Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Millennium Gold: The seX Philes ❯ Phile 5: Captive ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This chapter contains: kidnapping, Tarzan-style loincloths, liquid latex, and yaoi, which they should sell to me in cans, lol.

DISCLAIMER: They ain't mine, okay?

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~~* *~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Ryou Shiroi sat down in his room, looking at a copy of a letter he'd sent to Millennium Gold last week. He wondered if it was actually gonna play out, or if he'd get a response.. Sighing, he reread the letter again.

~*~ Ryou Shiroi
3211 Just Desserts Lane
Domino City, JA 103211-0074

To: Millenium Gold, Inc.
PO Box 10069
Domino City, JA 10069-0072

Dear Amethyst and Sapphire,

My name is Ryou Shiroi, and I have a fantasy request. I've always wanted to know what it would be like to be someone's sex slave. I'd like to be taken somewhere secluded and basically made to be someone's little whore for an evening. Most people don't believe I have this in me, since I am quiet and shy around others. It's always been a fantasy of mine that I've never told anyone... until now.

I can pay whatever you ask, since I know this is going to be a bit costly. I prefer only males, so if you have someone dangerous and forbidding to carry this out, then please do so.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Ryou Shiroi ~*~

Ryou raked a hand through his shoulder-length white hair, then sighed loudly again. So far, no word from the company on if they were gonna do it. He hoped they would, as he'd never have the balls to ask someone else to do this for him. He stood, changing form his clothes to his pajamas quickly. Yawning. he walked over to his bed and climbed in it. He leaned over and turned the light off on his nightstand, still wondering if he'd ever get his fantasy. Within minutes, he was asleep.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~* ~* ~*~*~*~*~

A figure dressed in black ninja-style gear stood outside Ryou's room's window in a tree. Cool brown eyes surveyed the boy who looked a great deal like him asleep on the bed. Diamond smirked underneath his face mask. 'This should prove to be fun,' he thought wryly. 'The kitten wanted someone dangerous to carry this out? Well, he's got it.'

He reached into a side pouch on his pants and pulled out a blindfold. With an almost feline grace, he leaped down from the tree. Carefully and stealthily, he raised the window up, sliding in Ryou's room like a black snake. He slinked slowly over to the bed, so that he was facing Ryou's back. Moving as slow as possible, he slipped the blindfold over Ryou's eyes, which made the boy jump up in shock. "What the hell??!!??"

"Shut up," Diamond hissed, deliberately making his voice sound gruffer than it actually was. "You utter one more sound, and I will knock you out."

"T-there's money in m-my top desk drawer," Ryou whispered fearfully, trembling like a fallen maple leaf. "P-please, just t-take it and let me go!"

"I said QUIET!" Diamond hissed, giving Ryou a little shake. "Get out of that bed, and come with me."

"W-where are you taking me?" Ryou whispered.

"Somewhere secluded and private. I have no need for your money--I've gotten my treasure in you. You're beautiful, and I want you. Now, no more questions. Let's go."

After getting some shoes and a jacket for Ryou, Diamond cuffed Ryou's hands and led him to the car Sapphire had lent him, a sleek black Prowler.

Diamond ripped his head mask off, letting his pale silvery hair fall to his shoulders. He buckled Ryou into the seat, and started the car's engine. With a roar, the Prowler came to life, and off they went, to Fantasy Mansion # 2's private cove. (A/N: It's fitting that a thief would drive a car called a Prowler, isn't it? LOL!)

Diamond raced the car to the cove. After using the back entrance, where if Ryou managed to escape him, he wouldn't be able to see the mansion. After parking the car, he unbuckled Ryou from the seat beat and grabbed his cuffed hands.

"Come on."

With that said, Ryou let himself be led into the cove, which was actually a cave. The cove was a small man made cave that held a large bed, all sorts of sex toys, carpet(yes, carpet), and lots of candles lit. Of course, Ryou couldn't see this. He just knew he was somewhere he didn't want to be with a guy who'd basically kidnapped him.

"If I take the mask and cuffs off, will you promise not to scream or run?"


"I should hope you mean it. If you break your promise, I will be forced to punish you."

"I-i won't break my p-promise."

"Good for you."

Diamond then unlocked the cuffs, freeing Ryou's hands. He then slowly came behind the boy and lifted the blindfold off his eyes. Ryou turned around, getting ready to blister his captor with his words when he let out a shocked gasp.

"Y-you l-look like..."

"Yes, I am aware of our resemblance. Now do you see why I wanted you?"

"What do you plan to do with me?" Ryou whispered fearfully.

"Fuck you, of course. What other reason did you think I wanted you for?"

Ryou frowned angrily, then said, "I am NOT a whore! How dare you, you bloody bastard?"

Diamond laughed, then said, "You're so beautiful when you're angry. I can't leave you upset, now can I?"

"Fuck you, you bastard! I demand you take me home right now, or I shall scream!"

"Scream and you'll regret it," Diamond whispered menacingly.

Ryou glared at Diamond angrily, then opened his mouth to scream. Before he could get one syllable out, he found himself tackled to the floor with a very angry Diamond on top of him.

"I told you you'd regret it, it didn't I?" Diamond hissed. "Punishment time!"

With that said, Diamond ripped Ryou's pajama top away from him, leaving his chest bare. Because of the chilly air in the cave, his nipples responded to the stimulus instantly. Diamond grinned, then claimed Ryou's mouth in a harsh, bruising kiss. Ryou gasped, then arched his back as he felt Diamond bite one of his nipples, then lick it to soothe it. He gave the other nipple the same attention, then leaned back smugly.

"Do I still scare you, chibi ichi?"

"You bastard... you're using my body against me!"

"You like it... I can feel your hard dick pressing against my thigh right now, so shut up," Diamond said nonchalantly. "Now, let's have some fun."

Diamond stood up, then walked over to a chest standing in the corner. He opened it, then pulled out a loincloth. Turning, he flung it at Ryou, who had the opportunity to run out, but chose not to.

"Put this on. Take everything off."

Ryou glanced at the scrap of cloth in disbelief, then looked up at Diamond.

"You've got to be kidding me! This will barely cover anything!"

"Exactly. Now put it on, or get punished."

Angrily, Ryou stood up and slipped his pajama pants and shoes off. He was about to remove his underwear when he noticed Diamond was still watching.

"A little privacy, please."

"No. I want to see this. No need to be ashamed, Ryou, you have a nice body."

Ryou gulped, but complied. Diamond's mouth watered at the sight of the slender boy's nicely built body. Not buff, like wrestlers, but finely muscled, and toned. Ryou snapped on the loincloth, feeling more naked than he ever had in his life.

"Go lie on the bed, little one."

Ryou complied, not wanting to upset Diamond further. He thought of something--he didn't know his captor's name.

"Please, tell me your name."

"What for?" Diamond asked, stripping from his ninja outfit and staying only in his boxers. "You need to know whose name to call out in pleasure?"

Ryou gulped, then nodded.

"I am Diamond."

Ryou nodded, then laid back on the bed as Diamond approached him. Sitting next to him on the bed, Diamond reached out and ran his hands along Ryou's long, pale legs. Ryou shuddered, then looked up at Diamond fearfully.

"So beautfiul, so afraid. My little captive. I will not harm you as long as you comply and do as I say," Diamond purred seductively.

Ryou nodded nervously, wondering why he agreed to this. 'Maybe because you've always wanted to be at someone's mercy,' his traitorous brain whispered. Ryou shook his head, then looked at Diamond again, who was grabbing two buckets.

"In these buckets is liquid latex. I will pour some on you. Do not touch it until it dries. Do you understand, my little captive?"

"Yes, Diamond."

"Good." Diamond leaned in and ran his tongue around Ryou's lips teasingly, then pulled back. he spread a garbage bag on the floor and bade Ryou to stand on it. Once Ryou had done so, he unbuckled the loincloth, leaaving Ryou naked under his hot chocolate gaze. Ryou blushed self-conciously and tried to cover himself, but one glare from Diamond told him that wouldn't be wise. Diamond opened the first bucket, revealing dark blue liquid latex. In a slow, soothing motion, he gently poured the latex onto Ryou's body, starting from his shoulders. He left his nipples, penis, hands, and ass bare.

"Now, you do me. Do the exact same thing I did, and leave the exact same areas bare."

Ryou nodded, then opened the second bucket. Its contents were a deep purple. Ryou poured the mix onto Diamond's now nude body as well, marvelling in the fact that he and Diamond nearly looked like twins, except Diamond had a bigger penis and a fiercer expression.

After about thirty minutes, the latex dried. It felt like wearing a facial mask all over your body. It was tight and seductive feeling.

"You look good, Mystique," Diamond said, grinning slightly. (A/N: Mystique, for those who don't watch X-Men, is an awesome shape-shifting female with dark blue skin. GOOOO Rebecca Romjin-Stamos!)

Ryou blushed, and returned the sentiment. Diamond then walked over to his pleasure table and picked up a soft braided blue rope. Brown eyes met brown eyes as Diamond slowly tied Ryou's hands together.

"Why are you--"

"No questions. You are my little whore now, and I do as I please. To keep you from asking questions, I will now gag you."

Ryou didn't even have time to yelp as a rubber ball attached to laces to tie around his head was shoved into his mouth (A/N: I call them "slave balls," since I don't know exactly what they ARE called, so I let my imagination run with that one.). Ryou's eyes widened slightly and he stared at Diamond alomst fearfully.

Diamond smiled, then shoved Ryou down on the bed. Taking a tube of lubricant and a vibrator, he slowly oiled the false phallus, then gently inserted it into Ryou's opening. Ryou groaned around the slave ball, then arched his hips upward for more contact.

"My little whore likes that, doesn't he?"

With a head nod, Ryou answered yes.

Diamond grinned, then said, "My little whore will LOVE this, then." He turned the vibrator on, sliding it in and out of Ryou gently. Ryou arched his back and gave a muffled cry out, then Diamond hit a wonderful spot inside him that made him see stars. Diamond smiled his predator smile, then jabbed that spot again, making Ryou arch his back and come forcefully.

Diamond laughed, then cleaned up the evidence of Ryou's release with a hand towel kept on the pleasure table for that purpose. He then slipped the vibrator out of Ryou, laughing when he groaned a protest. Sliding down Ryou's latex-covered body carefully, he took Ryou softening member in his hands, skillfully exciting him to another erection.

"I want to fuck you now," DIamond hissed. "I like rough sex, and I will do you roughly, but not to the point of pain. Understand, little whore?"

Ryou nodded yes.

With an assenting sound, Diamond grabbed the earlier used lubricant. He slathered his rather large arousal with a generous amount, then mounted Ryou. He pushed Ryou's still bound hands over his head, then slowly pushed into Ryou. Ryou cried out, his eyes widening at the intrusion.


Ryou tried to obey, but it felt like he was being ripped apart. His cries turned into pleasure-filled moans as Diamond skillfully jabbed his prostate again and again, making Ryou buck wildly.

Diamond was indeed rough with Ryou, but not so much as to cause him real pain. He fucked Ryou like a whirlwind, like a squall coming over the sea. Their lovemaking was so hot and fierce, the liquid latex begin to melt from the heat.

Diamond grabbed one of Ryou's legs, placing it on his shoulder. Ryou cried out loudly as he could around the slave ball as Diamond used near animalistic force and jabbed his prostate over and over again from that angle. Diamond gripped Ryou's hips hard, slamming the boy roughly with the force of his approaching orgasm. Suddenly, Ryou screamed, coming all over his stomach and hitting Diamond in the chest. With an answering growl, Diamond came equally hard, filling Ryou to overflow with his own release.

Diamond ripped the rope from around Ryou's wrists, then snatched the slave ball out of his mouth and off his head. Grabbing Ryou by the back of the neck, he kissed him fiercely, amazed at the amount of passion and sexuality in this little kitten. He let Ryou go, then instructed him to sit up. Ryou complied, even though his back hurt like hell. Diamond then instructed Ryou to begin peeling the latex off his body, and his would peel his off--at least what hadn't melted.

Once the boys were freshly peeled, Diamond led Ryou to a waterfall outside of the cove. Tenderly, he sat Ryou down in the tepid water and gently bathed him. (A/N: awwwwwwwww.) Ryou returned the sentiment. After bathing, Diamond led Ryou back to the cove and instructed him to get dressed. Ryou complied, then Diamond led him to the Prowler, which was still outside. Diamond blindfolded Ryou once again, then took him back to his house. Once he made sure Ryou was inside, he sped off.

Ryou took the blindfold off, then stood in disbelief in his living room. He'd behaved like a trained whore... just like he'd always dreamed. Like he always dreamed...

As fast as his aching ass would let him, Ryou ran upstairs to his desk. He reread the letter he'd written again, then reached into his jacket pocket. He found a crumpled note. He unfolded the note, and began to read.

*~* I hope your fantasy was to your satisfaction, koneko. Call on me again, anytime you feel the urge to be slutty.
And always remember,

Diamond is forever. *~*

Ryou grinned.

Another happy customer at Millennium Gold........

*~*~*~*~~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Well now, how was that? I started to make Ryou sluttier, but changed my mind. That was a long one, and not as graphic as my other philes. Don't worry, if you didn't really like this one, you'll like the next, trust me. I'll be taking on one of my requests. Which one? Stick around and find out! Plus I think before the actual phile, Otogi is gonna pass his "entrance" exam to be a fantasy giver. That promises to be hella good, since he has to take on Amethyst and Sapphire--masters of their game. Oh yeah!

Koneko means "kitten" in Japanese. Oh and earlier in the story, Diamond called Ryou chibi ichi, whic literally means "little one."

Liquid latex is the shit! I like it a lot, and it feels like you're in a hardening body mask. Yeah, I'm a freak, lol! But, *pointing next to me* blame my husband. He's corrupted my pure soul!! (yeah, right)

Ryou had ample time to escape Diamond's clutches, but chose not to. He's a bigger pervert than originally thought huh? He wanted to be a whore and behave outside of the norm. I'd say he did a smashing good job, eh? LOL!!!

R&R sweeties!