Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss (Part 2) ❯ Lost ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
AN: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh at all.
Chapter 2: Lost

Ok, this was a weird day for me. First, I leave the house, on my way to the Card Collector's shop, just so I can enter a tournament. Second, I went through my deck before I crossed the street just so I wasn't forgetting anything. And last, I get knocked out and get put into something! I didn't know what was going on, nor did I want to know, but I had to, or else I'd never know what's going on....
When I finally came to, I found myself looking up there, the darkness in the sky. I guess it was night when I woke up. I was still moving as well. When I finally snapped out of looking at the night, I tried to move my hands and legs. But they wouldn't move! I looked at my body, and saw that I was all tied up, from body to toe. Damn it, how did I get myself into this! I could still sit up, which was good. I looked at my surroundings. And it looked like I was in some sort of truck, tied up in the back. And, I saw 2 people inside the truck as well. They were those hooded figures that attacked me! I dunno why they're here, but somethings up. Hmm? They're talking on a cell phone from my point of view, it was dark, but my eyes quickly adapted to the dark. I wiggled like a worm to get a little closer, but stealthily, listen to what was going on. I put my ear against the window, and listened in:

"--ngs going as planned, Master Malik." The Hooded one said.

"Excellent, do not let that boy out of your sights, we need him for our plans."

"But what for Master? What could such a common boy accomplish?"

"Do you doubt my plans Servant?"

"No Master, I was just seeing if--"

"Never question my authorities servant, thats an order, now bring that boy to me. How far have you gotten?"

"We left that place 12 hours ago. We will make it in an hour or so. So please be patient Master."

"Very well, be sure to not let that boy out of your sight, and if he gets away.. You're not going to be among the living.. Out."

After I heard the cell phone shut off, I knew something bad was going to happen. So many questions left unanswered, but questions will have to be answered later, right now, I do NOT want to be whatever they're planning right now! I tried to wiggle out of the ropes that have tied on me, but I've tried this for 5 seconds, and I couldn't wiggle through. I gotta think of a way to.. hmm? I see something near the corner of the truck's opening hatch. It looked like a sharp metallic object. I slid further to the metallic object and examined it. And it looked thin enough to cut through these ropes! I tried to slide to my back, and I started to rub my back against the metallic object. I've been doing this for a minute now, and I can't get the ropes to cut! I tried rubbing harder. And then, I started to hear something snap.. I looked behind me, and I saw that the rope was starting to break!

"Alright! I'll be free in no time!" I yelled in excitement. Oh shit! I plucked up my mouth quickly. The hooded ones looked back, and I faked being unconscious very quickly. I couldn't let them know that I'm awake, or something will go wrong. I peeked with one eye open to see if they turned their eyes back on the road. And it seems like they did, so that was my chance. I rubbed the metallic object very hard now. Then, I heard and felt another rope snapped! And another, and another! I was coming free! Then, when enough ropes have been snapped, I managed to break free myself! My hands were loose, so I managed to untie the ropes from my feet. There, I was free. But I couldn't get off just yet. The road was still moving. Then, I saw a road sign saying: 'To Hitamoto.' Hitamoto!? Thats suppose to be very far from my home! That means, even if I get out now, I'll just have nowhere to go. But I can't take any chances. Being careful, and being stealthy, I jumped out of the truck, and onto the ground. But unfortunately, I was moving so fast, I didn't land on my feet, and ended up rolling onto the ground, I kept rolling for 10 seconds. When I finally stopped. I was still laying on the ground, trying to recuperate, trying to recover from shell shock. When I opened my eyes, I felt dirty for some reason, probably due to the roll. I started to get up, weakally. I looked around at my surroundings. I was in an open field, with grass and mud. And the area was still dark, so I couldn't see that far. But what I did saw were city lights, I had a feeling that was civilization. I started to walk towards that direction, but..

"Ow!! My leg.."

Damn it, I must've scraped my leg when I got out of that vehicle.. So this is probably going to take longer.. Argh, I gotta get there! I started to walk towards the city, step after step, I tried to get there. But to no avail, I don't think I can make it.

"There has to be another way.."

God, help me... Why does hell torment me so.. Just then, I ran into someone. From what my eyes could see, It looked like a person with white spiky hair, with some sort of golden ring pendant, wearing a white shirt and blue pants. I didn't recognize the figure.. Hell, I didn't know at all.

"Hey, could you help me here?" I asked, weakally.

"Help you? Why help you? I have no business to help you at all. Out of my way."

"Out of your way!? You just turn someone away thats about to die out here!?"

"Hmph, persistant, aren't you.. Well I can't do anything about it, now BACK OFF!" This white hair kid said. While slamming me to the ground with a strong built punch. I collapsed on the ground, on my back. I lost conscious there. I didn't know what the hell I got myself into. A kid just hitting me like that, but he was damn strong! But something was strange though, he seemed.. Evil. I couldn't describe it, but I felt some sort of demonic aura around him. Why do I know this though? All of it was a blank.. After an hour later, I woke up, at the same place where I saw the kid. I got up again, but only barely..

"That.. Kid...!!"

I can't believe this. I get kidnapped, and now this. I dunno whats going on anymore! I got up on my feet, and tried walking. I was staggering, trying to reach the city. But I had to make it. I can't just die out here! But then, I remembered one thing.. My deck, it was still in my pocket. And.. I still have my money, and my Cell Phone. My Cell Phone! Thats it! I'll call for help! I took out my cell phone, and called 911. The phone started to ring, I got something.

"Hello!? Is anyone there!? I need hel-- huh!?"

"I'm sorry, your call has not been reached, or is out of service, please try again later.. *click*"

Damn it, so much for help, my cell phone is completely out of range. That means theres no way I can call for help.. Well, I guess I had no choice. I have to walk there without help. I started walking yet again. I couldn't run due to my leg. I heard birds chirping in the trees to the left of me. I guess they're just waking up. Because when I looked up, I saw a little bit of light in the dark.

"Guess its starting to becoming morning. I had no idea... That it was.. that late.. *cough*."

I was struggling. But, from what seemed like forever, I finally reached the city... Everything was pretty big, and pretty bright. Speaking of bright, I looked up again, the sky was a little orange, I looked at my watch, and it read 5:48 am. Now that IS late.. Damn it, How am I going to find help at this time of the morning... Huh? Then just then, I saw a card shop, not too far from here... Hey, why are my duelling instincts telling me to go there? I don't get it, but I decided to follow em.. I started to walk towards it, but I tripped, and slammed face down on the concrete. I got back up slowly, still pretty weak... Then, I looked at my watch again.

"6:00 am.."

I gotta make it, if I don't, I probably won't get any help at all.. I walked towards it again, I was almost there. The place was labelled Card Shop. Who calls themselves that? I didn't get it.. But when I made it, I made a weak smile. And then, I just collapsed, slipping unconscious. I blacked out. Boom. I started to have a dream though.. A weird one.. I saw a Man in White Robes, but he looked familiar somehow. He didn't talk at all, he just stood there, starring at me. Is this really a dream? I don't know.. He spoke suddenly.

"The Shadow Realm is here.. The Forgotten one is needed.. And you are that one.."

"Who... Are you..." I spoke weakally.

"I am the one.. Who gave you the journey... Long ago.. Until I took you away.. From the danger.. Now... A new danger... Approaches.. And needs you... To stop it..." With that, he started chanting a spell, and flung his palm straight at me. The shining light that left from his hand and at me went to my chest. And something started to form.. It looked like a pendant, It looked like some sort of gold Dragon pendant, with 2 Rubys for eyes.. It was really beautiful.. But what was it for?

"Take.. This Pendant, I have created.. No one knows its powers.. and you don't know it as well.. You will find out.. In later time.. Now go..."

After that, my dream blurred out, I didn't know what the hell just went wrong.. The Chosen one? I don't get it... What was happening to my mind and body? I feel like I knew him. But I can't remember anything about it! Only time will tell... Whats going to happen to me now? Will I ever get home? Will I ever survive.. I don't know... For some reason..I.. ... ... ...
AN: You must be wondering why my descriptions keep fading from good to crappy I bet.. Well, I think it just depends on the mood of typing I guess.. I don't really know.