Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Madness ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
After he and Ishtar had gone separate ways, Bakura wandered through the park, swiping an ice cream off a little kid and blowing a raspberry at the little boy, pulling his eyelid down, then running away when his mother threw a rock at him. Now he wandered down a path, eating the melting chocolate, still trying to figure out who his visitor was.

"It's either Ryou, Malik, or Ishtar. Everyone else has someone, or is straight." He muttered, throwing his ice cream cone at a nearby tree, hitting a squirrel with it. "I just can't figure out which. Malik and Ishtar seem too busy screwing each other senseless, or they should be, and Ryou's too damn shy and innocent." Sighing, he shrugged, heading back to Ryou's.

The moment he stepped inside, he groaned. Both Ryou and Isis were sitting on the couch, holding tissues to their eyes as they watched a soap opera.

"No!" Ryou was sobbing. "Travis CAN'T die!! He and Mandy were going to get married in the spring!!"

"Ashley ALWAYS ruins EVERYthing for them!" Isis agreed, wiping away a tear. "But I didn't think she'd go THAT far!" Rolling his eyes, he tossed his coat onto the couch behind them, jogging up the stairs and closing the door.

Striking a match, he moved around the room, lighting candles and incense, then sat in the middle of his bed, folding his legs and resting his wrists on his knees, closing his eyes as he began thinking deeply.

He was such a deep trance for so long that he didn't notice when the window opened and all the candles went out. However, he DID notice two firm, lush lips crushing to his. Opening his eyes, he was only able to see darkness, but he WAS able to smell. And he picked up the scent of cinnamon. Locking that deep into his mind, he smirked, curling his fingers into soft hair.

"Knew you'd come back soon." He hissed. This time he put up a slight struggle as the person began to tie him down, but quickly stopped as sharp teeth clamped over one of his nipples. Biting back a yelp, he gave in, grinning.

To his surprise, the stranger didn't take as long with foreplay, but made sure his hard on was well lubricated. Bakura caught on to what was happening as he felt his visitor straddle him, and slowly lower himself onto Bakura's erection, both of them letting out a gutteral moan. <Dear Ra, he feels like a virgin....> Was Bakura's last coherant thought before his lover began to ride him, snatching away all ability to think. This was DEFINATELY no virgin.

Ryou waved bye to Isis, then closed the door and looked upstairs, shaking his head with a small smile. "Bakura! Time for supper!" Hearing a moan, the light watched as his dark stumbled downstairs. "Did you fall asleep? You're hair's a worse mess than usual." He questioned softly, blinking in surprise as Bakura blushed. <Well there's a first...>

"Yeah, I.......slept..." He muttered, walking over to the table where his meal was waiting. <...with one of the most amazing people on this Earth.> He added on as he began to eat.

Ryou watched his yami through the entire meal, noticing he didn't plow through like usual, but rather picked at the food in front of him, obviously distracted by something.

"Yami?" Looking up at Ryou, Bakura saw his light had a concerned look on his face. "Did you have a fight with Malik?" Blinking in confusion, he shook his head.

"Why would you ask something that foolish?" Ryou laced his fingers together, resting his chin on the back of his hands.

"I made spare ribs, barely cooked for you, chicken balls with cherry sauce and rice, and red wine. It's your favorite meal, yet you've barely eaten half. After this long, I've come to recongnize when something's troubling you." Sighing, Bakura began to eat, not answering his light's question.

If Ryou was confused before, he was even more stunned AFTER the meal. Bakura had washed the dishes, wiped off the counter, and was now sweeping the floor. Walking over to his yami, he held a hand to his forehead, causing the spirit to swat at his hand with a scowl.

"Would you bug off already?! I haven't fought with anyone!" Ryou raised an eyebrow.

" 'Bug off'? Since when you say 'bug' instead of swearing?" Bakura scowled again, blushing.

"Since you started rubbing off on me. Hey!" He yelped as his light hugged his arm.

"Aww!!! My yami's turning into me! I'm so proud!!" Ryou teased. Bakura sighed, letting his arm go slack as his eyes stared at the celing and he prayed silently to Ra to strike him where he stood. "Soon, you'll be wearing white cardigans, and blue aprons, and you'll start cooking!"

"Oh, hell no!!" His dark half snapped, yanking his arm away and shoving the broom at him, stalking outside. Snickering, Ryou began humming to himself, finishing up the sweeping.

Bakura glared down at the table of his favorite bar, his thoughts occupying his attention to the point where he didn't even notice Malik and Ishtar were here until the two of them sat down beside him.

"So," Ishtar started, startling Bakura out of his thoughts. "You washed the dishes-"

"-Wiped off the counter-" Malik added.

"-AND swept the floor?" Smirking at Bakura's glare, Ishtar shrugged. "Ryou told us ALL about it. Mind explaining?" Bakura scoffed.

"Temporary case of insanity."

"TEMPORARY? Bakura, NOTHING about your insanity is TEMPORARY!" Malik scolded, smirking as he took a drink. Bakura chuckled.

"Fine, temporary case of sanity." All three burst out laughing at that. Malik perked up as he heard Disturbed's Violence Fetish start.

"Oh, we are SO dancing! Come on!" He exclaimed, grabbing the two yamis' hands and hauling them out to the dance floor. Having already been half drunk, the two of them didn't put up a fight, only shrugged and went along with it.

Bakura stood off to the side for a moment, watching dark and light as they began grinding together to the beat, his mouth beginning to water as they made for a very nice picture. Ishtar's left arm was wrapped possessively around Malik's shoulders, holding him up against his chest while Malik linked his hands together behind the dark spirit's neck, using his body for support as he ground his hips into Ishtar's.

Smirking, not willing to be let out of the fun, Bakura came up behind Malik, coiling his arms around his waist, his own hips matching the sensual pace the blond's was rocking at. The Egyptian let out a soft moan at that, leaning his head back to rest against Bakura's shoulder, a smug grin on his face. Bakura inhaled deeply into Malik's hair, trying to pick up the scent of cinnamon. All he could pick up, however, was the smell of the blond's favorite incense, Dragon's Blood.

He sighed silently, discovering the scent of cinnamon was nowhere nearby. He merely shrugged, however, seeing it only as a slight inconvinence for now, and threw himself into the dance, enjoying himself thoroughly.

It was around midnight when the smashed spirit stumbled into the dark, empty house.

"Ryou must have gone somewhere for the night." was all Bakura bothered to mutter out loud. Groaning as the long stairway loomed up in front of him, he decided not to chance a broken neck for a mere bed, and collapsed on the bottom step, out cold.

Cursing angrily as bright light hit his eyes, the tomb robber bolted up, glaring daggers at the offender who'd opened the Ra-damn curtains, then shrunk back into his silk sheets as his hikari gave back an equally scathing glare.

"Have fun last night, yami?" Ryou demanded. Bakura gulped.

"I'm....... not sure..... I don't remember much of it...." Ryou nodded, his fists on his hips.

"So I suppose you don't remember the little gift you left all over the front entrance either, huh?" Bakura winced. Oops. "I've got company coming over. I suggest you get down there and clean it up. NOW." Sighing as his light left, he pushed the covers off.

"And I thought I was a bad morning person..." He muttered, walking over to his dresser and pulling off his sleeping boxers, then froze. He'd passed out on the stairs. How had he ended up in his room? In his boxers?! Looking at the top of the desk, he spotted a note. Snatching it, he realized it was from the visitor, and it was typed so he wouldn't recognize the handwriting.

You know, you're normally drop dead sexy, but not when you're drooling all over the carpet and laying in your own vomit. Of course, I doubt anyone is, but you never know.

Bakura winced at that. "Fantastic...."

I figured you'd get a better night's sleep in clean clothes and your own bed. Also, I washed your hair for you. We ALL know how vain you are, and I didn't think you'd appreciate whatever alcohol you consumed drying in your hair.

"He could at least have cleaned up so Ryou wouldn't have found it." Bakura muttered.

P.S.: Might want to get to the bathroom before your light does. You kinda missed the toilet.

"BAAAAAAAAAAKKKUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!" Cursing, the raider climbed out the window, down the tree and took off up the street into town.

Bakura stormed down the main street of the city, his hands shoved into his jacket and glaring down at the pavement beneath of him. He was mulling over the past days events when a heavy weight slammed hard into his chest, knocking him to the ground.

"OW!! The hell?!" Sitting up and rubbing his head, he scowled in anger as he saw the billionare sitting on his ass as well, glaring at the white haired yami.

"Watch were you're going, theif." The deep voice hissed out at him, raising his anger even more. "I got better things to do than ruining my good outfits." Bakura's last nerve finally snapped.


Kaiba blinked rapidly.

"You skipped your medication this morning, didn't you?" Bakura scowled, shoving to his feet at the same time as Kaiba.

"Don't you got some people to sue, or something, big shot?" He hissed at the CEO. Kaiba only folded his arms, glaring down at the yami.

"No, but I AM late for something, and you're in my way."

"What? Never heard of walking AROUND someone? Or is your ego too big for you to make it around me?"

"Oh, that's not it. I just don't want to risk touching you and catch whatever it is which makes you such a coward that you steal from the dead, since you don't have the balls to face the living." Bakura felt his cheeks heat up at that, and he grabbed hold of the taller teen's shirt collar, then froze. The smell of cinnamon was coming off of Kaiba. <Oh, dear Ra....> An image of Kaiba as his visitor came to mind, and he was shocked to feel it turning him on.

Quickly letting go of the confused CEO, Bakura bolted, and didn't stop running until he'd gotten to Malik's, pounding hard on the door.

"What?! What is so-OW!" Malik snapped as Bakura continued to knock and ended up hiting him in the nose. Bakura blinked.

".....sorry." He muttered, shoving past into the house.

"Oh, yah, sure, ju't cobe ride in." Malik muttered, gripping his nose. Bakura collapsed onto the couch with a sigh, closing his eyes.

"Has Ryou come looking for me here, yet?" Malik nodded, rubbing his nose, then sitting down from across Bakura.

"He looked pretty upset. what did you do?" Bakura closed his eyes.

"Threw up in the entrance way."


"And the bathroom."

"And you didn't think to clean up?" Bakura scoffed.

"Kinda hard to clean when you're passed out on the floor." Malik nodded slightly.

"So the reason you came tearing to my house andalmost broke my nose is because Ryou's mad at you?" Bakura sighed, sitting up and running a hand through his hair, considering telling Malik, then decided against it.

"Yeah, pretty much." Malik scoffed.

"How is this different from any other time you've gotten him mad? Remember when you blew up dinner in the microwave?"

"Anyone can do that!"

"And take out half the wall in the process?" Bakura couldn't help but laugh at that and gladly accepted the beer thrown at him.

"Good point." He then frowned slightly as he picked up the scent of cinnamon. <The hell.....> "Hey Malik."

"What is it?"

"Is it just me, or do I smell cinnamon?" Malik blinked, them smirked.

"Ah, you smell the new fragrance everyone in town got a few days ago in the mail. Kaiba and I got hit the worst since Isis runs exhibits in the museum, and Kaiba has his business. but almost everyone i town is wearing it now. I think Isis left some laying around somewhere." Bakura tried to hide his disappointment at that. <So it wasn't a reliable clue....> He then shrugged and proceeded to help Malik clean out his stash of alcohol.