Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Can you win his heart? ❯ There are bad people out there ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]




















Shadow: wow lots of reviews ^_^ glad everyone likes it and sorry this chapter took me forever to get out!!!

Specter: also, after having it pointed out by Red Dragon Of Egypt we would like to tell everyone that this fic may jump around a bit and be pretty confusing at times (like that weird dream Yugi had) but that makes up the plot and you'll see what we mean later on...

Shadow: uh huh! Now we should stop babbling and get on with the fic...so R&R PLEASE!!!


Yugi rested his head on the desk, watching as Yami drew a diagram of an animal cell on the board. His thoughts kept drifting back to the strange dream he had the other night. //It had been so real...that cord in the back of my neck...but nothing was there when I felt my neck later today. And Yami being an Agent...? That was strange it's impossible...I must have still been dreaming that....But maybe there is more to him than I think? He hasn't told me much about himself...// (Shadow: okay remember how when Yugi supposedly woke up from the dream about when he was in that place with Dartz? Well Yugi thinks he was just still dreaming...If you don't get it I can't help you any more than then ^^;)

"Okay can anybody come up and show me where the Nucleus is?" the deep voice of the teacher asked. "Anyone...?"

The petite youth sighed as he slowly raised his hand, seeing Yami smile and hold out the red marker for him to use. Yugi walked forward and took the marker, standing with his back turned from the class as he labeled the correct part of the cell. When he was finished he smiled back and the taller male who winked and teasingly pushed him back to his seat.

"Thank you Muto-kun....Now can anybody else show us where the Chromatin is?"

Yugi laid his head down again as he heard Anzu, who was released from the infirmary last night, volunteer and scurry to the board, watching with a lazily half open eye as she pressed her body close to his and let her hand linger on his longer than necessary to take the marker. Several students chuckled as Yami cleared his throat and stepped away, slightly red in the face. Yugi himself smiled.

The small boy spend the rest of the class period, when he wasn't labeling Cell diagrams, thinking about the best way to bring the dream up to Yami. It probably wasn't as big a deal as he was making it, but it still irked him to no end so he was going to get to the bottom of it. Maybe Yami knew some things he should too....


"Oi, Yugi! Matte..!"

The said teen whirled around, coming face to face with Varon Shirahata, the junior who helped him carry Anzu to the nurse's office a few days ago. Yugi grinned, waving at the brunette and stopping so the other could catch up to him. "Konnichiwa Varon-kun!" he chirped.

"Konnichiwa," the taller greeted back, smiling also as he fell into step with the shorter boy. "So it's Thursday and tomorrow is a free day; got any plans?" he nudged Yugi in the ribs, "like a hot date with some fine chick?"


"You know Anzu Mazaki has been very friendly with you. Are the two of you an item and you didn't tell me?"

Yugi's cheeks reddened as he shook his head, "Anzu and-and _me_?! No way! I-I mean I like her and all but we-we're just friends, y'know?"

Varon winked, "whatever you say. So are you with anyone currently? You're too cute to be available..." he chuckled, patting Yugi on the head.

The tri-haired teen flushed again, batting the other's arm away as he giggled, "well my boyfriend and I made up so I guess that would make me unavailable then, huh?"

"Boyfriend huh..? So you swing that way?" Yugi nodded. "I'm kind of both. Girls and guys are fine with me; as long as I get some action. So...I've been here a while, who's the lucky guy I might know him."

The petite youth looked to the sky, "you might but he might not want anyone else to know we're together. The only person that knows of our relationship is my best friend, Katsuya Jonouchi."

"Alright then. So uh, Yugi if you don't have any plans for tonight want to hang out?"

Yugi's face brightened, "really? You really want to hang out with me?"

Varon laughed, "Sure you seem cool. Come by my dorm at about nine and we can just hang. I can introduce you to some of my other friends, okay?"

"I'd love to!" The smaller was about to ask what the dorm room was when two arms snatched him violently to the side.

"What the hell are you doing?!" a deep voice questioned sternly.

Violet eyes widened in recognition, "Yami?"

He was placed on the ground and stared straight into narrowed crimson orbs, "Yugi why are you talking to him?" he asked quickly.

"I-this is Varon and he-he's my friend." Yugi winced as Yami grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

"Bye Yugi!" Varon called, walking away and smirking slightly. "I'm dorm room 429 in building two."

Yugi struggled against Yami's hold, "let go! What's wrong with you?" he cried.

Loosening his grip Yami placed a light kiss on the boy's cheek, "I'm sorry Koibito it's just that...that boy, Varon...he isn't safe. He isn't even your age and he doesn't even really attend this school."

"What are you talking about? Of course he attends this school, he told me he's a junior."

"Yugi you must learn not to trust everybody. Some people out there...some people are just sick minded and cannot be entrusted at all. Some people you just can't listen to or else they'll catch you in a trap."

"Are you one of those people?"

Yami was slightly shocked by the question but he shook his head, "no I'm not. I'm one of the people trying to stop those sickos. Please put faith in me....I don't want to see them hurt you, little one. I love you and wouldn't be able to live if you got into their hands."

"Why would I fall into their hands? What have I done? Why would they want me?" the small one asked, scotching closer and burrowing his head in the taller's chest. "I'm nothing special."

The crimson eyed man laughed, pulling the boy closer and smoothing his hair down, "Yugi you don't know how special you really are. So special...that practically half the world is after you..."

The violet eyed teen raised his head up a little, "half the world? What would the need me for?"

Yami nuzzled his face against Yugi's cheek, "I don't know, Koibito. But bad things for sure."

Yugi shivered, pressing himself fully against Yami, "I don't want them getting me."

"I know." Yami pressed his lips against Yugi's, "I'll protect you," he whispered.

"Please, Yami...will you keep me safe?"

Yami nodded, "I will guard you with my life, Koibito."



There was a loud clatter as a metal chair banged against the floor.

Varon growled as he pulled roughly at his brown hair. "That pompous, ignorant, self-centered, conceited Agent! I want to rip his fucking heart out and step on it!" He shook violently as his anger raged through him like a storm. "Fucking bastard I'm going to carve your skin up till it's nothing but fucking shreds!" (Shadow: ^^; sorry for harsh language. Varon is very angry...)

He picked up a dart from a table and threw it at a picture of the red eyed man working against him; nailing it right in the eye. HE laughed maniacally, pulling it out and examining the other many little hole marks he had made previously.

"Bastard, I'll get you from taking Yugi and telling him to stay away from me. You ruined my plan and Dartz is going to have me fucking killed I'll bet!"

He sighed and threw another arrow at the picture, pinning it on the forehead. "Bastard you'll regret it. I won't go easy on Yugi once I get him...that fucking little bitch...I'll ravage him over and over again, right in front of you, too! Then you can see how you failed and hear him crying for you to help him...but you can't because I'll kill you right then anyways!"

He laughed again, pausing as the telephone rang.

"Varon, come to my office immediately!" barked Dartz from the speaker.

The brunette grimaced, "well hear comes another whipping..."

He closed his eyes and disappeared from the room with the yell of, "Go!"


Shadow: hello? Anybody still there?!

Specter: ^_^ we hope so!! Please tell us what you think!! [Gives everyone candy]

Shadow: R&R PLEASE!!!