Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ What You Wagered ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I own nuzzling, not even my toothbrush.

A/N: As originally posted of ff.net... [facefault] Oh, and did I mention I don't own this story either? Uh, yeah, I used to, but I'm disowning it! Yeah! Er? Fine, I admit it, I'm guilty. [hangs head in shame] Malik is soooooo OOC that it's not even... Well, actually it is funny, insanely funny, which honestly wasn't what I was aiming for. TT_TT Hey, what can I say; I somehow feel that it's my duty to make up excuses for my early stories... But at least I've made one major improvement, besides from little tweaks here and there. All hail the Find/Replace feature! In the original version I foolishly used Malik's dub name, and to my horror everyone thought I meant Mariku O.O I thought it would be kinda obvious, y'know, since he's so whiny... [sigh]...


Chapter One: What You Wagered


Malik fell to his knees, shocked. Most normal people might have cried, at least a little, but not him; he just knelt there, lavender eyes wide and staring at the ground. The words Bakura spoke before the duel combined with the said yami's insane laughter, forming a sort of mad chant inside Malik's head: `...but if you lose I get your Millennium Rod, and your life... but if you lose I get your Millennium Rod, and your life..."

He realized now that he should never have accepted Bakura's challenge. The promise of his millennium ring and a new mind slave had been tempting, but he had underestimated the other dark spirit's dueling capabilities. He had been crushed.

In two quick strides Bakura was in front of him, still laughing madly. He picked him up by the collar with one hand and slammed him into one of the walls in the alleyway, almost choking him. "Now, give me your Rod, you fool," he sneered.

Malik tried to resist, tried to struggle, but it was useless. It had been a Shadow game, after all, so he had to do what he had said he would even if he didn't want to. Slowly and against his will, he raised his arm and handed the millennium item over. Then he closed his eyes, waiting numbly to die.

There was silence, then a gentle hand touched the side of his face, startling him into opening his eyes again. "That's better," Bakura said quietly. "You have such beautiful eyes... Why did you shut them like that?"

Malik stared at him. Suddenly he seemed so tender, placid... "Because you're going to kill me," he said, but inside he wasn't so sure. He didn't sound like a murderer...

But the moment passed. Bakura threw his head back, laughing again. "You thought - ha! - you thought I was going to kill you?!" he demanded. "You really are a fool! I don't want to kill you; I just want to *own* you..."

"What... do you mean?" Malik whispered, though he had a sickening idea.

"You are my new little toy," he smirked, poking him lightly in the chest to emphasize the last three words.

Malik tried one last time to get away. He clawed at Bakura's hand, tried to bite it. The other yami laughed and released him. Not even taking the time to let the surprise registered, or to wonder why he didn't stop laughing, Malik took off franticly down the ally. He hadn't gone ten feet, however, when he seemed to hit something and fell face-first into the dirt.

"Don't you understand yet?" Bakura asked nastily. "You lost the Shadow game! That means you have to give up whatever you wagered! And that includes your free will..."

Malik didn't move, didn't try to get up. He just lay there on the ground and let himself sob, giving up his dignity because he was sure he'd be losing it soon enough anyway.

And sure enough, Bakura walked up behind him and flipped him on to his back. Malik didn't even try to fight back as the other boy straddled his hips and kissed his lips. He feebly tried to keep his tongue away, until Bakura bit his lip and then he opened his mouth in pain. Bakura kissed him roughly, grinding their hips together, and then... he got up. Malik gaped up at him, surprised and, despite his disgust, maybe just a little... disappointed?

Bakura smirked at him. "What; did you think I was going to fuck you right there in the ally?" he asked bluntly. "It's dirty." Then suddenly that spark of gentleness appeared in his eyes again and he offered Malik his hand. "Now get up already."

Malik hesitated, then gingerly took the hand offered to him. Bakura hoisted him up and brushed some of the dirt off of his clothes before saying, "Now come on, let's go."

"Go where?" Malik asked uncertainly.

He shrugged. "Ryou's house," he explained simply. "Well actually, I guess it's been so long since I let him out except to see his friends that it's more my house..." He chuckled.


A few minutes later they reached Ryou's house and went in. "So, where are his parents?" Malik ventured. He had to admit that he was a little afraid of this dark spirit, who had three millennium items to his zero, but he seemed fairly safe at the moment.

"Parent," Bakura corrected, rummaging around in the fridge. "He lives with his dad. His dad's gone right now too, off on an expedition to Egypt. Make me a hot dog."

Malik blinked as two plastic packages were suddenly shoved into his hands. One seemed to have some sort of rolls, while the other had what appeared to be meat. "Um..." he said.

Bakura rolled his eyes, then flipped the package with the meat over. "Instructions," he said, pointing. "You *can* read Japanese, right?"

"...Yeah..." he said, glowering. Bakura seated himself on the edge of the kitchen counter, occasionally give instructions as to where the plates where and how long to microwave it.

"Good," he pronounced after he had had a bite. "You can make yourself one too if you're hungry."

Malik realized that he was, very much so, so he set about making a second one. He leaned against the refrigerator at the opposite end of the kitchen when he was done, eating and keeping an eye on Bakura at the same time. Bakura was also watching him intently, since by the time Malik finished making the second hot dog Bakura had already finished eating the first one.

Malik had just finished putting the two dirty plates in the dishwasher, when suddenly he gasped. Bakura had started kissing the back of his neck, and he quickly turned him around to kiss his mouth. Malik whimpered and tried to resist at first, but then he decided to give in before he got bitten again. Bakura easily picked him up and carried him out of the kitchen to a couch in the living room, never breaking the kiss. He set him down gently and kissed him down from his mouth to his collar bone then back up again. Then he bit his neck hard enough to make him bleed, claiming him, and instead of yelping in pain like he thought he would have Malik groaned in pleasure.

Bakura's arm snaked up Malik's shirt and pinched one of his nipples. Malik winced, firmly shutting his eyes to hold back his tears. He knew what came next, of course... Then, in one movement, Bakura removed his arm and rolled off him, right on to the floor. Malik lay there gasping for a few moments, before he turned onto his side and stared at the other spirit in amazement.

Bakura was smiling vaguely up at the ceiling. Suddenly he stood, and stretched. "I'm going to bed," he announced. "You may sleep here on the couch." And with that he walked off, upstairs somewhere.

Malik continued to stare after him, even after he disappeared. One minute he thought he was going to rape him, and the next minute he was smiling and telling him he could sleep on the couch? What the fuck...?

Finally he lay back, closing his eyes and feeling rather bemused. Just before he fell asleep, though, he thought something that made him smirk. `He's even more insane than I am...'


The next morning when Malik woke up he felt someone gently kissing his neck. That `someone' smirked when he realized that the other was awake and started kissing harder, nibbling here and there. Then he pulled away a little, chocolate eyes meeting lavender. "I'm..." Bakura started, and for some odd reason Malik found he couldn't look away. "Hungry," Bakura finished, pulling further away to stand up. "Make me some poptarts."

Malik didn't let his strange disappointment show. He just nodded, stood up and went to the kitchen again. Bakura drifted in after him, telling him where the poptarts were, how to use a toaster, etc. After they had both eaten and Malik had again put the dishes in the dishwasher, Bakura sighed. Malik glanced at him warily, but all he said was, "I'm bored. You want to watch a movie?"

Malik shrugged and nodded, deciding there would be no harm in it. Bakura told him he could pick something out, but he wasn't familiar with anything so in the end he just picked out something that was `R' rated and put it in. It was actually pretty good, to his relief.

He was only half paying attention to the movie though. Bakura sat with his arm wrapped around him and at first this made him extremely nervous. But after a while he got used to it, and started thinking. This whole thing was twisted, really. One minute he was powerful, well on his way to getting the millennium puzzle from that Yugi brat. Now he was pretty much nothing, without a millennium item and without his free will. He should resent Bakura, should try to kill him even though he knew he couldn't, should try to kill himself... But it was more than just the fact that he couldn't because of the Shadow game that was holding him back. Somehow, he just really didn't feel like it. As much as it frightened him, and as much as he told himself it disgusted him, he found himself enjoying it when Bakura kissed him...

He was startled when he realized that the movie was over, and Bakura was turning the TV off with the remote. They just sat there for a few minutes, when suddenly Malik felt Bakura's hand moving slowly up his side. He gasped but didn't move, didn't close his eyes. Bakura reached one of his nipples and ran his fingers over it a few times, almost as if asking permission. Malik found himself groaning and leaning into his touch. To his acute surprise, he realized that he just wanted to give in. It wasn't as if he could actually get out of any of this, so it was no good resisting... especially when he didn't really want to...

He rolled over slightly, finding Bakura's lips. The other yami seemed surprised for a moment, but he quickly kissed back. After kissing for a few minutes Bakura removed Malik's shirt and tossed it aside, kissing him down his neck then taking one of his nipples in his mouth. Malik moaned again, tangling his fingers a little in the other's hair. Suddenly, he pulled away.

Malik sighed, thinking he was stopping again, even though he *didn't* want him to this time. But Bakura, after glancing at him for just a moment, started working on Malik's pants. Malik blushed a little once he had removed them but made no move to cover himself; he figured Bakura would just move his hands anyway. Bakura quickly took his length into his mouth, and any thoughts of modesty, or anything else for that matter, disappeared.

It was probably the most wonderful thing he had ever felt. He thought he almost choked Bakura when he thrust up reflexively, but he wasn't sure. All he concentrated on, all he could feel, was that wonderful heat surrounding him. He wasn't sure how long it lasted exactly, but he came fairly soon, collapsing in a pool of bliss.

Bakura moved back up and found his lips, kissing him and letting him taste himself. Malik kissed back eagerly, whimpering this time when he pulled away slightly.

"Do you love me?" Bakura asked him quietly, startling him.

Malik struggled with the question. After that he sort of had to admit that he lusted after him, but *love* him? He should hate and despise him, for making him a slave if nothing else. But he looked so kind and understanding just now... "Yes," he whispered.

To his surprise, Bakura actually looked sad. He turned away a little, sighing. Then the insanity overtook him again, and Malik got the impression, for some reason, that he actually let it happen. As if whatever he was thinking of was too painful, so he sort of shut down his mind in self defense...

Bakura sat up, laughing hysterically and shaking his head. "You idiot," he snapped. "Love me? What a stupid thing to do! You're just a toy, you know; nothing more!" And with that he got up and stalked off. After a moment Malik heard the front door slam shut.

Malik slowly got up, putting his clothes back on. Then he lay back down, trying to avoid thinking, because if he thought it would just be too confusing, and too painful... He slowly drifted off into sleep.


A/N: [sigh, again] Well, what'd'ya think? It wasn't too horrible... Was it? [sniff] C'mon, I need a self-esteem boost here! I suppose the only really awful things were how Malik was less sadistic than he ought to be, and it started off way, way too fast... A lot of my early stories tended to do that. But I write much better now! Suuure I do. LOL. R&R???