Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Can you win his heart? ❯ Lover turned against the other ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Katana: I don't know if I answered your clone question before so...A clone?! For _me_?! Oh yes please!! ^___^ I want a Yami clone because I don't torture him enough in my fics!! Your poor Varon clone you were choking it!! Glad you like the ficcie!! And Yami humiliating Amelda...well...you'll have to wait and see later on eh? ^_^

Mashimaro-Byul-012: OO don't worry, don't worry! Marik is in this chapter ^_^. Varon does have a potty mouth...

Koishii no Tenshi: Yami/Yugi fluff rules!!

Darkness*Shadow666: *_* I'm on your fave. Authors list?! [Feels special] aaaaaaaw thankies!!! Glad you like the fic so much!!

YamiSerenity: ^____^ yes they make real Yami plushies...I'm thinking of buying one actually. If you want this site where this girl sells them I'll email it to you. Just tell me. I'm getting a Bakura plushie cause of my good report card!! Oh and sorry for the short chappie. This one will be longer I SWEAR!!!

Shadowguardian: SORRY!!! It's a bad habit...^^;

Elsalhir Erestar: Sorry for the short chapter. I didn't have many ideas for it. This one will be longer... I promise! I wont stop typing until I reach my 9 page mark and go over it!! ^_^

Kotori: I know my Japanese is really bad in that chap. What do you expect for getting it off an internet sight though?! I'm going to go fix it...and also I just got this handy dandy little Japanese/English dictionary so there should be no more screw ups on my side...I hope ^^; Thanks though for pointing out what was wrong!!

HOLY KAMOLY: O_O wow I have loyal subjects!!! That `hail shadow and specter' is pretty catchy...Heehee ^_^ glad you like the fic so much!!

Saiyan Kitsune FoxFire: writing as fast as I can type!!

xxAllisonxx: Seto doesn't have a big part in my fic...and yes, Ryou does know about Bakura...he's actually a Jr. Agent ^_^ I haven't seen another fic like mine either...hey maybe I'll start a trend?! Heehee.

Alessandra: Seto doesn't play a big part in this fic...but since you asked nicely I'll try and put in a nice Seto/Jou scene if I can find a spot to ^_^

Hidden: ^_____^ glad you love it!!

RyokoMink: Never seen resident evil, but I kind of based the idea on the Matrix (like that dream Yugi had) ^_^

ACIDFLOWER: OO no Varon, don't go with her! ...Come to ME!!!!

DarkQueen: Yes, everyone after Yugi is working for Dartz. Marik wants to, if he gets hold of Yugi, destroy Dartz so he can take over though so he's a traitor ^_^ I'll harm Anzu I guess [cheers at the request] Oh and of course the candy included you I said EVERYONE!!

Araki: aaaaaaaw I hope you feel better soon!!!!


Shadow: HELLO!!!!!! I'm updating! Yeah!!

Specter: ^_^ we were very lazy with that last chapter so this one will be longer for you all!!

Shadow: oh well...yeah...R&R PLEASE!!!!!


Yugi stared up at his ceiling. Yami had left a little while ago saying he had to go talk to Ryou, who was a junior agent at the Domino Bureau of Defense, and also saying he'd be back soon.

//Well this is a waste of a Friday//

He sighed and moved over to Jonouchi's bed by the window. He stared down the long way and noticed friends joking around and couples holding onto each other. Frowning he turned away. //This isn't what I needed to cheer me up//

{{I know what you can do till Yami gets back}}

Yugi's eyes widened as he looked around the room, trying to determine the source of the creepy voice.

{{Don't bother searching here I'm inside your mind.}}

//Inside my...what?//

{{Too much too fast?}} There was a sudden glow and a blonde haired man appeared before him, wild hair spiking up in all directions and lavender eyes narrowing sinisterly, "Konnichi wa, Yugi-kun. My name is Marik."

"W-where did you come from? And how do you know me?" the little teen questioned, stepping away as the taller advanced on him.

{{I know everything about you, little one....And you're just the person I've wanted to meet for so long...}}

Yugi gulped as his back hit the corner wall, the man looming over him. //I'm trapped//

"Oh you have no idea..." the man grinned.

The smaller boy cried out, running forward and trying to push the man aside; only to be caught and brought to a halt by the arms snaked tightly around his midsection.

"Let go of me you weirdo!"

Marik put on a fake sad tone, "aw I thought we could be friends, Yugi-kun! Why are you being so mean?"

Yugi struggled against the arms holding him in place, "let me go!" he cried. Marik complied and threw him harshly to the floor. The boy stood and ran out of the room in panic.

{{So untrusting, Yugi...what lies has Yami fed you? I'm a nice guy!}}

//Get out of my head!//

{{Oh come now, I'm friends with Varon.}}

//Varon is a bad guy too! Leave me and Yami alone!//

{{Oh I don't intend to leave you alone, little one. You've something I want}} Marik disappeared, reappearing in front of Yugi who stopped dead. Amethyst eyes looked up fearfully as the blonde man cornered him again.

"P-Please leave me alone...Onegai*...onegai... go away..."

{{I already said I won't. You have something I desire, and I intend to get my hands on it even if I have to use force!}}

He grabbed Yugi around the neck, chocking him, not in the intent of killing him, until he passed out before picking him up and vanishing from view.


Ryou looked up at the head Agent, red staining his cheeks as he was interrogated for his and Bakura's being at the school.

"Yami what the fuck? It isn't a big deal! You need our help anyways," Bakura scoffed.

"It is a big deal because I can handle this on my own!" the tri-haired man snapped.

The white haired man rolled his eyes, standing up and facing Yami in the eye, "you need us more than you think, Yami. I don't think you know exactly what you're up against. You may be a good agent...hell you may be the best that the Bureau can come up with, but there is no way in God's green Earth that you'll be able to take on the entire Doom Organization and save Yugi bare handed by yourself."

Yami growled, turning his head away, "I don't need anyone else...I can save Yugi myself and if you want to help so badly then you can just go inform Pegasus of that."

"Don't you understand the serious danger of this case? You could be killed?!" Ryou said; standing and blinking away tears.

The red eyed man faced the shorter teen, "I already have told you my answer several of times! I can handle this on my own and the last thing I need is to be babysitting a jackass and a Jr. Agent!" he yelled. Getting no response, he stormed over to the door, "If you are not gone by the end of this weekend I will personally escort you back to the Bureau myself. Yugi is safe with me, that I can assure you of." Without another word, the Agent left.

Bakura rolled his eyes, looking at Ryou who stared out the door in sympathy.

"Bloody fool," the shorter stated. "He's going to get himself killed one of these days with an ego like that."

Bakura chuckled, wrapping his arms around the Jr. Agent, "yes well the least we can do is stick around for a little while longer so we can save his ass when that day comes."


Yugi looked fearfully around the small room he had been thrown in. He shivered, feeling cool hands run down his legs. //Please make it go away//

Ark laughter filled the room, "little Yugi all alone with me now....You don't know how long I've been wanting you...just like your Koibito has been loving you so long, without you even knowing..."

Tears fell down rounded cheeks. //Yami...//

"And the worst thing is...he doesn't even know you're here. He thinks you are still safe in your dorm waiting for his return...There is nobody here to save you from my wanting..."


{{He can't help you...no one can help you...no one can save you...you belong to me now, little one...}}

//Just go away...//

Rough lips pressed against his as Marik continued to run his hands up and down the length of his body, "I won't ever let you go."

//Please let this nightmare end...//

Marik chuckled darkly, {{this is very much a reality little one.}} He wiped away the salty tears running down Yugi's face. {{What's the matter? How am I so different than him? We both have been watching you for the longest time. We both love you, and we both need you for reasons greater than just your love.}}

//I love Yami...//

{{Do you really?}}


{{Are you sure? When did you decide that? You've only known him for such a short time....He's kept so many secrets from you. And thought he may love you, he still needs you for a much greater purpose than love. Once you're back in his possession he would take you to his leader and you would be destroyed...}}

Yugi's eyes widened, "that isn't true!" he yelled, trying to move free of the man's grip.

{{How would you know?}}

"Yami loves me."

{{It doesn't matter; his job is to destroy you. If you somehow got into the wrong hands, it would mean the end of the world as we know it. We want your power Yugi and he needs to obliterate it...}}

"He loves me!"

{{His job is to kill you. Love doesn't matter in the real world.}}

//No...you're lying. He said he'd protect me.//

Marik smirked, {{He's only protecting himself.}} Yugi looked up, confused. {{If he fails to get rid of you it will cost him his life. I think he favors himself over a silly thing like love.}}

//But he said he loved me and he wouldn't let anything hurt me.//

{{You are so naïve, sweet one. Believing such lies. Lies all around you and you so eagerly accept them. Listen to me Yugi...love is nothing more than a lie....Yami is nothing but a lie.}}

"But...he said...and...I-I l-l-love him..."

Marik chuckled, gazing deeply into the little one's eyes, bringing the Millennium Rod into view, {{His job is to kill you...He wants to destroy you. How can you think of loving someone with those intentions?}} The eye of Horus on the rod glowed brightly as Yugi's eyes dulled slightly.

{{Listen to me now, Yugi. Yami doesn't want you, doesn't need you alive. Love doesn't conquer anything...especially life. His job is to destroy you and mark my words if he gets you back he will}}

The small teen trembled, closing his eyes and letting fresh tears fall. He moved closer to the blonde man, //I don't want to die...I've never done anything wrong....Why does everyone want me?//

{{I'll protect you, my little one.}} Marik smirked, knowing he had fully manipulated the other's innocent mind.

"Will you...please?"


Yami knocked on the door to Yugi's dorm room. His brows furrowed when he didn't get a response. //He must be asleep// He placed his hand on the knob, surprised when it turned easily. //Didn't I lock the door when I left?//

Shrugging, Yami opened the door, closed it behind him, and stepped inside, noticing the little one's bed messed up and a few papers and books on the ground. The picture of him and Yugi had been knocked of the boy's dresser and shattered. He raised an eyebrow, looking around the dorm which seemed empty of life. "Yugi-chan?" he called, not getting an answer. "Little one, where are you?"

The door slammed open, "he's not here, Yami-chan," a recognizable female voice said.

Yami turned to see Anzu standing in the doorway, strangely clad in a dark purple robe. Behind her was Honda, also wearing the same thing. Both had the Sennen eye glowing on their foreheads. The agent took a step back, "what the hell did they do to you two?"

"Come now, Agent Yami! Don't run away...we have orders to take you to our master," Honda explained.

Anzu wrapped her arms around Yami's neck, "master doesn't like waiting."

Yami growled, "Why the fuck should I go with you?" he tried pulling free but could not. It was like the other day in the classroom...she was being controlled again.

"Master has Yugi..."

"Yugi-" he was silenced as Anzu kissed him.

The brunette girl roamed her hands over his body, "master is waiting for us and is giving me a special reward, Yami-chan."

Yami shuddered, "I don't care, just take me to your psycho boss so I can free Yugi."

Honda nodded, motioning for the two to follow, "this way then."

The agent frowned but trailed after Yugi's possessed friend anyways. //This is the only way to save my little one.//


Marik heard the chamber doors open. He turned to the half-asleep Yugi, "stay here" he whispered, kissing the boy lightly. The teen nodded and rested back on the nice bed he was laying on.

The blonde man walked to the other room to see his mind slaves as well as Agent Yami standing there. Anzu was holding the tri-haired man's hand and looking at her master expectantly. Marik nodded, "he is yours."

The blue eyed teen smirked up at the agent, "come along my pleasure slave."

Yami struggled against her, throwing her to the ground. He turned to Marik, grabbing him by the shoulders, "where is Yugi."

"He is here and, let me assure you, perfectly safe with me."

The man's eyes blazed crimson, "bring him to me now!" he yelled.

Marik faked a sigh, "as you wish...though I am not sure if he is what you want anymore."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

The blonde smiled, clapping his hands a few times to alert a nearby mind slave. A masked man approached, bowing low and kissing the hem of Marik's robe, "how can I be of service, my master?"

Marik motioned to his left, "Arcana bring Yugi to me. There is a special guest here that wants to have a word with him."

"Right away master Marik." Arcana bowed again before hurrying into the room to retrieve the little one.

Yami gasped as he saw his Yugi being led out of the room on a leash. The short boy was staring blankly ahead, his lavender eyes seeming to stare right through everyone in the room. Marik held his arms out for Yugi, grinning at Yami as the little one smiled lightly and walked into the embrace.

"Yugi?" Yami inquired, stepping forward.

The smaller turned and stared fearfully at the taller man. Yami's eyes saddened, "Yugi it's me...Yami...don't you remember?"

Yugi trembled and stepped closer to Marik, "that's the man who wants to destroy me," he whispered. "Please make him go away."

The agent's heart wrenched when he heard those words. He turned, glaring daggers at Marik. Without warning, he launched himself at the blond, nailing him on the ground, "what did you do to him?" he cried.

Marik feigned innocence, "why I don't know what you mean, Agent Yami."

Yami growled, "you know very well what I mean now tell me what the fuck you did to him you sick son of a bitch!" (Shadow: ^^; sorry for the naughty language...)

"I just told him the truth....Something you have been running away from." Marik noticed Yami's horrified look and smiled joyfully. "Oh I told him everything about your job Yami; how when you get him back you have to kill him...And how that not even your love for him can stop what you have to do for your boss."

Crimson eyes tears up slightly as he looked at Yugi, "don't listen to him Yugi...it's not true I don't want to hurt you," he lied, knowing fully well what his job was. "I love you Yugi, please believe me."

"You want to kill me. You want to kill me and I haven't even done anything to you! I haven't done anything to anyone!" Yugi wept.

"No little one I don't want to kill you. I would never harm you. Please don't listen to Marik he's wrong!"

Yugi looked at the blonde, "Marik said he would protect me from you."

Yami shook his head, "I promised to protect you Yugi! Why don't you believe me?"

"Because..! Because you've lied to me about everything! Marik told me the truth! He told me all about you and he swore to keep me safe. And you're hurting him so just go away!" the small boy screamed.

The agent looked at Yugi's eyes, seeing their dull amethyst color and realizing that Marik had manipulated him with the Millennium Rod, just as he did Anzu and Honda.

Yami got up and turned to walk away from the scene, finding his love not wanting him anymore to much to bear. He was about to leave when arms grabbed him. "No, no slave you come with me." Anzu whispered.

"Yes, take him away, servant. You may do whatever you wish with him," Marik explained, picking Yugi up and walking towards the room to the left.

Yami looked down, not caring anymore since his Angel was against him now.


Jonouchi's eyes widened as he clutched onto Seto's arm, listening to Ryou tell him about the Domino Bureau of Defense, Yami's real job, what he and Bakura really were, the Doom Organization, and what Yugi had to do in all of it.

"So you see we have to be out for a few days to go get Yami back."

Seto's face screwed up, "Yami who's the agent called Pharaoh?"

Bakura rolled his eyes, "Very good. We have code-names that are given to us once we join the DBD. I'm Tomb Robber and Yami is Pharaoh."

Jou smiled, "what's Ryou's code name?"

The said white haired teen looked down blushing as he mumbled something.


Ryou flushed more, "snow rabbit*." He said just above a whisper.

The blonde burst out laughing, growling as he was hit by Bakura who grumbled a, "don't laugh, puppy." Causing him to turn his head back to the much more appealing and helpful face of Seto.

Seto smiled, "well he's right puppy."

"Dammit everyone is against me!" Jou cried.

Ryou cleared his throat, "if we could move on to more important matters...We need to go get Yami and Yugi out of Marik's hold. We'll need help from both of you in order to do it."

"Aren't you agents? Can't you do it yourself?" Seto scoffed.

"Well...technically...I'm Yami's right hand man and Ryou is only a Jr. Agent. So neither one of us is fit to take on Marik by ourselves..." Bakura started.

Ryou finished his sentence, "however...Seto, with your genius on a computer we would be able to track their exact location and break into the security to cut off all the alarms and hidden cameras. Also Jonouchi, you are very strong and would be a good at helping us take on Marik's goons."

Jou thought a moment, his blond hair falling into his eyes as he turned his head to the side in contemplation. He grinned, "Sure I'll help ya guys out! Yueg's my buddy afta all and what kinda best friend would I be if I just let him die?" he turned to Seto for support.

The brunette sighed and wrapped his arm around the other's waist, "I guess I could contribute to this rescue mission as well if it will make my Puppy happy..." he exclaimed.

"Great!" Jou yelled, kissing Seto thankfully.

Ryou breathed a sigh of relief, "Arigato...Domo Arigato! Oh words cannot express my thankfulness at your agreements!" he said.

Bakura nodded shortly, "yes with you two's help this rescue should be easy as pie! And once it's finished, I'll have Yami kiss my ass with praise." He laughed and dodged the light hit Ryou sent him.


Shadow: I'm SO sorry about the evilness in this chapter! [dodges things being thrown at her]

Specter: but hey it was 12 pages long! [runs and hides with Shadow] but please don't kill us!!

Shadow: ^_^; yeah...we...uh...gave Seto and Jou bigger parts!! And put some fluff in!! R&R and please don't kill us! Things will get better soon I swear it!!!!



*onegai: "please"

*Arigato: "thank you"

*Domo Arigato: very polite "thank you"


*Snow Rabbit: I'm sorry...Ryou just looks like a rabbit to me plus he has white hair!!