Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Chapter Nine

True to his word, Seto came back at around seven o'clock. Mokuba was sitting at the dining room table and Joey followed suit. The three boys had their breakfast without saying much. Soon breakfast was over, Mokuba and Seto had gathered up their stuff for school. Joy had not brought his stuff, he had left in it in his locker, felling it was safer there then at home. All three got into the limo that was at the front of the house and were set to go to school. As the limo stopped in front of Mokuba's school, the driver opened the door, and Mokuba bounded out. Next was the high school. It was about a five minute drive between the school and the middle school. The drive was spent in silence. No one was talking at all. Both boys were staring at each other not saying anything. Soon the limo came to a stop and both boys got out. Both headed to their lockers to put away and get their stuff for the first class. Unfortunate for Joey, he could not pull off his plan until Seto was out of the room.

His plan was the best plan he had ever thought of. Here it is. Joey knew that the middle school that Mokuba went to was having Parents Day because that was all he could talk about when he got up. Well Joey was going to ask Mr. Cooke if they could have like bring a sibling day, or if the kid did not have a sibling they could 'adopt one for the day from the middle school'. There would be activities geared toward the kids in the classes, and all the pairs would be put in groups of five, to discuss about what they had learned. It was a great plan if only Mr. Cooke would comply. Maybe if Joey told Mr. Cooke his other plan with ' Bring a sibling to school day.' It was to write an essay on how much your sibling meant to you. Joey turned the lock right, then left, then right again. The lock came opened and Joey pulled down, he then took off the lock. He took out his binder and pencil case, and then locked it. That was when he saw Mr. Cooke walking down the hallway toward the staff room. Joey put his arms around his stuff and ran to catch up with Mr. Cooke.

When he caught up with him Mr. Cooke turned and had a stern look on his face. " Mr. Wheeler" he began, but Joey began before he could finish his rant.

Joey just smirked and said " I have a deal to make. It will make up for all the home work I have never done." Mr. Cooke now looked interested, after all it was Joey Wheeler we are talking about. Joey was not considered to be a good student. He was one of the students that teachers passed just because they did not want to see him the following year in their class. Most of Joey's report cards comments went something like this 'needs to do more work, and is a disruption to the class.' Joey usually just barely passed, but at least he passed.

Joey could tell that Mr. Cooke was interested " Mr. Wheeler, do continue" Mr. Cooke said.

Thus Joey told Mr. Cooke his plan.


The first buzzer had just rung and the second was programmed to go in about five minutes. Most students were trying to get to their classes before they were late because you could here the hurried footsteps on the ground outside. Yugi and Ryou had already came in saying their greetings. Then they both sat down, taking their usual seats. For lack of something better to do Joey was staring at the clock. It was not everyday that Joey was excited about school. Mr. Cooke had told that he would that he would think about he concept, and discuss it with the other teachers, and the principal.

There was four minutes left now, then three, then two, then one, and then none. Finally the bell rang. All the rest of the students that were in the halls walked into their classrooms for the first class. A bunch of students walked in the room, and took their spots. It was now the best moment, Mr. Cooke stood up.

" Instead of doing work today, we will be doing something different" Mr. Cooke paused and various types of cheers could be heard throughout the classroom. " Silence" Mr. Cooke yelled. Everyone calmed down. Mr. Cooke was one of those strict teachers, but was still one of the best teachers in the school.

" Now I have had a good idea from someone in the class, he knows who he is . I will also not tell you who that person is unless he chooses to be identified I will explain this and you better listen because this WILL be worth marks. We will be having something called take your sibling to school day. This is similar to take your parent's to day school that is taking place at the middle school." Mr. Cooke took a breath. " You will have to bring your sibling or if you do not have a sibling you will adopt a child for the day from the middle school. Now we went this to be as uplifting as it could be to the child so make this a positive learning experience. Make the child want to learn and to keep in school. Now there will be two parts for getting marks. You will be marked on how well you handle the child while he or she is here. Also you will have to write an essay about what your sibling means to you. If you don't have a sibling, I would like the essay to be titled How I would like a sibling. Any Questions."

Everyone said No. It was true not all had taken in all the information, but a few were writing notes on everything he said. Finally someone spoke and it was one of the shyest persons in the whole class.

" When will be the date for this project" Ryou questioned in his usual soft tone.

" The date will be announced soon, but the note going to the middle school will be going out as soon as possible."

Joey could swear he saw Ryou write 'date to be announced' on his paper. That did not surprise Joey at all Ryou wrote everything down even it was not necessary.(1)

" Anymore questions" Mr. Cooke question. Nobody spoke.

" If there are no more questions. I have one more thing to saw, we are going to draw groups to talk about siblings and family. These groups are going to be groups of five and can not be changed in any circumstance. Also there will be one group of four and that will be drawn for the last group."

That said Mr. Cooke started picking names for the groups from a small coffee tin that probably had had coffee in it the staff room. The first group was picked. Second group was picked. Third group was picked. Nope Joey was in neither of them. Then the last and the only group with four people was picked. This was Ryou, Yugi, Seto, and Joey. Yugi, and Ryou looked a bit worried that Joey and Seto were in the same group.

" Hey Joey" Yugi called after the names for group four had been said. " Ummm" Yes something was on Yugi's mind " could you please not fight with Kaiba" Yugi said.

" Don't worry" Joey replied. Yugi just smiled in response.

All the groups got into their groups. They all sat in a small circle, so that everyone could see who was talking at all times. Also it showed how everyone was equal.

" So who wants to start" Yugi questioned rather cheerful. Maybe it was because of the fact that Joey and Seto were actually getting along.

" I will" Joey stated.

" Okay, I live with my Father, and my sister Serenity lives with my Mother. My Mother and Father were spilt up and then divorced on later that month."

" Okay, umm Ryou how about you go next" Joey said to the quiet white haired boy who had been staring at the floor the whole time. Yugi put a hand on Ryou's shoulder and Ryou looked up. When he saw all three boys looking up at him strangely he went back to looking down at the floor.

" Ryou are you in there" Yugi whispered to Ryou.

" Yes" Ryou replied.

" As you all know my Mother does not live with me. She died when I was very little, she was battling a bout of cancer. Well she died later that year, as well with my little sister, Amane." Everyone gasped they had no idea that Ryou had a sister he had never ever talked about her. Maybe it was too painful to remember the little memories that Ryou had of his little sister. " the worst part was that they both died around Christmas. I was happy to decorate the tree and such, but then that happen. All I remember was staying in my room for days holding the blanket my mother had knit for me when she was pregnant with me." Ryou finished with a whisper and was crying at the end of his little speech.

" It's alright Ryou, you are not alone" Yugi said rather miserably. Ryou looked up and smiled at Yugi, at least Ryou had that tiny bit of information that he was not alone.

" I will go next" Yugi said.

" My parents were nice people as I remember them. Then they were they were out on their anniversary dinner I was left with a babysitter, when it was passed the time my parents were supposed to be home, a police officer came knocking on the door. He asked to see me. He told me that there had been a crash involving a drunk driver and the car that the drunk hit was my parents. I remember crying and crying. I was to stay with one of by Aunts. A couple days after the incident my grandpa came he was going to come to take me to live with him at the game shop. And that is where I have been living all my life."

It was now Seto's time to speak. All eyes even Ryou's were on Seto. It was like everyone in the circle had lost a family member or two.

" Well I guess It is my turn" Seto finally said. " Well as you all know I live with my little brother Mokuba. We were not always rich, there was that period of time at the orphanage that we were alone. All I did was look out fir my little brother and taught him to play chess. One day Gozaburo Kaiba had come to the orphanage for a public stunt. It was just basically getting to people to like him more. He even gave toys, but he is not a nice guy. I asked him to a chess match. I said he was a busy man and did not have time to have a chess game. I told him I would tell the press that he was afraid of a little kid. So he let me, he told the main worker to get us a quiet room. So he did, and I used his strategy against him. I won and he had to adopt both Mokuba and I." An odd silence filled the circle. You could hear the chatter from other groups, some were laughing and some where trying to get this project over with

" I have just realized something" Ryou finally said thus breaking the silence.

" What is that" Joey questioned.

" We have all lost a family member or two" Ryou replied.

" Yeah" all three slowly replied.

"I never knew we could have this much in common" Ryou said after. " I was just wondering would you guys like to come over for a sleepover at my house next Saturday. You are all welcome to come." Ryou then turned to Seto " Even you are welcome Seto."

This was rather unlike Ryou, because he was always the quiet and shy one in the group. Seto had found something worth while finding. It was worth more then all riches in the world it was friends. You see a friend can be an important factor in someone's life. Now Seto had three new friends. That is all that mattered to him for today anyways.

Authors Notes- Sorry It took a while. I'm sorry to say the next chapter may take a while to get out because of exams :(. Don't worry though they will be done soon and I already have most of my chapters planned out in my head I just have to get them all down on paper. Also I don't know how accurate my things about their lives are but it is a fan fiction.