Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Can you win his heart? ❯ Too close for comfort, Anzu makes a move ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Shadow: ^____^ I love this fic; it is SO fun to write!! I love Yami as a teacher...he sooooo hot!!

Specter: yeah!










ZINX (MEDIAMINER.ORG - A senior or junior?! ME?! I wish. No I'm a little freshman still ^^; and I don't take Japanese, though I wish I did. I just went to this website to look up words...I'm slowly learning...sorta...)









CLOUD-1-3-5 (FF.NET)


Shadow: ^__________^ I love you all!! Er...well...yeah you inspire me to keep writing!! So for all of you get this limited addition YugixYami wedding plushie with Yami in a black tux and Yugi in a white wedding dress ^___^ so kawaii!!

Specter: R&R please!!

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Jonouchi yawned and stretched his arms behind his head, "damn dat test was so long...I know I failed. Why does Siuda-Sensei have to make everything so damn difficult?!"

Honda rolled his eyes, prodding the boy on the back, "maybe if you had actually studied you would have gotten higher than a sixty-eight? At least it isn't a fail."

"Dammit stop sayin dat! It's as good as a failure!" (Shadow: ^_^ at my school, a sixty-eight would be a D+) "It's gonna cost me my entire quarter's worth of work!"

"You're whole quarter's worth of work have been mostly C's anyways, Jou," Anzu remarked snidely, tossing her hair and looking away.

Jou ignored the comment, grinning as he saw his little spiky-haired friend a few feet away. "You Yueg!"

The small boy jumped at hearing his name, turning with an almost fearful expression on his face. His eyes glowed brightly as he noticed his best friend, Anzu, and Honda walking towards him. He waved and made his way towards the three, smiling widely.

"Yueg where have ya been ova dis weekend? I haven't seen ya at all, `cept at night when ya come ta bed," Jou exclaimed, looking expectantly at the boy.

Yugi blushed, looking down at the ground and letting a small giggle bubble past his lips, "I-I was uh...I was...um, out," he sputtered.

Anzu raised an eyebrow, noticing the boy's flushed complexion. Honda was oblivious to what was obvious and Jou smiled knowingly.

The tall blonde teen bent down to whisper in the other's ear, causing the tri-haired teen to redden even more before letting out an embarrassed, "Jou!" and slapping the boy on the arm.

Jonouchi chuckled and playfully smacked the other boy on the head. "Dun be ashamed, Yueg... Seto an' I do it all the time."

"That's different," Yugi whispered back.

"Yugi what had you so freaked out when we called your name anyways? Honda asked.

The petite teen mumbled something, turning red again, "there-there were some bullies chasing me before. It's no big deal really."

"If ya eva need help when dose bullies come, jus get us, Yueg. We'll back ya up!" Yugi nodded and the four made their way to the lunch room.

"Yugi-kun!" a voice called.

The said boy turned to see Yami standing against a tall tree wearing off white pants, a navy shirt, and a cream colored jacket. He was smiling faintly. Yugi paled but nodded anyways, "h-hai Mutou-Sensei?" he asked.

Yami motioned for him to come over and the small boy did so, not noticing the icy glare directed at him from Anzu.

The taller man greeted Yugi, bending down slightly to talk directly in his ear. The small one nodded happily, scurrying over to the others to tell them he couldn't join them for lunch. "Mutou-Sensei needs help sorting papers and I need extra credit to make up for that quiz grade I got last week."

Honda and Jou nodded before rushing off to the large lunch line. It was Pizza Day and they wanted to get a whole box each for themselves before the other students could. Anzu stayed a moment, "you know, I did pretty badly on that quiz too Yugi-kun. Do you think he would mind if I helped out with paper sorting for extra credit as well?" she questioned.

Yugi gulped. He had lied about sorting papers. Yami wanted to spend time with him during the lunch period. He couldn't tell Anzu his and Yami's secret though, that was only for Jonouchi, himself, and Yami to know. Hesitantly, he nodded his head, casting a quick glance in the teacher's direction before returning his attentions to the brunette teen. "S-sure Anzu we could ask him."

Anzu grinned widely and tugged Yugi's arm in the direction of the handsome Biology teacher. "Hello Yami-Sama!" she chirped.

The young administrator raised an eyebrow, not expecting her to be with Yugi. He smiled good-naturedly and nodded in greeting. "Yugi is it alright with your friends if you skip lunch with them. You can always eat in the classroom, don't believe any of that shit that it can cause an explosion or something." He winked.

Yugi nodded, "w-well...Anzu said she needed some e-extra credit too, Mutou-Sensei. She was wondering if she could help sort some papers as well." He prayed the older wouldn't be angry with him.

Yami smiled, knowing the other would think he'd get mad. It didn't matter; they could spend time together after school hours. "Of course she can. The more the merrier I guess...plus we'll get the work done faster."

The brunette cheered inside her head. She got to spend the whole lunch period alone in Yami's classroom with Yami! Oh, well, and Yugi too. She'd just have to find a way to get the squirt out of the room.

The three started off toward the science centre. They walked past the students to who stared in awe at the gorgeous man leading the two.

"Well here we are. Not like you didn't know that."

Yami used his key to open the door, stepping aside and saying, "ladies first" to let Anzu in before him. The girl blushed slightly and walked inside. Yami smiled at Yugi, bending to whisper, "cuties second" into the boy's ear and let him pass.

"Boring old teachers third," he said.

Yugi giggled and told Yami he was much better than any old teacher while Anzu looked around the room. It looked different now than when she had been inside it earlier that day for class.

"Yami-Sama, what kind of papers do we need to organize?"

"Oh...uh...well, I lied about that. We can just hang out and watch TV for the time being. Fun extra credit, ne?" He smirked at the shocked gaze he received from the cheerleader, "what you'd think I'd give my favorite students actual work?!"

Yugi laughed again, "favorite students?"

"Of course. Now what movie shall we watch? Or if you prefer, we could play a game. Duel Monsters perhaps?"

Yugi nodded, "okay! I love Duel Monsters!"

Anzu groaned. //This is not what I hoped for.//

"I need to go get my deck; it's up in my room. I'll be back in a few minutes!" Yugi chirped bounding out of the room.

The brunette grinned; //his dorm is on the other side of the school. He'll take at least twenty minutes if he runs fast. This gives me some alone time with my favorite teacher.// "Go ahead, Yugi; we'll wait!" she called after him.

Yami sighed and sat down on his desk, pushing the papers aside so he could lay down back first across the polished wood. (Shadow: I do that all the time at home. Just lay down on the desk. It's comfy...^^;)

Anzu stared at his long slender form, not really sure what to do. Just standing there goggling made her seem like an idiot. She cautiously took two steps forward. He cleared her throat to make the other at least try and acknowledge her.

"Is there something you want?" came the low rumble of Yami's voice.

The girl blushed slightly, hovering over the closed eyed, ideal body of the twenty-one year old man. //Kami-Sama he is so perfect...I have this strange feeling towards him, this weird connection. Why do I feel this way? I thought it might have been just an infatuation with his looks but...my emotions run so much deeper than that. //

Yami opened his eyes slowly, "yes?" he questioned, waiting for the girl to move.

Anzu bit her lip. She felt the urge to kiss him. He looked so surreal, so ethereal. She closed her eyes, and in one strong surge of emotion, grabbed the resting teacher by the tie around his neck, and pulled him towards her; meeting his lips with her own as she kissed him deeply. //Yugi can't have him. He was made for me, I just know it!//

Yami's eyes snapped open in the rush of movement. Warm lips were placed over his own, but they weren't the familiar soft ones belonging to his little one. //Anzu..? Why one earth...// he stopped his thoughts as a moist tongue ran over his mouth, pleading for entrance as the younger girl climbed on top of his lap. She forced her tongue into his mouth, exploring the warm cavern as she moaned lightly. Shaking his head, he pulled out of his kiss, panting slightly from the loss of air during the kiss. He grabbed the brunette by the shoulders to hold her back.

"Anzu what were you doing?" he asked.

The cheerleader's eyes drooped slightly, their brilliant azure color dulling and hazing over as they stared into fiery crimson orbs. She found herself leaning in for another kiss, capturing those pliable lips with her own again. "I can't help it," she murmured, tilting her head to the side and placing another kiss on the corner of his mouth. "We were meant to be."

"Anzu stop it, now."

The request was ignored as the teenager moved to straddle his hips, burying her face in the teacher's neck and licking the salty skin of his throat.

Yami gulped, asking the girl to stop again and once more was promptly ignored as she continued to assault his neck. He closed his eyes tightly as he felt her lick the inside of his ear. "I said get off of me!" he yelled.

"We were meant to be, you and me. I can't stop, I want you too much. You want me too Yami...you know you do."

Yami growled. Sure, the brunette girl was very attractive but he had Yugi now, and that is all he would ever need. "Get off...I don't want you. You have no idea who you are trifling with?"

Anzu chuckled, "you're in no position to be making threats. Just remember who is on top at the moment."

Crimson orbs blinked as he noticed their position of him now sprawled down on the desktop with her hovering over, still straddling his waist. She laughed uncharacteristically darkly, laying down fully on top of the older man and moving her hand down the length of his body, dipping down through the rim of his pants to stroke his member which was only now clothed by the white boxers he wore.

"A-Anzu...stop it," he whispered hoarsely.

The girl laughed cruelly, "Not so high and mighty now, are you agent Yami?"

Yami's eyes widened, "h-how did you..."

"Don't hurt yourself trying to think. I'm not Anzu," she whispered, teeth barred as she began to stroke faster, causing the man to cry out.

Yami snarled but halfway it turned into a low pleasurable groan, "damn you...you're with the Doom Organization aren't you?"

Anzu's hand pressed down hard on the erection, "very good. I'm one of Dartz's top representatives. I have you just where I want you under my grip; now that I have entered your mind and uncovered all of your dark secrets. You and Yugi sure hit it off well...he will be ours if he truly is the one, like you proclaim...remember that."

"W-who are you?"

Anzu's body moved up, her hand leaving his pants as she cupped his face in her hands, moving it towards her own. "Dear Yami, remember my name...Marik." With that, and a final lick at the other's lips, Anzu's eyes returned to their normal bright color and she feel forward, having been drained of energy.

"Gods, Anzu!" Yami cried, standing himself up and placing her on the black leather chair in front of the desk. He grimaced and felt her forehead before pulling back and blinking slowly, "Marik, you won't get away with this, whoever you are. Show your face next time. If you ever harm one of Yugi, his friends or control any of them again, it'll be your death."

//How did he control her anyways? It is a power that surpasses any of my own Millennium Puzzle magics.//

The door opened and Yugi stepped in, "I got my deck! Sorry it took so lo--oh my god what happened to Anzu?" he yelled, dropping his cards and making them scatter on the floor. He rushed over to his friend's side and shook her by the shoulders. "What happened to her?"

Yami knelt down next to the boy, taking him in his arms, "something I want to protect you from, little one."

"Yami what did you do? She was fine before I left!" He screamed.

"Yugi listen I didn't do anything. You have to trust me....I know a little bit but I am forbidden to tell you right now. Later, when we know each other more."

"We know each other enough to have a sexual relationship, according to you, but you can't tell me what you did to my friend? Did you assault her like you did me on our second meeting? How the hell am I supposed to trust you if you don't tell me anything!"

The teacher's eyes widened as he reached out to touch the boy on the arm. The smaller shied away yelling, "don't touch me!" before taking Anzu the best he could in his arms and running as fast as he could out of the room, not caring that the bell would ring soon.

{{Heh, heh...this fight wont be as easy as you presume, Agent Yami. With Yugi and his friends at my disposal, I will find a very good way to break the boy and send him to us.}}

//Marik? What is he doing in my head?//

{{Ooh, sorry...did I not tell you the other special powers I am afforded with the help of my Millennium Rod?}}

//Millennium Rod?//

{{Foolish Agent Yami...there are more Millennium Items than just the one you posses. I will get the boy, and your item, mark my words. Then the world will be mine!}}

Yami placed his hand over his ears, trying to will the voice to go away with little luck. //I thought you worked for Dartz?//

Marik chuckled inside his head, {{yes well...those alliances can be so petty and easily broken.}}

//He'll see through your lies//

A jolt of electricity was sent through Yami's mind, knocking him to the ground in pain as he withered into a ball, tears forming in his eyes from the horrendous pain.

{{Don't question my actions; I can very well dispose of you all too easily. But that would make this job to boring. I suggest you hold your tongue, or I'll control your mind and make you cut it out.}}

The pain was gone and the presence of the evil one gone from his mind. He stood and composed himself, glaring out the window. "First it was Amelda and now this? Besides the fact I still need to deal with Varon." He ran out of the room, only stopping to call the School Director and cancel his classes for the rest of the afternoon. "I think Dartz should spend a little time working alone for once."

Yami ran down the hallway and towards the school clinic, where he figured Yugi was headed.


Yugi panted as he stopped again, placing Anzu's unconscious form on the ground. "I'm sorry Anzu...I trusted him too soon. He hurt you, didn't he?"

A shadow fell over the two and the short boy spun around, facing a tall brown haired teen with hazel eyes. He wore the school uniform. The boy smiled kindly, "do you need a hand? You look like you're struggling a bit."

Yugi smiled, thanking the boy and standing aside so he could pick Anzu up. "She's pretty," the boy said, looking down on the brunette girl's face, brushing a strand of hair out of her closed eyes. "Is she your girlfriend?"

Yugi blushed, "no way! I-I mean...she's just a friend. I have boy--well, I did have a boyfriend. We got in a fight now though. About her."

"Women problems..? I can relate."

Yugi giggled and the two kept walking. Yugi turned to the brown haired boy, smiling kindly, "I'm Yugi, by the way. Yugi Muto from Domino City...I'm a junior here."

"I'm Varon Shirahata, a junior as well."

"Oh well thanks again, Varon. It was nice meeting you," Yugi exclaimed as the two entered the infirmary and placed Anzu on a bed while the nurse attended to an ill student.

"It is nice to meet you too. See you around sometime I guess."

"Thanks again!"

Varon chuckled, waving as he walked out the door, eyes glowing darkly as he turned down the corridor, //no...Thank _you_, Yugi.//

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Shadow: ^________^ well, that's it for now!!!

Specter: YEP!! R&R PLEASE!!!