Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Can you win his heart? ❯ New Teacher ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Shadow: quick update ^_^ R&R please!!


Yugi Muto opened a large violet eye looking around his new room. The morning sun shone in brightly through the curtains.

"Hey dere, glad ta see yer up" a cheerful voice said.

Yugi jumped looking up to see a tall blonde male standing over him, smiling kindly. "W-who are you?" he asked, hoping the taller teen wasn't there to hurt him.

The boy laughed, "I'm Jonouchi Katsuya, yer roommate," he explained.

The small boy smiled, "ohayo Jonouchi-Sama," he greeted.

The blonde held his hands up in an offended manner, "whoa dere, man...easy wit the formalities! Just call me Jou, dats what all my buddies call me."

Yugi blushed, shaking the hand that was now extended in front of him, "o-okay then Jou-kun."

"So what's yer name?" Jou asked.

"Yu-Yugi Muto," the petite teen answered.

The taller grinned goofily, letting Yugi get out of bed and following him into the small kitchen, "how old are ya, Yueg?"


"A nickname...dat a problem?"

Yugi shook his head immediately, "Iie, Iie it's fine...it's just that...I've never had anyone give me a nickname before. Actually, I've never really had a friend to give me a nickname."

"No friends? Dat isn't good. Ya just gotta be more sociable, Yueg," Jou exclaimed knowingly.

The boy smiled weakly, shrugging his shoulders and grabbing an apple to munch on. "What time do classes begin?"

"'Round about nine-ish...which is about an hour or so."

"I should hurry then...I still don't know where the heck I'm going in here," Yugi said, running into the room to change into the school uniform.


It was around noon. Yugi had already gone to his first four classes; English, World History, Psychology, and Algebra. (Shadow: hey that's my schedule! Teehee...) His classes were good and his teachers nice. He especially liked his Algebra teacher, Mr. Siuda. Normally, he hated Algebra but this teacher was a big joker and made it fun for all of them.

He had also made two other friends besides Jonouchi. One was Anzu Mazaki; a pretty brunette girl with warm ocean eyes and a motherly persona. She had been paired as Yugi's History partner and made the little one blush whenever she asked him a question. (Shadow: yes I'm actually going to be tolerant of Anzu in this fic. I don't know why I just am.)

The other was Honda Hiroto, Jou's goofball best friend. He had brown hair and kind hazel eyes. Besides the fact that he was overly perverted, he was a nice guy all and all.

Yugi was just so excited to finally have made friends. He didn't know how to thank Jou for being so kind and introducing him to everyone.

"So Yueg, are you gonna sit with us at lunch?" Honda asked hopefully.

Yugi nodded excitedly as he, the brunette boy, and Jou made there way down the busy hallways. Already he was feeling more at home in the large boarding school.

"Oh my God...did you hear about the new Biology teacher? The one who took the place of Shibasaki-Sensei?" a high pitched voice squealed nearby.

The three boy listened as the blonde girl started telling the story to her eager friends. "He is so handsome, and only twenty-one! They say he just graduated from college! He even lets his students call him by his first name!"

"Oh my gosh, what does he look like?"

"well..." The girl noticed the three boys starting at them and hushed her voice to a whisper so they couldn't hear what she described.

Jou and Honda exchanged knowing looks. Yugi on the other hand was quite intrigued. //I wonder what he looks like. Maybe it was that man from yesterday. He did look a little too old to be student...I haven't seen him around either. I guess I'll find out later thought//

"So, Jou-kun how has Seto-kun been?" Honda asked.

The blonde paled slightly, scratching the back of his head in an embarrassed way. "He's okay. He told me he has a surprise for me for dinner tonight. He's takin' me somewhere real special and expensive too!"

"I bet its Stonewood," Honda scoffed.

"Wouldn't dat be amazin if it was? Just imagine...someone like _me_ dining at Stonewood! And den _after_ dinner...oh gods just imagine," Jou suppressed a squeal of delight.

Honda shuddered, dirty images arising in his head. Although he supported Jou and Seto's relationship, it didn't necessarily mean he liked thinking about it. The blonde noticed the slightly disgusted look on his friend's face and laughed it off, "I was just kiddin, man."

"So, Yueg...we haven't heard much of _your_ love life...must be swarming with women." Honda winked.

Yugi's eyes widened as his cheeks turned a deep red color. "M-me?" He shook his head vigorously, "no way! I've never dated before!" The statement caused him to blush more. //Great, now they'll think I'm a loser.//

"Dats okay, man. Ya just haven't found the right one yet," Jou assured him, giving the thumbs up sign.

A blur of brown was all Yugi saw before he was tackled by his female cheerleader friend. Anzu had a huge grin on her face and her eyes were glowing radiantly. "I _just_ saw him!" she screeched.

Jou rolled his eyes, "and who is it _dis_ week?"

Anzu ignored the comment, tossing her lovely brown hair behind her shoulder as she prepared her good news speech. She turned excitedly, pointing towards the Science Centre on the East side of the school campus, "the new Biology teacher." She sighed as she remembered the handsome and courteous young man.

"Yeah what's the big hype wit dis guy anyhow? Is he some kinda god?"

The girl sighed dreamily once again, "either he is or he's pretty damn close to it. The man is downright gorgeous...and he is such a gentleman too! I had dropped my notebook and he picked it up for me and everything!"

"Ever heard of common courtesy? Any guy who bumped into you would pick up yer notebook, Anzu."

Anzu glared at him, but giggled at the complement. For it was true, she was among the prettier teens at the school and a major heartthrob among the guys. "No he was a gentleman. You don't find those every day. I didn't get to hear him speak...he looked like he was in a rush...probably meeting up with Kujyaku-Sensei for a lunch date...she is a young teacher as well -"

"-Not to mention hot!" Honda cut her off. "Wouldn't surprise me if they were an item then."

The others shrugged and walked into the lunch room to eat.


Yugi nervously looked around the biology room. All the students were jittery having of course heard the rumor of the god-like teacher they were having. It had been three minutes since the bell rang and he still hadn't showed up.

From next to him, Anzu sat examining herself in her compact mirror. They were sitting in the very front center so she wanted to make a good impression. The petite boy snorted lightly when she asked him how she looked and if the teacher would liker her. "He's five years older than you!"


The door opened slowly and instantly everyone fell silent. A lean, black clad leg stepped through. It was followed by another and then by the rest of the teacher.

Yugi gasped as his eyes drank in the appearance of the new professor.

"I-It's _him_!"


Shadow: should I leave it there? [Readers toss flames at her] okay, okay I'll keep going!!


The mysterious man from yesterday's encounter was standing in the doorway, sunlight glowing off his bronzed skin, reflecting in his sharp crimson orbs. He wore a more punk/sexy version of the teacher attire; skin tight leather black pants, a slightly tucked in white blouse, and a black leather jacket which was draped casually over his arm at the moment. A red tie with an Egyptian symbol hung around his neck loosely. (Shadow: [drooling] =^_^= talk about HOTTIE! Wish my teacher looked like that...)

Girls gasped, eyes drooping slightly as their imaginations ran away down usually unexplored paths.

He smiled at the class, setting his black briefcase down on the desk and walking to the dry erase board. Uncapping a blue marker, he faced the board and wrote his name. Once finished, he put the cap back on an grinned, using his finger to point to the name, "as you can see, that's my name; Mutou-Sensei...but I'm a young guy and hate the formality shit like the rest of you so," he paused, using his hand to wipe away the name as he replaced it with another. "You may all just call me Yami," he finished.

"Hello Mut-Yami..!" The class said in unison.

"Okay good. Now that this is settled I want to take this time to just go through role and find out your nicknames if you got any." He took out a sheet of paper with the class names and leaned casually against the wooden podium to begin reading. "Haneko, Abe?" he called, deep voice ringing through the room.

A girl with pinkish hair flushed slightly as she raised her hand, "N-Neko," she whispered.

Yami smiled as he nodded, writing the nickname down, "Neko, that's so cute," he said to himself as he wrote, causing the girl to blush even more as her friends `hmphed' jealously.

"Tomomi Asahara?"

The boy puffed out his chest, being a lead basketball player and hating the attention being stolen away to a teacher, "Tom," he seethed.

"-No need to kill me with that glare, Tom," the young professor stated as he continued to write.

Things progressed quickly, everyone getting their name or nickname down correctly.

"Anzu Mazaki?"

Anzu looked up, raising her hand as she stared the handsome man in the eyes. After he turned to write the name down again, she let her orbs travel down the well toned body and land in a most inappropriate spot on his lower body.

Yami clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he shifted his standing position, "you shouldn't be looking in inappropriate places, Mazaki-san," he chided, waggling a finger in the air in a scolding manner.

Immediately, the color rushed to the brunette's cheeks and she turned her head into her hands, listening to the surrounding students chuckling softly.

Yugi glared as best he could at the many that was too cocky for his own good. He patted Anzu's arm reassuringly and turned his eyes back to the professor.

Yami's scarlet orbs traveled down the paper, "Yugi Muto?" he questioned. The petite boy right in front of him tentatively raised a hand. Red eyes brightened considerably as he jotted the name down, "ah so you are my little one, ne?" he asked, taking a step forward so he stood directly in front of him.

Yugi raised his lavender orbs and shivered as they meet smoldering crimson. It was eerie how he was so drawn to this man. It was like nothing he had ever felt before. "H-Hai," he whispered, not daring to look away as the eyes bore into him, searching through his mind and soul.

"Well I'm glad I finally have found you..."

"Y-you are?"

Yami nodded, walking over to his briefcase and taking out a small green notebook. He winked at Yugi, handing the notepad back to him, "you dropped this yesterday after our _encounter_"

Yugi nodded, reaching out and taking to book back, "a-arigato Mutou-sensei...I-I mean, Yami."

He chuckled and went back to his podium to continue reading. All the while, feeling those big violet orbs on him.

Once the names had been read, Yami walked to the board, taking out the textbook, ignoring several groans, and writing down some definitions and terms.

Most students didn't take the notes down and were instead too transfixed on watching the handsome professor copy the notes onto the dry erase board. The sighed dreamily, laying their heads on their desk as they watched a small part of the blouse that was left un-tucked in the back lift over the rim of the leather pants and expose some of the tanned back.

"You know, if you aren't too busy staring at my ass, it might be in your best interest to write down these terms.... We have a quiz tomorrow."

Some students moaned at the unfairness of that but took out their books and began copying anyways.

Yugi opened the green notebook and was surprised to see a piece of paper stuck in the first page. He took it out and unwrapped it, admiring the neat handwriting. //`Little one, meet me in here today after classes. Don't be late...and if you don't show up, I'm taking it off your participation grade! Love, Yami'// There was a small winking smiley face next to the signature. //Love, Yami...// the small boy was perplexed to say the least but folded it back up and let it slide.

The bell rang and students lazily put their books back, a little sad that they wouldn't be able to see the gorgeous teacher till the next day. But oh well, all good things had to come to an end.

Yami was at his desk, looking through some papers as the students shuffled past him, staring longingly. "Yugi could you stay a moment?" he called out.

Yugi shivered again at the sound of the voice. It was so sultry sounding...it was almost inhuman. (Shadow: Yami is not an alien don't worry ^^) He nodded and approached the desk, idly noting that the professor had undone his tie completely.

Once everyone was out of the classroom, the taller stood up, walked over to the door, and locked it. Yugi's eyebrows rose to his hairline and a few sweat-drops formed on the side of his face, slowly trickling down to his neck. "M-Mutou-sensei..?" he asked, a small fear detectable in his voice.

Yami smirked as he pulled the shade of the window down so now the only light came from the lamp glow from the screen of the computer that sat on the desk. Red eyes glowed in the darkness as their owner approached the short teen. He grabbed the delicate hand, walking forward until the boy was pressed and leaning back over a lab desk. Yami lowered himself on the boy, lightly capturing his lips and earning as small squeak of surprise.

"M-Mutou-sens-sei..." Yugi whispered, a slight hitch in his breath. The lips refused to move away as a tongue licked the side of the boy's mouth.

//What is he doing?!// Yugi panicked, bringing his arm forward only to have it grasped by a much larger one and brought back into the professor's spiked up red and raven hair.

Yami nibbled on the boy's lower lip, knowing fully well he was scaring the boy but also knowing the boy liked the received treatments.

He ran his hand down the boy's chest, unbuttoning the first few buttons of the baby blue blouse and letting his hand play across the creamy skin. He licked the newly exposed skin fondly before pulling up, bringing the boy's fist, which was clenched tightly in his hair, back down and kissing it lightly.

He walked back over the window, opening the blinds and unlocking the door again. He opened the door and gestured for Yugi that he should leave.

The petite boy quickly sat up, grabbed his books and scrambled out of the classroom, fumbling to button the shirt back up as well.

"See you later Yugi," Yami whispered seductively as he flew past him. "See you in class tomorrow!" he called out behind him, a smirk never leaving his face.


When he got back to his dorm, Jonouchi bombarded him with questions. "Why did dat professor wanna see ya after class, Yueg?" he questioned.

Yugi blushed slightly, his ears tingling is an embarrassed way as strong feelings stirred inside of him again with new memories of the past encounter with the man. "He-he just wanted to know if I knew why we looked alike."

"Ah, I see," Jou said, sitting down on his bed and taking out his homework and not believing any of his friend's lie. Why was he so flushed and his shirt messy? And why as there a forming bruise on his lips? //I think Yueg and the professor gots one hot lil secret// he thought devilishly.


Varon watched as Yugi ran out of the science centre, face flushed and shirt messy. He took out a cell phone "Boss, Yami Mutou has made his first move with the little one. I'll get him to you as soon as possible."

The boss on the other end thanked him for the information.

"Little one you aren't as safe with him as you think you are." Varon laughed as he walked to the dorm buildings laughing to himself.


Shadow: ^_^ ending for real! Hope you liked! More YamixYugi-ness soon!!

Specter: R&R please!!!