Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Chapter Four

Mokuba and Seto were currently walking home. They were almost there, only a couple more minutes to go. As they walked the brothers would talk. Both of them were usually busy. Seto with his duties at Kaiba Corpation, and schoolwork. Plus Mokuba trying to not fail grade five. They turned right, and they were standing in front of the gates. Seto walked over to the black box, and whispered the password. The gates opened, and the Kaiba brothers kept on walking. Mokuba could remember the day that Gozaburo had brought them home. Mokuba had had his eyes glued to the window of the sleek black limo. He was so amazed of its beauty, and size. Mokuba had commented on its size, Gozaburo had just laughed. Mokuba sighed and continued walking. They were currently walking up the driveway. They were almost there only a couple more steps. Mokuba walked up the stairs, and the butler opened the door for them. Both of them stepped in.

Once they were in Seto asked one of the maids sternly to put the items from their day in the park away. The maid had scurried off not wanting Mr. Kaiba mad at her. The silence was unnerving; you could drop a needle and still be able to hear it. During the week the mansion usually had people running around, but not on the weekends. Seto only had a dozen people that stayed to work on the weekends. This of course included Mokuba's favorite maid and of course Gary. Seto often said that the weekend was a time for family, and he did not anyone to ruin it. Mokuba and Seto headed upstairs to finish the homework.


Mokuba was in his room; he had already finished with his homework. He was playing on his Platinum Game Boy advance. The game he was playing was the Legend of Zelda. Mokuba loved this game, he had already beat it four times already. The truth was that he never got tired of the game. No matter how many times he played it, it always seemed new. Mokuba had started a new game, and was currently at the start. He had gotten the sword from Link's uncle and was working on going to save the princess. A soft knock came from the other side of the door.

" Come in" Mokuba yelled while trying to dodge the knight that was trying to push him into the hole. Falling into this hole would mean that Mokuba would loose some heart points, something that he did not want to happen. If you died, and did not have a fairy, you had to restart. If you did have a fairy, it would restore your heart points. The door opened and Seto stepped in. Mokuba pressed start, and put sleep mood. The Game Boy Advance screen went blank. Mokuba set it onto his beside table.

" What game were you playing" his brother asked?

" Legend of Zelda" Mokuba replied.

"Ah" Seto replied. " I wanted to ask you something."

" Yes."

" Do you want to work on our town together?" Mokuba smiled and nodded. Mokuba then got up and followed his brother to the entertainment room. This room was the room that Mokuba loved the most out of the whole mansion. It was painted green, and had an entertainment system in the far corner. On the entertainment system was a flat screen television, underneath it was a DVD player. On the shelves there was the VCR. The gamecube was already connected. Mokuba walked over to one of the shelves beside the unit and picked up a DVD sized box. On the front was a picture of a house with the sign 'Welcome to Animal Crossing' on it. The house had its windows opened and several animals were peeking out. On top of the house was an owl. Mokuba pushed the button on the system, opened the case and popped the game in. He then shut it. Mokuba went to go sit with Seto who was currently sitting on one of the couches in front of the TV. Mokuba grabbed the black wavebird controller and flicked it in the on position.

Their town was called BEWD. It was actually a game called ' Animal Crossing'. Mokuba had gotten it for Seto for Christmas last year. Mokuba had known that Seto was getting him a Gamecube for Christmas. Seto shouldn't have put it in that hall closet and a shelf that he could easily reach. There were two human characters in the game, which they had created. One was called Seto, and had blue eyes. The other was called Mokuba who had lighter blue eyes. Both of them had a house in the game. Seto's was painted light blue, and he got rather pissed off at the animals when they painted the exterior paint a different color. Mokuba's was a bright sunny yellow; he rather liked it when the animals painted it a different colors. The only colors he hated were pink, purple, and black. First of all pink, and purple were girl's colors. Black was meant for darkness, not for someone sunny.

Thier rooms were decorted differntly. Seto's was decorted with the first floor with the blue series. On the second floor was a complete set of the chess series. Mokuba's was decorted with a little of something from every series, but the series he loved the most was the kiddy series. He had the table, chair. bed, dresser. wardorbe, couch, and bureau. Mokuba only needed three more items to complete his series. They were the kiddy clock, stereo and, bookcase. Mokuba aslo had the matching wallpaper and carpet.

Most of the time Seto's person wore a shirt called the Dargon Suit. It had an orange background and had a cool looking black dragon on the front. Also it was on the sleeves. The only other shirt that Seto possesed was the Big Bros Shirt. It had a red back ground, in the center was a circle that was white, inside the circle was an uppercase M. The shirts were probably named after the Mario brothers, because on the little brother's shirt was an uppercase L. These letters stood for Mario, and Lugi. Mokuba felt that these shirts suited the both of them. Most of the time Mokuba wore anything he could get his hands on.

Currently in the game Mokuba was wearing the Frog shirt. It had a yelloish background, in the center was a picture of a smiling frog. Mokuba went to the message board that was convintly located by the group of houses that Mokuba and Seto lived in. There was one new message on the board it read:

Mokuba, I know I have been buzy latly. So I found something that you have wanted for a long time. Please check your mailbox.


That was the reason the reason that Seto wanted him to play Animal Crossing, he had got him something. But what could it be? Was it something from the Kiddie Series? Or maybe something else? Mokuba was at the mailbox. He pushed A and there were two letters. One was from the Happy Room Academy telling him to pick up the mess on his floor. The other was from Seto, there also was a present attatched to it. Mokuba opened the letter, but there was no writing. After all that Mokuba opened the persent. It was a Master Sword, from the Legend of Zelda. There was even a triforce symbol on the front of it. Mokuba was so happy, he was lost for words. He stood up and gave his brother a hug.

Authors Notes- Thanks for all your encourging reviews. I hope you liked this chapter. Next chapter should be at school and we will find out what's up with Joey. And the disclaimer.

I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, or anything mementioned in my story. If I did there would be no Tea ( sorry for people that like her, but I hate her. ).