Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Can you win his heart? ❯ Forever together ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Shadow: ^____^ I'm still alive!! And I will finally continue this fic!!

Specter: YEAH!!!!

Shadow: ^_^V thanks to all those who reviewed and don't forget to review again!! Oh yeah and sorry for the late update ^^;


"N-now Yugi-kun...w-why don't ya put dat down?"

Jonouchi stepped back, tripping over some wire and falling on his rear. He stared up at Yugi whose eyes had turned cold and lifeless. The short boy sauntered over, raising the knife, "I won't abandon my master to go with you bad people!" he yelled, lunging at the taller boy.

The blonde rolled out of the way, seeing Yugi land on the ground and growl deeply before looking up. "Obey me Jou-kun!" He whispered, insanity laced in his voice, "obey me..."

"Yous is crazy!" the taller shrieked, pushing the petite youth harshly into the wall and running out of the room.

There was a dark chuckle and Marik materialized in the air, walking over and scooping Yugi into his arms, "wake, Yugi," he commanded, seeing the wide amethyst eyes open fully.

"Master I'm sorry...He ran away." Yugi whispered, resting his head on the robed man's arm.

"It is alright, Koi. Let him go; he is useless anyways." Yugi nodded in agreement.


Bakura cursed and hung his head, holding his right shoulder with his left hand to make the soreness go away. He had been trying for ten minute strait to try and break the door down but it didn't work.

"Bakura-chan, he isn't waking up," Ryou cried from his position next to the unconscious Yami.

The white haired agent walked over, kneeling down next to the fallen body and grasping it by the shoulders, shaking it hardly. The taller man groaned but didn't budge.

"Kuso...what are we going to do? Our leader has fallen and we're trapped in here."


Seto ran down the hallway, searching desperately for his lover.

"Jou-chan?! Koi?!"

A loud scream was his response as a blonde blur came streaking down the corridor, running strait into him and making them fall onto the ground.

Seto coughed, staring up at the other, "glad to see you're okay, puppy."

The blonde hugged the brunette tightly, "Seto-chan! Holy shit Yugi has gone nuts!"

"Yes I was already informed of that, pup. Are you hurt?" Seto asked, sitting up and cradling Jou in his arms slightly

"I'm okay, really Seto...but...thanks anyways," Jonouchi flashed a smile, standing up and helping the brunette up. "We really should go find Yami an' the others though."


As soon as they were about to turn to go in search for the others, the brunette's phone rang.

"Kaiba," he answered shortly.

"Moneybags...we need some help. We're trapped in this room and Yami's passed out."

Azure eyes widened, "what?!"

Bakura's voice was hushed and slightly panicky, "we're on the second last floor of this place. A big steel door is locked, come open it and let us out."

Seto nodded and hung up the phone, "c'mon pup, they just gave me their location."



Varon stepped off his motorcycle in the front of the large warehouse. He smirked, "Dartz was wise; appointing me to kill this fool. It will be a simple task."

He stepped lightly over the newly fallen snow, squinting in the dark. He clasped his hand on the cold metal doorknob and heaved it open, stepping inside.

//Where are you Marik?//


Yugi closed his eyes, snuggling against the sheets of his master's large bed. Marik was currently taking a walk around the warehouse.

//Master when are you coming back? I'm lonely//

The was a silence before a response filtered through the boy's mind, {{I am coming, Koibito. Do not worry. Sleep now...sleep...}}

The petite boy yawned, suddenly feeling overwhelmingly tired; //goodnight master//

{{Sleep well, love}}

Just as Yugi was about to let sleep claim him, there was a loud knock on the door.

"Marik! Marik I know you are in there!" a male voice yelled.

The short teen sat up strait, clutching the covers tightly in his hands and trembling as he called out for Marik in his mind. {{What is it, little one?}} Yugi shook and someone opened the door, bounding inside.

//Someone's in here. They just c-came in. I-I'm scared, Master.//

{{I'll be there as quickly as I can.}}

"Come out, Marik. Don't play these games"

Yugi shrunk as far under the sheets as he could, trying not to be noticed. Footsteps approached and the person began feeling through the sheets, "ah ha!" the voice cried, ripping the covers away.

The boy screamed, hiding his face from the newcomer and curling himself into a little ball. "Don't-don't hurt me...please...m-master where are you...?"

"Yugi?!" the person cried in disbelief. //Marik actually brainwashed him// "It's me, Varon."

"I don't know you!" the boy cried, turning away. //Master please come soon...this man is scaring me.//

{{I'm almost there}}


Marik searched Yugi's memory to find who the stranger was. "Varon? What the hell is he doing here?"

Quickening his pace, he soon approached his chambers. "Varon, leave Yugi alone!"

The brown haired man turned away from the trembling youth and smirked, "why hello, Marik," he greeted in a sickly-sweet tone. He pulled something out of his back pocket, which the blonde recognized as his Millennium Rod.

"What are you doing with that?" Marik questioned.

Varon shook his head, "you shouldn't leave your things so carelessly scattered. They might get into the _wrong hands_."

Marik raised an eyebrow, "what are you going to do to me?" he questioned in an unserious tone.

The brunette pretended to think a moment as he placed his hand on the bottom of the rod, "first...I'm going to get this here dagger," he explained as he pulled down on the sheath at the end, exposing a jagged blade.

The blonde's eyes widened. He had no idea the other knew how to operate the item.

"And then," Varon continued, "I'm going to plunge it through your heart."

Yugi let out a cry, running over and standing in front of Marik, "No!" he yelled. "I won't let you hurt my master! You'll have to kill me first!"

"You're death will come soon enough. Now stand aside, it is not your time yet."

The amethyst eyed boy shook his head, "no!"

Varon scowled, "stand aside!" he screeched, reaching out and throwing Yugi to the ground, kicking him harshly before turning back to Marik who stood wide eyed, rooted on the spot. "Now let's see here..." He took the blade and quickly slashed it across the other's chest before bringing it up and sinking it into his heart. (Shadow: ^^; not going to make Marik's death gruesome.)

Blood pooled on the ground and the brunette dusted his hands clean, turning to Yugi who was in tears from grief and pain on the ground. "It was for the best, kid." He whispered before exiting the room.

Yugi pushed himself up off the ground, clutching his side in pain from where he was kicked. He crawled over to Marik and sobbed, grabbing the purple of the other's robe and bringing it close to his face, "M-master...Master please answer me! You can't be gone! Who is going to protect me?" He sniffled, "who is going to save me from the bad people?"

Upon getting to response, both out loud or in his mind, he broke down crying, laying his head on top of Marik's bleeding chest.

//Master...I'm so sorry...//


Seto and Jonouchi walked down the dark hallway, looking for a steel door.

"Seto-kun!" a voice cried.

The brunette whirled around to see Anzu standing there along with Honda. He sneered, "Traitor! Move before I force you to!"

"Trying to save Yami and the other agents, are we?" Honda asked, smirking slightly.

Azure eyes hardened, "maybe. But only because they happen to be friends of my pup here."

Anzu rolled her eyes, "you homosexuals sicken me." She scoffed. "We're not letting you by so just turn around and flee for safety while you can."

"Seto Kaiba doesn't take orders from anyone. And you better watch what you say around people."

The girl stuck her tongue out, rolling her eyes, "and what are the little fags going to do?" she asked mockingly.

Before Seto could answer, Jou lunged out behind him, tackling Anzu to the ground and choking her, "ya fuckin' bitch! We trusted ya, ya traitor how dare ya insult us like dat!" he hollered.

Honda rushed forward, trying to push the blonde off of the girl but only ended up being tossed to the side and punched down by Seto.

"Get off of me!" Anzu choked out.

Jonouchi growled, standing up and walking over to Seto, "I'm da betta person here." He clarified. "I'm actually lettin' ya live!"

Seto nodded and they began walking again, stepping over her fallen body.

"I think dats the door."

Jonouchi undid the lock and heaved the door open. He saw Bakura standing by the door, holding a scrap of metal in his hands and aiming it towards Jou. "Oh it's you guys. What the hell took you so long?!" he yelled.

"Thanks for the gratitude. Let's get out of here," Seto hissed. His eyes widened, spotting Yami on the ground, who looked zoned out. There were tears falling silently down from his eyes as he hugged himself. "What's wrong with him?"

Ryou looked up with saddened eyes, "He has just woken up from being knocked out by Marik...and now he keeps going on about how he has failed Yugi."

Seto broke away from Jou, kneeling down in front of the tri-haired man, "Yami are you okay?"

Yami looked down, "Yugi..." he whispered almost inaudibly. "I'm sorry..."

"Yami ya gotta snap outta this. It ain't your fault. Yugi is still alive! We'll find him!"

The top agent looked up, "don't you get it?! I promised him! I promised to protect him! I told him I would never let anything happen to him...that he'd be safe....And look what happened. Marik took him and brainwashed him. Even if I get him back to normal he'll probably hate me."

Seto put an arm on the other's shoulder, bringing his free hand to turn his face upward, "don't say that. Yugi will love you no matter what. Even though I don't know him well, from what Jonouchi told me, he seems like the forgiving type...especially to those he loves."

"I'm so ashamed...I failed my love. I failed to keep him safe."

Jou shook his head, "if ya keep sittin here wallowing in self pity, then yea, ya didn't keep `im safe! Now get up off yer ass and lets go rescue yer lover!"

Yami closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and letting Seto help him up. "Thank you, I needed that," he admitted.

"What are buddies for?" Jou grinned and led the way down the corridor.


"You go in Yami."

"But-but what if he is hurt...or worse?"

"Just go!"

Without another word, the agent was pushed inside the room, coming face to face with a sleeping Yugi on top of a bleeding Marik. "What in the world."

One violet eye opened, followed by another. The small teen woke up, blinking the sleep away from his eyes and staring up at Yami. His eyes went wide, "you! You're the bad man master warned me about!" he cried.

Yami shook his head, approaching and taking the small one in his arms who started struggling to break free.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

The agent shook his head, petting Yugi's hair, "no; I'm never letting you go again...never again..." He whispered. "...Never let anything happen to you...never...never again."

Yugi thrashed violently in the other's arm, "I'm not yours!" he sobbed. "I'm masters and now master is dead! And I bet you had something to do with it!"

//Yugi is still controlled by the rod.//

Placing the boy down and seeing him run over to a corner and curl in a ball, Yami took the dagger out of Marik. He closed his eyes and with all his might smashed it on the ground, seeing it shatter into a million tiny fragments.

The small boy looked up, seeing the item shatter as tears came to his eyes. He stood up, "no! My master's item!" he ran over, tackling Yami to the ground, "How could you! He was right! He was-" There was a sudden flash and the dull violet of Yugi's eyes morphed back into the usual amethyst brightness. The boy shook his head before looking down seeing Yami beneath him. He smiled, "Y-Yami?" he whispered, tone disbelieving.

The agent grinned; wrapping his arms around the smaller's waist and kissing him softly on the nose, causing the little one to giggle, "I thought I had lost you. I thought you would never be the same again." He said, tears in his crimson orbs.

Yugi's eyes were sad, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for causing you pain."

Yami shook his head, kissing the smaller once again, on the lips this time, "it wasn't your fault." He pulled away after letting his mouth linger for a moment, "It wasn't your fault. I love you, Yugi and all that matters is that we're together again."

"I don't deserve you. I shouldn't be yours," the short boy sniffled, putting his hands in Yami's hair.

The taller's larger hands roamed the boy's back, sneaking up his shirt and caressing the soft skin, "but I wouldn't be able to live if you weren't," he countered, meeting the other's waiting lips and plunging his tongue into the other's mouth.

"Yami..." Yugi whispered, pulling away and feeling a need for the older man...feeling a need that only the other could fulfill...he didn't know what that was yet.

The agent panted, pulling back to stare the smaller in the eyes, "yes?"

The amethyst eyed teen brought his head down, resting it by Yami's neck and licking the salty skin timidly, causing the other to groan and hold him tighter. "Yami I don't think I ever told you that I loved you...but...I do Yami, I do! It took till just now for me to figure it out but I love you more than anything...I want to be with you forever."

More tears came to Yami's eyes, "Yugi...I love you too. I want us to be together for the rest of our lives."

The two kissed once again, Yami standing up and walking them over to the bed, lying down with Yugi underneath him. He kissed up the boy's neck and to his ear, biting the earlobe gently. "Yugi can I make you mine?" he asked.

Yugi shivered at Yami's hot breath in his ear, "I-I wouldn't want to be anyone else's."

"Thank you..."


From outside the door, Seto, Ryou, Jonouchi, and Bakura grinned at the sight.

"C'mon lets get out of here," Ryou said.

"Yes they need their time alone," Seto agreed.

The four walked down the hall but were stopped as a brown haired man stepped out of the shadows, "why hello," he greeted.

Bakura's eyes widened, "V-Varon?!"


Anzu shook her head, staring around the dark hallway and seeing Honda lying unconscious on the ground next to her. //What happened? What am I doing here?// (Shadow: all who were under Marik's spell are back to normal now)



Yugi moaned as Yami stripped him of his shirt and took one of his nipples into his mouth, sucking on the nub of flesh before turning to the other and doing the same. He continued quickly down the small boy's body, biting at the soft skin as he did.

Yami quickly took the blue pants the boy was wearing off and licked the side of his thigh before taking the small boy's length fully into his mouth, swirling his tongue over it.

Yugi cried out, never having been touched like this in his life, "Y-Yami..." he whimpered, grabbing fistfuls of the other's spiky hair.

Yami groaned, sucking on the boy's member while raising his hands to the boy's mouth.

Yugi stared, not quite sure what to do. Timidly to took the hand in his own and brought it to his mouth, taking one of the fingers in and sucking lightly. He hoped he was doing what Yami wanted...he had never actually done this, so he was confused.

The teen cried out, his hand gripping Yami's wrist almost painfully as the agent smiled and sucked particularly hard. He felt a rush of heat flow through him as he peeked for the very first time. He whimpered slightly as Yami moved away, licking the seed off the corner of his mouth that he had missed before.

Yugi panted, still grasping Yami's hand, which had one finger still in his mouth. He missed the warmth around his erection, but didn't say anything, only moaning as Yami licked up his chest.

The small youth finished wetting the other's fingers and removed the hand, staring up at the taller with a puzzled look.

"Lay back, little one," the other instructed.

Yugi did as told, resting his head against the lilac colored pillows. Yami kissed him lightly before looking him in the eye, his crimson orbs darkening to a wine color with lust. "Are you ready, love?"

Yugi nodded his head, "Y-yes," he whispered.

Yami smiled, kissing him again, this time more deeply as he pushed one of his saliva coated fingers into the boy's entrance.

The teen cried out from the pain into Yami's mouth, trying to pull away. The taller held him in place, trying to sooth him. "Yugi are you okay?"

"I-It really hurts...a lot..." the boy cried.

Yami licked the tears away, taking Yugi's hand in his own as he added another finger, smiling sympathetically at the pained sound emitting from the boy. "I'm sorry Koi but I need to prepare you or else it will hurt a lot more."

Yugi sniffled, "o-okay,"

Yami quickly added a third finger, pushing it farther inside the entrance and making sure he was fully stretched before taking all three fingers out.

"Yugi...are you sure you still want this?"

The violet eyed teen nodded, "Please Yami?"


Without saying anything more, Yami positioned himself at Yugi's entrance and slowly pushed himself in, hearing the boy cry out beneath him. "I'm sorry it hurts, love. I'd take away the pain if I could."

Once fully embedded, he stopped and allowed the little one to become more comfortable. "You ready?"


"I love you," Yami said.

Yugi whispered the phrase back, kissing Yami on the nose and telling him to continue.

Yami pulled himself almost all the way out of Yugi before thrusting back in, crying in pleasure as he repeated the action over and over.

Yugi moaned, roaming his hands across the taller's back and through his hair. He took on of the other's hands and put it on top of his erection, moving their hands across it before putting his back in Yami's hair.

The agent continued to stroke Yugi's hardened member as he slammed harder and faster into the little one. "I love you," he repeated with each thrust, listening to Yugi moan as a response.

Yami groaned out loud as he hit the sweet clump of nerves deep inside the little one. Feeling the same strange sensation as before from the action, Yugi screamed out Yami's name in pleasure, releasing his seed over Yami's hand and slumping against the pillows.

Seeing the small boy peek like that made Yami also feel the urge to release, which he did, spilling his seed inside the boy before collapsing on top of him.

"Y-Yami..." Yugi whispered breathlessly. The taller grunted as a response, pulling out of Yugi and rolling them onto their sides. "Yami thank you..."

"For what, love?"

The boy blushed, "f-for loving me. Nobody else ever loved me before. I never even had a real friend. B-but you've given me everything...as long as I have you I don't need anything else."

Yami smiled, kissing to boy on the lips and tickling his hands through his hair.

Yugi giggled, kissing Yami back, "Yami...I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He cupped the other's face in his hands, "I want to marry you, Yami...once I graduate next year... I want us to be married so we really can be together forever."

Tears welled in crimson orbs as the agent nuzzled his face in Yugi's hair, pressing the boy against him fully, "I want to marry you too, Yugi."

The boy smiled, tilting his head up, "I love you."

"And I love you."

Yugi's smile widened as he closed his eyes, snuggling against Yami and letting sleep claim him.


Shadow: ^_____^ HOPE YOU LIKED!!!

Specter: ^_~ for updating late, we put in that great lemon. Please review!!!