Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Misery loves company ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warning: little cursing and other unpleasant things. Angst and more angst. Lemon will come later on so just be patient. Oh by the why the lemon is NCS meaning non-consensual sex aka rape. Just warning you a head of time.

Hello I do not own any of these characters so don't sue me I have no money just a pen and some paper. Thank you. I should also warn you that I have been watching the dubbed so I am using the dubbed names. Sorry. What? Stop looking at me like that! I mean it! Hey the dubbed is the only thing that I can get. So leave me alone about it ok.

Oh one more thing that I forgot was the time setting. This takes place instead of the torment…I think, well you get the idea.

Chapter 1

"Look guys I got a letter!" Yugi yelped.

"Who's it from?" asked Tea still sitting on the couch.

Yugi turned over the envelope. "It doesn't say," he answered..

"Then don't open it Yugi. Remember last time you opened something and we weren't sure who it was from." Tristen reminded.

"Remember? How could I forget." Memories of the fateful night poured into his mind. Tears threatened to flow. "It might be from Pegasus." Yugi squeaked.

"Give me that!" Joey jumped off the couch and grabbed the envelope right out of little Yugi's hands. "You're probably right. Pegasus most likely sent! That S.O.B. just loves to torment you. He probably just sent this so we know he still has your grandpa's soul."

"Give it back Joey!" Yugi screamed.

"Give it back? But it probably is from Pegasus!" Tristen reminded.

Yugi fell to the floor. Tears started to seeped out of his eyes. "I don't care. In fact I hope it is from Pegasus!" Everyone looked at each other then back to Yugi. "If it's him then maybe he has thought of something that he wants! And that means I can get my grandpa's soul back! Please Joey! Please! I need to know! Please!" Tears poured of his know redden eyes.

"Yugi." Joey whispered it so softy that on one was ever sure he said it. "Here you go Yug. I was just trying to protect you from that S.O.B." said Joey. Joey gave the envelope back to Yugi.

"Now, now Yugi. Dry your eyes." Tea said wiping the tears off of his face.

"Well, open it already!" Tristen yelled.

Yugi opened the envelope carefully as not to damage what might be precious information. Yugi read the letter aloud.

"Come to Industrial Illusions. Come alone. Don't come through the front. There is a back way in. Use the keypad on the backdoor. #751982463. Don't bring the millennium puzzle." Yugi looked up.

"Well now what Yugi?" Tea asked.

"There is only one thing to do." Yugi took the millennium puzzle off from around his neck.

"I'm going." Yugi left the room to out the millennium puzzle away.

"That S.O.B!'

"What is it now Joey?" Tea asked.

"Yeah you look like you're going to explode." Said Tristen.

Indeed Joey looked like he would explode. His body was shaking and his hands tightly clutched into fists.

"That God damn, mother-fucker, son of a bitch!"

"If you know something that we don't then tell us!" yelled Tea.

Joey looked straight into Tea's eyes. Instead of looking like he would explode, he looked like a raid dog. "Didn't you see how Pegasus looks at Yugi? Well, didn't you?" There was a hint of fear in their friend's voice.

"No I didn't." Tea sternly.

"I did."

"You did Tristen?" asked Tea.

"Yeah. It looked like it looked like…well, lust."

"Lust?" Tea asked confused.

"Thank you someone else saw it."

"What are you talking about?" Tea still unsure what this nonsense had to do with little Yugi.

"Talking about? I'm talking about what Pegasus is going to do to Yugi when he gets there." Joey fumed.

Gasping, Tea covered her mouth with her hands in shock. "You don't mean…"

"Yep that's exactly what we mean." Tristen looked to Joey to finish the thought.

"When Yugi gets to Industrial Illusions and Pegasus gets him alone-"

"Stop it! Just stop it!" Tea screamed. Tea's hands covered her ears, she fell on her knees and cried.

"Tea. It's the truth. We know it and you know it." Tristen helped Tea to the couch to sit.

"The only person who doesn't know it is Yugi." Joey stood, arms folded across his chest, biting his lip.

Tea just broke down and cried. Tears flowed steadily out of her green eyes. "What are we going to do? What are we going to do? We have to do something." She sobbed. "I can't just let him do that! Yugi's like my little brother! I have to do something."

Finally turning away from his weeping friend Tristen turned to Joey." You've been awfully quiet. What's up man?"

Joey slowly opened his eyes. "I have an idea."

"Uh oh!" The duo said.

"Will you two shut up! I'm trying to help here!" fumed Joey.

"Sorry pal. As you were saying." Tristen pointed his hand to Joey mockingly.

Joey's face turned deadly serous. Tristen knew from the look on his long time friend's face that what would come next would not be pleasant. "Here's the plan. I'll knock Yugi out and Tristen will put in the closest and guard it until everything gets settled."

"You'll what!" Tea shot up and lunged for Joey.

With great speed Tristen was able to subdue his anger friend. "Look there's no other way." Tristan whispered. Tea knew he was right. There was no other way. It was either that or…no that would not happen. She couldn't let it.

After what seemed like an eternity Tristen released her. "All right. What do I do?"

"Tea it will be your job to distract Yugi as I knock him out."

Footsteps could be heard in the distances.

"Places everyone."

Yugi walked in, his violet eyes down cast. The usually bright warm smile was absent from his child like face. "Well, I'm going. Good bye."

Yugi started to walk to the door when Tea spoke up. "Yugi!" Tea cried.

Yugi turned around to her. "What is it, Tea?"

"Before you go…can you give me a hug?" Tea's eyes started to glisten with tears that would soon be.

"A hug?" Yugi tilted his head in confusion.

"I don't know when I will see you again." Tea paused. In the background she could see Joey hiding with a bat. Ready to strike. With her eyes she pleaded to Joey to let her have this one hug. He snuck back into the shadows.

"Well o.k." Yugi ran up to Tea for a hug. As they embraced, her eyes filled with tears for she knew what was to happen soon. Finally Tea released him.

Yugi turned to walk away. Once again Joey appeared from out of the shadows. His eyes made contact with Tea's keep him here a little while longer. His eyes told her.

"Yugi!" Tea shouted.

Once again Yugi turned around. "What's it?"

"Yugi I hate to see you sad." Joey was getting closer. "Could you come here?" Confused but eager to please his friend he went and stood right in front of her.

"What's wrong Tea?'

"Yugi, I hate to see you sad." She paused. "Yugi could you give me a smile?"

"Well o.k." Yugi giggled.

It was the most angelic smile Tea had ever seen. With his baby face and that crescent moon smile…she see why Pegasus wanted him.

The bat was raised. There was a loud smash. The bat made contact with Yugi's little head. A pained expression filled his angelic face as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. His child-like body fell forward into Tea's awaiting arms.

"Sleep well, our little Yugi." Tea whispered. She brought the unconscious child closer to her. She stroked his face gently feeling his soft skin. As the peaceful face gazed up at her she couldn't help but to kiss his forehead.

"Tea, give him to me." That snapped her right out of the peaceful dream world she had been in. Reluctantly Tea gave her child-hood friend to Tristen.

"Don't worry Tea. I made a little bed in the closet where he can sleep." Tristen said trying to comfort his friend.

"Come on Tristen, just put him in the closet already." Joey complained.

Tea stud up. "How can you be so cold?" Tea started to cry and ran out of the room.

"Don't worry. She'll be alright."

"I don't care." Joey's face showed no emotion what so ever. No human kindness or sadness. His face was stone.