Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Can you win his heart? ❯ hard candy christmas ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Shadow: sorry it took me so long to update!! Please R&R!!


Yugi giggled as he wrapped his Christmas present for Yami. He picked out a shiny red bow to match the glossy crimson and silver wrapping paper of the gift. He placed the small package on the bed when he was finished, sighing to himself. //I hope he likes it...I had to use all my saved up money to buy it...//

The small boy then walked over and stared out the window. There were no classes, it being Christmas Eve and all. He stared down at the late-shoppers rushing to and fro carrying large boxes and bags in their hands. He watched the snow fall lightly on the ground. //I wish time would move faster! I cannot wait until tomorrow...I can givev Yami his gift and...// the boy stopped and blushed, //he said he had something extra special for me...// He grinned //and I can't forget that my parents are coming up tomorrow to see me!//

His smile broadened as he walked over to the message machine in the small dorm room. He pressed the play button for the fifteenth time in the last two hours. He had gotten the message two days ago.

"Hello, son!" the voice of his father greeted him cheerfully.

In the backround, soft Christmas music was playing. Yugi could also hear his mother yelling at someone, probably her secretary on her cell phone. "What do you mean they won't buy it?!" his mother screamed. "This is our busiest time of year and you let a sale this big slip through our grasp!!" Mrs. Muto screeched.

Mr. Muto groaned into the phone, "Aiko please get off that phone for two seconds!"

"No I will not, Kenji! This could have been the biggest sale to the Imawaga family this year and that damned prim little bitch who works for Kaiba corp. steals away our customers! And Jonson let it happen!" Aiko snarled.

Mr. Muto sighed, "alright, honey we'll talk about it later..." There was a pause, "I'm sorry Yugi, your mother gets very stressed at this time of year; you know that. Anyways, I was calling with some good news. It seems that we will be able to come see you tomorrow after all. We hope you are doing well and are expecting only the best grades and reports from the teachers when you get your first semester report card -- only the best, you here?"

From the backround, Mrs. Muto yelled, "If you get so much as one B on that grade chart, mister I swear you'll be grounded even though it's Christmas!!"

Kenji chuckled, "don't take her seriously, boy. Anyways, we should be there around two-o-clock PM so wait for us where we dropped you off. And bring any friends or little _girlfriends_ you might have made."

The door to Yugi's room opened and Yami stepped inside. The short teen took no notice of this as he let the message continue.

"Alright Yugi well, we love you and must wrap this message up. We have a meeting to go to. See you in a few days!!"

"--Oh um, yes...that's right. We love you Yuhi! See you soon!"

Yugi clicked the machine off, sighing as he just caught now for the first time, after listening to the recording a zillion times, that his mother had called him by the wrong name -- again.

"Your parents?" a deep voice questioned, startling the petite youth.

Yugi spun around, panicked. A look of relief cross his features as he realized it was only Yami. He put a hand over his heart, "you scared me. I didn't think you were comming up so early."

The red eyed man smirked, reaching out and pulling the other towards him. HE hugged the little one, burrying his nose in the smaller's vanilla scented hair. "I wanted to spend as much time with you as possible. After all..." he paused and lifted Yugi's chin up, "Christmas is the season for love, right? And I want to be with my lover as much as I can." He kissed the boy lightly on the lips to prove his point, tightening his embrace when the other hesitantly responded.

Yugi sighed heavily, pulling away and resting his head on Yami's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around the taller's neck and kissed the skin lightly, closing his eyes. He exhaled again.

"What troubles you, Koibito?"

The boy shook his head, "I'm not sure. My parents are coming up for Christmas, you see. I am so excited that they're actually going to spend time with me. They have never done that before. But...I'm afraid of what they'll think of you. I want to tell them so badly of our relationship, because I cam so happy with you -- like every day I spend with you is like being in heaven. Demo, I am not sure of what mother and father will think about it. I know they dissaprove greatly of homosexuality...which makes me scared...w-what if they won't like me anymore because I am with you?!" he explained, tears forming in his eyes.

"Yugi we don't have to tell them. I can just pose as a close friend."

"But I don't want to lie...they'll find out eventually anyways..." the smaller replied.

Yami didn't know what to do. He hugged the smaller tighter to himself, "I am sorry Aibou.

"It's not your fault. I guess it would be better if we told them the truth though."

"Yes, it is inevitable that they will figure it out anyways, Yugi." Yami sighed and stood up, bringing the little one with him, "Let's not worry about this right now. It's Christmas Eve, let's spend some time together, hm?"

Yugi smiled, "Okay. I need to get my coat, so hold on." The boy moved over to the closet and took out his white jacket. He zipped it up to his neck and pulled on his thick white mittens. He then walked back over to the red eyed man, "okay, I'm ready. What shall we do?"

"I don't know, my little one. It is still fairly early."

The small boy thought a moment, "I still need to get gifts for Anzu and Jonouchi."

"Anzu? You're still going to get her a present? Even after what she did?" Yami questioned.

"I know she didn't intentionally help Marik. She was being controlled by his Millennium Rod, like I was. She is one of my closest friends here."

The taller grinned, "you always see th ebest in everyone, kobito. THat's why I love you. You are so unlike me."

Yugi giggled as Yami reached down and scooped him up again, nuzzling his hair, "and I lvoe you too"

"Come on lets go. Would you like to walk or take the corvette?"

Yugi thought a second, "I like walking."

"Then we'll walk. Let's go before the stores become too crowded."

The younger agreed and the two walked out the door.


Yugi skipped down the jammed hallway of the Domino City Mall, gripping Yami's hand tightly. The taller walked silently next to the little one, smilnig down as the small boy hummbed Christmas tunes and skipped along, eyes darting between store windows. The small teen suddenly stopped and let go of the tall man's hand.

He pressed his face against the glass of one of the store display windows. A smile tugged at the youth's lips as he turned around and pointed in the window, "it's perfect for Jonouchi!" he said.

Yami looked down at the figurine in the display case. It was a black dragon with red eyes.

"Alright! Now only one more thing to get!" The little one cheered, walking back out of the store with a wrapped box in his hands. He took Yami's hand again and led them down the hallway. "Ne, what do you think Anzu would like for Christmas?"

"Uh...well, I don't know Anzu very well. You're her friend, you should know what she likes."

"Hmm.." The little one's eyes widened as they passed a Hallmark store. He rushed inside and picked out an plaque. "Look at this, Yami!"

The agent walked inside, eyeing what his koibito picked out. It was a picture of a girl pushing a boy on a sled. At the top was an inscription that read, "through the thick and thin, you've always been there to give me a boost." And at the bottom it said 'Best friends' in sparkly cursive writing. "Isn't it pretty?! She'll love it!" The short boy squealed, taking the plaque and bouncing over to the cash register.

Yami sighed and leaned against the door, waiting for the little one to pay so they could go eat.


"Whoa...this place is fancy. Why'd you bring me here, Yami?"

"Because, Koibito, you deserve the best. And since it is Christmas Eve, I figured you would like to dine somewhere nice, somewhere worth remembering."

Yugi looked down, "I don't care if I'm eating at McDonald's for Christmas Eve, as long as I'm with you I'll be happy." He blushed and twirled his angel hair pasta with his fork.

Yami smiled, taking the smaller's free hand in his own, squeezing it lightly, "I know, and I feel the same way...but I wanted to treat you somewhere special."

The violet eyed youth raised his fork to his lips, placing it in his mouth and chewing on the pasta slowly. "This is really good though. So thanks..."

"It's no problem."

The teen put his eating utensil down, "I'm full," he exclaimed sheepishly.

Yami chuckled, using a napkin to dab the corner of his mouth. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, summoning a waiter over.

"Yes, sirs?" the waiter asked, looking slightly disgusted as he noticed the two's adjoined hands.

"Can we get the check please?" the red eyed man asked.

The waitor nodded, giving Yami the black book. The taller took out his credit card and placed it inside, giving it back to the employee and watching him walk away. "So, koibito, what do you wish to do now that dinner is finished?"

Yugi yawned, "I'd really just like to go to sleep. I'm so tired. Also, I can't wait for tomorrow...we're all going to exchange gifts and my parents are coming up!"

"Yes, you look excited. I bet they'll be so happy to see you as well."

The waiter came back and handed the receipt and a pen to Yami who signed it quickly and stood up. He took Yugi's hand in his own and walked them outside. "would you like to go back to the dorms or head to my place?"

Yugi yawned again, moving closer to Yami and placing his head on the taller's chest, "your place is fine."

"Okay." The taller picked the teen up and carried him down the road. The little one immidiately curled into the other's chest and closed his eyes.


Yami opened the door to his bedroom and placed Yugi on the bed. He kissed the boy's hair lightly and then kissed his forehead before walking out of the room. He walked down the corridor and into his office.

He picked up a phone and quickly dialed a number. He then pressed a button and a TV screen folded down from the wall. Static filled the screen before a grey haired man appeared. His one chocolate colored eye glinted slightly, "well hello, Yami-boy! Enjoying your holiday with your little lover?"

The red eyed man smirked, sitting himself on the large leather chair and propping his feet on his glass desk, "yes, I am Pegasus....but that is not why I called, I'm afraid."

Pegasus's golden fake eye flickered slightly in the light, "of course it isn't. It's about your position in the DBD, is it not?"

"You always were good at reading minds."

"Of course, my old friend...I did learn from the best."

Yami nodded, "Shadi only gave you the item though, he didn't teach you how to master it."

Pegasus took a sip of his red wine, "and I give him much thanks for that. Now tell me, Yami-boy, what do you wish to discuss? Resigning perhaps?"

The agent sighed heavily, folding his hands across his chest and closing his eyes, "you got it in one guess, as usual."

"So why bring this up, my boy? Why do you wish to give up your place in the DBD?"

The man looked up, "I just don't think I can do any more good for the Bureau, that's all. And...now that I have Yugi, I want to just settle down and live a life together with him, without having to worry about any more Missions or crazy power hungry psychos. Don't you see, sir?! I want to live a normal life with the one I love! I want to have a normal job in a normal house! I just don't like the lifestyle I have....I don't like killing people, risking my comrades's lives, using fake identities...I don't want that anymore."

The grey haired leader nodded slowly, "I understand, Yami-boy and I believe it woulf be a major loss to the DBD to let you go... I know how long you've been with the company and you have grown to be my favorite agent...but I guess all good things must come to an end. Once this mission is over, you are free to leave. I will give your position to Bakura, I am sure he will be most pleased to hear of your retirement." He paused, "so what profession are you planning to get into after you leave us, my friend?"

Yami smiled, sitting up, "teaching," he answered shortly. Looking up at the clock on the left wall, he turned back to the screen, "well Pegasus, I must head to bed. I am quite tired and anxious to get a good night sleep curled next to my little Yugi."

Pegasus chuckled, nodding, "very well. I will see you when this mission is over, when you come to take your things. Tata, Yami-boy. Take care."

The red eyed agent said goodbye before ending the call. He walked out of the room and was surprised to see Yugi laying down in the hallway. He crouched down to the boy's level, "koibito, what are you doing?" he questioned, brushing hair from the teen's face.

Yugi yawned sitting up and putting his arms in the air, coaxing Yami to hold him, "I woke up and you weren't there so I cam to find you. I heard your voice coming from this room and heard someone else. I figured you were on the phone so I waited outside."

Yami chuckled, "well let's go to bed then, okay?" He carried the little one back into his room and laid him down on the large bed. He then climbed in after, pulling the blankets over the two of them and allowing the little one to snuggle into him. "I love you," he whispered.

Yugi whispered the words back, kissing Yami's neck lightly before putting an arm around the other and falling asleep.


"It's Christmas! It's Christmas!"

A high pitched squeal woke Yami the next day. Someone jumping up and down on the bed jarred the morning haze out of his mind.

"Get up Yami! It's Christmas!"

The taller moaned, feeling the covers being torn off the bed. He shivered slightly and peeked an eye open, "Yugi...it's early," he whined, seeing it was only seven in the morning.

"Get up!" Yugi screamed, throwing a pillow at the red eyed man, "come one we have to meet the others for a gift exchange!"

Yami picked himself up and stared groggily at the overexcited teenager. "Can we meet them later?"

"NO! We have to be there at ten."

The agent looekd at the clocked and flumped back on the bed, pulling the covers back up, "then I intend top sleep the extra three hours."

Yugi pouted and crawled over to Yami, sliding under the covers as well. He giggled and curled up to the taller, putting a hand under the other's shirt. Yami's eyes widened, "koibito what are you doing?!"

Yugi started wiggling his fingers over Yami's sensitive sides causing the other to burst out laughing, "okay, okay I give!" he yelled. The taller stood, glaring down at the smaller boy, "only because its Christmas, and only because it's you," he added before strutting out of the room.

"Hurry up or we'll be late!"


"Yueg, dere ya are! We thought you weren't gonna show!" Jonouchi hollered, seeing the two spikey haired males approach.

Yugi waved at the blonde, rushing over to the group of friends waiting for him. They had all planned to meet at Seto's house. The brunette lived right near the school and insisted in living in his mansion rather than some small little dorm. "Hey Jonouchi! Hi everyone! Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas!" they all greeted, except for Ryou.

The white haired boy just smiled, "happy holidays."

Anzu rushed foreward, giving a big hug to the petite teen and to Yami who looked away uncomfortably.

Once everyone was greeted and settled in the large home's living room, they began talking about how Dartz had let them free for the holidays.

"It was pretty nice of him. But I imagine it was only to give them time to prepare for any scheme they may plan to capture us again," Bakura sneered.

Jonouchi growled, "enough talk about dis Dartz feller! I wanna open my presents! It's Christmas, not a Mission! X the constructive make-you-use-your-brain chit chat!" he yelled.

Everyone laughed and agreed, taking out gifts and handing them to one another. Ryou was the only one not receiving any gifts. He sat in the corner, watching everyone. Yugi walked over to him, "Ryou what's wrong? And what's that hat you're wearing?" he pointed to the black round hat on top of the albino's head.

The other teen smiled, "it's not Christmas for me, that's all. I'm Jewish and already celebrated Chanukah earlier this month," he answered. "Oh, and this is a Yamacha." (Shadow: ^^; I don't think that's spelled right. The hat Jewish men wear. I thought that was how it's spelled. Corect me if I am wrong!!)

Yugi nodded, "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were Jewish and I never got you anything for your holiday. I did get you a Christmas gift though, can you accept that as a belated Chanukah gift?"

Ryou laughed and nodded, taking the candy cane wrapped gift and opening it to reveal a T-shirt with a British flag printed on it. He smiled, "thanks Yugi."

"You're welcome."

Anzu approached, "Happy Christmas, Yugi!" she squealed. She held a box out to the little one. Yugi grinned, unwrapping the box to see the same exact thing he had gotten her, only it was a girl inside the sled, not a boy. The small one giggled, holding out the girl's present saying that all great minds think alike. "Oh my gods!" Anzu yelled. "That is so cool! We got eachother almost the same thing!"

Yami walked over, "hey Koibito," he greeted.

Yugi blushed, "hi."

Yami held out a small box, "merry Christmas," he said, holding the gift to Yugi.

The violet eyed teen thanked him, taking the box in his hands. Before he opened it, he gave Yami the gift he had bought for him, "merry Christmas, koi."

The taller flashed a smile, opening to box to see a ring with gold and silver bands entwining around it. "Thank you, Yugi. It's beautiful."

Yugi blushed again feelnig Yami crouch down and kiss him lovingly on the cheek. He looked down at the small box in his hands and tore at the golden paper. He opened the box to see a white gold ring with a pink heart shaped diamond in the middle. He gasped, "Yami...I don't know what to say...it's lovely..."

"Its only the best, for you. And..." He paused and slipping the ring on the smaller's finger, "it proves that we will get married and will be together forever."

"Aaw that is the sweetest thing I have ever heard!" Anzu cried, feeling tears form in her eyes as the two spikey haired males kissed. She clutcged Honda's arm tightly, "they are so cute together!"

Seto rolled his eyes, "alright, alright you've all given gifts now get out of here. My puppy and I need some alone time!" he barked.

Jonouchi blushed, covering his face with his hands.

Yami grinned at Yugi, squeezing the boy's hand, "let's go. You're parents are coming remember?"

"Oh gosh yes! Let's go we don't want to be late. Bye everyone see you tomorrow!!"


Yugi waited in the lobby eagerly, seeing students meeting up with their parents and walking in and out of the lobby. "I don't get it, Yami. They said to meet them at this time and its already been an hour."

"I don't know, koibito. Let's check in your room to see if they left another message."

"Good idea. They probably got held up in traffic!"


The two walked down the hall and up the stairs towards the dormatories. The reached the room and Yugi noticed the flashing of the answering machine. "Aha! I bet they did leave a message explaining their lateness." He clicked the button.

"Hi Yugi! It's your father...your mother and I called to tell you that something important came up at the office today and we have to make a raincheck on coming to see you. Maybe around New Years or after. This may be the biggest sale of our company! Oh well I must go, the meeting is about to start! We love you see you at the end of the month..well probably later if this sale goes! Bye, son! We love--oh must go, goodbye!"

The message ended and Yugi was silent. Crystaline teardrops fell silently down his cheeks. Yami frowned reaching out and taking the boy in his arms, "Yugi..." he whispered.

The teen burst out crying, grabbing the material of Yami's shirt, "they forgot! They didn't come to see me! They don't care!" he cried.

"Shh, Yugi that isn't true! They love you...something just came up, these things happen!"

"No these things don't just happen! This is the millionth bagillionth time they've cancelled plans with me. Every year they get my hopes up and break them! It;s all because of their stupid company! It's all they care about now! It's not fair! Why can't they love me! They cant't even remember my name half the time! They call me Yuhi, which is what they wanted to name me because they wanted a girl! But they got me and they don't even want me! No one wants me I'm just an unloved nobody!"

Yami's eyes widened, "Yugi that isn't true. I love you, I love you so much. We can still have a nice Christmas! We don't need them."

"But I do! I was so happy that they were coming to see me but like always they break plans!"

"Yugi it's okay it's..." he sighed, "cry Yugi. Cry on me. It was rotten what they did, so cry."

An the short teen did, for almost an hour straight. He fell asleep after using up all his tears. Yami drove them back to his house and put him to sleep. He sighed and sat up almost all night, feeling bad for the little one and angry at his parents for ruining the little one's holiday spirit.


Shadow: ^^; HEEHEE. R&R?