Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Can you win his heart? ❯ New Plots ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thankies to my reviewers:








HOMICIDAL-INVADER (FF.NET - thanks for the cookie! ^^)





Specter: ^^; yeah...R&R please!!

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Yugi paced back and forth around his dorm room. After the hour break, he had gone to the rest of his classes and now was pondering about the note he had received from Yami. //I don't know if I should go or not...what if, what if he tries to kiss me again?// His cheeks grew warm at the thought and he gasped; //did-did I like it? It felt so...weird....And yet, why did it feel so- so right? //

Jonouchi was sprawled on his bed watching his new friend pace back and forth, "Yueg what you so uptight bout?" he questioned.

Jerked from his thoughts, the petite boy blushed and scratched his head, "well I got this note from Mutou-Sensei, er, _Yami_"

"And the big deal is...?"

The petite boy sighed and looked Jou strait in the eye, "I'm going to tell you the truth...but you have to swear you won't tell anyone."

Jou nodded, "Kay." He laughed lightly.

"No I'm serious. This is like, the mother of all promises! You can't breathe a word of what I'm about to tell you...to _anyone_! Not Honda, Seto, Anzu - definitely not Anzu..._no one_ you got it?" He held out his pinkie.

Jou sat up, grinning slightly as he extended his hand, entwining his pinkie finger around there smaller boy's; thus sealing their deal. "So what is it?"

Yugi hushed his voice to a whisper and told the blonde what Yami really did to him after class. After he finished his short tale, the older was wide eyed and mouth gaping.

"Damn dats hot!" he exclaimed.

"JOU!" Yugi screeched, his hands coming up to cover his mortified face.

"No, in a good way. So did ya like it? Do ya like `im?"

The small boy looked up thoughtfully, "he is a teacher, Jou. Some people might frown upon it...not to mention that he is five years older than me and of the same gander."

"So? I an' Seto are goin out, we're both guys, and he is two years older than me. If ya like `im den who cares..? Like `im for yerself, not others."

Yugi smiled in appreciation and walked over to the closet to pick a different outfit to change into. The school uniform was nice and all, but it was too damn uncomfortable.

He pulled a pair of loose white pants out of the closet and also a large cotton sweater which was a pastel purple color. Once he re-dressed, he grabbed his white scarf, since it was cool out with the approaching of winter, waved goodbye to his friend, and made his way to the science centre.


Yami sat at his desk, his white blouse fully unbuttoned to expose his nicely tanned, muscled chest. A small fan sat on the polished wood writing table, blowing his bangs back and creating an area of freezing air in the already cold room.

A stack of papers sat in front of him and he fumbled through them, searching over the answers the students had put down and marking them either correct or wrong. //Gods this job is boring. Who in their right mind would except as a real career? At least I'm only here for my mission...speaking of the mission...hmm, Yugi... Yugi Muto, such an interesting and delectable boy.//

The agent smirked, taking out his wallet from his back pocket and pulling out a few pictures, about twelve in total. All were of Yugi. Yugi when he was a child, when he was a teenager...quite a few of Yugi in the shower. He didn't stalk Yugi, that wouldn't be right....He had been working his whole time as an agent trying to get this case. So, naturally, he had spied on its main subject. Though maybe some of the pictures weren't exactly what the boss was looking for...this is why they were kept in Yami's wallet in the first place.

He smiled as he traced one of his fingers down the glossy finish of the picture, //you have no idea how long I have admired you, Yugi. Back when I didn't know your name. Only when I knew you were `the one'...they had never believed me in the beginning but I knew you were special. I will protect you little one, for I have made it my vow, my goal in life. Dartz will not get his hands on you and your hidden power, my beauty...I swear it.//

There was a soft knock on the door, jarring Yami out of his thoughts. His eyes widened as he yelled a quick, "enter," while recollecting and stuffing the pictures back into his wallet.

Yugi walked through the door dressed plainly in white slacks, a purple sweater, and sneakers. His white scarf trailed slightly on the ground in front of him. He smiled broadly at Yami, waving and walking forward. Inevitably, it seems, he tripped on the piece of scarf on the ground and went hurtling downwards towards the hard tile floor.

Yami's fast reflexes kicked in and he sprang from his chair to catch the falling student before any part of him could touch the ground. He smiled when Yugi pulled himself flush against him, finding safety in the strong arms that held him protectively tight. "A-arigato, Yam..."

"What ever happened to Mutou-sensei?" The taller questioned.

Yugi looked up, not pulling away, "I-I thought you said we could call you Yami?"

Yami winked and tapped Yugi's nose lightly, "I did, but it sounds sexy when you say it to me."

The petite boy blushed, backing away and leaving Yami looking slightly hurt. "Wh-what did you want me to come here for anyways?"

"I wanted to get to know you, my little one."

"Why do you keep calling me that?"

Yami hung his head, "I am sorry Yugi I didn't realize you didn't approve of it." He sighed and sat back down at his desk, continuing to grade the papers there.

Yugi gasped, "I didn't mean it like that! I-I like it, really I do! I was just wondering.... I'm sorry I don't want to upset you! I-I really like you." A blush appeared across his cheeks at the last comment.

Red eyes brightened as their owner looked up, meeting a violet gaze, "really?" he asked with disbelief.

Yugi nodded, a small smile appearing on his lips, "a lot. But...I don't know if I'm ready to do anything like...like you did yesterday." He grinned sheepishly.

"Don't worry, little one. It won't happen again unless you want me to do it again."


"Douitashimashite," Yami replied. He turned back to the stack of papers.

Yugi looked at the stack with interest, "what are those?" he questioned.

Red eyes looked up from the work, "just some test papers I'm grading." He noticed the smaller's shocked look. "It's just a placement test, little one. For my honors class, I like to know what level each of them is on. That way I'll know where to begin teaching. You'll be getting one tomorrow. But don't worry, the grade wont actually count."

Yugi smiled and walked over to the desk, looking down at the test of Shizuka Jonouchi. "How do you grade these anyways?" he wondered aloud.

Yami sighed and met amethyst orbs with his gaze, "it's not really allowed for me to show you by grading another's paper, but I don't have any spare copies of the exam. She's doing well on the test so she won't mind if you saw her grade, I'll bet." He scooted the chair out and invited the small boy to site in his lap.

Yugi was hesitant but climbed onto Yami's lap anyways, leaning back against the slightly covered chest and staring down at the examination paper. Yami leaned forward, the side of his face pressed against the other's cheek. "She only has one problem wrong, little one. There were forty questions on the test..." he slowly explained the grading process to the little one.

The small boy shivered. The dual sense of having Yami's hot breath fall on his shoulder and the cool air of the room playing tricks on his body. He shivered and leaned forward, turning the small fan off. Yami groaned at the loss of cold air and pulled Yugi against him again, rubbing circles on his stomach.

Yugi shifted slightly. He still wasn't sure about all of this. He didn't know if it was right or not. Still, he allowed the other to hold him and enjoyed the warmth the bigger body provided.


"Hey Yueg, how'd it go?"

"Oh, it-it was fine." Yugi noticed the devilish glint in his friend's eyes, "nothing happened! We just talked!

"Yeah sure. Whatever Yueg!"

Yugi's face reddened, "_Jou_!" He looked down, "well...he did invite me to go to dinner with him tomorrow night."

"Ah ha I see... I know where dat'll lead." He waggled his eyebrows.

Yugi blushed again and flopped down on his bead, mind idly going into thoughts about what tomorrow night might lead too. //Do I like him like that? I'm not really sure...//


Yami clicked on the light his apartment. He sighed and hung his leather jacket on the rack before walking into the kitchen to cook some food. He noticed a beeping light on the telephone which meant he had a message. Shrugging, he pressed the play button. //Probably just some jackass selling stuff//

"Yami...it's me, Varon. I've been watching you, Agent Yami. I just want you to know that I'm onto your and the little one's secret relationship. Don't think it'll be getting anywhere fast. The Doom Organization knows all your plans for the little one and let me say, I'll be getting Yugi first. My master wants his power and you're not going to make me fail this mission! I'm avenging what you did to Amelda...you won't get away for humiliating him like that. Just watch your back, and the little one's. If he really is `the one'...he won't be around for much longer. We need his power for more superior things than you. Plus...I wouldn't mind using him as a body slave, and I'm sure my master would agree...he's a handsome little one...and...Nft Iw Biaw..." (Shadow: I'm pretty sure `Nft Iw Biaw' translates in Egyptian to "He is mine." Not positive though.)

Yami pressed the stop button and took the tape out, throwing it into the garbage can. He walked over to the fridge and grabbed a soda can, "damn Doom Organization. They won't lay a finger on Yugi, not for any reason." He took a sip of the soda, placed a microwave dinner in the microwave, and walked into his bedroom to change.

"Yugi...I'll protect you, I swear it."

He stripped of his teacher attire leaving him just in his black silk boxers. He sat down on the bed after placing the dirty clothes in the laundry chute and stared at a picture frame on the nightstand. It was one of his many Yugi pictures, this one taken at the beach not even a year ago. //Yugi...I'll protect you always. You are my little one forever.//

The microwave beeped, signaling that the food was ready.


A silver haired figure watched Yami from a large TV screen. He chuckled deeply.

"Yami I admire your courage...standing up for the one you have loved for that past six years....If he was not `the one' I would deeply respect your relationship. However, I need his power."

The silver haired man stood and walked over to the window staring at the city from the high view point. "pretty soon this world will be under my control, all these inhabitants serving for me. Yugi is the key to this ultimate power. If I get him, I get the world."

The man sniggered darkly as called up one of his minions, "Varon is taking too long to get me what I desire. Marik, I'm sending you out also. Gain the little one's trust and bring him to me. Yami will fallow the bait as well. I'll have both of them in my clutches.

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Shadow: ^^; I know Marik isn't with the Doom Organization but HE IS NOW!!!

Specter: R&R please!!!!