Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Chapter Three

Mokuba woke up early, the next day. He usually got up a couple hours later, but today was different. Today Seto was going to spend the whole day with him. Usually Seto would wake up early in the morning, have breakfast, then go to Kaiba corp, but today was different. Seto always kept his promises.

This meant a lot to Mokuba, Seto was finally going to spend time with him, and this is something you can not put a price on.

Mokuba quickly got out of bed, and rushed over to the huge walk in close that was in his room. He opened the doors, and prepared to pick out his outfit for the day. It was usually a long sleeve shirt, with a pair of blue jeans. Inside the closet there was a huge assortment of clothes, from everyday wear, to formal wear. Mokuba grabbed a shirt, and a pair of jeans, and proceeded to get dressed for the day. He was so excited that he feel over when he tried to put both of his legs in the same hole. He got up and continued to get dressed, nothing was going to keep him from spending the day with his big brother.


Mokuba was speed walking through the hallway that led down the stairs. He almost ran into a maid carrying towels for the upstairs bathroom. Mokuba went down the stairs, then he turned left. He was almost there, just one more hallway. Mokuba turned right. He was there. He pushed the door opened that lead to the dining room. Mokuba's eyes scanned the room, and he spotted his brother. Seto was sitting at the end of the table sipping coffee from the mug that Mokuba had given him three Christmases ago. While Seto was drinking his coffee, his eyes would scan over a piece of paper in his hand. Mokuba spotted the envelope that the paper must have been from. Mokuba could just make out the initials on the top right. It was his schools. Mokuba guessed it was the letter, telling Seto what he had to complete. Mokuba continued to walk over to where his brother sat. When he got there he pushed his chair out and sat down. It looked like Seto had already had breakfast, but Mokuba spotted the basket of toast, located right in front of Mokuba. Mokuba grabbed a piece buttered it, and then took a bite. Now it was time to see what Seto was wearing today.

Seto was wearing his trench coat, but he was not wearing his school uniform. He was wearing the silver trench coat, a pair of black jeans, and a black t-shirt. Seto put down the piece of paper momentarily, and Mokuba scanned the paper, before Seto could get it back into his hands. It appeared to be a letter from his school. Mokuba wanted to know what the paper was about. So Mokuba tapped Seto on the arm, Seto turned around.

" Good Morning Big Brother" Mokuba said.

" Good Morning to you kiddo" Seto replied.

It was then silent, for about five minutes. In that time Mokuba had finished his one piece of toast and had started on a second. Finally the silence was getting to Mokuba. He finally asked " what is on the paper."

Seto handed Mokuba the paper Mokuba scanned the paper, and as his suspicions were right it was a letter from his school. The first sheet was the letter part. In the far right corner, there was the school's name, the address, and school phone number. After this was the actual body of the letter. The letter said

Dear Mr. Kaiba

Here is a list of assignments that your brother has to complete. It is listed by subject, under each subject you will find the name of the assignment. As he completes the assignment, please check off each one. After he has finished everything, please sign the assignment listing.

After the letter there was another sheet of paper, this was the assignment sheet. Mokuba glanced over the paper, and noticed that most of the assignments he had to complete were one page, and fill in the blanks.

Mokuba handed the paper back to Seto. Who put it back into the envelope. Mokuba drank the rest of his orange juice, and then he was done his breakfast.


After breakfast Seto, and Mokuba went to Seto's favorite room, his den. The walls were painted a light blue. Pictures were hung on the walls; they were of the brothers, at different places around the world. There were bookcases all around the room. I the far right corner, there was a table. The table is where Mokuba usually does his homework. They walked over to the table and sat down. On the table there was a folder, full of the work Mokuba had to complete. On top of the folder there was geometry set, along with a calculator. Beside the folder was a cup full of pencils and pens.


At two o clock they decided to take a break and go to the park. Seto had packed a picnic lunch. As they were heading outside Seto walked to the kitchen to get the lunch, he had prepared earlier. After Seto got the lunch they began to walk to the park. Usually Mokuba and Seto would get a ride to the park, but it was nice outside. So they decided to walk, anyways it was only about a five-minute walk.


When they got to the park, it was full of parents with their children taking advantage of the nice day. Mokuba felt happy for them, but he also felt jealous at the same time. They had something he did not have parents. Well he did have parents, but they were not alive, Seto was officially his legal guardian.

Seto found a spot near a huge tree, which looked like it had been here for at least a hundred years. Seto took out the blue and white blanket. He then set it down on the ground. Mokuba and Seto got onto the blanket, and got out the things for lunch. Lunch was a ham sandwich, a fruit punch juice box, and a package of chocolate chip cookies. Seto had also brought along a couple water bottles, in case either of them got thirsty.


The sun was setting, it was time go back home, but Mokuba had one thing to tell Seto. This one thing he did not want to tell Seto, but had too. Parent's week was next week. Parents week was when somebody's parent, or guardian came to talk about their career. Everyday had five slots. Every kid had to sign up for a day, and a time slot. Mokuba had signed up for the end of the day on Friday. There were twenty-five kids in Mokuba's class, so it worked out evenly. He had figured it would give him more time to tell Seto.

Seto was gathering up the stuff they had used through the rest of the day, at the park. He had already thrown out their trash from the picnic lunch they had had. Seto was currently packing up the blanket. Mokuba decided it was now or never.

" Seto" Mokuba said.

" Yes" Seto replied.

" I have to tell you something" Mokuba took a deep breath, and continued " we are having parents week at our school. My teacher already said I called bring you, if you were excused from school. You would have to come talk about what you do."

" I will go to this thing, when is it Mokuba" Seto asked.

" This coming Friday" Mokuba replied.

" I'll be there" Seto replied.

Authors notes- Thanks for all our reviews. Ummm, I was wondering what does Seto actually do at Kaiba corp. Thanks to anyone that can answer that question.
