Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Millennium Moon Items ❯ Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Five
Me: Don't own, don't sue, on with the fic.
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Everyone in the cafeteria had seen what Iris had told Tea. They were very eager for their own fortunes told, but the bell rang. Disappointedly, everyone trudged to their 7th Period Class.
Science Class
Iris and Lily walked into the Science Lab, and seeing no teacher to direct them into their seats, they chose two in the back, and called them theirs.
Mr. Makaziko breezed through the door, and without even noticing that he had two new students in his class, he started his lecture on gravity.
“Gravity is the force that pulls us downwards to Earth. Sir Isaac Newton discovered this theory while sitting under an apple tree, when an apple fell on his head,” Mr. Makaziko paused here and laughed uproariously, as if it was the funniest joke ever.
The rest of the class just stared back, sweat-dropping.
“Now, who can tell me who discovered the theory of gravity?” Mr. Makaziko asked, completely forgetting that he had just given the answer less than a minute ago. He was a very short termed memory person.
Again, the class sweat-dropped. A few students tentatively raised their hands, Iris and Lily among them.
“Ah yes…you there, Joey, what's the answer?” Mr. Makaziko asked.
“I dink it's Sir Nassac Ewton?” Joey guessed stupidly. (a/n *dodges Joey fans* Sorry, I just had to make him do that!)
“No, I'm sorry Mr. Wheeler. Anyone else want to give it a try?” Mr. Makaziko asked again, looking around. “You, yes you. Your name is…” At this point, the science teacher consulted his class roster list. “Oh, yes. Your name is Iris. What's the answer?”
“Sir Isaac Newton,” Iris answered dully.
“Have you been in my class before? I don't recall seeing you here,” Mr. Makaziko wiped his balding head with a hanker chief.
“I'm new, along with Lily,” Iris answer back.
“Oh! Yes! I have two new students today!” the teacher exclaimed.
//Dimwit// Iris said to Lily through the mind link.
/Totally/ Lily agreed.
“We will be doing an experiment on gravity today, class!”
At these words, the class perked up. Doing experiments was always better than taking notes.
“Now, I will be giving you a series of objects to drop from desk level. You are to time how long it takes for it to drop to the ground. Then, you must make an assumption as to why it took that long to drop. Get yourself a partner, and let's begin,” Mr. Makaziko instructed.
The class did as they were told, and the teacher went about giving out the objects. Each group got a feather, a book, a piece of paper, a pencil, and a rubber band.
“So…I guess we should get started?” Lily asked her Yami.
“I suppose so,” Iris replied.
Lily dropped the objects named above one by one, and Iris timed. The feather dropped the slowest, followed by the paper, then the rubber band, then the pencil, and then lastly, the book. (a/n I'm assuming that…)
“Ok, so the feather dropped the slowest because it's the lightest,” Lily said, writing this down.
“Mmm…you can do the work. I'm boy watching,” Iris murmured, gazing around the room.
“Gee, thanks,” Lily said sarcastically. “You can do the dishes tonight then.”
“Fair deal,” Iris said, her eyes resting on a certain white-haired tomb robber.
Bakura just happened to look up and se that Iris was looking at him. (a/n Maybe from his years as a robber, he'd know if someone was looking his way? o.0) He grinned, slowly and seductively. Iris stared back, undaunted. She knew that numerous girls threw themselves on this sexy robber, but she was not one of them.
“Done,” Lily said triumphantly, “Now, who's that you're staring at?” Her eyes traveled to where Iris's rested. “Aaaah…one of the Brits. Wasn't he the one that wanted you to meet him after school?”
“Yep,” Iris replied, eyes still on the tomb raider. “I think his name's Bakura or something like that.”
“Yeah…” Lily turned her head and focused on another person.
The CEO had already finished his work way before anyone else did, and was leaning back in his chair, staring into space. His brown hair fell gently into his azure eyes, and he impatiently brushed them away again and again. He was oblivious to the stares of many girls in the class. He was used to this after all, always being on TV and whatnot.
“Well hikari, looks like you've found a guy too,” Iris teased.
“Maybe,” Lily replied, still gazing at Seto Kaiba.
Sure, she and her yami have had lots of admirers, but never were they good enough for them. They didn't have any class at all. No style, and they practically tripped over their own feet trying to impress them.
The bell soon rang, and everyone walked out to his or her last period.
“Social Studies now,” Iris said, consulting her schedule.
“This way I think,” Lily said, walking across the hall. “Yeah, this is it. It says Mrs. Katiyoko on the schedule right?”
“Yeah,” Iris replied.
The moment they walked into the classroom, they had to endure the teacher's questions about where they were from, and all of those stupid questions that nosy people asked.
Iris brushed off the questions, giving short and brusque answers.
“You sit over there Lily,” Mrs. Katiyoko said, pointing behind Bakura. “Iris, you sit behind Seto Kaiba.”
Lily noted with a smirk that Bakura looked crestfallen. No matter, she could spend the class period telling Bakura about what Iris liked.
“Hey sexy,” Lily said, sliding into her seat.
Bakura gave Lily a glare that clearly meant `Not interested.'
“Yeah, I know. I was giving you a compliment, sheesh. I was just going to tell you about Iris, but if you're going to be that way…” Lily trailed off.
Bakura did not reply, and the class went on uneventfully. The students just took notes about the Civil War that had happened in America. Suddenly, five minutes before the bell rang, Bakura unexpectedly turned around and said to Lily, “She's your Yami, isn't she?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” Lily said, taken aback, not expecting the question. “The other Snow Brit is your hikari too right?”
“If you mean Ryou, yeah,” Bakura said, smiling a bit. Snow Britnow that's an interesting term. I'll use it to embarrass him in public.
Lily smiled too. “I'm assuming you want to know about Iris then?”
Before Bakura could answer, Mrs. Katiyoko said sharply, “Bakura, please turn around and answer me.”
“What was the question, lady?” Bakura asked, not caring if he was being rude.
“My name is Mrs. Katiyoko, and if I hear such rudeness again, you will be sent to the principal's office,” the teacher threatened.
“Yeah, yeah,” Bakura said. Inwardly, he thought `I've robbed tombs, killed guards, almost faced death…does she honestly think a foolish human mortalcould scare me? I've got 5,000 years of knowledge, for Ra's sake! School is such a waste of time…'
“Now Bakura, who was the president during the Civil War?” The Social Studies teacher asked sternly.
“Abe Lincoln,” Bakura replied.
“Good, now learn to pay attention some more will you? Instead of flirting with the new girls?” the teacher said, obviously trying to make this unruly student embarrassed.
However, she clearly failed. Lily looked like she would die of boredom, and Bakura acted like Mrs. Katiyoko was just another poster on the bulletin board behind her.
Iris, though, was very amused. //He was flirting with you?// she asked her hikari.
/Nope. He was just asking if you were my Yami/ Lily replied.
//What'd you say then?//
/That we were. The other Brit is his hikari too./
//Thought so.//
Their conversation was cut off when the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Everyone rushed out, and Iris and Lily walked out together.
“I'll see you later then?” Lily asked slyly.
“What do you mean?” Iris asked, feigning stupid-ness.
“Come one, don't tell me you've forgotten about your little meeting with Bakura?” Lily teased.
Iris laughed, “I'll see you later then,”
The girls parted ways, Lily walking home, and Iris walking to the front of the school, where the flagpole stood.
With Lily
Lily walked home slowly, not in a big hurry. As she walked, she noticed that a big limo was also going in the same direction on the way home. Hm…I wonder who's in the limo? She asked herself. Oh, wait. That must be Seto Kaiba. He's the owner of his own company if I remember the gossip right.
The limo quickly left Lily in its dust, but when Lily reached her own mansion, she saw that the mansion next to hers, about a few hundred yards away, had the same limo from before. Kaiba lives there! Lily exclaimed through the mind link accidentally.
//What was that hikari?// Iris asked.
/Huh? Oh nothing, it's just that Kaiba's our neighbor. Is Bakura there yet?/
//Nope. Oh wait, I see him coming. Talk to you later hikari.//
/See ya./
Joanna: Heh…wonder what Iris's gonna do with Bakura eh? Get a little bit chummy? I'll update soon, ONLY if you're reviewing!