Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss (Part 2) ❯ Legends ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
AN: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, or any of its elements.
Chapter 3: Legend
My way of getting kidnapped couldn't get any stranger, wether it was a crazy dream, or getting kidnapped for some ritual. I knew what most rituals standed for: A sacrifice, or an offering of some sort. I didn't know. The only thing I knew about was I collapsed in front of a game shop, and I can't remember anything further than that.
When I opened my eyes, little by little, I was seeing light, It looked like I was in some sort of room. I tried to move my hands, slowly, to see if I had anything broken. And when I saw my white hand, I didn't feel any broken bones, All I saw was a bandage.. Huh? A bandage? On my hand.. Wait a second, if theres a bandage on my hand.. then..


I finally got my body up in amazement. I was saved! But by who? I looked at my surroundings. I was in a room that had video games, and some other gaming stuff as well, like toys, and all that. I also saw a computer on the table.. And most of all, I saw Duel Monster cards in the room as well.. And when I looked at my body, I was bandaged up, even my leg. Well, I guess whoever saved me, I guess I owe them my life. And then, I felt something on my chest.. I looked down, and I'm wearing some kind of pendent. I recalled the dream..


"I am the one.. Who gave you the journey... Long ago.. Until I took you away.. From the danger.. Now... A new danger... Approaches.. And needs you... To stop it..." With that, he started chanting a spell, and flung his palm straight at me. The shining light that left from his hand and at me went to my chest. And something started to form.. It looked like a pendant, It looked like some sort of gold Dragon pendant, with 2 Rubys for eyes.. It was really beautiful.. But what was it for?

"Take.. This Pendant, I have created.. No one knows its powers.. and you don't know it as well.. You will find out.. In later time.. Now go..."

*Flashback end*

That explains it, but how did it come from a dream? I don't get it, I don't get it at all!! And when I thought I was losing my patience, someone came from the door. I looked to the left and saw a grey haired old man, his hair looked a little down, and some of his hair was up, and he was wearing green and white overalls. I can't believe people still dress like that, but oh well.. He spoke.

"Hey there sonny, are you feeling alright?" He spoke.

"Y-Yeah, but.. who're you, and where am I?" When I said this, he just laughed. Whats his problem?

"I'm Solomon Mutou, and you're in the Card Shop I own. And this is Yugi's room, Yugi is my grandson."

"My name is Dragona Haname. But.. How did I get here?"

"I found you near my shop. You were all covered in bruises and scratches. I was lucky to find you when today I had to sweep the porch. Any later could've harmed you even more."

I was glad he saved me. I- I-

"Ahh.. AHHCHOO! *sniff*.. don't tell me I have a cold.."

"Oh hoh? Are you alright there?"

"Y-yeah, I think so.. But, one thing concerns me though.. Where's your grandson?"
He then became silent. Wait, could that mean..

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know he passed away."

Solomon then became shocked on what I said. Did I misjudge on something?

"Oh no no no! I was just thinking. I'm sorry. My grandson just had an errand to run, He left around 5:30 this morning, quite odd to see him get up this early. Thats why I was silent, I'm worried about my grandson you see.. After he solved the Millenium Puzzle I discovered back in egypt.. Well, you probably don't want to know."

"Go on Mr. Mutou, I'm interested in these kind of things." I encouraged him.

"Well.. Alright.. Well you see, I was on an archeologist (I dunno how to spell it) in egypt, looking for ancient textures and treasure. But there was 1 thing I encountered in a pyramid near the digging site, The Millenium Puzzle. I saw the hyroglyphics on it. The box said: To whoever solves the puzzle, will be infused with the power of the pharaoh, granting to be the King of Games. And would become the Chosen one. So ever since I gave the puzzle to Yugi, he solved it for quite a long time!" He put his hand under his chin, and continued, "But ever since he solved it, I was amazed, the Millenium Puzzle was very hard to solve. And, ever since it was solved, bad things have been happening lately.." He finished. I was amazed at what he said.

"You said the Millenium Puzzle, right? That means.." I got cut off. Because someone walked into the doorway. The person that walked in was a girl, wearing a pink blouse, with a yellow to white skirt, she had brown short hair, and had beautiful blue eyes. I wonder who she is?

"Mr. Mutou? Are you in-- Ah?" The girl said.

"Ah, Anzu, its good to see you. What is it."

"Before I explain that, whos that in Yugi's bed!?" she yelped.

"Uh, Hi. My name is Dragona Hiname. I was saved by Mr. Mutou." She started to calm down when I said this.

"Saved? What happened?" Anzu said.

"Actually, I'd like to know that as well Mr. Hiname." Solomon said.

..I don't remember it quite myself. But I decided to tell them all I could remember. About how I got kidnapped, how I got out of it, and the kid that pummelled me. I skipped the part about my dream, and the phone call conversation, because they might not believe me.

"Hmm.. Interesting.. You were kidnapped, and you escaped out of it, that was quite an adventure you had there. But don't worry, you're safe with us." Solomon said.

"But Mr. Mutou, I think we should call the police about this, I mean, Mr. Hiname here could be kidnapped again!" Anzu complained.

"I'm afraid this is beyond authorities it seems.. This has been going on for some time now actually."

"It has?" I spoke.

"Yes, many disappearances have been occuring in this area. Not even the police could find them. Its like they've just *poof*, vanished. But these wearn't ordinary people, they were duelists." Solomon said.

Damn, and I was one of them? Is that why I was kidnapped? Well, I should be lucky my deck is in one piece.. .. ..Wait! Where is my deck!

"Whoa! Hold on! Wheres my Duel monsters deck!! Did it get stolen!?"

"Whoa ho ho there, Your deck is on the table right there, along with your money, no worries." Solomon said.

"Whew.. Thats good, and I'm feeling alot better." I said. I started to get up, uncovering the sheets. But unfortunately. Solomon and Anzu were starring at me for some reason. Anzu was closing her eyes, blushing, while Solomon began to talk a little nervous.

"Erm.. Mr. Hiname, theres.. something I forgot to tell you." Whys he talking so damn nervously.

"What did you for-- WAHHH!!!!" I looked down at my body, and I was in nothing but my underwear, my clothes were gone! I dipped back into the covers, embarrassed on what I did.

"Wh-What happened to my clothes!" I hesitantly spoke.

Anzu was calming down, which was great for me. And Solomon told me what happened to my clothes.

"Well, you see, your clothes were too dirty to put in the bed, so I took off your clothes so I could wash them. I didn't even look at your body either. I covered you in a blanket, so I couldn't see. Sorry for the misunderstanding."
Geezus, that scared the heck out of me! And made me blush in embarrassment.. I wonder what else could go wrong.. But I gotta get my clothes, and leave.

"Mr. Mutou, can I please have my clothes back?"

"Oh, sure! They should be dry by now.. Anzu, be sure he doesn't get up until I get back, you don't want to see him half naked in the house, ho ho!" he said, and then left.

"H-Hey! Solomon, that's not funny!" Me and Anzu said in Unison. Then we just looked at each other, and we sorta got embarrassed..
Well, it seems like things were getting out of hand here.. At least I knew where I was now. I wonder how much longer this would keep up..

"Hey, Mr. Hiname..." Anzu spoke.

"Yes? And please call me Dragona. Mr. Hiname makes me sound too formal."

"Ah.. Right, Dragona.. Dragona, what are you planning to do now after you get dressed?"

Now that she mentioned it. I was going to find a way home. But that was probably futile. Its 12 hours away from my home, and I'd never make it on foot, I didn't know what to do..

"I was going to go home, but I probably can't now."

"Whys that?"

"Because my home is too far away. Its like 12 hours away."

Anzu thought she could do something, but she couldn't.

"Why not live here for awhile then?" Solomon just suddenly came into the door, with clothes in hand. But did I just hear him right? Let me live here? You gotta be kidding me.. I decided to ask him just in case.

"..Did you just say I could live here for awhile? Do you really mean it?"

"Oh yes, you can if you like, we have a spare bedroom for guests. But its quite messy. You can sleep on the couch if you'd like until we get it prepared."

"But.. I don't want to intrude.."

"Oh nonsense! Now c'mon, where else have you got to turn to?"

..Well, he has a point there. Where ELSE can I go? Maybe I should live here.. Maybe I shouldn't.. No, if I refuse his offer, it'll probably make him worried about me, and, I'd have to end up sleeping on the streets.. I'll consider it.

"...Thank you so much Mr. Mutou, I really appreciate it.."

"Well then! Now that thats settled. Here're your clothes." He placed them on the bed.

"Anzu, lets go, we need to talk about why you're here.."

"Yes Mr. Mutou."

After that, they both left. When the area was clear, I putted on my black vest, and my red jeans. But then, I felt something in my jeans. I checked the pockets, and I found 2 dark red wristbands. I wonder how these got in here? Hmm.. Oh well, I put them on anyway. And it matched my figure as well.. But I should wait in this room for awhile, I mean, until he gets back, they're probably talking about something important.. Oh yeah, now that I thought about it.. I grabbed my deck from the table. And checked if any of my cards were missing.. .. .. ..

Good, nothing was missing. But one thing concerned me though.. Why was I given this Pendant? And why is it something called a Millenium Item? I don't really get it.. But that guy in my dream said the time will come when to use it.. I guess it will be used when the time is right, but I still didn't understand it though... I was sitting on the bed, waiting 5 minutes before going down. I got up, and opened the door, and went downstairs, to see what was going on..