Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Madness ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Bakura muttered to himself as he curled up to the large body pillow Malik had in his guest room. He'd decided to stay there for the night and give, he hoped, his light some time to cool down. Ra himself would cower before Ryou when the British boy was angry about his precious house being messed up.

Bakura cursed angrily as light hit his eyes and he buried his face into the pillow.

"Why does EVERYONE insist on waking me up THAT way?!" He demanded, lifting his head to glare at the sheepishly grinning Egyptian.

"Because it works the best. Now get up; Isis will be home soon, and you smell terrible from all that alcohol." The tomb raider groaned as he sat up, clutching his head, feeling a massive hangover starting.

"Hey, how come you look fine and dandy, while I feel like shit?" He demanded, glaring halfheartedly at Malik.

"It's called a shower. You should try it sometime." The blond teased. Bakura rolled his eyes, stumbling out of the bed. *Sure; will you be joining me?* He was tempted to say this outloud, but decided against it.

"I think I will. And it was so gracious of you to offer me yours." Bakura said quickly, diving into the room. Malik pounded on the door. "Bakura! Don't use all the hot water this time!! I need to clean the kitchen, and I'd prefer NOT to do it with cold water!!" He scowled as the water hitting the glass walls drowned him out, and then sighed, smirking weakly as he headed downstairs.

Bakura sighed happily as the hot water hit him, stretching with a yawn. He loved staying at Malik's; The Egyptian was the only one to match Ryou's cooking and cleaning habits, and he also loved to get good and wasted every now and then. His thoughts drifted back to his new bed partner, and he found himself wondering what things would be like if it were Malik.

A flashback hit him; he suddenly remembered something about his lover. He'd had what felt like a horizontal scar on his hip. Bakura decided he was going to have to get more serious about this search, even if it meant shoving his hand down the pants of every man in this town. Hell, he'd done far worse in the past.

Malik shook his head as he listened to Bakura's shower last for a good half an hour, then decided the theif had gotten enough time and headed to the second bathroom. Leaning his head out of the door, he listened to the sounds upstairs as he flushed the toilet. A loud yelp was heard, then a long string of curses in Japanese and Egyptian, and then the door slammed open. "Uh oh." Looking around quickly, the blond bolted for the door, only to be tackled by an enraged and cussing form, which, he was guessing, seemed to only be in a towel.

"Dirty rotten trick!!" Bakura snapped. Malik laughed, squirming free and taking off out the door.

"Maybe now you'll learn to keep your showers short, 'Kura!!" He yelled back as he disappeared down the street. Grumbling, Bakura slammed the door shut and stormed upstairs, planning on using up the REST of the Egyptian's hot water, just to spite him. And maybe all his cold too, after that little romp.

A few hours later, Bakura had begun his search. His first target(because it was bugging the hell out of him) was Kaiba. Ever since the encounter, he'd been a little jumpy about the billionaire, and he wanted to clear things up as quickly as possible. But how...? A smirk crossed his face as an idea hit him, and he headed for down-town Domino.

After spending a few hours at Hot Topic, he finally decided on his outfit and headed for Kaiba Corp, ignoring the sales clerk as she demanded he pay for the clothes he'd taken.

Upon reaching the front doors of the company building, the tomb raider took in a deep breath, then strolled through, paying no head to the secretary as she asked how she could help him, and stepped inside the elevator, pushing the button for the top floor. While he waited, he straightened out his clothes, preparing himself for what he was about to do.

Kaiba was reading through several papers when he heard his door open.

"I'm not seeing anyone right now. Beat it." He growled out. A low chuckle was his answer.

"Now what if I had been a multi-billionaire wanting to make a deal with you? I don't think that greeting was very proper." Clenching his teeth as he recognized the voice, he lifted his head, about to chew out the spirit of the Ring, and quickly decided maybe chewing ON him was a better idea.

Bakura was standing there, arms folded, a smirk on his face. A black, vynal, waist-length coat was over a white silk button-up shirt, the sleeves unbuttoned to show several cuffs with silver studs on them. The spirits slim hips were snugged into tight black leather pants, and black boots finished off the legs, while the Millenium Ring hung from a silver chain. His slanted eyes had a line of black khol underneath of them, making them look more exotic then normal. Kaiba had to remind himself that he was tied down to Yami and Yuugi. He quickly caught himself, and scowled.

"What do you want?" He hissed out, trying to look pissed off while his pants were growing increasingly tighter. Bakura pouted slightly and walked over to his desk, placing his hands on it and leaning forward slightly, so his slightly unbuttoned shirt hinted to the pale muscles beneath of it.

"What, am I not allowed to visit?" The brunet raised an eyebrow.

"Yesterday, you couldn't stand to LOOK at me, and now, all of a sudden, you want to VISIT?" Bakura smiled sweetly, which had an odd effect, making the spirit look even more dangerous as he walked around the desk to sit in front of the CEO.

"And what's wrong with that?" He asked quietly, a single finger tracing over the shoulder of Kaiba's shirt, his trench coat laying over the back of the billionaire's shirt. Kaiba grit his teeth, taking hold of Bakura's hand and pushing it away.

"Considering Yami would be flying at you, tooth and nail if he ever found out?" Bakura smirked, leaning forward again, taking hold of the collar of Kaiba's shirt, pulling him closer as the thief's coat fell back off of him, leaving him in the clinging silk shirt.

"Who says he needs to find out?" The spirit hissed before crushing his mouth to the CEO's. Kaiba stiffened, clenching his hands down on the arms of his chair, refusing to engage in the action; He wouldn't do that to Yami.

Bakura frowned slightly the moment he kissed the CEO. Not because the brunet wasn't responding; He just didn't FEEL right, didn't feel like the one Bakura was looking for. So he let go, shoving Kaiba back in his chair, jumped down off of the desk, grabbed his coat and slung it over his shoulder, strolling back out the door without a word, leaving the billionaire alone, confused, and EXTEMELY turned on.

The spirit stood in the elevator, humming along to the cheesy song playing, thinking. *Kay, it's not Kaiba, and since the Pharaoh and Shrimp are apparently doing the CEO, I'm going to leave them for a last resort.* He frowned slightly, thinking. *Who next...*

Bakura sighed as he looked up at the huge Game shop. "From one rich boy to another..." He muttered, stepping into where Otogi currently resided.

Otogi blinked in surprise as he heard arguing, then raised an eyebrow as he watched the Spirit from the Millenium Ring run through his door, slamming it shut behind him, panting. The thief looked over at Otogi. "Your fan girls are quite possessive." The dice master tilted his head slightly, reminding himself to keep from drooling over Bakura's new wardrobe.

"Tell me, what is so important that you'd brave twenty rabid women?" He asked, folding his arms. To his surprise, Bakura smirked in a sultry way, folding his arms as well.

"Are you saying your not important?" Otogi felt his ego inflate slightly.

"Well, I'm not saying THAT..." Bakura chuckled slightly.

"That's what I thought." Otogi watched as the silver haired boy walked right up to him, and blinked in surprise as he felt slim but well built arms slide around his neck.

"Bakura, what are you..." The raider raised a silver eyebrow.

"Bakura? Usually it's Thief, or Tomb Raider."

"Usually, you try to kill me, not kiss me."

"You have a problem with that? Tied down to anyone?"

"Well... no, not really..." *Just obsessed with a certain blond...* The spirit grinned.

"Good..." He hissed out, crushing his mouth to the black haired boy's. Otogi felt a blush rise up, his eyes widening slightly as a slim hand ran over his shoulder, down his chest, over his stomach and towards his hip, biting back a groan at the ghosting touch.

Bakura smirked, feeling a shudder run through the boy as his hand explored the lithe body. He had to admit, Otogi was quite the speciman. However, when his hand slid under the waist band of the teen's pants, he was unable to find the scar he was looking for. Letting out a disappointed sigh, he pulled away from Otogi, turning away and leaving without a word, leaving another aroused boy speechless.

The spirit scowled, his growling stomach telling him to head home at last. Deciding that if he were going to brave the wrath of his light, he might as well benefit from it, and smirked, planning on seeing if his innocent half was really that innocent.

Ryou heard the door open, and slam closed with his yami's trademark kick, and scowled, preparing to inform his dark about how he didn't appreciate him leaving such a horrid mess.

"Bakura! Just where have you been?" He demanded as his dark strided into the kitchen, and paused as he got a new look at his yami. "W-who do you think you are, leaving such a mess for me to clean..." He trailed off at the smirk Bakura had, his eyes hooded as he looked at Ryou like one would look at their lover. "Bakura, what are you-" He yelped as the spirit pinned the boy to the fridge, his strong hands diving into his hair as his powerful mouth sealed to his.

Ryou felt his knees go weak, and almost fell to the floor, his eyes widening in shock and his face heating up as his yami's tongue gained entrance to his mouth. What had gotten into his dark?! The boy was drop dead hot, and demanding to no end. He'd gotten kisses from his other side before, but they'd never had the boy trembling like he was now.

Bakura smirked as he felt his light practically melt into his arms, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. A quiet moan slipped from the raider's mouth, his hands running through Ryou's hair, then slipping down to wrap around the boy, clutching him close, pressing his hips into the teen's, causing him to stiffen in surprise as he realized just how badly Bakura was aroused.

His left hand slid around to Ryou's front, his thumb running over the soft flesh for a moment before delving under the bo's pants, clutching his hip. Discovering no scar, Bakura only felt a small wave of disappointment, his hand slipping in behind the boy, still inside his pants, and gripped his ass, ripping a yelp of surprise out of the boy that had the thief smirking.

He pulled away after a moment, his hands coming up to frame Ryou's face, the blush warming his hands.

"Damn Ryou, for an innocent, you're quite the kisser." He said softly, patting the boy's cheek, smirking, then heading upstairs, leaving the light weaklegged against the fridge.