Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Millennium Adventure ❯ Puzzles ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-gi-oh

Millennium Adventure



"Is there something you would like to tell me Grandpa?" Yugi asked. He had spiky hair that was mostly black, except for the red outline and the golden bangs. He was the prince of the country Dualo which was really just a big island. His father had died ten years before along with his brother. Today was Yugi's fifteenth birthday and his grandpa, the king, called him to the Throne Room.

"Yes there is a lot for you to know young one." The king handed Yugi a golden box. "This is called the Millennium Puzzle. There are two of them. The other one was given to your brother before he died. This is no ordinary puzzle, Yugi. It has been passed down through the ages along with a prophecy."

"What is it Grandpa?"

"In a time of trouble one will find the light and one will march on."

"That's all?"

"Yes, confusing isn't it?"

"It probably has to do with the people that the puzzles are destined to be solved by."

"Yes, I wonder when the time will come for the prophecy to be carried out."


"You already have it started?"

"Yeah, this one is going to take a long time."

"No one in the past has been able to put even two pieces of that puzzle together and know you come and get two pieces together right away."

"No one has gotten even two pieces together before?"

"No, and you should start getting ready for this evening."

"This evening?"

"Yes, you are fifteen know and at age to be presented to the public."

"Oh," Yugi said as he left.


"Watcha doin' Yug?" Jounouchi is Yugi's best friend asked. He had shaggy brown hair and was a lot taller than his friend even though he was only a few months older. Yugi looked up from working on the puzzle.

"I'm just working on this," he said showing Jou the puzzle.

"That thing looks hard."

Click Yugi got another piece in the puzzle.

"It's not as hard as it looks." Yugi already had the whole top of the puzzle finished.

"Where ja get it?"

"Grandpa gave it to me."


"I can't believe no one was able to put any of it together before me though. It's really rather easy."

"That thing don't look easy to me."

"You know that Yugi's always been good at puzzles Jou." A girl with shoulder length brown hair stepped into the room.

"Yeah, in fact, he's good at anything that uses his brain. That's something you don't have." A guy with brown hair that stood up in one spike said coming into the room.


"Hey what?"

"Would you two just knock it off."

"Yes prince Yugi," they both said at the same time.

"Call me Yugi, alright?"

"Sure Yug."

"Hello guys," a boy with white hair said, "will they ever stop calling you prince Yugi, I mean they've known you for a very long time."

"I don't know."


"What's that Yugi?" Ryou, the white haired boy, asked.

"This is a puzzle my grandpa gave me. He said it is supposed to be very difficult, but it doesn't seem that way to me."

"It certainly looks difficult."

"Looks can be deceiving."


"Yugi's the best at puzzles anyway," Anzu said.

"True, no one has ever beaten him, not even his grandpa who is also very good."


"Whoa, that thing's already almost half done," Honda commented.

"I told you it's really very easy."

"Well then, how come you are the only one who has been able to put any of it together?"

"I was probably destined to." Suddenly he stiffened up.

"What is it Yug?" Asked Jou.

"Danger, there's something wrong."

"Are you sure?" Anzu asked.

"Yes I can sense it." Yugi always seemed to be able to sense danger before it came. "Come on let's go see if we can find out, before it's too late."

"After you, my prince," Honda said.

"Call me Yugi, okay?"

"Whoops forgot again."

"Let's just go." The group left the room and headed for the outer wall where they would be able to see if something was wrong. Before they made it to the wall a ton of arrows started falling from the sky. One of them hit Yugi on the shoulder before the group made it back inside.

"Well you were right Yugi, there definitely is danger." Just after Anzu said this she noticed that Yugi was hit. "Yugi! We need to get you to a healer."