Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Madness ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Bakura yawned, stretching loungingly as he looked around the dark room. Ryou had gotten tired of his yami redecorating his own room, so he'd given the guest room to Bakura, and of course the tomb robber had gone with dark and gothic.

Huge, sumptuous pillows scattered overa four poster canopy bed, all of them the deep crimson shade the blanket was, and a few black ones thrown in to match the heavy curtains over the window. The walls were dark mahogony, with gold Arabic writing along the top and middle boders. Taper candles glowed throughout the entire room, and a statue of Anubis burned insense on one of his dressers, who's wood was painted black.

Curling up to one of the squishy pillows, Bakura let out a relaxed sigh. His heavy door swinging open caused one of his eyes to crack open, but before he could spot the intruder, all the candles went out at once, cloaking the entire room in darkness. Sitting up, Bakura looked around, his eyes quickly adjusting to the shadows. Before he could pinpoint his intruder, however, he was shoved roughly down onto his bed, a heavy body pinning him down.

He growled darkly. "Who the fu-" His demand quickly faded away as two pliant, soft lips found his in the dark. His chocolate eyes widened, then narrowed in a smirk as his hands managed to find the soft hair belonging to his visitor. Feeling a grin matching his own, Bakura's hands ran down over the soft shirt, grasping at the pants, getting his point across very easily. It'd been way too long.

Pleased to see the person caught on soon, he followed suit, pulling off his bozers as the stranger shed their own clothes. Before he got a chance for his hands to find his new lover, however, they were grabbed, and the person leaned over him, tying them easily to the bed's posts. Not minding in the slightest, Bakura took this opportunity and lifted his head, latching onto a nipple, discovering very quickly this person was male. A quiet gasp told the raider that this stranger hadn't been expected this, and grinned, teasing the nub with his tongue until the form pulled away, his lips mashing passionately to Bakura's, then slid over their arms over his well toned arms, pausing at his shoulders, and quickly wrapping a blindfold around his eyes.

Bakura's eyes slid shut with a deep moan as his mystrey lover's mouth slid slowly over his chest, paying homage to the well sculpted muscles by tracing ever crease and mound on the tomb raider's chest and stomach. Pausing at his navel, his tongue expertly teased Bakura, mimicking actions the silver haired spirit wanted so desparately to feel somewhere else.

A growl forced out of his throat when the mouth completely bypassed Bakura's now aching manhood, and trailed over his iner thigh, his tongue and teeth dancing lightly along the flesh, lifting the robber's leg to taste the skin better. Bakura's growls pregressed slowlyto whines and gasps as his visitor worked his way back up to his pelvis, nipping at his hip before succumbing to the poor yami's desire, his hot mouth enveloping the dark Ryou's hard on.

A shocked cry exploded out of Bakura, and he arched wantonly against the hard chest of his torturer/lover. Shudders coarsed through his lithe body, his arms straining at the rope around his wrists, wanting desparately to fist in the soft hair he felt brushig over his inner thighs, adding more t the amazing feelings being envoked.

It wasn't much longer before the heat pooling in his abdomen exploded and he came with a gasp, his back arching until he went limp, gasping, his eyes sliding closed. The feeling of a hard chest sliding smoothly over his own brought him out of his stupor, and he stiffened in slight surprise as he felt slicked fingers teasing him from behind, grinning loosely as they slid easily into him.

Locking his mouth to the mystery man's mouth, he groaned as the talented fingers stretched him out, his moans gaining volume until they were replaced by a growl when they left. He didn't complain for long, however, when something dozens of times better than the fingers replaced them. Smirking, his muscled legs clamed tightly over the slim waist of his lover, hauling him closer and arching against him with a strangled groan.

Taking the hint, the visitor wrapped his arms tightly around Bakura, locking his own mouth against a nipple as he drove strongly into the heated body beneath him. A growl or gasp accompanied each of his thrusts, signalling that the tomb raider was having as much fun with this as much as he was.

Bakura couldn't remember the last time he'd been a uke, and he'd forgotten just how much he'd enjoyed it. Tightening his leg's grip on the stranger's waist, he matched the man thrust for thrust, riding him as best he could while bound. Then his eyes flewopen from under the blindfold as the visitor hit something deep in Bakura, something he'd never been able to reach himself, but had longed to.

"Oh my gods.....!!" A deeply shocked cry escaped the raider, throwing off the rhythm of his lover, who didn't say anything, but stopped for a moment, laying his hand on Bakura's cheek to signal his concern. Bakura growled and snapped his teeth at the hand. "What are you DOING?! I never said STOP!!!" He hissed angrily. He could practically HEAR the smirk of the stranger after a moment, and was about to rip another strip off him when a second thrust on his prostate shut him up.

Gasping heavily, he yanked the person coser, spreading his legs wider to allow deeper access. Beads of sweat rolled off both their bodies, heavy gasps and the gentle creak of the bed following the frequent gasps and rare pleas surfacing from the raider. Feeling his second orgasom approaching, he clenched down harder on the visitor, feeling the toned body above him shuddering at the sudden tightness.

Pulling harder on his wrists, he held his breath, then let it all out in a deep groan when his orgasm took him roughly, tightenig aroud his lover, feelingthe proof of the other's orgasm filling him quickly. Bakura felt his toes curl for the rush of euphoria that came along with the mindblowing orgasm, then felt himself sliding lazily into a blessid sleep.

A few hours later, Bakura was blinded awake when sunlight hit his tired eyes. "Ryou!!!!" He snapped, rolling over and sheildig his eyes with his hands.

"Bakura, get up! Your breakfast is now ice cold!" He heard his hikari snap. Mimicking, he pulled himself up out from under the pillow, looking over at his light, who was standing at the foot of his bed, his fists on his hips, a spatula in one hand and his baby blue apron on.

"What time is it?" He asked drowsily, rubbing his face with one hand, the other sheildig his sore eyes from the sunlight.

"It's nine."

"The I still have one hour to sleep. Go away." He muttered, flopping back down and pulling the blanket over his head. Hearing a frustrated huff, he listened to Ryo stomp out, slamming the door. It was then he remembered last night. Bolting up in bed, he looked around, but wasn't able to spot any signs of a late night visitor. "Feh.....I must have dreamt it." Looking down at his wrists proved otherwise, however, as he saw his skin was raw from where the rope had been tied.

Figuring he wasn't going to get anymore sleep, he went against his usual habits and got up, pulling on a black button up shirt to match his boxers, stumbling downstairs to where he saw Ryou was baking something, as he expected.

Hearing footsteps, Ryou straightened, looking over to see his yami wincing at the brightness of the kitchen.

"I thought you were going to sleep in until ten." He demanded, setting a plate in front of Bakura.

"Well, I can go back to bed if you want. Hell, I'll take you with me." He teased, smirking as his light's cheeks darkened with a blush. Smirking, he tossed aside the knife Ryou had handed him, stabbing his fork into the middle of his steak, cooked rare of course, and tore a piece off with his mouth, chewing away happily as blood ran out one corner, causing a look of disgust to come over Ryou, who turned away to continue baking.

While in the middle of his bleeding food, Bakura found himself wondering who had come to him last night. Looking up at his light, who was currently icing what seemed to be cupcakes, Bakura tilted his head, trying to picture his light pulling off something like that. <Not likely....he blushes at the thought of kissing. I'd have felt the heat radiating off of him during the blowjob.> He had to fight back a groan at the image conjured up with that thought, however.

Finishing off his meal, he tossed the dishes noisily into the sink, striding over and snagging a cupcake, cackling at Ryou's angry yell, and streaked out of the house.

Striding down the street while eating the dessert, Bakura continued to think about his mystery man, trying to pinpoint all of his suspects. "Hmm.......Ryou seems too innocent.....Pharoah's too hung up on the rich boy.......the billionare's too full of himself.......the shrimp's too busy daydreaming of his dark and the CEO ravishing him..........Dice Boy and the Mutt don't leave the bedroom long enough to consider it......TrowelBang's WAY too straight........" He shuddered at the mere thought of it. "Both Ishtar and Malik are definately kinky enough to think of something like that.........." He groaned as he felt another hard on starting up as the two blonds came to mind.

Tossing the wrapper of the cupcake at a nearby little kid, he shoved his hands into the pocket, wandering around town while going over it.

Malik was carrying several bags to his apartment when he paused, hearing a quiet Egyptian curse from a nearby bush. Setting down his bags, he piked up a rock and flicked it at the bush, smirking as a louder curse was heard, and blinked in surprise as Bakura's head came out of the top.

"What the HELL was that for?!" Was Bakura's outraged greeting.

"What the hell are you doing hiding in a bush?" Malik countered. Bakura scowled.

"I'm hunting for squirrels. What the hell do you think I'm doing!? I'm hiding from a nearby crazy lady!"

"And why, pray tell, do you need to hide from her?" Bakura grinned.

"Because I told her if she lost twenty more pounds, she could win first place for the Miss Obesity Contest." Malik burst out laughing at that, then paused as an angry yell was heard, and both of htem bolted when the insulted woman came running into view.

Malik slammed his door sht and locked it, both him and the tomb raider leaning against it, gasping for breath. Malik grinned as he gathered his bags and set them in his room.

"Have you been causing trouble all day?" He asked the spirit as Bakura collapsed on his couch.

"Yeah, nothing better to do."

"Thirsty?" Already knowing the answer, Malik tossed a beer into the open hand of the yami, grabbing his own and sitting down beside Bakura. They remained in silence for a while as Bakura tried to picture Malik as his mystery visitor, a mental groan his reaction at the image of Malik's wheat gold hair between his trembling thighs. "Hello? Bakura?" Malik asked, waving his hand in front of the yami's face. Shaking his head, Bakura looked over at him, realizing it was too quiet.

"So where's Ishtar?"

"Probably terrorizing the mall." Was his answer. A grin now in place, Bakura leapt off the couch.

"Thanks for the drink!" He called as he ran off. Malik only grinned, shaking his head in amusement and taking another sip.

Bakura wandered the mall, looking around as he tried to figure out which store Ishtar was in. He wasn't in his usual spot at Hot Topic, he wasn't teasing any of the animals, or messing around with the women at Victoria Secret. He wasn't plowing through meals at the food court, or stealing alcohol from the liquor store, and he wasn't drooling over yaoi manga at the book store.

Hearing an angry yell, the robber blinked in surprise, then smirked, heading for the toy store. <I should have known.> was his only thought.

Bakura watched from just outside the store as the blond spirit argued with a shop clerk as a toy burned at their feet.

"I'm telling you, stuffed toys can't BITE you!"

"Then explain why that damn one just DID!!"

"You're crazy! It's mouth won't even open!"

"And if I just HAPPENED to open it for it? Then what would you say? Huh, Miss Harvard?! Think you're so smart!!"

"That's it! Out, out OUT!!"

Ishtar stumbled as he was shoved out of Toys 'R Us. "You're mother blows a camel!!" He yelled, shaking a fist.

"Having fun, Ishtar?" A deep voice asked from behind him. Smirking, Ishtar turned to see Bakura leaning against the store wall.

"You should know, you showed me this place." Laughing, the two of them continued to ransack the mall, poaching the fish in the pet store, settig books on fire in Chapters, stealing clothes from Hot Topic, bathing in the fountain, throwing food at the movie screen in the theater, and drooling over yaoi manga in the remains of Chapters.

While admiring an issue of his favorite yaoi, Bakura conjured up another image, this time with Ishtar as his visitor.He didn't bother willing away his hard on this time; He just blamed it on the manga. The only thing he worried about was what he shoudl wear to bed tonight, in case the visitor returned.