Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Can you win his heart? ❯ When dreams become reality, not all is what it seems ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



KIRIKOU-CHAN - MEDIAMINER.ORG (thanks for putting me on your faves. list ^_~)







CLOUD-1-3-5 - FF.NET







Shadow: ^_____^ Domo Arigato! Reviewers make me feel so special!! OH! Presents...all you reviewers get...ano... a gigantic tub of ice cream (for whatever use you wanna put it to X_x)

Specter: she's read too many hentai fics

Shadow: U_U I know. Oh well, you're stuck with me no matter what

Specter: -_- damn curse

Shadow: ^^ PLEASE R&R!!!!

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Yugi stared down at Anzu's unconscious form. The nurse had left after checking to see if the teen had any physical injuries, which she didn't. The small boy had insisted something must've been wrong but the woman running the infirmary, Michu-San, had just waved the issue aside; saying she probably just fainted by the cold air of the day.

"I'm sorry Anzu. I know something happened to you, and it wasn't just the cold air......Something really must've happened. But, maybe I am thinking too seriously about this, and blaming Yami too soon."

The violet eyed boy sighed and stood up, turning to leave when he noticed a sad looking Yami standing in the doorway.

"I really didn't do anything to her," the crimson eyed man whispered. "Please believe me."

Violet eyes lowered to the ground as Yugi clasped his hands tightly behind his back. He turned his head away from Yami.

The taller's face crumbled as he walked over, taking the boy's face in his hands and turning it upwards to look at him. "Please, Yugi. Why would I want to hurt her? She is a sweet girl; I wouldn't harm a hair on her head. But you must listen to me when I say I cannot tell you the cause of her situation. I am forbidden, you understand?" Yugi nodded, still not looking him in the eye.

Yami sighed and reached into his back pocket, pulling out what looked like a red flowered bunch of leaves. He put a small grin on his face and held the mistletoe above the smaller's head, staring at him through remorse filled scarlet orbs. "I love you, Yugi. Please believe me...I wouldn't do anything to harm you or your friends."

The teen stared up at the mistletoe before glancing at the full pink lips just eye level with him. Guilt rose within him for blaming the other so quickly. //Maybe she did just faint or something...I can trust Yami, he said he loved me...// He smiled softly and leaned closer to kiss the older. He felt the taller smirk and glared slightly, "That was a very cheap trick," he mumbled against the other's lips.

Yami chuckled, pulling the boy closer while deepening their kiss, "heh, I guess so....but you fell for it anyways."

From the white sheeted cot, blue eyes turned to dark slits, Marik once again controlling their owner's mind from afar.

{{Listen to me, Anzu...}} a dark voice inside her head whispered.

//What are you?// She answered, looking around the room to find the source of the unfamiliar voice, her wandering eyes bringing the lip-locked Yugi and Yami into view. She gasped mentally. //No...I thought it wasn't true!//

{{Don't be a fool, Mazaki-san. Listen to me and that nightmarish illusion will disappear and it'll be you that he's kissing the breath out off.}}

The girl gulped, closing her eyes once more, //what do you want? What do you want me to do?//

Marik smirked mentally, taking full control over the girl's mind.


"So Anzu's okay?" Honda asked for the third time. It was after classes and the four of them, Yugi, Honda, Jou, and even Yami, were all in a dorm room.

Yugi nodded, trying to avoid Yami's hand which was doing it's best to seek out his own. "T-The nurse just said she probably fainted from the cold."

Jou nodded in understanding while Honda nervously bit his lip. He wouldn't admit it to any of the others, but had been feeling emotions towards Anzu for a while now. He knew the cheerleader liked him only as a friend, but he still believed maybe there was a special place for him that could be reserved in her heart.

The brunette boy looked at the clock on Yugi and Jou's dorm room wall. "I think I'm going to go visit her, to see if she has woken up yet."

Jou shrugged and flopped back on his bed, making himself comfortable. Once Honda left, he turned to he other two, "ya can stop the charade now dat he's gone." He hinted.

Yami smirked, and snaked his arms around Yugi's waist, pulling him down on the bed and tickling his fingers against the smooth skin under the boy's shirt. Yugi giggled and squirmed to get away from the prodding hands.

Jou rolled his eyes, grabbing a magazine off the counter and flipping through it casually. A soft knock on the door followed by a harsh banging caused him to jump and drop the magazine. "Ugh, it's _open_!" he cried.

The door banged open and two teens walked in; well one walked and the other strutted. They both had long white hair and chocolate brown eyes. The shorter's eyes were wide and doe-like and his hair was neatly brushed down. His other's eyes were sinisterly narrowed and his hair was untidy and wild. They both sported the same blue and white long sleeved shirt and blue jeans.

"Pharaoh! I knew I'd find you in this hellhole!" the taller yelled, walking over and slapping a bewildered Yami on the back.

The shorter white haired boy sighed and sat down on the edge of Jonouchi's bed.

"Can I help ya?" the blonde asked. He recognized the shorter as Ryou Kurogane, a junior as well from his Algebra, English, and American History courses. The other he wasn't acquainted with.

Ryou shook his head, "I'm so sorry to intrude like this," he started, British accent clear as day as he spoke. "But he insisted I take him to see Mutou-Sensei."

"It's not Mutou-sensei you dumb ass it's the fucking Pharaoh!"

Yami got up and cleared his throat, crimson eyes piercing through the taller white haired male's, "what do you want Bakura?" he asked icily.

Bakura snorted, draping an arm over the spiky-haired man's shoulder, "aw come now, Pharaoh...I thought we were closer friends than this."

Yami growled, taking Bakura by the ear and dragging him into the bathroom, closing the door behind them. "What the fuck are you doing here?! You're as good as blowing my fucking cover!" he hissed.

"Temper, temper, agent Yami," Bakura chided.

"Why the hell are you here?"

"Why the hell are you so uptight?"

"Answer the damn question!"

Bakura sat down on the sink, swinging his legs as he pretended to look innocent, "what is t a problem? The boss just thought you might want some help since Dartz has got so many of his cronies out searching for `him'."

"Look I don't need your help. I have Yugi with me now and it'll stay that way. Nobody will get his powers unless they kill me first so you can go back and tell Pegasus that your help is not required."

Bakura rolled his eyes, "you're stressing yourself too much. I'm not going anywhere until this mission is done and over with. So just accept that I'm going to be here doing your job as well."

"I don't want nor need assistance." Yami snapped.

The white haired man sighed, "I'll be posing as just a senior student since you know, I look so much more youthful than you that I can be mistaken for that still."

Yami growled, giving one more hateful glare at the other before marching out of the room to rejoin Yugi on the bed.

"Pharaoh you need my help more than you think..."


Honda opened the door to room 15, where Anzu was being kept till she reawakened. He was shocked to see the girl sitting up in bed, staring out the window.

"Anzu-san?" he asked, stepping further into the room.

The girl turned, her blue eyes hazed over as she cocked her head to the side, uncharacteristic smirk forming on her face.

"He'll do nicely..." a voice said from nowhere.

The brunette boy jumped, seeing a blonde haired man materialize from think air, grinning broadly at him. He pointed a gold staff at Anzu, "Listen to me, foolish girl. I need more slaves so claim his mind as well!" he ordered, the eyes in the middle of the rod glowing brightly before he disappeared.

Anzu nodded, "yes Master Marik, I will obey your instructions. You know best" she stated, voice holding no emotion. She walked towards Honda; her arm outstretched as black electricity shot out of her hand and engulfed the teenage boy.

//W-what's happening? // Honda thought before his world went black.

Marik watched the boy struggling to regain consciousness. {{Insolent fool...your mind belongs to me now! I am your Master. Now go and get me `the one.' Bring me Yugi so that I may rule this world!}}

Honda's eyes snapped open, their hazel color dulled as he stood, marching out of the room in an almost robotic manner. //I will find you Yugi, Master...//


Jou had just left with Seto a few minutes ago for another dinner out. Ryou had forced Bakura to leave with him since he was bothering Yami so much. Now it was just Yugi and the teacher left in the room.

Crimson orbs stared into Violet as the taller shifted slightly to get more comfortable. Yugi squirmed underneath the larger weight lying on top of him, "why may I ask are you always on top? Why can't I be on top for once?"

"Oh someone is forward this evening," Yami teased.

Yugi's brow furrowed for a moment before he blushed, realizing exactly what he had said and what it sounded like he was implying. He giggled, "I didn't mean it like _that_ you hentai!" he said.

"I see...." Yami stated, tone disbelieving.

"I-I didn't mean it like that!"

"Sure you didn't," Yami teased.

Yugi frowned, a tinge of frustration bubbling inside of him. He yawned, pushing it away. He wasn't one to hold grudges about something so trivial. He smiled, rolling the two of them over to be on their sides as they rested. Snuggling against Yami, his eyes fluttered closed as sleep claimed him.


Yugi opened his eyes to find himself lying on a stone slab. Around him, it looked as though he was under water. But he could still breathe, so obviously he was on land with oxygen. He sat up, moving aside the think white sheet that was placed over him. It was then he noticed he was stark naked with wires and needles sticking out of his arms and legs. Feeling something odd on his neck, he moved his hand to the back of his head to feel the skin, gasping as he came across a metal plug-like thing, a black cord coming out from it. (Shadow: you know in The Matrix when they have those things on their necks? It's kinda like that.)

"Wh-what's going on?!" He asked aloud, standing up and ignoring the pain that shot from his neck down as the cord tried to pull him back on the bed. He whimpered, bringing his hand to clasp around the plug as he yanked it out, letting out a loud scream as pain worse than what he felt before spread through his entire body. His body trembled violently as he sat on the bed, wrapping the white sheet around himself. It was so freezing here, wherever he was.

"What am I d-doing here? What is this place?"

He stared around the odd liquid looking substance he was encased inside. Getting the strength to stand, he carefully walked to the end of the little enclosure, running his hand across the material that made up the protective wall. It was gooey and jellylike as it came in contact with his fingers, sticking to them and trapping them there. It was an extremely cold substance as well, engulfing his entire hand and turning it numb.

Yugi panicked, trying to pull his hand out. Finally after wrenching it free, he stumbled back, falling to the ground. A deep chuckle was heard.

"Well, well Yugi...having fun?" a voice questioned.

The violet eyed teen whipped around to see a man with long silver hair tied back into a ponytail and reaching his lower back. His one blue eye and green eye glinted dangerously; a fire of satisfaction burning within them. The boy's eyes widened as he scooted away from the man, yanking on one of the needles in his legs and hissing in pain. Tears welled up in his violet orbs, spilling over their edges, "who-who are you?" he asked.

The man walked forward, "that does not matter right now, little one." He picked Yugi up by his upper arm, watching at the white cloth slid off his small frame and onto the damp floor. "Well boy I can't believe you are really `the one'...you look so spineless....Just the easier for me take advantage of anyways, so why am I complaining?" He tugged the back of the boy's hair, causing some of the strands to rip and tear painfully. Yugi cried out, hugging himself with his arms in attempt to shut the pain away.

The man pulled Yugi flush against him, "you are so weak, boy...yet within you resides a power so strong, it can control the entire world..." he whispered into the boy's ear, causing him to shiver.

"W-what do you mean, a power?" the teenager asked, slowly feeling more tired as a weird symbol started to glow on the man's forehead.

The white haired man chuckled, picking Yugi up in his arms and walking him to the slab where he previously was sleeping on. "Your precious Agent Yami hasn't told you?"

"Agent? What are you talking about? Yami is a biology teacher..." Yugi whispered eyes drooping as his energy began to drain more.

The man pulled the white sheet over his body to keep him warmer, which Yugi smiled in appreciation to. "Tsk, tsk...boy there is so little you know about him, yet you trust him so fully. Those that are close to you...your acquaintances ...how can you be sure that one you think is one of your greatest friends is actually your greatest - or working for - your greatest enemy?"

Sleep started weaving its spell over Yugi, the symbol on the man's forehead glowed an eerie green. Violet orbs shut as his senses dulled, only hearing a final laugh from the man. "I know we shall meet again, little one...this is no ordinary dream, and one day your power will me mine..."


Yugi's eyes snapped open and he bolted upright, looking around and blinking rapidly to make the blur blocking his vision subside. He shook his head and jumped when feeling the bed shift slightly.

"Yugi are you -"

The violet eyed teen grasped the taller man by the shoulders, shaking slightly, "tell me who you are!" he hollered.

Yami raised an eyebrow, taking Yugi's hands in his own and kissing the lightly. He was slightly hurt when the boy pulled away, holding his hands to his chest as his body began to shake violently. "Yugi what are you talking about?" he questioned, placing a hand on the other's crisscrossed arms.

"Don't touch me!" Yugi yelled, moving away. "I want to know who you are..." he whispered hoarsely.

"You know who I am!"

Yugi didn't turn around. Instead, he moved one of his hands from his chest and raised it to the back of his neck. Pushing aside the hair, he felt the metal plug he was searching for. That wasn't there before the dream...or was it? Tears welled in his eyes as he turned to face Yami. "What am I?" he asked in a pleading tone.

Yami's eyes softened as he placed his hand over Yugi's and feeling the cool metal on the back of the boy's neck. Tears leaked from the boy's eyes as he fell against Yami's chest, his breath ragged as he began to sob. "I'm scared...what's going on?"

The taller already knew what had happened. Dartz had entered the boy's dreams; turning it into a harsh impracticable reality...he had done it before to his previous victims....He had done it before to Yami. It was a sorrowful and painful experience. He shushed the boy, kissing his hair and stroking the long strands. "It's okay...you're Yugi and you always will be...Don't worry I will protect you. Remember that always."

Yugi sniffled, "who are you really?" he asked.

Yami looked down, sighing as he loosened his grip, "my name really is Yami Mutou...I am an Agent for the Domino Bureau of Defense."


Dartz grinned as he watched Yami's telling of who he really was. He chuckled, closing his eyes as he held a lock of black hair to his lips, kissing the locks softly.

"Yes Yugi that dream was very much a reality...and you soon shall be mine, for now I have you right where I want you, with all of those you care about under my control thanks to my servant Marik. Your power shall be mine!"

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Shadow: ^_______________^ EVIL, EVIL, EVIL! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! [Cough] Ahem...R&R PLEASE?!