Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Can you win his heart? ❯ Boarding School ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Specter: >_O Ra help is...not another fic idea!!

Shadow: NOOO! THE EVIL IDEAS KEEP COMING TO ME! As long as they keep coming, I keep writing them!! NOOO!!!!

Specter: [shrug] oh well...at least we'll never run out of fics to write.

Shadow: O_O...true I suppose.........

Specter: U_U R&R please!!

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Yugi Muto looked up at the big building.

`DOMINO ACADEMY -Boarding School for Boys and Girls- Since 1947'

A hand clamped over the mouth piece of a small black cell phone, "cheer up, boy. This is the most respected Boarding School in Japan! It's only for a few years and I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends. - What do you mean the stocks have dropped?! I told you to do everything you can to get them back up!" The woman screeched.

The petite teen looked up at his mother, innocent violet eyes shining with held back tears. He knew he wouldn't make any friends here, just like his other past schools. He'd become just another bully target. But still, he allowed a fake smile to grace his lips, not wanting to disappoint his parents who he admired so greatly. "I-I know Okaa-san. I-I'm just a little bit n-nervous."

"It's understandable, son, to be afraid. Now come on. They're expecting you at the front desk." His father answered, seeing as Mrs. Muto didn't here the reply.

Yugi nodded and the three walked into the tall building together. He watched the students shuffle around nervously, trying to get to their classes or catch up with their friends.

They approached the front desk and a grey haired woman stared at Yugi. "Muto-kun, I presume?" she questioned. Yugi nodded in response.

"Here you are... your schedule, dorm room number, and book list. I hope you enjoy Domino Academy."

He small boy nodded in gratitude and took the packet of information. He turned to his mother who was yapping on the phone with a business client. He turned to his dad who stared fondly at the hallways, remembering when he was a student here. "I had good times in this campus, son...lots of good times. I'm sure you will as well, and graduate at the top of your class, just like your old man here." He winked playfully at his son who smiled weakly in response.

"Father...I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, son. But after your time here, you'll be a man and ready to take over the family business!"

Yugi sighed. That's all his family cared about was the stupid family business. A toy company that had been started by his grandfather, Sugoruko, and passed down to the first born male in each family... In truth, Yugi wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. He loved children.

"Well Yugi you should get going to your room. You have to start class tomorrow and it would be best if you were all settled by tonight. Call is if you have any trouble, hopefully your mother won't tie up all the lines."

The boy gave his father a small hug before turning to the blonde woman who was just now hanging up the phone, "good-bye sweetie. We love you so much and we'll miss - " she was cut off as her cell phone started beeping. She answered it and quickly walked out the doors, not looking back at her son or husband.

Mr. Muto looked down at the petite teen, "well Yugi we'll miss you. See you maybe at Christmas," he said, patting his son on the head and turning to leave after his wife.

Yugi watched them leave and their car pulls away. He looked down at his suitcase and picked it up, dragging it down the hallway towards the direction of the dorms. He wasn't looking where he was going, focusing all his attentions on the heavy case of clothing. He was startled when he felt himself bump into someone and a stingy hot liquid splash on his shirt.

"Oh gods!" A deep voice whispered.

The small teen dropped the suitcase; turning his eyes to the now coffee-stained shirt covering his chest. He looked up at the one who he had run into, gasping when he noticed the similarities between the two of them.

The man focused his red eyes on the small boy, a soft smile appearing on his handsome face. "I am so sorry, little one. Here," he paused, taking a handkerchief from his pocket.

Yugi stared at it, not being able to move as the crimson eyes hypnotized him slightly. He felt the man kneel and reach forward, dabbing the shirt with the napkin and whipping away some of the drink that had spilled.

"D-domo A-a-Arigato," Yugi whispered, finally being able to find his voice.

The man nodded as he stood back up to his full height, towering about two heads above the short boy, "It was the least I could do, little one."

Yugi blushed at the `little one' comment, "hontouni arigato, Sir." His eyes fell to the floor.

The man smiled once again, "douitashimashite," he replied, picking up the black leather briefcase he had dropped during the encounter and brushing it off lightly. "Ja Ne, little one." With that said, he turned and kept walking on his way, making sure his hand brushed against the side of the boy's face ass he passed.

Immediately, the blood rushed to Yugi's face after feeling the hand brush against him. //That man...who is he? Why does he look like me?//

Shrugging slightly, he picked up his suitcase and began walking to his dorm, all the while thinking about the man who had helped him.

//He was so...handsome and graceful. I wonder if he's a student here... I wonder if-if I will have any classes with him. Maybe...maybe we can be friends!// He thought, blushing again. //Or-or maybe he won't like me. Maybe he was just being polite. Yeah, that's it. He was just being a gentleman.//

With this new thought, the grin dropped from his face and he was taken by sadness again.


Yami Mutou looked behind him at the retreating form of the small boy. //He is so adorable in person// he thought. //Yugi...I have been watching you for years, praying I would get this mission and now...I have. I will protect you, little one.//

He smiled, bringing up a hand and running it through his silky tri-colored hair. He loved his job...there was such a great possibility of meeting such _wonderful_ people.

"Tomorrow I have to call the Chief and tell him that the little one has arrived here."

Turning again, he walked off the school campus and towards an apartment complex down the road. //My little one; how long have I waited for this mission?//


A figure smirked as he watched the spiky-haired man exit the school. "Yami Muto, top representative of the Domino Agents...sorry that I've figured out your little game so soon...it's such a shame you and your little one will not become as close as you've hoped..." The person laughed maliciously. "Dartz will be so please...You're little one is mine."

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Shadow: R&R please!!!!! Tell me what you think!!!


Domo Arigato: thank you

Hontouni Arigato: really, thank you so much