Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mewet ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yami VS Yuugi! *Coughs* Bit early for the Ceremonial Battle, isn't it?
Disclaimer: Yu-gi-Oh! Belongs to Kazuki Takahashi. I make no profit off this fanfiction, and it belongs to me under international copyright laws. Don't steal and don't sue. Thank you, *Phantomness bows*
Chapter 8
“I do not wish to Duel you.” Yami said formally. “You're in this for Shimon's soul. I am not. Why should we waste time?”
“But I do want to Duel you.” Yuugi said.
Insufferable brat. Yami resisted the urge to clench his fists and nodded. Very well! If Yuugi wanted him to Duel, then he would Duel!
They sat down at opposite ends of the holographic table, and shuffled their cards.
Yuugi's deck was interesting, but as he'd expected, it was mostly Light monsters. And Yami's was mostly dark. They were about half-life down each when Yami felt the familiar tingle in his fingers and drew Dark magician with a smile.
Needless to say, the poor Blockman Yuugi had out did not last very long.
And if Yuugi thought he would win by putting his monster in defense mode, well, he was too naïve. Yami smiled as he placed his Magic Card on the field.
“I equip Black Magician with the Black Spear of the Black Magician, which has a wonderful special effect… attack his defense monster.”
Points scrolled down to zero as he smiled. They both smiled. Perfect!
“How?” Yuugi gasped, staring as Yami shuffled his deck. “That card….”
“It's just a monster card like any other, just a magic card like any other.” Yami said calmly.
“Don't tell me you don't feel the cards move…” And that was all he said.
Well, it was up to him to Duel for Shimon then. He sighed.
Yami muttered the silencing spells on his room before he started blasting the furniture with lightning. Mahaado simply stood behind him and watched as he conjured up statues of Pegasus and Shimon and Yuugi and obliterated them again and again and again. It would take a long time for all that energy to vent.
She was content to watch, and occasionally give him pointers. That particular bolt of lightning would be very good for eviscerating someone.
Yami nodded, his mind taking notes in one corner even if he seemed to be randomly attacking.
Mother always knew best, after all.
Pegasus sighed as he downed a glass of red wine. It was a pity about Yuugi, the poor boy looked absolutely crushed after his defeat, but he was just the younger brother…
“It's too dangerous for you to be out there tomorrow, Mother.”
“I will be fine. He cannot destroy my Ka or my Ba.”
Yami sighed. “Yes, I know, Mother. It's written in the stars, after all. The Ring will protect us… and the Ring shall guide…”
“The Ring shall guide the Puzzle to victory, as it is meant to do.” She finished. “The shadows and the dark will ever be together as one.”
Yami liked the sound of that.
He slept quite well. Mother made him a sleeping draught and he took it without question, watching as she returned to her card. And tomorrow, they would Duel Pegasus, and that was that.
Of course, it was a lot easier afterwards. He'd panicked again, he knew that it was just a Duel, but seeing her paralyzed by that terrible Thousand Eyes Restrict… and he powerless to stop it…!
Still, he did what he had to do, and Kuriboh was loyal, and the multiplication helped her get free…
And then they became Chaos. She became Chaos - the Magician of Black Chaos, to be precise. And they won.
And afterwards, they headed to the Shadow Realm together, so he could check her over. She was all right, just needed a bath after being captured by that disgusting Relinquished….
He liked the Castle. It was designed to resemble the Royal Palace back in Egypt, with certain changes and additions and of course, guards that were actually competent! The other monsters smiled and bowed as they passed, and Mana hugged him after she jumped out of a pot.
It really was a lot like being home again.
After all, Egypt was pretty much gone, the glory days of their Empire over, so the Shadows were their new home.
Somehow, it did not bother Yami very much.
“Where am I?” Pegasus asked as he materialized. Both of them blinked, Mahaado already reaching for her staff when Yami held his hand up.
“Hello, Pegasus. Welcome to the Castle of Dark Illusions.”
Pegasus gaped. “You're…”
“Yes.” Yami said. “Did you think, after that Shadow Game, that we weren't used to the Shadows as well?”
“Why am I here though?” His Eye glittered, searching, probing - only to encounter shields that had not existed before.
The Shadow Realm liked to protect its children, after all.
“We are making you an offer.” Mahaado said. Yami decided that he would just listen to her talk. After all, she had been Queen longer than he had been Prince, no; Pharaoh, and diplomacy had never been his strong suit.
Pegasus raised an eyebrow. “And what is it?”
“We will lend you our Items - the Ring and the Puzzle, and we shall find the others. We will allow you your wife back. In return, we simply ask you to serve us faithfully as one of our High Priests.”
Pegasus actually seemed to consider the idea. Finally, he nodded. He would do anything for Cecilia, after all.
It rather reminded Yami of the way his Mother thought about him.
“I will wait, then?”
“Unless you wish to accompany us on our quest.” Mahaado smiled. “Shadi holds the Ankh and the Scales.”
“And the Ishtar Clan the Rod and the Tauk…”
“That is all we need search for then.”
“Yes, Mother.” Yami nodded, as the air around them began to crackle slightly. Pegasus let himself out, thanked the Kuriboh who had brought wine and sweets, and was directed by a Beaver Warrior to his room. It was actually quite nice, and he wouldn't mind spending a few days here to recuperate.
He did wonder a bit though, about the relationship between the Queen and the Pharaoh, but it was nothing to him.
End Chapter
Completed 4/30/06
I like Pegasus. If you're not a fan of his, you might be considering not reading on, even though he's not really a main character.