute quiz on me, 30% of my final grade, I couldn't blow it off. Oh well here's Chapter 8, hope you enjoy!

Yami placed Ryou on the bed tenderly, as Seto walked up from behind him.

"You knock the hell out of him, and when he not awake to notice your gentle? Why?" Seto asked sitting on the bed.

Yami shrugged "He's not going to happy when he wakes up." Yami said

"You didn't bring anything with you…you should go pack up your stuff and get Ryou's as well. I'll keep an eye on him." Seto said looking upon him.

Yami sat upon the bed with a sigh. "I wonder how Yugi will take it?" Yami said

"Who knows…When Malik and Yami Malik split up they seemed happier living apart than they ever did together." Seto said

"I'll be back." Yami said standing up and leaving.

Seto looked down upon the sleeping Ryou. He brushed his cheek slightly being tender around the bruise that formed.

"I wonder…are you important in my life, or am I trying to get to someone else." Seto sighed as he lay next to Ryou and fell asleep.

Yami arrived at their house shortly. He went straight into his and Ryou's room where Yugi was sitting.

"Yami!" Yugi said jumping into his darker half arms

"Yugi…" Yami said brushing him off "I have some bad news or good depending on how you look at it." Yami said

"I was worried when you and Ryou disappeared after you two had that fight…so I waited up here until one of you came back." Yugi said releasing his darker half

"Were both fine Hikari." Yami said softly

"You said you had some news." Yugi asked

"Y-yes me and Ryou have decided…we are moving in with Seto." Yami said quickly

Yugi was speechless; his dark was leaving him…why? "But why?" Yugi asked

"Because, at Setos we can have more privacy and such. Besides we were going to take a trip together during the summer, you know that, summers two weeks away we'll only be separated two more weeks." Yami forced a smile

"What's wrong?" Yugi asked

"W-what do you mean?" Yami asked trying to stay calm

"There's something you're not telling me, I can feel it through our link. Where is Ryou didn't he come with you to get his things too?" Yugi asked

"No, I volunteered to get them for him." Yami said

"Now I know your not telling me something, Ryou's real picky about his things. And I know how you are Yami Ryou wouldn't let you pack his things…"

Yami cut him off "Well he trusts me!" Yami said angry although he tried to suppress it.

Yugi took a step back Yami had never yelled at him before.

"No matter what I did for you, you would never trust me! You always said there were things you just didn't understand about me. Well there I things I don't understand about myself, I'm still missing my memories I couldn't tell you everything about myself even if I wanted to! But at least Ryou accepted me as I was, he didn't need to know everything to know my heart at least…which is more than I can say about you!" Yami said

Yugi was dumbfounded, what had made Yami so angry all the sudden, did his words simply hit a nerve? Yami quickly grabbed his and Ryou's clothes and stuffed them carelessly into a suitcase.

"I'll come back for the rest later." Yami said turning to leave

"Yami wait!" Yugi said

Yugi tried to grab his sleeve to stop him but Yami simply pulled away and left quickly. Yugi felt his eyes fill with tears as Yami slammed the door. Yugi shook his head, that wasn't his Yami his Yami would never be that cold to him…ever. He began to cry and a knock came to the door. He wiped his eyes trying to stop crying but he couldn't so he gave up as he answered, it was Joey.

"Hey Yugi I was in the neighborhood…Yugi? What's wrong?" Joey asked concerned

"Uh, n-nothing Joey." Yugi said hanging his head and turning away.

"Where's Yami? Is Bakura beating up on you now since Yami has Ryou?" Joey asked accusingly.

"No, this time Yami has hurt me." Yugi said as his tears began to fall from his cheeks.

"Yami?" Joey asked curious "But, he would never hurt you…"

"Well he has! He moved in with Seto, him and Ryou, and I don't know how but he's different its like I don't even know who he is anymore." Yugi said

Joey embraced his young friend "Don't worry Yugi, I'll talk to Yami and if your so worried ask Ryou I'm sure you'll see him in school you know how he hates to miss." Joey gave Yugi a warm smile as he hugged him once more.

"Thanks" Yugi said still a bit upset though.

Joey always managed to help him whenever he was upset about something; he protected Yugi long before Yami. Yugi thought about it for a moment, if something was wrong with Yami surely Ryou would know he would ask him at school Monday. But Ryou didn't come to school the Monday or Tuesday, which raised questions because Ryou actually loved school, he never missed, Yugi wondered what could have gone wrong.

Ryou sat on the floor at Yami's feet.

"Please Yami." Ryou said "Let me go to school, I promise I-I'll come back." Ryou said

"Out of the question! Have you looked at yourself recently? I can't allow it to many people would ask to many questions Ryou." Yami said

"I-I can cover up most of the bruises, they wont realize I even have them." Ryou said looking up at Yami.

"And your face? How do you intend to cover that?" Yami said placing a hand on his bruised cheek.

"You'd be surprised how often I am ignored, neither you nor anyone realized I was being abused by Bakura for years despite my wounds." Ryou said, "Besides why do you care? You're the one who made me look like this." Ryou looked away from Yami.

Yami grabbed him by the arm brining Ryou to his feet forcing Ryou to look into his eyes.

"I told what would happen if you refused me ever again, maybe next time you will listen when I tell you to do something." He said shoved Ryou to the ground again.

"I haven't resisted you once since though." Ryou said

"One day of obedience? And you except to be rewarded?" Yami said cynically "It probably hurt to much to resist so you just gave up…just like you did when Bakura's beatings got to hard to handle." Yami said

Ryou closed his eyes "I-I don't except a reward Yami, but I just want to finish school, even Bakura let me go, why can't you do the same?" Ryou eyes pleaded with Yami

"Very well Ryou, you may go. But listen to me the only one to my knowledge that knows we are staying here is Yugi and If I get one phone call from him about you, you will regret ever asking me…for Yugi would pay the price." Yami said leaving Ryou.

Yami smiled to himself. He had found the perfect weapon against Ryou, his friends. Yami would never really hurt Yugi, but Ryou didn't know that, also Yami had no reserves against hurting any other member of the group, not even Anzu was an exception. He had used the same method the past few days to make Ryou submit, he was surprised how rebellious the boy had become in a few short hours.


"Don't touch me! I don't ever want you to touch me again!" Ryou yelled at the top of his lungs nearly making Yami wince.

"I don't wan to hurt you Ryou." Yami said calmly approaching him

"Yes you do!" Ryou screamed "I remember everything now! How horrible you were to me, I was merely an object of you pleasure! You reminded me constantly that I was nothing but a worthless slave! You say you don't want to hurt me? How!" Ryou yelled

"Stop this foolishness Ryou, you know I love you!" Yami said

"I don't love you, I don't even think I ever really did. I thought I could, but something always frightened me about you, now I know why." Ryou said backing away from Yami.

"If you want a reason to be afraid of me I'll give you a reason." Yami said hands tightening into fists."

Ryou looked away as Yami grabbed him, punching him hard in the face. Ryou knew that was coming the truth always ended up hurting the worse, usually physically for him.

"I must have hit a nerve, right?" Ryou said looking up at Yami, blood over his lower lip. "You knew it too, that I wasn't in love with you…" Ryou began

Yami kicked him in the ribs. "Shut up! If I knew, I wouldn't have wasted my time!" Yami said.

"But you did, I let you have what you wanted from me…what more could you want?" Ryou said tears stinging the back of his eyes.

Yami answered him by slapping him hard across the face. "Shut up Ryou, I don't want to hear a word out of you unless you are given permission." Yami said

"Then you might as well cut my tongue out. I cant live through this again quietly."

~End Flashback~

"How the mighty have fallen," Yami said lifting Ryou's chin

Ryou had submitted, Yami had to threaten the lives of his friends to make him this way, and as Ryou knew Yami was true to his promises. But now he had to test Ryou would he be true to his word would he be completely obedient to him…and Seto. Or would he fold.

"I hope you can behave yourself the next few days Ryou, I'll give you a few warnings but that is all. You already have lived through the consequences of disobeying me, and have the scars to prove it, if you disobey again you will go through it again…but I will make sure you friends will at least wish he was dead, or she." Yami smiled evilly and left Ryou alone.

Ryou lay on the floor exhausted, he had tried his hardest to resist but he didn't want anyone else to get hurt so he let Yami hurt him. It was all happening again, except this time his life was not the only one at stake, his friend's lives were in danger too.

Yami couldn't use friends as a weapon in the last story (Ryou only really had Bakura) and Ryou's daddy will not be coming to the rescue anytime because he will be away for the whole story. I know I didn't add Malik or Bakura to the story don't worry they will be in the next chapter but I'm not sure when I'll be able to post it I have SAT tomorrow morning and hopefully I can get the rest of my Christmas shopping done too so it might not be till Sunday but you waited for Chapter eight. Please Review!