Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mistletoe ❯ Stirring Tranquility ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Summary: When Yami and Yugi get caught under a mistletoe, the blushing chibi tenshi flees from the scene scared shitless. The gang (after they stop guffawing) reveals to Yami what the mistletoe is for and why Yugi ran. Yami decides to put the little plant above the door to their room. The cunning spirit has decided to steal kisses form his aibou using the a Christmas tradition! Poor Yugi has no idea what's in store for him...
Disclaimer: We do NOT own Yu-gi-oh! All characters, etc. belong to the genius Kazuki Takahashi.
Tirani: We don't receive jack from writing this fic except maybe reviews.
Me: This fic was written by me and my good friend Sammy. You'll see some author's notes every now and then from me, Keios, and Sammy. Except, in the cyber world, she is known as 'Tirani' (pronounced 'tyranny').
Tirani: What in the hell? You posted my name; my real name?! Do you want to die?!
Me: That can't be a threat. There is just no way that's a threat. Need I remind you of my nails: Tanto, Jian, Rapier...
Tirani: Aaah! No! Anything but your nails! (FYI: Keios's nails are so frickin' sharp, they can through even the toughest skin like butter. In other words: they hurt like hell!)
Me: *smirks* You know, that's funny. Almost all of my friends from middle school have suffered the "Wrath of Keios" at some point. It's kinda sad, really, becau--------
Tirani: *shove* ON TO THE STORY, if you please! Dumbass.
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It was Christmas Eve in the small and cozy of Domino. A party was being held at the Kame Game Shop to celebrate the long awaited holiday, and everyone was there. Jou, Anzu, Ryou, Hiroto, Ryuji, Shizuka, Mai, Seto, Ishizu, Malik... Even Bakura and Marik were there! They had food, music, drink, and, needless to say, their duel disks! The great party was placed in a vase wrapped in velvet and tied with a silk bow.
That is, until the precious moments evaporated as the vase cracked due to the heaviness that was abruptly placed on it... (Tirani: Heh. FYI: This whole line was mine. The poetic brilliance all came from ME. Just so you know. )
Yugi Mutou, the renowned King of Games, who has saved the world countless times from deranged villains, was cowering from a single look.
Yugi's best friend and crush, Yami, was gazing at him expectantly as he tried to worm his way out of yet another sticky situation.
The two dueling champions were just returning from cleaning the kitchen. What? Sure, they might be teenagers, but responsibility was a top priority. But what happened? Let's see. 1. They placed the stuff in the sink. 2. They walked by the now-clean table that was cluttered with 'Christmas Eve' presents. 3. They stepped under the doorframe that led to the living room... Oooh. That's the problem right there - number 3. (Tirani: Again, my idea completely. Keios sucks, unlike my genius self. )
Grandpa Mutou, with his mischievous self, put a small mistletoe right above the doorframe. He knew of his grandson's feelings for the spirit, and so, decided to set them up. Of course, with the mistletoe, the sly old man could just say: "I'm just carrying on a tradition!" (Me: Sneaky bastard, isn't he?) Unfortunately for the chibi tenshi, Yami and he were right below it. Yugi saw it a few seconds before, and was about to take it down. Honest! But Yami caught up to him before he could do so, and asked in innocent curiosity: "What are you doing, Hikari?"
Startled by the sudden question, not to mention closeness of his secret crush's deep voice, Yugi jumped and fell directly into his Yami's strong arms. The poor boy froze as he realized that he was now the victim of his grandfather's cunning crime. Exactly what it was, he couldn't say, but he knew it was a crime, and that's all that mattered.
The gang, as much as they were enjoying the duel between Seto and Marik, raced to the kitchen to see what the commotion was about. When they stopped, everyone noticed the source of the problem immediately.
The little plant that hung over the pair was glinting in the light as if it were trying to get noticed. Yami stared the thing that everyone was either smirking, blushing, or grinning at. He arched an eyebrow in confusion as he waited for someone to explain what was going on.
Unexpectedly, Seto spoke up with his normal icy tone as he gravely looked at the confounded spirit as he concealed his laughter. "Congratulations, Yami. You may now kiss the bride." At that, everyone, save the former pharaoh and his blushing aibou, busted out laughing.
Me: Well... how was it? Good, bad, sad, slow...
Tirani: smack Shut up! If you would just let our dear readers review if they wish to, we'll find out! Dumbass.
Me: Ow! Obviously, Tira here likes the word 'Dumbass.'
Tirani: So? Red Forman is the shiznit. He practically created that word! And I love him for it, so there. And what have I told you about calling me TIRA? It's TIRANI! 'Tira' takes away from the meaning, not to mention the sting of my name!
Me: ANYHOW. Please review! The next chapter should be up tomorrow. I'm not in school right now, so I'm trying to balance fanfiction and doing other things I want to do while I can.
Tirani: That is so unfair.
Me: You'll get over it, Tira.
Tirani: -.- Dumbass.
Me: HAAAAH-HAH! Please review! Arigatou!