Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Veils ❯ Midnight Veils ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't Yugioh and I never will but this story is mine.

(???/Yugi or Seto) is used a lot and so are these (`') for certain things.

This is a Fantasy/General story with hints of Suspense and Angst. It took me forever to write so I hope I did a good job. It's a bit psychological and It's my first R fic. Enjoy!

Midnight Veils

One blustery afternoon in Domino, Yugi Motou and Seto Kaiba were walking home from school when they heard a strange sound, which sounded like a haunting, yet, morbid tune.

"What was that?" asked Yugi as he looked behind them.

"I don't know," replied Seto, "but it sounded creepy."

The boys walked on when the same music was heard from behind them a second time. They turned around and saw absolutely nothing. They tried to run, just to get away from the ghostly song but they started to feel like a hypnotic, dreamlike rapture had overtaken them. Yugi and Seto tried not to collapse; unfortunately, the mesmerizing enchantment had caused them to lose their balance and fall. They landed in the arms of two cloaked figures and the last thing Yugi and Seto saw before going under, was a winged symbol that looked like the Millennium Eye with a halo and wings.

Back at the Game Shop, Yami, Solomon, and the others were becoming very worried. Mokuba, who was also at the Game Shop because his big brother wasn't home yet, was terrified.

"Seto's usually home by now," the small boy squeaked as he looked at the clock as the time said five.

"Yugi's never been this late either," said Solomon as his eyes stayed on the window.

"What do you think happened to them?" asked Tea.

"Kaiba, Yugi, where are you?" thought Yami as he stared out of the window.

That night, Yami decided to try something, he had to be careful because he didn't want to wake up Solomon or Mokuba. Mokuba, who was sleeping over because he was too scared to go back home, was sleeping on the couch and looked peaceful. Yami bundled up and climbed to the roof of the Game Shop. He tried to use his mental link with Yugi to find them. Yami used every bit of his powers to find them but, instead of Yugi's soul room, he found a pink rabbit taunting him and singing "Give up the angels, they'll soon be taken so that the master's wife will awaken!" Yami fell down and was so angry.

"Yugi, Kaiba," growled Yami, "They've been kidnapped!"

Meanwhile, in a Medieval-like room filled with multi-colored tapestries and a large painting of a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Yugi and Seto, still asleep, were placed on two large, golden pedestals and bound to it by their wrists and ankles. Their arms and legs spread apart as the ropes that were binding them were ripping the material of their shirts and pants. A cloaked figure with a giant book whispered an incantation and a sea green mist hovered over their eyes. Yugi and Seto felt their eyes fluttering open and started to panic when they discovered that they couldn't move.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" screamed Yugi as he tugged on the ropes.

"WHY ARE WE HERE?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" shouted Seto as fear built in his voice.

Both boys were very frightened and were starting to tremble. They looked at their surroundings and were terrified. They saw many cloaked figures start to dance around them and noticed the leader, who was reading out of a huge book, clapped his hands and the others stopped dancing. The leader floated over and touched the faces of the two alarmed and quaking boys.

"When I sacrifice you two," the leader cruelly said in an undertone, "I'll have my darling wife back in my arms." With those words, all the cloaked figures left and Yugi and Seto started to whimper and cry out of fear. The cloaked figures returned a night later and they were all holding candles. As the leader was reading from the colossal volume, Yugi and Seto saw a blue-violet star system inside of a portal that was forming in front of the painting of the blonde woman. They saw the woman in the painting at the entrance of the empyrean realm. She looked so beautiful and happy that they stopped crying to look at her. The leader threw off his hood and exclaimed, "My Darling Cecelia! At last we can be reunited!"

Yugi and Seto saw the leader's face and screamed, "PEGASUS?!" Then, their minds went blank and they lost all consciousness.

Meanwhile, Yami and the others were being very worried about the other two when the former Pharaoh felt a sharp pain in both his head and his heart. He crumpled into a ball and almost hit the floor when Bakura and Duke caught him.

"They're gone," he sadly murmured.

"What did you say?" asked Mai.

"Yugi and Kaiba are gone, Mai," Yami softly spoke as tears fell from his eyes, "They have been sacrificed. Just like the pink rabbit in my vision prophesied."

Yami told them all about what happened when he tried to find Yugi and Seto thought the mind link and everyone was crushed. They were all crying and Mokuba was so distraught that his whole body shook while he was sobbing. No one could believe that their friends were gone and they all wished they knew what happened to them.

TBC! What's going on?! Will Seto and Yugi survive?! R&R!