Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mischief ❯ Bad News ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Summary: Ryou takes Anzu to a date (or maybe it's the other way around) but whichever it is Bakura, Malik and Marik doesn't seem too happy about it. *Implied yaoi/lime-- * Malik/Marik/Ryou/Bakura

Warnings: May contain some Anzu bashing! Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against her, I just find her annoying sometimes. R&R ^_^


CHAPTER 1: Bad News

//Hikari, the 2 psychos are coming over! // Bakura informed Ryou through their mind link. It had only been only 8 in the morning when Bakura had slipped into the kitchen, clad with only his silk boxers. To mention that the Yami wasn't even fully awake at that time as he rubbed his eyes groggily to emphasize himself //Baka hikari!! What the hell are you up too?! Why are you up so early!!?// He demanded only to be ignored by the said hikari as he on the other hand continued rampaging the closets.

"RYOU!!" Bakura exclaimed irritably

"Oh sorry Kura! I-I was just looking for something" the boy replied sheepishly.

"Which is??" his darker half pushed on as he cocked a brow at him suspiciously.

"Um………Y-you see I bou-bought this trinket for Anzu, but I-I seemed to have misplaced it"

"And why the hell would you buy her that!!? It's a waste of money!"

Ryou blushed "Bu-but its only proper to at least give her something! I mean is sh-she is my date and all!" he stuttered as he suddenly found himself most interested with the floor terrazzo. Okay, so he knew the Bakura detested the idea of HIM dating Anzu, the witch of the group as he had once portrayed.

"Excuse me?" Bakura glared at Ryou in disbelief "You're gonna have a date with HER!?"

"Well kinda!" Ryou pouted as he neared his Yami who sat on the couch leisurely. "Beside It's not like I wanted too, Anzu was really supposed to date Yugi's Yami but something went wrong so she asked me instead" the albino continued defensively as Bakura pulled him to his lap. So maybe that wasn't such a good idea since plainly having Ryou sitting on him was enough to get him aroused but he knew better that to molest his hikari, but a little seduction never hurt anyone right?

"And you're coming?" Bakura whispered as he licked Ryou's earlobe "You know what I think?"

"Mmmh" Ryou purred

"That, that Stupid Pharaoh dumped her cause he was making out with the shrimp. So as for you dear aibou, why don't you just leave that 'thing' alone, and simply tell her that you're fucking with me?"

"That's mean! Besides Anzu IS my friend and she not a 'thing' mind you! And…………she seems really depressed with the whole thing with Yami Yugi!"

"Hmph! Fine so you're leaving me here with the 2 psychos?"

"Yah! I'm sure you can handle them Yami!" the boy grinned, "Unless you wanna come, I'm sure Anzu won't mind!"

"NOOO!!!!" Bakura shouted "It's bad enough having to let you go with that bitch!!"

"Aww, that's so cute, Kura's jealous! Ryou smirked as he rubbed against Bakura earning a strangled moan from the other.

"AM NOT!!"

"Yes you are!"


"Aww fine" the boy pouted when just then the doorbell rang. "/Must be Malik and Marik/" he thought as Bakura simply snorted at the mention of the 2. Ryou simply smiled sweetly at his dark before actually getting up, he knew that Bakura cared, well slightly but it made him blissful nevertheless.

Ryou opened the door to their apartment only to be pounced on by Marik who had pinned him to the ground in one swift motion, his hands traveling along the boy's inner thighs. "Hi Ryou!" he smirked seductively as the lighter half suddenly tensed

"Marik you psychotic idiot! Get the hell away from my Hikari!" Bakura flared when Malik got in and started to laugh at the scene he was met with

"Someone got up in the wrong side of the bed!" Malik grinned, "What's up Kura?"

"Shut up Malik! Marik! Stop groping my Hikari!" Bakura exclaimed as he tackled the other dark to the ground. Malik leered as he turned his attention Ryou "Ko-ni-chi-wa!" he greeted, over excitedly as he pulled the albino back to his feet. "So what's up with, Kura. He seems really frustrated today?"

"He's acting weird cause I'm dating Anzu!" Ryou answered truthfully as both Malik and Marik gawked at him in disbelief.

"Ryou!? You're dating Anzu!!!" Malik demanded rather than questioned


"Ryou why the hell would you date someone as bitchy as hell?" Marik growled


"By Ra, Ryou have you gone insane?"

"You know if you're that desperate, Malik and I are always available" The dark smirked only to be tackled again by a perturbed Yami Bakura.

"Hey!!! I AM not desperate and what the bloody hell is wrong with dating Anzu?" Ryou exclaimed defensively

The 3 shrugged "Let see 1. She's a bitch" Malik started

"2. You're too good for her!" Bakura continued

"3. You have the 3 of us why waste your time on HER!? We can fuck all day for Ra's sake!" Marik smirked as Ryou simply raised a brow

"Sick" he growled "Anyhow, I guess, I'll be taking a shower now Anzu'll be waiting for me at the park at 11" the albino informed as he made his way back to his room. He was purposely ignoring Bakura's pissed off look, likewise Malik and Marik's lustful ones.

As Ryou disappeared the 3 looked at each other mischievously "So you guys have something in mind?" Malik grinned

"How about we crash Ryou's little date" Bakura replied "Besides I don't want Anzu, all over my hikari!"

"That's great thief! Then we can have Ryou to ourselves" Marik continued as the other 2 nodded in agreement.

They'll make sure Ryou would have the time of his life…………


Please read and review, I really want your opinions. ^^ The more reviews the faster I would update. Reviews, inspire me….Hehehe ^^