Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mewet ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Y'know, you are allowed to interpret the last sentence of the last chapter any way you want to. *Smirks* whatever floats your boat…
Disclaimer: Yu-gi-Oh! Belongs to Kazuki Takahashi. I make no profit off this fanfiction, and it belongs to me under international copyright laws. Don't steal and don't sue. Thank you, *Phantomness bows*
Chapter 9
“Will it all just end happily ever after?”
Mahaado laughed. “I didn't know you believed in Fairy Tales, Yami.”
“Well, we found Pegasus and Cynthia one, didn't we?”
“I suppose so.” She said. “And we have one as well.”
Yami nodded. They had moved all of the Priests into the Shadow Realm - in many ways, it was better than living on earth, and the Realm was more than happy to configure itself to fit their memories and create reality for them.
Aishizu and Shadah and Karim laughed as they sat together, sipping wine and watching the flames of the sacred fire flicker.
Malik and Marik ran and chased each other through the halls, sometimes with Mana and the other monsters following them.
It was the Priest Council, as before, only with Set missing.
Yuugi and the others could live their lives out on earth as they pleased. After all, surely things were settled now?
Alas, it was not to be. For not three months later, Battle City began.
Yami stared at the note with an expression of disgust. “Mother, how on earth did Set manage to send me an invitation - since I am living in the Shadow Realm?”
“I would that I knew. Perhaps he still retains yet some of his magic, simply not his memories.”
Yami was very glad for that fact.
Still…. If he had to go, he would feel safe knowing that the others were behind him. Support staff was always necessary, though some fools did not know the value of it.
Aishizu frowned. “Would you like me to accompany you, my Pharaoh?”
Pegasus frowned. “Pharaoh, I believe that the reason for Set's interest is his search for the God Cards.”
That caught Yami's attention. “You made cards of the three gods then?”
“Yes. But they were stolen before Duelist Kingdom.”
Yami frowned. “That power, in the wrong hands…” He shuddered. The Egyptian Gods, unlike certain of his monsters, had no souls, no being, and no ideas… and no loyalty to Egypt, or the Pharaoh.
It was almost pathetic, that the power could be controlled.
It was almost pathetic - but then again, there was a reason why he relied on his Mother as his Deck Master. She looked lovely at the moment, dressed in sky-blue linen with her hair wrapped in gold net. Lovely.
However, this peaceful state of affairs could not last.
“I will always be with you, my precious Yami.” Mahaado whispered. Yami nodded, as he strapped the Duel Disk on his arm.
Her predictions - and Aishizu's were correct.
“Aishizu, do you know who holds the God Cards?”
“I cannot see that, my Pharaoh.” She said quietly. “Their close proximity to the Cards wards my Sight.”
“I suppose it was to be expected.” Yami sighed. “Very well then… then in order to reclaim the God Cards, I must journey into this tournament.”
Solemn nods came from all assembled.
No more was said, as the company parted ways. It would be foolish to interfere in the Pharaoh's Quest. He seemed rather keen on doing it alone.
None of them really wanted the Gods, either. It was the Pharaoh's power to wield them, after all…
Pegasus simply felt a bit guilty for making them.
There were a few moments of whispered conversation between mother and son, before Mahaado focused and her attire shifted into that of the Black Magician. Yami gave her one last hug and then opened the portal between realms, stepping through. He wondered idly if Yuugi was there.
That might make things interesting…
Of course, things would work out fine. He felt the Cards stir sleepily, a bit surprised, but they had enjoyed their vacation.
Now it was time to battle again.
Kaiba stared at the Card lying so innocently on his desk. The blue-bodied creature laughed as it lay there, almost. Obelisk the Tormentor! Yes, an Egyptian God card - more powerful than his Blue Eyes. This he absolutely had to have…
And even better, whispers reached him of Ra, and Osiris… he had to get them also… Pegasus had been a fool printing these God Cards, but no matter.
It would be great joy to claim them all
He smiled as he watched Yugi and Anzu enter the room. They would not be competing, at least not against him. He knew for a fact that Yuugi could beat him, much as his brother could…
Apparently Yuugi and `Yami Atemu' were half brothers.
It explained why they looked so much alike. They must take after their father. Yuugi had explained that Yami and his mother had moved out and didn't live with him or his Grandfather. But he had still tracked down their address.
He would take great pleasure in beating that little brat.
Yuugi and Anzu exchanged smiles as they showed their offerings. Coffee and cookies glittered neatly on a tray. Mokuba followed with a smile, waving his newest game and laughing as his brother frowned at him.
Well, he could feel his stress level abating already. He kissed them both and then the three of them spent an enjoyable afternoon together.
Mokuba left, quietly, not wanting to watch.
“He is lonely.”
Marik sniggered. “Well, elder sister, if you needed the Tauk to tell you that-ow!”
Malik put down the Sennen Rod with a smile and ignored Marik's glare. “Is it important, Aishizu?”
Aishizu frowned. “I believe it is.”
“Oh? Do you think that Mokuba holds the God Cards?”
“It is not that. But he has potential… the Realm likes him, though he does not know yet. But when he begins to Duel, he will see…”
“Interesting. So he's like Mai - an ally, but not one of the Chosen.”
“Hmm.” Shadah looked at Karim, who stared at his Sennen Scales. They did not move, yet. So Mokuba was still too young, but not for long.
In any case, it would be interesting…
End Chapter
Completed 4/30/06
Damn. Must remove urge to write Loyaltyshipping. No! I wrote this fic to prove that I could write Yami and Mahaado in a fic together without pairing em up, but so far, it's gone nowhere. *Cries*