Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Madness ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Bakura stared in shock at the young man who sat atop him, struggling to speak, though all he managed to get out was a few words at a time.

"But... you... I... checked, and... the scar... and Shadow Magic, and... It CAN'T be you!" Ryou tilted his head slightly, blinking innocently, which REALLY contradicted the way he was holding his dark down. He then looked over himself, letting out a contemplative 'hmm...'

"Really? 'Cause it sure does look like me..." He lifted his gaze back to his stunned yami's eyes, a smug grin in place.

"But... but Shadow Magic was used to put all the candles out! And how'd you disappear so fast all the time?!" Ryou giggled quietly.

"I asked Ishtar and Yami to help me out a little. You should know Shadow Magic can be cast from a distance, yami." He scolded. *So Ishtar and the Pharoah were in on it the entire time!?* Bakura blinked, still unable to grasp at the fact that his light half was the one who'd been... A groan finished that train of thought.

"But the scar..." Ryou raised an eyebrow, blinking.

"Scar...? OH!" Taking hold of Bakura's hand, he paced it over his bare hip -*When did he get naked...* Bakura couldn't help but think- the OPPOSITE hip he'd checked, and felt the scar on the BACK of the hikari's hip. Ryou just grinned. "I was riding you with my back facing you, foolish thief." Ryou scolded once more. Bakura blinked, then blushed slightly.

"Oh..." Ryou grinned down at his dark. Man, he'd really had him fooled... he should have done this a long time ago...

"And what about when Isis was here-"

"I told her I had to use the bathroom. Are you done with the interrogation?" The white haired boy demanded, leaning over his dark and catching hold of a suddenly taut nipple. All other questions disappeared from Bakura's mind, a groan replacing them as his hands fisted in his light's hair.

However, Ryou's hands vised around his wrists, pinning them to the bed, lifting his head to glare at his yami, which thuroughly shocked the spirit. "Who said you could move?" The light demanded in a voice that was so deepened with lust that Bakura almost came on the spot.


"Or speak?" The teen moved up the older boy's chest, pressing a hungry kiss to the dark's mouth, causing him to melt beneath him. While the dark was distracted, Ryou tied Bakura's hands together with some rope he'd gotten from somewhere, pinning them beneath the spirit's head and regarding the heavily breathing thief. "You move those hands, and I'll tie them to your ankles, then leave you there for the night." He warned, raising an eyebrow until the tomb raider nodded, then resumed his task of tasting the finely sculpted chest beneath of him.

Bakura fought every urge in his body, trying to keep from locking his hands in the soft hair running over his bare skin. DAMN! He thought not knowing who his lover had been was hot... but now... Knowing that it was his lighter half that had aroused him so badly all those times, that was arousing him so badly NOW, that had put him over the edge of insanty over and over was just... UNBELIEVABLE! And now, seeing his hikari take such dominance over him... he felt he could reach orgasm by a single brush of the fingers that were teasing his stomach.

Ryou grinned in satisfaction, watching his yami writhe beneath him, trying desparately to relieve himself without freeing his hands. He'd thought it had been fun with his identity hidden, but seeing Bakura's reaction, that was just priceless. He wished he'd gotten it on film. *Back to buisness...* He thought, his mouth moving over the well toned six pack and tracing around his belly button, feeling the muscles underneath the pale skin flexing repeatedly.

"Ryou..." He heard his dark gasp out, and bit down on the flesh he'd been teasing, feeling the body beneath him jump. Not bothering to 'kiss it better', he moved on, tracing the hip line and moving down along his inner thigh, bypassing the heated arousal that was all but screaming for attention.

The spirit of the Ring bit back a sob of frustration. He would NOT beg his light. Regardless of how good this felt, or how much he longed to feel that amazing mouth on a different part of his anatomy, or how those teeth running over his thigh were driving him crazy, or how that tongue was working him into a larger frenzy... "God DAMN it, Ryou!!" Bakura finally exploded, gritting his teeth as his light drew blood on his thigh. Ryou sat up.

"Bakura..." His light-turned-dark warned, narrowing his eyes seductively. "Do I have to gag you to get you to behave?" Hearing the 'innocent' one suggest such ideas had Bakura shuddering, his orgasm inches away. "Or maybe you've had enough playtime and I should go and visit Malik." Stiffening in shock(and lust) at the new threat, Bakura shook his head rapidly, though his eyes pleaded with Ryou.

A slow grin replaced the warning glare, and Ryou leaned down once more, blowing softly on the heated flesh between the trembling thighs, almost wrenching another plea from the spirit. Almost. *I'm going to KILL Ishtar for this!!*


Malik opened his lust clouded lavender eyes, lifting his head slightly to look down at his yami, who was currently leaving hickeys all along his inner thighs.

"So that's... why Bakura's been... acting so weird?" He managed to gasp out between the pangs of pleasure/pain, shivering as his yami's teeth broke the skin slightly, and lapped up the drops of blood that formed. Ishtar just nodded. "Heh... no wonder he... got you so hot and bothered... maybe you should... help Ryou more often."

Ishtar raised an eyebrow, then rose up to latch onto his light's lower lip, effectively shutting him up as he slid two fingers inside of the blond Egyptian.


Bakura swallowed deeply, shuddering repeatedly as his light's cool breath ran over his burning hard on over and over. *Damn... and I thought I was a sadist...* Those undeniabley soft lips just barely touched the tip of his arousal, and Bakura couldn't help but raise his hips.

He thanked every god he knew when, instead of punishing him again, Ryou complied, encasing his manhood in that hot cavern. The spirit fought to keep from hitting his release immediantly, but as his so called innocent half deepthroated him and swallowed repeatedly, his resolve almost shattered.

His back tried to arch and bow at the same time, his breath leaving him in a gasp as teeth dragged slowly over the sensitive flesh. Then a soft yet firm hand closed tightly around the base of his arousal, cutting him off from his orgasm completely. He would have yelled at his light in several languages, had he not feared having the certain part of his body that was currently in Ryou's mouth bitten.

Bakura shut his eyes, thinking that if he didn't watch, it wouldn't turn him on as badly and torture him so. Unfortunately, this caused his mind to conjure up pictures on it's own, and they were far too erotic for the spirit to bear. He struggled to beg Ryou, struggled to ask for his release, but even breathing at this moment was difficult.

He was so close; the ache in his abdomen and groin were at the point of being painful, yet he could do nothing about it as his hands were not allowed to be moved, and RYOU'S hand was holding him at the edge, yet preventing him from falling off.

He finally opened his eyes, and looked down at his crotch to be met with chocolate. The hikari's eyes were open and watching him, a smirk shining in them as he continued to drive his dark even more insane, his tongue constantly exploring the hardened flesh in his mouth.

Finally, the light's mouth slipped off, causing the dark to collapse back against the bed, his eyes closed again, his chest heaving. Feeling a pang of pleasure so sharp, it hurt, he bolted up slightly, looking down at his light. Ryou had leaned his chin against the yami's hip, his cheek nuzzling the hardon that was, if possible, becoming harder. "Something wrong, Bakura-chan?" He taunted, irking the yami with the nickname AND the antics he was playing at.

Knowing he wasn't allowed to speak, he resorted to glaring at his light. Pulling a laugh from the boy, he watched as Ryou finally released his hardon, but didn't touch it; He only sat there, regarding his panting, sweating dark half. Getting to his hands and knees, he crawled over his yami, being careful not to touch the raging arousal, and came to a stop when his face was level with the tomb raider's again. "Bakura, do you have any idea how fucking sexy you are?" He whispered, exciting the dark even more with the dirty talk.

Bakura almost cried with joy as Ryou's hand drifted down his chest and stroked his stiff member, but froze as he still didn't come. Seeing the confusion apparantly, the demonic innocent just smirked, tracing his finger around the ring he'd slipped over his dark's manhood during the blowjob. Again, Bakura could have cried, but for an entirely different reason. "Don't worry, Yami, you'll get your finish. I just don't want you to end our fun too soon." The light explained, his fingers brushing over the raider's crotch still.

The spirit was close to foaming. His light was acting like HIM!! After a moment, Ryou pressed a kiss to his dark's mouth, his free hand moving off to the side, searching for something. Bakura just whined in frustration. He no longer cared about his dignaty. Yes, he was having one of the best fucking times with his light, but his aching groin was driving him insane! He HAD to relieve the pressure somehow.

"Ryou..." He pleaded quietly against the soft lips. Teeth sunk down on his lower lip in response. Cursing the damn cock ring that held him at bay, he watched as his hikari turned his attention to whatever he was retrieving that was out of the dark's line of view.

After a few moments, Ryou turned back to his dark, pressing a flesh burning kiss to the spirit. Bakura melted into the kiss so far that he didn't notice Ryou's hand moving until two fingers slid inside him. Yelping in surprise, he broke the kiss, groaning as those fingers flexed and teased him slowly and deliberately.

Ryou remained quiet, enjoying watching the expressions on his yami's face. The poor guy was trying to speak and moan at the same time. After a moment, he lowered his head and once more closed his lips over the hardened flesh on his dark's delicious chest, teasing the nipple as a third finger slid inside Bakura's writhing body.

A shudder coarsed through the dark as a dry finger joined the other two, expanding him even more. He didn't know whether to kill his light or thank him. This was by far one of the best times he'd ever gotten laid, yes. But still! Now he knew how his past lovers felt when HE tortured them this way.

His train of thought was disturbed as his darkened light pulled out of him, a growl sliding from his throat at the empty feeling he recieved. Ryou just lifted his head, grinning, and pressed a sweet kiss to his other half. "Ah, Yami. The fun's just beginning." He assured the very frustrated spirit as the light kneeled between the trembling thighs.