Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Chapter Two

After Mokuba had a talk with Seto, he had gone back to his room. He did not go to sleep right away. He was too worried about Seto to sleep. Mokuba glanced around the room, and his eyes settled on the many pictures that were on his bedside tables. They were framed in simple black frames, and showed, a time when Seto was happy. Some of them were taken in front of the orphanage, that the boys had lived at, until their stepfather Gozaburo Kaiba had come to the orphanage to find an heir. He wanted a smart kid that could take over Kaiba corp when he was dead. Many people wanted to adopt Seto, because of his intelligence, but Seto would not leave without his brother. He had made a promise to his parents before they died that he would always look after Mokuba. Seto challenged Gozaburo to a chess match. If Gozaburo won he would only adopt Seto. Of course Seto won. Here they were now, living together, but Gozaburo was now dead. All the business magazines, had the story of the CEO falling out of a window, some called it suicide. It wasn't, only one person knew what had really happened Seto had pushed him out of the window. Gozaburo died right when his head hit the pavement many floors down. Seto was named the new CEO.

Mokuba's eyes lingered on the picture of the two of them playing chess in the orphanage playroom. The time the picture was taken, Seto was teaching Mokuba how to play chess. In the picture Seto was wearing a sweater, and wore a big smile, a smile he no longer wore. Mokuba sat right across from the table from Seto. Mokuba was grinning.

Mokuba sighed. Seto wasn't as happy as he used to be, he used to have time to play with his little brother. Now he was always busy with work.

Mokuba put his hands around the locket that his brother had given him three Christmases ago. It was shaped like a duel monster card. Mokuba could still remember the day that Seto had got him the locket.



Seto was dragging Mokuba back to the limo that would take them home for huge mugs of hot chocolate. They were waiting for the limo that would take them home. They had been at the Domino City mall for the past hour, shopping for Christmas. Every year it was the same for the Kaiba brothers.

They would go to a small tree nursery and pick out the perfect tree. Mokuba would look at each tree, not making his choice till he had seen all the trees. Finally he had found the perfect one. It was a medium sized tree, with huge branches. It was a pine tree. Mokuba yelled to Seto that he had found the tree. Seto came quickly, along with the guy that ran the small nursery. Seto told the guy to load it onto the car, and told Mokuba to wait for him in the car. While Seto was paying the tree got loaded onto the top of the car. Then it was tied so it would not fall out. They would follow this routine every year. When they got home, Seto would set up the tree, and then Mokuba would go get the decorations from the closet. This was the beginning of the Christmas cheer at the Kaiba household. Seto would give each employ a nice Christmas bonus each year. He said that they worked hard every day during the year that they deserved a week off work to spend with their loved ones. You see Seto loved Christmas, it brought out the child within him.


After the tree was decorated, they would go to the mall. It was a tradition. Mokuba had saved up the weekly allowance that Seto gave him. He usually spent the money as soon as he got it. Talk about burning a hole in his pocket. He had saved his money since October, well except for a chocolate bar once in a while. Mokuba had around a hundred dollars saved now to buy Seto his Christmas presents.


They got out of the limo. As they got out of the limo, Seto told the time and place where to pick them up. Every year the Kaiba brothers would spilt up, and shops for each other. Before Mokuba could leave Seto would make sure that Mokuba had his cell phone, and his wallet. Then Seto gave Mokuba an extra twenty bucks, in case he needed extra money. Mokuba then hugged his brother. Seto then told him to meet him at the food court in an hour. Both of them headed their own ways.


Mokuba had gone to a duel monster store. This store sold everything that had your favorite duel monster on it. There was only a handful of people in the store. The store was run by a lively young man that was standing behind the counter. He was in his early thirties. He wore a simple black t-shirt that hugged his body, and a pair of jeans that showed off his long lean legs. His hair was black, and spiked. His nametag read Cody. Mokuba looked around the store. They had everything you could imagine with the picture of your favorite monster on it. The store had a wide variety of things to buy. They had t-shirts, stuffed animals, glass figurines, booster packs, and magnets. Plus they had everything for the kitchen, stamped with your favorite monster.

Mokuba knew what monster Seto loved the most. Blue Eyes White Dragon. The first one had been a present from his Mother, and Father before they had died. The second was a present from Mokuba, who had found it in a shop. The man had wanted little for it, but Mokuba had refused and paid him what the card was actually worth. The third was found in a booster pack that Mokuba had bought him for his birthday. Now there was only one left to find.

The store was split up into sections. Each section had the same thing, but with different monsters. Mokuba figured he would get Seto a cup that said World's greatest Big Brother on it, a small stuffed animal, and a small glass figure.

When he had gathered up all the things he wanted to buy, he saw a sign. The sign read

If you spend over thirty dollars today you will receive a free kit. This kit includes a bookmark, two magnets, and a pad of paper. This normally retails for $9.99.

Mokuba looked at the stuff in his hand. The cup was ten, the stuffed animal was ten, and the glass figure was twelve. He had enough; he could get the kit for Seto. Mokuba placed the stuff on the counter. Cody pushed the buttons into the cash register. The total came to $32.00. Then Cody wrapped the glass figure, and the cup into tissue paper. He then placed it into a bag along with the stuffed animal, and a Blue Eyes White Dragon kit. Then Cody handed the bag to Mokuba. Mokuba continued on his quest to find the perfect wrapping paper.


Seto was at the jewelry store. He was currently looking for a locket. Most of these lockets were too girly. Then he found the perfect one. It was shaped as a duel monster card. Seto grabbed it off the hook and walked over to the cash register. There the cashier said they were having a two for one sale. Seto walked back to the rack where he got the first one, he then grabbed the last one. Then walked back to the cashier.


They met at the food court in an hour just like they had promised. Seto handed Mokuba a small gift-wrapped box. Mokuba eagerly undid the wrapping. Inside was the locket.

" Big Brother I love it" Mokuba said.

" I'm glad, and I got one too. When we get home you can put a picture of me in yours, and I will put a picture of you in mine" Seto said.

End flashback


A knock came from Mokuba's door.

" Come In" Mokuba called.

The door opened it was Seto.

" I just wanted to say good night" Seto explained.

" Good night Seto" Mokuba said before snuggling back into the covers, and drifting off to sleep.

Notes- How was this chapter? I thank Dragon Master's Mistress for telling me about Seto's past. And I thank Kay and Fantasychick for the great review. Thank you all.