Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Can you win his heart? ❯ Failed rescue mission ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Katana: [huggles Yami-clone] Thanks for the umbrella...it'll save me late on!! Oh and Donuts! Yummy! [Eats strawberry filled donut] ^_^ Ryou does look like a kitty as well.

Mini-Kitsune: ^^; Thanks for the complements!!

Zeroflux: I would love to send you a copy of that pic but my Ra-damned scanner won't work!! [Sigh] Don't worry I'll figure out how to fix it in time. I found a pic on the internet of Yami in a teacher-like outfit. If you want me to send you that just tell me next time.

Silent Sniper: [eats chocolate] ^_^ thanks! Glad you like the fic!!

AnimeObsessed: Snow Rabbit suits Ryou, I think ^_^

Darkness*Shadow666: ^_^ thanks for complements!!

Dark-tryell: I'M UPDATING!!!

Koishii no Tenshi: [gives tissue] ^^; I'll try and make things better soon!!!

Katya: [surrenders to Chibi eyes] Okay I'm updating faster!! And yes... [Big smirk] I am evil!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

ElsalhirErestar: ^_^ Yes I am somewhat cruel...but I always make it better in the end! ...well...most of the time

Holy Kamoly: ^_^ don't worry there will be no Anzu/Yami-ness in this fic! It is simply an ALL YAOI!!! Wow that hail Shadow and Specter thing is pretty neat ^^;

Stwabewwy Cotton Candy: Marik is my favorite character, after Yami and Yugi so I can capture his character well...^^

Saiyan Kitsune FoxFire: glad you like!!

Mlg: =^______^= glad you like so much! Aw and thanks for the complement...I try my best!

Red Dragon of Egypt: OO don't worry I'll make it better for Yugi!!! I swear!! And yes...Marik is a two faced son of a bitch like you said ^_~

ACIDFLOWER: HA! You wish!! You may have Varon but Yami is MINE!! You hear, woman?! MINE!!!!! Muahahahahaha!! Heehee ^_~ glad you like! And you better keep your fics up too!!

Araki: ^_^ glad I know _someone_(Yami) is reading it. Heehee


Shadow: that was everyone! Thanks to all for reviewing!!! Hope you enjoy the next chappie!!!

Specter: R&R PLEASE!!!


"This way, Yami-chan!" Anzu's sing-song voice explained.

Yami, who was handcuffed and being blinding led down the hallway by the brunette, growled softly. "You will not get away with turning against us like this, you scum."

Anzu laughed loudly, unlocking a door and throwing Yami inside, "I'll keep you in here for a while and get you when I need you."

The man snarled and ran at the door only to have it slammed right in his face. He hung his head and rested his back against the door, glaring at his imprisoned hands. //Yugi...I have failed to protect you so far...but I swear I will do free you....Even if it costs me my life//


Bakura, Ryou, Seto, and Jonouchi were all outside the old warehouse that Marik's location had been tracked to.

"If my calculations are correct, Muto should be inside," The CEO explained; his fingers typing away on the pocket sized laptop.

The silver-haired teen grinned, "Great job, Moneybags. Didn't think you'd actually be able to help."

Ryou rolled his eyes at the other's comment, "he knows more about this stuff than you do."

"Are you saying I'm not technologically advanced?!"

Ryou rolled his eyes and pushed the agent towards the door, "no, no, no. Just pick open this lock we need to get in and save Yami and Yugi."

Bakura growled, hated being told what to do, "Yes my little snow-rabbit," he replied mockingly, stepping over to the door.


Marik stood staring out the little window of his room inside the warehouse. He smirked, fully knowing what the four outside were planning to do. After Bakura picked the lock, he would go in search for Yami and Jonouchi would come looking for him while Seto stayed outside and disabled all securities as well as call the DBD (Domino Bureau of Defense) for backup and all the while Ryou would be searching for Yugi.

//Fools...they actually believe they can defeat me, the most powerful representative...and soon to be the leader of the Doom Organization//

He chuckled, staring into nowhere, //once I get rid of Dartz and gain control of his organization the world will bow to me! I will be their ruler! ...Heh, I always knew I was destined for greatness...//

"Master?" a soft voice said.

The blonde turned, seeing Yugi walking inside timidly with a tray of food in his hands. Marik smiled kindly and Yugi picked a cookie up off the serving dish, feeding it to him slowly. The small boy finished feeding Marik, his cheeks tinged pink as he rested the dish on the bedside table.

"Master what's wrong?" he questioned.

Marik didn't answer, instead his thought wondered back to where they had once been; about him controlling the world. //And Yugi will be my aficionado// He turned back to the small boy, picking him up and laying him on the bed, grinning as childish laughter reached his ears. He rested beside the boy, wrapping his arms around the smaller for and holding him close, "Yugi, my Koi*, there are some bad people here looking for you. Whatever happens you must not go with them or listen to what you say. If you do as I tell you, they won't be able to hurt you."

Yugi shook fearfully at the new information, "w-why are bad people after me, master? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, my Koi, they just want to hurt you and take your power...just like Yami." Yugi's eyes narrowed at the name. "But if you stay by me, I'll protect you and love you in ways that he couldn't."

"I know, master....I can trust you."

Marik smirked and tightened his embrace, "of course you can...now listen to me, Yugi..."


Yami sighed as he stared around the dark room. He was frustrated that he couldn't get out. There was no other exit beside the door and that was made out of steel and locket from the outside. He growled, trying to use a piece of debris from the ground to pick the lock of the handcuff. It wasn't working as well as he had hoped.

Becoming frustrated with his fruitless attempts to free himself, he threw the scrap of metal on the other side of the room.

"Yugi I have to get you out of Marik's clutches. Who knows what he's doing to you now that I'm not by your side to protect you."

He let out a breath of air, resting against the wall for a moment, "I will save you, Koibito, I promise. Then we can get away from this place and be happy."

A harsh knock on the door jerked him out of his thoughts. The door opened to reveal Anzu. She smiled sweetly at him, prancing in and leaving the door carelessly wide open. She grinned up at the older man, rubbing her hand up his stomach, "hello Yami-chan."

"Traitor...what do you want with me?"

"Your body would do nicely."

"Get the hell away fro me you sick little girl," Yami snarled, using his upper body to push her aside.

The brunette just shook her head, "and I thought you were a gentleman." He wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him close, "you are powerless to fight...so just comply...obey my commands; it won't be as bad as you think."

"I'm not going to help you play out your sexual fantasies. I would rather be stuck in this room for all eternity than be used as your pleasure toy."

Anzu `hmphed' indignantly, "well it's not like you have much of a choice, Yami-Chan. Either you obey my wishes or one of your little friends will get hurt."

"N-nani*?" Yami whispered, wondering who she could be referring to. He gasped as Anzu tugged on a chain, revealing a whimpering and bruised-faced Ryou.


Ryou walked down the dark hallway. The warehouse was bigger than it looked. There were so many passage ways and underground levels. Currently, he was on the middle level searching for where Yugi might be kept.

He gasped as two strong arms grabbed him harshly by the stomach. Whirling around, he saw a creepy man with a pale face and many facial piercings. The man grinned before slapping the Jr. Agent across the face and making him stumble back into another person.

Ryou looked up, surprised to see Anzu staring at him maliciously, "why hello there Ryou-kun!" she said cheerfully.

"...Anzu-san...what are you doing here?" She didn't answer; instead she picked him up by the arm and tied a cord around his hands. "Naze*?!"

"Shut up weakling!" She stuff some cloth into his mouth to keep him quiet and tugged him in a certain direction. "So trying to break in here and save Yami? Well he's mine so that's not going to happen."

//Yami?! They've captured him too?// the white haired boy thought, blindly letting the girl lead him.

//What am I going to do? I cant even call for help now that she's dragging me and that she's gagged me with this thing!//

Anzu stopped walking as they approached a steal door. She loosened her grip on the cords and stepped inside slowly, making sure to leave the other outside as long as possible.

A deep voice whispered, "N-nani?!" and Ryou knew for sure that their top agent indeed had been taken prisoner.

Anzu smirked, tugging the rope and Ryou was jerked harshly into the glum room.

"`Yami!" The shorter boy tried yelling through the cloth though his voice was muffled and the word that came out sounded nothing like what he intended. "Tasuke*!"

Yami's eyes widened as he sauntered over, "Ryou-kun!" he yelled. The taller man turned to Anzu, taking his chained arms and wrapping around her neck, bringing her face into his chest. She squeaked by other than the remained silent and Yami pressed harder, "ama*..." he whispered.

Anzu's hands flailed wildly as she tried to pull herself away to gasp for air. (Shadow: have you seen Gladiator when Commodus kills his father by smothering him in his chest? Well that is what Yami is trying to do)

Yami laughed, "die you traitor," he said.

Ryou spit out the cloth, using his tongue to push the material out, "Yami-Sama stop!"

"Why should I?"

"You're the one who said she was being controlled! Yugi wouldn't want you till kill his best friend....She's innocent and is only doing this

Because Marik has taken control of her mind! Please stop this!" The smaller boy pleaded, tears welling in his eyes.

Yami sighed and pulled back, removing his arms and shoving the brunette girl away, "you better not try anything funny."

Anzu gasped for air, clutching on to the leather material of the Agent's shirt as she took in a few shuddering breaths. She wheezed a few times, coughing before moving her blue eyes up to stare into Yami's crimson orbs. "I-I was going to help you....I could've given you anything....Escape, freedom, real love..._anything_ if you had given up your mission and Yugi. But no..."

She detached herself from the man and walked over to Ryou, pushing him on the ground before walking out the door, "so for your choice, here you shall rot for all eternity...but don't worry I'm pretty sure your friends will join you soon." Then she winked and shut and locked the door.

Ryou looked uneasily at Yami before bowing his head and sinking to the ground.


Jonouchi walked down the hallway of the bottommost level of the large warehouse. //Kuso*...this place is huge...how the heck am I supposed to find anyone?!//

There was a banging noise and a short figure stepped slowly out of one of the rooms. The blonde squinted before his eyes widened as he recognized who it was, "Yugi-kun?"

The person jumped, whirling around and staring up at the taller teen with big violet eyes, "Jonouchi-kun?!"

"It is you! Oh gods everyone has been so worried...The whole gang came here lookin' for ya! We were so scared dat psycho, Marik, mighta gotten ya!"

Yugi shook his head, his eyes growing unnoticeably cold at the comment of his master, "I'm fine, Jou-kun. Don't worry about me. But come here...I want to show you something."

"But Yugi we dun have time. We gotta get outta here an' find Yami an' the rest of the gang so we can split."

Yugi turned, "don't worry, it won't take long."

Jou shrugged and followed the petite teen up a flight of stairs and into the first room on the left.


Seto scanned the warehouse, using heat waves to detect any human presences inside the hideout. He immediately found Yami and Ryou inside a small enclosed room. Taking out his cell phone, he paged Bakura, notifying him of the two's location. Once he hung up, he looked back at his computer screen to see where his puppy was.

He gasped as he saw Yugi and Jonouchi together in another room. //Did they get captured too?//

He took out his phone and paged his lover, getting a response quickly.

"Seto-chan! Oh my god you gotta get me outta here!"

"What's the matter?"

There was a slight pause and static from the phone, "Yugi's crazy...I think Marik might be controllin' `im!"

"What?!" Seto's cerulean eyes were wide, "has he hurt you?"

"Well...uh...he's gotta knife."

"Is Marik in there?"

"Nah its jus' me and `im."

The brunette grimaced, "hold him off. I'll look for the nearest exit and contact you when I find it." He then hung up the phone and went into a different program on the computer.

//This Marik guy is crazy! He'll pay if he harms my puppy//


Bakura growled after hanging up the phone with Seto. //if they've hurt you, Ryou...I'll rip their hearts out with my bare hands.//

He continued down the hall to where Kaiba had said the two's location was. There was noise coming within the room. He smirked with victory, undoing the lock and banging the door open. He saw Yami and his white haired lover both sitting on opposite sides of the room, deep in thought. He stepped inside, going over to Ryou first.


"Shush, it's me. Let me get this rope off of you." He set to work undoing the tough knot. Once out, he wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, "I'm glad you're okay. I was about to murder someone if I found out you weren't."

Ryou smiled, tears in his eyes, "I knew you'd come find us."

Yami cleared his throat, "uh...a little help here?" he said, holding up his manacled hands.

Bakura smirked; "I don't know if I should..." he started.

The top Agent's eyes widened and he frowned, "b-but..."

"--Well you were the one who said you could do this all on your own. I should just take Ryou and leave." Bakura cut him off, smirking knowingly.

Crimson orbs were filled with disbelief, "you-you wouldn't...you wouldn't leave me here?"

Bakura rolled his eyes, "honestly Pharaoh you're so gullible..." he took of a small hairclip he used for picking locks and undid the chains. "There, now bow to me."

There was chuckling by the front door. The three whirled around to see Marik standing there smirking evilly. "How nice that you three have been reunited."

"Marik, you fucking bastard!" Yami yelled, standing up and running towards the door, "I'll kill you for turning Yugi against me, you hear? I'll fucking kill you!"

{{Tsk, tsk...temper, temper Yami}} Marik's voice said from inside the Agent's mind.

"Get out of my fucking head Marik!" The tri-haired man screamed.

Marik sighed; "I was going to be nice to my captives but..." he took out the Millennium Rod and pointed it at Yami, causing him to going flying across the room and land painfully with his back against the hard wall. The man cried out in pain before slumping to the floor.

The blonde robed man turned to Bakura and Ryou, "good day," he whispered before closing and locking the door again.

Bakura screamed in rage, banging on the door and yelling for Marik to open it again. "Shimatta*..." He turned to Yami who was still on the ground, "you had to go an lose your temper didn't you, you Baka*!" he hollered.


Marik smirked as he walked back up to his bed chambers. //Everything is going perfect. I have Yugi taking care of Jonouchi, and the three top agents captured. This has been all too easy.//


Dartz stood in his lookout tower watching Marik from the screen of his tracking device. "I knew you were plotting against me this whole time. You think you can take my place, but I am one step ahead of you. You will fall by the hands of my loyal servants."

He pushed a button and Varon appeared in the room, "yes Master?" the man asked, bowing slightly.

"Go to Marik's hide out. Once you're there, find Marik."

"Yes master."

"Oh...and I want him dead before my arrival."

Varon nodded before bowing and exiting. Dartz smirked, standing and looking up at the blonde on the screen who was chuckling how defeating Dartz would be all too easy for him.

"No, no my friend...I believe it is I who will have the last laugh."


Shadow: ^^; sorry for the little bit of evilness! But if you could be nice and click the review button anyways that would be very sweet of you!! ^_^V [gives Halloween treats to readers]

**Japanese - English**

*Koi: love (as in calling someone your love)

*Nani = what?

*Naze = why?

*Tasuke =help!

*ama = bitch

*Kuso: fuck and/or shit

*Shimatta: damn it

*Baka: idiot, ass, stupid