Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss (Part 2) ❯ Thievery ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.
Chapter 4: Thievery

A brief paragraph on what was going on: I was welcomed to stay in this house, thanks to Solomon Mutou. Hes an exhibitionist that use to be in Egypt to uncover all sorts of things. And he uncovered the Millenium Puzzle for his grandson, Yugi. I don't know ALL the details, but when Yugi solved the Millenium Puzzle, he was infused with a Pharaoh spirit, and he became the Chosen One. It was too amazing to be true, but after the explanation of my kidnap, almost anything could happen. And why was I wanted by these people? Who's Marik? Why was I kidnapped for some crazy ritual? Argh, my head.. That gave me a headache to sum it all out like that..

I went downstairs to see where Solomon and Anzu is. When I got to the bottom, I looked to the right and left. To my right, was a desk, with alot of old toys and games. And most of all: All kinds of collector's cards, even Duel monster cards. Its stacked from top to bottom with it. I guess this card shop is pretty famous with antiques and cards. And on my left, was the Living Room. There, I saw Solomon and Anzu talking about something important. Maybe its best to keep out of it for right now. But suddenly, when I decided to leave them alone, someone just comes bursting in here, like we're under attack by aliens or something! This guy had brown hair, with a White shirt, and some dog tags, and blue pants. His eyes looked a little brown as well. He just rushed right past me, and started to speak.

"Anzu! Gramps! Where's Yugi!? Is he home!?" The brown haired guy said, without noticing I was there.

"Yugi isn't here, he had an errand to run." Solomon said.

"Whats wrong Jounouchi? Did something bad happen?" Anzu said.

So Jounouchi is his name? Boy, that sounds a little long, but thats not important right now, I was wondering what was going on.

"Aww man! We've got a problem: Mai's been kidnapped!"

Everyone was in shock, even me, even though I dunno who this person is.

"Mai!? How did she get kidnapped!?"

"I was just walking around, and I see her in an alleyway, and she lost in a duel to some hooded guy, and she started getting kidnapped! But Mai was a fiesty one, so she managed to fend him off. But he used some sort of sleeping gas on her, to prevent her from fighting. I followed them to where they were going, they were heading to some abandoned factory. But I was caught as well. They told me to send a message to Yugi: If we ever want her back, they'd want a duel with Yugi!" Jounouchi explained.

Everyone was shocked to hear this. Kidnapped? What would a bunch of hooded figures want with a woman? I wonder.. No, it can't be that. Anyway, I have to act fast, a life is at stake! I ran toward the door, until...

"Hey, who're you, and where're you going in such a rush." Jounouchi said.

I turned around to answer his question.

"My name is Dragona Hiname, I'm going to rescue this woman you call Mai. I think something bad is going to happen to her!"

"Hey wait, how can you say that? You're helping a complete stranger here? And they said to bring Yugi!"

"I don't care. You don't know when Yugi is going to get back. So if we wait any longer, she'll be in danger. Now Jounouchi, if thats your name, Tell me where the abandoned factory is!"

Jounouchi didn't seem to have any other choice but to tell me, since Yugi wasn't here.. What choice would YOU have if you were in a situation like this?

"The factory.. is due east of here, you better hurry."

"Ok then! I'm off. You wait for Yugi, and meet me at the factory."

Then, Jounouchi put his hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

"Hold on, I'm coming with you."

"Huh? But I thought.."

"Listen, I don't know who you are, and you're just suddenly helping somebody, so I need to come with you just in case you don't mess anything up. Besides, you might need help."

..I can't believe this. Someone's going to help me out.. Well, I don't know this area, and I could get lost. So I guess I better bring him.

"Ok, lets go."

We rushed out the door, heading east after we came out. We followed the crosswalk, and found the alley he was talking about. And from what it seems like, no time at all. We found the factory. The entrance looked deserted, so it seemed like it was a cakewalk to get in....

From what it looks like, the factory still had metal boxes and machinery in it. I dunno why anyone would duel Yugi in a place like this.. Hmm? Me and Jounouchi saw a huge platform. I went up to examine it, and from what it looked like, it looked like some sort of huge arena. Why would anyone put it in a place like this?

"Who're you, and what are you doing here?"

Then, I saw a hooded figure on the platform.

"I'm here to take Yugi's place." I said.

"Fool, I'm only here for Yugi. If you want the girl, That boy would have to duel me." The hooded one said.

"Hey, let the boy duel you. He came all this way to take his place. Besides, we can't find him right now. Now c'mon!!"

The hooded one disagreed. But, with closer aspectation, He starred at me. But he starred at something on my chest: My Millenium Pendant. He opened his mouth in amazement, and he closed it again, smiling..

"So.. you're that boy that escaped from the truck."

What the..? What's he-- Oh, the part on how I got kidnapped.. There's only one thing that occured in my mind: He must've been one of the kidnappers from that truck! But.. He looks a little familiar.. I can't put my finger on it, but he did...

"Hey! Are you that crook that tried to kidnap me!?"

"Heh heh heh.. Actually, one of them.. I'll tell you what.. If you beat me in a duel, I'll give up your little girlfriend, over there!"

Then, a light shined on a pedestal on the ground, with a weird symbol, like a star. Then there was a female, which was Mai. She was wearing a white tight vest, with a purple jacket on her, and she was a blonde. She looked pretty sexy though.. Arrrgh! I can't get mesmorised in Beauty right now. I gotta save her!

"And if I lose?"

"Then you'll have to come with me, no exceptions."

I'll have to do it, there was no other choice. I took out my deck box, and opened it. And took out my deck.

"I agree to your terms. Jounouchi, let me handle this."

"Alright man, but be careful."

I put my deck on the deck placer. And then, the hologram generators began to load up, causing the field to light up. I was a little surprised at this, due to the fact this is the first time I'm using something like this.

"Are you ready to be thrashed?"

"No, but you are!" I said.

"Let's duel!" I said in Unison.

Our life points came up to 4000, and begun our duel.
AN: Finally! The duelling part, my favorite..