Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Mokuba- "She finally finished the eighth chapter of Memories"

MissPatriciaPotter- "Yup, now all we need is Seto to do the disclaimer"

Mokuba- "Big brother, come here for a moment." We see Seto running into the room. He sees Mokuba and kneels down in front of him. Mokuba whispers in his ear to do the disclaimer.

Seto- MissPatriciaPotter does not own anything related to Yu-Gi-Oh


Chapter Eight

Still Mokuba's P.O.V.

After both of them get in, Seto walks behind him. I keep on following them. Until they stop at one of the many living room. Seto sat at the couch, and Joey sat on a chair right across the couch. They began to talk in low voices. I can tell I am not a part of this conversation. I'm not hurt at all or anything. When Seto had taken over Kaiba corp, he would have some of his associates to talk too. I exit the room and walk towards my room. It's getting pretty late, and Friday is tomorrow. Tomorrow is parents day. As I climb up the stairs, I now notice how silent it is in the house. When I was born, Mother died. Seto has never told me why. I know for fact that Father died in a car accident. He was coming home from work, when a drunk driver hit him.

I finally make it up the stairs, and turn right. I push open my door and slip inside. When I get in there I change out of my clothes and change into my pajamas. Then I get into the bed, and slip the covers all around me.


The next day (normal P.O.V)

Seto had talked to Joey till about eleven o' clock. They had talked for about five hours. They had found out they had something in common. They had been abused during their lives. It had been going on ever since Joey's mom left his Dad. For Seto it was on he was adopted by Gozaburo. Seto currently was sleeping in his bed. The alarm went off and Seto got up and began to get dressed.


Joey was in one of the many guestrooms in the Kaiba mansion. There was one phrase that Kaiba had said last night that was running through his head. 'I was abused when I was younger. ' Who would think the great Seto Kaiba had been abused when he was little. When Joey said he did not believe him, Seto stood up, and took off his shirt. All over his back there were multiple bruises, and welts. When Joey had asked why he did it, Seto had responded that it was for Mokuba.


Joey had to ask the one question that was on his mind. Why would Seto do this to put in a life of pain and unhappiness? Finally Joey had the courage to ask him " hey Kaiba why did you do this." There was silence for about a minute then Seto spoke. " When I was little I always wanted a little brother, finally Mokuba was born, but then mother died. My Mother always said to take care of Mokuba. When Father died, I looked out for Mokuba at the orphanage, we you're never apart. People wanted to adopt me because of my intelligence, but I would not leave without Mokuba. I had made a promise. When Gozaburo had come to the orphanage to adopt an heir, I was ready to challenge him. I had seen his chess matches on television in the game room. I had studied his strategy, and had my own strategy. I was going to use his strategy against him ( An: does that make any sense?) When he came to the orphanage I challenged him to a chess match. First he refused then he accepted. As we were down to the nity gritty, he moved his king. It was wide open for an attack, I attacked him and he lost. True to his word he adopted both Mokuba and I. "

End Flashback

Joey got out of bed and put on his jeans and shirt. You see he had slept in his boxers.

As Joey was doing up the button on his jeans, he noticed a figure go by his room. It was tall, and had a billowing trench coat on. It was Kaiba. Joey quickly put on his shirt and began to follow Kaiba. Where could Kaiba be going this early? Joey tapped him on the shoulder when he got nearer. Seto turned around, and spotted Joey.

" What do you want Wheeler" Seto said. Apparently Seto was not a morning person.

" I just wanted to know where you are Kaiba" Joey stated.

" I am going to Kaiba Corp to check to see if everything is well, then I am coming back here, then to school. At the last class I am going to Mokuba's school for parent's day" Seto said rather matter of fatly.

The only thing that Joey could think to say was "Oh." Then Seto asked something that he would have never asked in normal circumstances. " When Mokuba wakes up can you stay with him, and then I will come back to take you both to school." Joey nodded, and Seto went the other way with his trench coat billowing the whole way. ' You are such not a morning person, Seto' Joey thought to himself.

Later in the morning

Joey was sitting on the bed in the guestroom. He was waiting for Mokuba to get up. Joey was currently bored out of his mind, and decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to maybe explore the house. He got up, and walked out of the door. He walked past Seto's room Mokuba's room and countless guestrooms. He found a set of stairs, and climbed up them. When he got up there was a set of French double doors. Joey peered in and saw it was an office. There were bookcases all over the room. On the right side there was a table filled with various school supplies. In the center of the room there was a huge desk, with a leather chair. On top of the desk was a silver laptop. 'This must be Kaiba's office' Joey thought to himself. Joey also noticed the many pictures on the wall of the brothers, at different places around the world. It was like everyone had a light, and when ever he or she was around a certain person his or her light shone. This person could be anyone really. For Seto it was Mokuba. Whenever Seto was around Mokuba, Seto was the nicest person on Earth. If only Joey could get everyone to see the caring part that only Mokuba has seen. Suddenly Joey had a great plan in his head.

Authors Notes- Yeah I know I promised parents day in this chapter but it didn't happen. Next chapter I promise. Yup I updated, and I so glad about the new season of Yu-Gi-Oh. Hope you review and I will update soon.