Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Can you win his heart? ❯ And thats the lesson for today! ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Shadow: Thanks to all reviewers:



CLOUD-1-3-5 (FF.NET)




KOISHII NO TENSHI (FF.NET -no the white haired guy is not Bakura ^^)

YAMISERENITY (FF.NET -yes there will be eventual lemon.)






REDDGRGONOFEGYPT (AFF.NET -I know Marik isn't in Doom Organization. I just wanted to put him in it for fun ^^; It is AU after all.)




Shadow: ^__^ thankies for reviewing!! [Gives everyone a lollipop and a Yami- in-teacher-outfit plushie] Yami is a hot teacher!! Me love him!!

Specter: WARNING, chappie contains LIME!! ...thanks, in part, to a sexy biology teacher named Yami...^^; R&R!!

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"Eh, Yueg! Ohayo gozaimasu! Get up already!"

A small groan came from a bundle of covers on the twin sized bed. Large eyes squinted closed to keep the sun out, not being able to see the pillow sent in their owner's direction.

"Knock, knock! Yueg...yer boyfriend is here ta see ya!" Jou yelled.

Yugi yelped as the pillow was smacked down on his head, jumping out of the bed and landing sprawled out on the ground. A deep chuckled interrupted his thoughts of revenge as the smaller looked up to see Yami standing in the doorway looking very amused. He paled and scrambled to his feet, feeling oddly embarrassed about the situation.

Yugi's eyes widened momentarily, "oh yeah! I forgot we were going downtown today!" he said, smiling as he remembered Yami asking him the other day to go out with him for the day since it was now the weekend.

He and the teacher been 'seeing each other' for the past week. They had gone to dinner twice. Yami considered them to be an official couple, whereas Yugi was still a tad hesitant on the idea of dating someone older than him...a teacher at his school, no less.

...Yami was hoping to change his mind on that today.

Jou had found out all the juicy details about the relationship from his small best friend, and never ceased teasing him about it. He actually found it very cute, accepting it with ease since he himself had the same sexual preference.

"I'll be a minute, Yami. Let me go wash up and get changed. Hold on, kay?" The taller nodded and the amethyst eyed boy scampered off into the bathroom.


"So where are we heading?" Yugi questioned as the two piled into the black Corvette the teacher drove. (Shadow: ^_^ that's my car...as soon as I get a license...)

"Downtown," Yami answered with a wink.

The smaller grumbled, "You know that isn't what I mean," He laughed. "Like, where downtown?"

Yami clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, "Ah, you seem to have forgotten I am a teacher, little one. You must be specific, like on a test. Remember, speak to me as if I know nothing on the subject," he exclaimed in a teasing voice.

"Stop using your title as a cover, Mutou-Sensei!"

"But it is a good cover, ne? Gets me out of plenty mishaps. After all who would accuse the sexy biology teacher?"

Yugi snorted lightly before bursting into a fit of giggles. He settled himself more comfortably in the vehicle and the two started to their destination. Yami put the volume up to better hear the rock music booming from the stereo, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel in beat with the music. Yugi laughed and leaned over, resting his head on Yami's shoulder, blushing slightly.

The two stayed silent for the most part as the drive continued.


Anzu Mazaki sighed into her mug of hot chocolate. She was alone, on a beautiful winter day while the snow was falling lightly and the coffee shop was unusually packed. Alone...she hated being alone. On a day such as today, with the frost glistening prettily on the window, Christmas music playing softly, and couples nestling together in front of the fireplace she did not want to be alone. Of course, who wouldn't then if it meant snuggling with a crush or lover in front of a fireplace while quietly sipping your shared cocoa?

She had wanted to ask Yami to enjoy this beautiful day with her. Sure, he was her teacher and probably would refuse dating someone so much younger...but she couldn't help but feel so drawn to him. It was strange, really...she had had many boyfriends in the past, but never did she get such a warm fuzzy feeling that stirred inside whenever the handsome twenty- one year old was around her.

He had talked to her the other day. For two hours strait, right after school. He seemed to like her a lot, so the brunette teen hoped their newly formed friendship could evolve into something greater. Sure, he was older, but it could still happen. Five years wasn't a big leap...her parents had been nine years apart when they married...nineteen and twenty-eight. This gave her hope for their future.

Anzu sighed again, raising the steaming cup of the chocolaty drink to her lips and taking a small sip to heat up her freezing insides. //Damn is it ever cold today.//

The bell of the café chimed, announcing the arrival of a new customer. The brunette's azure eyes raised, then widened as they locked on the tips of spiked up red and black hair. //Is this a coincidence or fate?// She thought, heart beat started to speed up. //It has to be fate. I was just sitting here wishing he could share the day with me and now he's arrived at the exact same café as I am in! I should go greet him...say something to make him notice my presence.

Anzu watched as the older male walked up to the counter and ordered something, holding up to fingers to indicate that he wanted two drinks. //Maybe he isn't alone. He probably is with some super hot girlfriend or something. Who am I kidding I don't stand a chance.//

She looked own at her feet, memorizing the pattern of the red and white stockings and outline of her long white skirt. Shaking her head to rid it of the negative thoughts, the sixteen-year-old averted her eyes back to Yami who had taken a seat at a two-seater table across from someone else who looked remarkably like him. //Yugi..? Nah, it cant be....It must be a sibling; or a trick of the light.//

She picked up her belongings and moved to a closer table so she could listen to the conversation between the two.

"-So what did you want to do today, little one."

The small boy across from Yami blushed, raising a hand to cover the redness across his cheeks, "I-I don't know Yami. You decide. I'll be happy doing whatever you like....I'm just still excited about being able to spend the day with you. It will give me a chance to get to know you more and, well, maybe give you a final decision of if I really want this or not."

Anzu's eyes widened at the familiar voice of her short friend. //What the hell are Yugi and Yami doing here...together? Why are they spending the day together? And what is Yugi deciding if he wants or not?"

Yami chuckled and took the petite teen's hand in his own, interlacing their fingers as he spoke; "I'm glad...don't think as if you have to tell me right away though. A week is the short time that we've known each other...a deeper relationship could take more time. But just know I'll be awaiting your answer, whenever it is you chose to give it to me." Yugi nodded and lowered his head to rest on their adjoined hands and smiled.

By now, the brunette's body had turned stone cold, even with the hot chocolate doing its best to keep it warm. //How...can this be so? Yami seemed so, well, _normal_. How can he be attracted to another male? _Yugi_ no less....This-this can't be true, this isn't right! // her brows furrowed in contemplation as she snapped her head in the opposite direction. //This isn't right...men are supposed to like women! Yami is supposed to have some pretty girlfriend, not...definitely not _Yugi_ or any other guy! I thought I had enough with Jou and Seto's relationship but this too?//

She turned back to see the two now close together, hovering over a bowl of chocolate fondue and each holding a small cookie in their hands to dip in the sauce. (Shadow: yummy! Though, I don't know if melted chocolate sauce would be considered fondue or not...oh well I consider it that ^_^ I gonna go eat some now!!) They dunked their cookie in the syrup and fed it to the other, both grinning silly.

Anzu couldn't take it anymore...she had really wanted to be with Yami, they had become friends and everything! //Yugi told me I shouldn't waste my time since he's so much older than me....Now look at him, eating right out of Yami's hand like that. He's putty in Yami's fingers...what a jerk, telling me not to go after Yami just because he wanted him. That isn't very friend- like. But fine, if that is how he wants to play...I accept the terms of this game.// (Shadow: I'm not really making her evil. Well, yes me am I couldn't resist, but...her anger will play a key role later on...)

She stood, grabbing her coat and purse from the back of her chair and stalked out of the café, not bothering to leave a tip. From outside the coffee shop, she stared with her face pressed up against the glass, watching the two spiky-haired males feed each other. She had to tear her eyes away when Yami leaned over and licked the melted chocolate off the side of Yugi's mouth. //I guess it wasn't meant to be for Yami and I...I won't give up hope though! I'll find a way to get that hypocrite Yugi back//

She began walking down the street when someone ran into her.

"Oh gods! Gomen Nasai. Sumimasen!" a voice cried.

The brunette groaned and rubbed her back, taking the hand that was just now offered to her and standing to meet angled violet eyes. She blinked, "oh it's okay. I was in a rush and not looking where I was walking I guess."

The man laughed, placing a hand behind his spiky blonde hair and scratching his head, "walking? You looked as thought you were running from the grim reaper! What the hell had you so jittery anyways?"

She looked down, closing her eyes, "I'd rather not talk about it if you don't mind."

The man shrugged, bringing his arm down. He was silent for a moment before smiling at her, "gomen, for being rude. Watashi no namae wa Ishtar, Marik desu... Anata no namae wa nan desu ka..?"

"Oh um... Watashi no namae wa Mazaki, Anzu desu," the brunette replied, spirits brightening.

"Doozo yoroshiku!" Marik chirped. An evil glint flashed through his eyes, "so how did it feel to find out he was homosexual with that little runt?"

Anzu opened her mouth to speak when suddenly her throat went dry, "how-how did you...?"

Marik chuckled darkly and pulled a golden rod out of his pocket. The eye of Horus glinted sinisterly on its front as a small glow emitted from the center, "I know everything about you Mazaki-san from the brief moment you let the barriers around your mind fall. Now surrender your soul to me, I am your master and you are now my pod," he grinned as the golden light grew to a blinding intensity.

When the light faded, the pupils from Anzu's eyes vanished and the color was just a solid blue. She collapsed to the ground by his feet.

"Now slave...I will tell you your mission..."


"Well, here we are! This is it, my apartment!" Yami said proudly, opening the door.

The smell of spices and incants filled the air as the two walked in.

Yugi gasped as the colors black and gold greeted him. He marveled at the many Egyptian-style statues, paintings, carpets, and other knick-knacks that were placed around the small dwelling. "I-It's lovely," he stated truthfully. Sure, he had grown up in a large home with his rich family, but it was over decorated and much too big for the small boy's liking. Yami's apartment was quaint and tastefully festooned.

The petite boy walked over to a gold painted figurine of a sphinx, tracing its hand over the smooth surface. Yami smiled warmly down at the boy, "well...it isn't much, but its home."

Yugi raised his eyes, amethyst meeting crimson. He giggled, walking away from the sphinx figurine to embrace the taller boy, "I think it is wonderful! It's so...I don't know...peaceful feeling."

Yami put an arm loosely around the other waist, "here, let me give you the grand tour." He walked them out of the foyer and into a different room which was the sitting room. It was simple; painted gold with a black rug covering the wood flooring with a plush black loveseat in the middle of the room facing a plasma screen TV.

Yugi's eyes widened at the TV but he said nothing as they continued walking to the kitchen.

They came to the last room of the house which was concealed behind a closed door. Yami wriggled the handle, opening the door to the room. It was painted solid black. In the middle of the room, across from a balconied window, was a king sized bed covered in gold silk sheets. Transparent gold curtains blew lazily with the light breeze the night air afforded. The closet was near the door, also painted black to blend in with the surrounding walls. On the dresser were several lit candles, each giving off the scent of pumpkins and spices.

Yugi stepped out of Yami's hold, walking further into the room. He ran his hand over the smooth texture of the silk bed cover before gripping the sheet and pulling himself on top of the high bed. He snuggled his face into the cool golden cover and sighed blissfully, looking out the window into the city. "Yami it's so beautiful in this room. I love it...and your view is perfect."

The taller nodded, walking to the bed as well and laying down on the silk comforter. He pulled the small boy closer to himself, smiling when no protests came, and lightly kissed him on the cheek. Yugi giggled, squirming slightly as Yami landed more kissed on his face, gradually making his way down to his neck, licking and nipping softly at the skin of his throat.

"Yugi you taste so," he broke off to kiss his lips quickly before finishing the sentence. "So sweet"

Yugi let out a puff of air as his heart started to race. Yami lowered him down on the bed, lying on top of him as he continued to kiss, lick, and bite him. A hand rose up to the hem of the teen's shirt, pushing the material up and out of the way so the hand could play across the alabaster skin. Yami's hand rose higher, over to one of the nipples on the boy's chest, rolling and pinching it between his fingers.

Yugi groaned slightly, arching his back as Yami slipped his shirt off completely. The taller hunched over and took the neglected nub of flesh into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, lapping at it, and biting down on it. The smaller's eyes widened at the never experience sensation. His skin felt as though it were on fire wherever Yami's tongue touched. "M- Mutou-sensei..." he moaned loudly, arching his back again as desire clouded his mind.

Yami placed his lips over Yugi's, tracing the lips with his tongue and almost immediately being granted entrance. He hummed into the little one's mouth, darting his tongue in to sample the sweet flavor of Yugi. The boy tasted like maple syrup, sticky and sweet and highly addictive. He sought out Yugi's tongue and entwined his own around it. The smaller moaned at the action, pulling his tongue free and pushing it into Yami's out to taste the spicy flavor that naturally suited him.

"Yami," Yugi panted as the kiss was broken for air. He felt the other's hand travel lower down his body, stopping at the rim of his khaki cargo pants and slipping a finger in to tease the skin underneath. "Y-Yami..." he repeated louder, a desire for something building up inside of him.

'Yes my little one," Yami asked, pretending he didn't know what it was the boy wanted so bad.

//This isn't right...what the heck am I doing? What they heck is he doing?// Yugi thought as he felt Yami undo the buttons of his pants and slip the clothing down to his knees before doing the same to Yugi as well.

Yami rubbed a hand against Yugi's erection which as still clothed only by the light blue boxers he wore. The violet eyed teen gasped in pleasure, pressing his body closer to Yami's in order to feel that friction again. The older stroked the boy's arousal slowly, kissing around the rim of his boxers and dipping his tongue into his belly button. "Yugi, you are so beautiful, do you know?" he breathed.

Yugi panted and Yami stopped rubbing his hand against him. He pulled away completely to place a final kiss on Yugi's lips. "I think that will be the lesson for today," he said into Yugi's ear, licking it before pulling away, taking his shirt off and lying down beside him. He pulled the silk gold cover over them and allowed Yugi to snuggle into his chest.

Yugi was still breathing rapidly from the activities. He cuddled closer to the taller man and sighed contentedly. //That felt so right...but was it? Is it right to do this with someone you have known only for a week?// Yami started petting his hair, warranting that everything was okay and that what they were doing was fine.

"Ashiteru, Yugi...I have for the longest time."

The teen was slightly perplexed by the end of the comment but dismissed it as only meaning since their meeting incident when he came here the first day. "A-ashiteru too Yami."

Yami glowed with happiness as he hugged Yugi tighter to himself, kissing the top of his head before being pulled into a deep slumber.

Yugi watched him sleep, not knowing if he said the right thing or not. "Ashiteru Yami...I hope."

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Shadow: LIME! YEAH!!!!!! Nice Yugi/Yami scene there I think...and oh my gods...Anzu is possessed now!!

Specter: heh, heh!

Shadow: R&R please and here is a Yugioh T-shirt for everyone who reviewed before and for the readers now...uh...gets this picture of Yami in his sexy teacher outfit!!!!! I really drew him in it...he looks so hot!!!! [drools] R&R PLEASE!!! ^____________^

Translations - Japanese to English -

* Ohayo gozaimasu: "good morning"

* Gomen: (informal) "sorry"

* Gomen nasai: (formal) "I'm sorry"

* Sumimasen: "excuse me, sorry."

*Watashi no namae wa ...desu: "My name is ______"

*doozo yoroshiku: "nice to meet you"

*Anata no namae wa nan desu ka: "What is your name?"

*Ashiteru: I love you