Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Can you win his heart? ❯ events of the morning after ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Shadow: Okay I'm not going to waste your time by babbling ^^; so, to keep it brief: THANK YOU FOR YOUR REVIEWS!!!!!!!!!

Specter: now R&R PLEASE!!!


Yugi yawned, slowly opening his eyes to face a tanned chest. He blushed and looked up into the slumbering face of Yami. Lips pulled upward into a small smile as the boy scooted closer to the warmth of the taller man and rested his head under the other's neck, nuzzling the skin lightly with his nose.

A smile appeared on Yami's face from the action as red eyes blinked open slowly. The man looked down, bringing his arms around the smaller and holding him tight. He leaned down and kissed the boy's forehead lightly. "Have a good sleep?"

The little one nodded, burrowing his face under the other's neck, causing the taller to chuckle and raise an arm to stroke his hair. "Me too... Are you feeling okay?"

The petite youth blinked, looking up into the other's scarlet orbs, "Well...my back hurts a little," he giggled.

The taller sighed heavily, "That is expected," he answered shortly.

Yugi fidgeted, eyebrows knitting together. "Yami...you don't regret, um, loving me... do you?"

The taller laughed slightly, rolling them over so Yugi was pinned underneath him. He kissed the boy lightly on the lips, "if I regretted it, why would I have spent six years trying to obtain it?" he questioned.

Yugi grinned and hugged the other, "just wondering."

"Do you regret it, Yugi?"

The violet eyed teen shook his head, "not for a minute. You make me so happy...I would never want to be with anyone else."

"I'm glad," Yami said after, releasing the breath he didn't realize he had been holding.

Yugi blushed, snuggling up to the taller, "Yami I-I still want to be with you forever." He latched tighter to the bigger body, "forever and ever. I still want us to get married and I want us to always be together."

"I know, Koi; I wish for the same," the other agreed, bringing the youth into another heart warming kiss.

Clapping was heard from the corner of the room, breaking the two from their lip-lock. Yami turned his head to the side quickly and saw a familiar brunette man sitting on a chair in the far left side of the bedroom. Yami growled, lowering himself more on Yugi to shield the other.

"Ya-Yami?!" the boy squeaked, trying to see what was going on.

"Koi, just lay still, alright?" Yugi nodded and closed his eyes. //We were just so happy...and already something bad is going to happen.//

Varon stood up from the chair, walking over to the bed the two shared. He smiled sadistically, "well, well...it looks like someone had some fun last night," he sneered, ripping the covers down. "Tsk, tsk, Agent Yami...taking an innocent in such a revolting, perverted, unspeakable way...how _immoral_ of you."

The small form underneath the agent shook violently as small hands grasped tightly around a bronzed back. //Make him leave. I want to be happy with Yami again. He had to ruin our time together!//

The brunette smirked and looked at the clenched eyes of the small boy. He reached to pet the mussed up hair, only to have his hand slapped away by the taller tri-haired male.

"Touch and you die," the agent hissed, tightening his grip on the trembling teen.

Varon raised an eyebrow, "someone sure is moody," he snapped. He ducked down to the boy's ear, "so this is your boyfriend, little Yugi," he whispered. "Who would have thought...?"

Yugi whimpered as the brunette licked his ear. Yami growled deep in his throat and kissed the boy's cheek. Slowly, he got up, bringing the cover over the teen's form. "Yugi...don't move," he ordered. The small one nodded. "Varon, I know you want Yugi and hear me now...you will not get him. His power will be safe because he has me."

"That didn't stop Marik, now did it?"

Yami grimaced staring down at the corpse still lying on the ground of the room, and remembering how he almost lost Yugi forever once, "I guarantee he will not be taken from me again." He sat down next to Yugi and gathered the boy in his arms. The teen was still shaking, but being held by the other made his fear subside. He knew the other would protect him.

"How can you be so sure, Agent Yami? You have no idea what fate has in store for you or the little one." Varon sniggered, "it may be his destiny to wind up as my bed slave, for instance."

The amethyst eyed youth screamed out, "no!" as anxiety flooded over his mind and tremors ran up and down his spine. "You won't take me. You won't," he whispered, curling into Yami. "I don't want to be yours...I'm Yami's...I'm Yami's forever..."

The agent's brows knitted together as he stroked the teen's silky hair, "Koi, don't worry...he will not get you, I swear it," he whispered. Varon laughed again, "don't temp fate Yami. The gods, so far, have been on my side. I still remember what you did to Amelda...how you left him broken like that," he paused, taking a moment to regain the memories of that night long ago. He took in a breath, glaring up at Yami, "did you even know how much he loved you?!" he shouted. Noticing the blank stare he received from the tall man, he growled, stepping forward, "do you?!" he repeated, louder this time.

Yami didn't say anything. Closing his eyes, he took in a breath of air and put his face in the palm of his hand, "enlighten me," he said sarcastically, voice muffled slightly.

The brunette sneered, "he loved you...he loved you so much and you were always such an idiot not to realize it. He wanted to marry you, he wanted to always be around you, and he let many hints slip whenever he got the chance...but you...you were always so busy, so caught up with your obsession of that -- _that_little_runt_" he pointed accusingly at Yugi who shivered and hid his face in Yami's arm. "-that you didn't even notice...you didn't care that he offered you his heart all those countless times. You didn't care how he always seemed to want to be near you and idolized you. No...You didn't notice anything accept your growing infatuation with that, that _child_!"

The tri-haired man had taken his face from his hand, staring vacantly at the other man who continued with the story.

"He would do anything for you, anything at all. He would take a bullet to save your sorry ass - and he did! It's your fault he died! All because of that stupid assassination attempt and his stupid love for you! He is dead now, gone from this world and from me...and I will never forgive you for it. It was because of your own selfish need to be with The One that his life is gone and that I can never hold him in my arms, never comfort him, never kiss him. Do you know how many times he came home, crying because you didn't acknowledge him, that you strode by him without a second glance?"

"-you loved him didn't you?" Yami interrupted.

Varon growled, "That is not the point. I am trying to say that it Amelda is dead and it is because of you being so conceited and ignorant that that happened! And it is because of that that I left the Bureau and joined the Doom Organization. I did it to fulfill Amelda's last wish of Yugi's death," the small one on the bed gasped a 'no!' "He was very jealous of the person who claimed Yami's mind for all these years. And he made me swear that I would somehow be a part of how that person died...and now here I am, making sure that will happen and that my love will rest peacefully knowing that his wish has been granted."

There was a deep growl as the Doom Organization's mediator finished his monologue. Yami eyed his rival, tightening his embrace on the now teary- eyed Yugi. He remembered Amelda and how the red head would follow him day and night, trying to win his affection. He knew he had been rude to the younger and often pushed him aside but...he didn't love the other, so why should he have wasted his time and broken the boy's heart? He shook his head, "I had nothing to do with his death. He was a foolish boy, he always was. It was his silly schoolgirl crush on me that caused his downfall."

"He died to save you! If he hadn't jumped in front of that bullet, you would have been dead, you ungrateful son of a bitch!" The brunette lunged at Yami, pushing Yugi to the floor and making the two of them to tumble onto the bed ungracefully.

"Get off of me!" The agent yelled, flailing beneath his rival. He kicked the other male off of him and collected Yugi in his arms once more.

Varon sneered, sauntering over to the pair. He pointed accusingly at Yami, eyes sharpening, "you...I will avenge Amelda. And by doing so, I will get rid of that little weakling and use his body to regenerate that of my lost love's...once Dartz sucks the life force out of him, that is."

Tears cascaded down the boy's round cheeks as he broke out of the taller tri-haired man's hold, ignored the dull throb in his lower body, and charged for the brunette. He pushed him over; tipping him over the bed and making him flip backwards over it. Varon groaned; standing and rubbing his back, eyes flashing. He glared at Yugi who "eeped" and streaked out of the room.

"Yugi!" Yami shouted, pushing Varon aside and running after his little love.

Varon shook his head, clearing his jumbled thoughts before making his way out of the room.


Anzu stared down at Honda's unconscious form, shaking it lightly. "Honda- kun..! Honda-kun please wake up, you're scaring me," she whispered, licking her lips nervously. Hazel eyes blinked open and scanned the room wearily. They locked with concerned azure orbs as their owner smiled and sat up. The brunette girl's face was relieved as she wrapped her arms around her friend and making him blush, though it went unnoticed by her. "I'm so glad you're okay. If you died I don't know what I'd do. You've been my best friend ever since I transferred here...if I lost you..." tears formed in her eyes.

Honda's eyes widened and he quickly wiped the crystalline liquid away with his thumb, "Anzu-chan, Anzu-chan, please don't cry. Shh...Its okay, I'm alright. Nothing bad happened." He cradled her in his arms, looking down the hallway and noticing a blurred figure coming into view. He cocked his head to the side, "Yugi-kun?"

Anzu's bright blue eyes widened as she pulled out of the embrace, turning in the direction of the approaching footsteps. She stood up, only to be knocked down as the form ran into her; latching onto her chest and letting tears falling onto the purple robs she didn't know she had on over her blue sundress. Wrapping her slender arms around the frail body, she petted his hair and whispered soothingly, "what is it? What's wrong, Yugi-kun?"

The boy blinked some of his tears away, looking into her eyes as he spoke, "V-Varon...he's trying to kill me and-and he wants to hurt Yami too! He-he says it's because his friend hated me...and that his boss needs some power I have." He paused and took in a breath, "I don't want Yami to get hurt! I- I love him...I couldn't live without him and still there is nothing I can do to protect him..." He sniffled, "hell, I can't even protect myself....Here I am running away like a pathetic coward. Varon probably hurt Yami now."

The brunette girl's eyes softened as she tightened her embrace on him, "Yugi-kun don't think so negatively - wait, _Yami_ is your boyfriend?! Yami as in...our biology teacher?!" she asked.

Yugi nodded meekly, embarrassed slightly at how odd the relationship sounded, "b-but he isn't really a teacher, Anzu. He's-he's an Agent - no, not _Top_ Agent for the Domino Bureau of Defense."

"Uh...sure Yugi," Honda laughed hesitantly, not believing the boy for a second.

"I'm telling the truth. It's true he's their top agent. He -"

He was cut off by a loud crackle of a speaker and suddenly, Varon's voice filled the air. "I know you're listening, little Yugi. I know you're somewhere in this building, trying to hide from me...but you can't hide...you can't. I'll find you little Yugi and your body will be mine to use and sacrifice as I please!"

Yugi whimpered, clinging onto Anzu who wore a worried yet horrified look on her face. She patted the smaller's arm, trying to be brave and motherly to the boy, "Yugi don't listen to whatever this loser is saying. Whoever he is, he won't hurt you; not when all your friends are here protecting you."

Honda walked over, nodding and putting a hand on the teen's shoulder, "yeah, buddy. He won't get you. We're all here for you." He looked around the dark hallway, "lets go find the others and get out of this place now."

Yugi nodded but then gasped, "Yami! I left him alone with Varon! I have to find him!"

Before any of the brunettes could reply, a tall tri-colored haired male raced down the hallway, grabbing hold of Yugi and holding the teen close to his chest. The small teen giggled in delight, cuddling into Yami's chest, "I thought Varon might have kept you and hurt you," he said.

The agent smirked, "you think he'd get me? _Me_..? You obviously don't know me well enough, dear Yugi-Koi."

Anzu, although she tried to be happy for the small teen's relationship, couldn't help but feel jealous. Nevertheless, she put on her usual cheerful smile and walked ahead, motioning for the others to follow her, "c'mon! We have to find Bakura, Ryou, Jonouchi, and Seto!"

"Wait-how did you know they were here?"

"We remember what happened. It came to us slowly...it is still fuzzy, of course. Marik had controlled us with some strange stick thing. Anyways, we're back to normal now so we have to find our friends before Marik does something to them too!" Anzu explained.

Yugi looked down, "o-oh...Marik...he, he was killed by Varon."

Honda grinned, "Well that takes care of that problem."

Yami looked down, noticing his love looking sad, "what troubles you, Koibito?" he questioned.

The amethyst eyed boy shook his head, "I just don't think Marik deserved to die-at least not in the way that he did."

"What do you mean?"

The teen continued, "Well...I don't think he was as bad as we thought he was. Sure, he was working to gain power but really, I think that was just his cover. I think he was just lonely and that he loved me too and wanted me as a companion. Maybe he wasn't all that evil?"

The tall man shook his head, "Marik was a very corrupt man. He used to be a cheery boy. We were friends and classmates back when I lived in Egypt. But, his father did something unforgivable that caused him to change forever. He- he raped Marik on his tenth birthday and carved onto his back some ancient hieroglyphics that we have yet to discover their meaning. After that day he was cruel and distanced himself from everyone; even from his older sister, Isis. His heart turned black and he didn't care about anything anymore. When Isis died two years later, he left Egypt and I hadn't seen him until he joined up with the Doom Organization."

Yugi rested his head on Yami's shoulder, "that doesn't explain why he hates you."

Yami sighed, closing his eyes as he did so, "Marik hated everyone with true happiness. That is why he tried to hurt me by taking you away and hurt you by harming and controlling your friends."

Anzu raised an eyebrow, "why did he want to control the world then?"

"Well, loneliness can drive a person insane. He probably wanted the world to be as miserable as he was," the Tall man answered logically.

The group was silent after that. Yugi gripped onto Yami tighter as they continued down the hallway.


Jonouchi, Seto, Bakura, and Ryou were outside the warehouse. They had finally gotten out without running into any more of Marik's or this guy Varon's goons. After they had ran into him the other day, Varon had just let them go, saying they were not important and therefore did not need to be dealt with - even Bakura and Ryou, who were working against him. He had just let them do as they pleased. Actually, the brunette man had seemed rather kind...but the four of them knew otherwise.

"Do you think we should call Yami? Varon might have got to them," Ryou stated.

Bakura nodded, "right you are, snow-rabbit," he chuckled. "Seto give me your phone."

"What's wrong with yours?" the brunette snapped.

The white haired agent snarled, "I left it inside. Now stop being such an ass and hand it over!" he yelled. The rich taller teen gave a heavy sigh and tossed the agent the cell phone. Bakura caught it with ease and dialed Yami's number, receiving an answer promptly on the first ring.

"-Oh Bakura, I thought it was someone _important_."

The brown haired man growled, "Stop the teasing. We're waiting for you outside. If you don't come out in ten minutes - five minutes - we're leaving without you."

There was a heavy sigh from the other end, "we're near the exit anyways. If we are fortunate, Varon will not find us. We shall meet you out there in five minutes."

"Good." Bakura hung up the phone and threw it back at the blue eyed teen who growled and stuffed it in his pocket.

Ryou clung to Bakura's arm, "what do we do now?"

Jonouchi, who had been silent throughout most the ordeal, decided to speak now, "we wait. And if dey does not show, we leave without dem and pray dey make home okay."

Seto nodded in agreement, holding Jou close and scowling as the cool wind picked up stronger, making the air colder and less tolerable.


Dartz sat at his tower, watching on the screen as Yami and the other three made their way out of the warehouse and to there waiting friends. He clapped his hands in delight, rising from his chair and still applauding as if giving a standing ovation to an actor who had just put on a brilliant performance. "Ah, I congratulate you, Agent Yami! Your hard work paid off, and you shall be able to spend the holidays with your lover. How very terrific indeed..."

The white haired fiend grinned, sitting back down and buzzing Varon. A holographic form of the brunette appeared, bowing in respect before his master. "Yes, my lord?"

"I would just like to inform you that Yami, the little one, and all their friends have safely made it out of the warehouse."

"Wh-what?!" Varon sputtered.

Dartz smirked, "I am a compassionate man, let them spend the holiday of Christmas together...to love and be in each other's presence on last time. Right after that, we shall take them and I will claim the small one's power. I wish for you to return here until I tell you to retrieve them, is that clear?"

Varon bowed once more, nodding. The hologram disappeared and the white haired man looked back up at the screen, smiling, "Merry Christmas..." he whispered, clicking the TV off.


Shadow: ^^; gomen nasai for the late and crappy chappie! Please R&R anyways?! PLEASE?!