Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mistletoe ❯ On the Prowl ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: We do not, for the umpteenth-millionth time do not own Yu-gi-oh! So stay out of our hair! (smiles sweetly) Okay?
Kei: Right. What Tirani said.
Tirani: Yeah. And I apologize for my random tantrum. It just pains me whenever I hear Ash distort my name. It is, obviously, precious to me.
Kei: Mmm-hmm. And you're back all nice again! Whoop-de-freakin'-doo.
Tirani: You know, for the whole day that I made no contact with you, I missed your sarcasm.
Kei: Of course you did. I'M the one who taught you all about the fabulous art of sarcasm, and, let's not forget, ALOOFNESS.
Tirani: (laughs) That's true. But, I'm feeling beside myself right now, so, before I dismiss the thought, I want to thank our reviewers!
kunoichi2006: Glad it made you laugh! And just so you know, I, Tirani, came up with the stalking thing. Come to think of it, a lot of the funny stuff comes from my ingenious self. Kei, what do you mean by: "NUH-UH!"? It's true! Dumbass. Anyhow, kunoichi, hopefull you'll like this chap even more than the first ones! .
Novelist Pup: We're awesome? That's funny you should say that... 'cause Ash says that, while you're a good friend of hers, you seldom compliment her, just like ME! She thinks we'd be great friends. Hmm. Indeed...
Serzie: Because of your idea, we decided to let exactly that happen! Wow. I hope you don't hate just HOW it happens, though... Heh-heh-heh.
Chibi Chib: Ash didn't know what to think of your review at first, but I understood right away. By not using too many words, but showing 'XD' faces, I quickly came to the conclusion that you deemed our story hilarious. I am telling you, for someone who's teachers love her but peers hate her for her intelligence, she sure is STUPID.
PurpleCarrotsWillRuleUsAll: Dammit! And here I was, all this time, thinking that nasty crap like okra and asparagus would come to the rule us all. Oh, well. But thanks for the news flash! (And FYI: I like swear words, too!) o.O
ONTO THE STORY. Enjoy now, ya hear?
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Things progressed normally in the small and cozy town of Domino. The birds sang, the sun shined, Kaiba grew richer... it was all good. Even the Mutou household was peachy.
It had been 5 days since the little mistletoe incident. Yugi was very cautios and wary about confronting his Yami, but the spirit didn't appear angry at him. Actually, he was as studiously quiet and warm towards him as always. Yugi decided to believe that Yami was just taking his time to sort out his emotions. It was perfectly understandable, and in no time, Yugi was back to his chipper self.
But Yugi was dead wrong.
Yami knew what he felt for his hikari. He was merely acting as if he forgot about the whole incident with the mistletoe to lure Yugi into a false sense of security. The ex-pharaoh was going to seduce him by pulling off little 'accidents' like brushing his delectable ass every now and then. Said succulent behind just swished past him in tight clothing. 'Good... He's wearing the leather pants I gave him from last year... Perfect.' Yami eyed his adorably sexy aibou as he jumped up to get a popsicle out of the freezer. But Yugi was not wearing his 3-inch boots, so he could not reach one. The spirit crawled off of the couch and stalked to him before stopping a few feet away from him. His prey looked so good, he had to restrain himself from touching him. But when Yugi pouted and his supple lip stuck out, Yami moved.
And poor Yugi had no clue until it was too late.
"Let me, Hikari..." his crush whispered erotically in his ear. Yami rose to his full height, and pressed himself against his hiakri's entire backside. He was crushed against the refrigerator. And it was at that moment that Jou and Seto came in.
Jou and Seto had only come to tell the two teens that they were now in a relationship. "When did THAT happen!' you demand? Lessee.
They were hanging out, as usual. Except that time, it was just the two of them. Which meant that whenever Jou would do something remotely provocative, Seto could flirt with him as much as he liked with no interruptions. It had taken Jou a while to figure out that Seto wasn't playing with him. But when he caught on, he asked breathlessly: "You've been hitting on me all this time, haven't you?" Kaiba smiled softly as he wrapped his arms around his puppy's waist. "Yes, Katsuya. I've been making passes at you all this time." Their lips met gently; kneading the other's until Seto's tongue somehow snaked it's way inside Jou's mouth. When he whimpered, Seto raped his mouth. He mapped out his puppy's orifice with a passion. Teeth pulled mercilessly at soft lips, moist muscles danced in a tango, cries were swallowed... Aaahh. It was all good. But before things could get graphic, Kaiba led Katsuya to Yugi's to share their good news.
Neither teen knew that Jou and Seto were standing there. Yugi's face was burning as his other self thrust his hips against his ass when he jumped to get a popsicle. He squeaked when Yami spread his arms to reveal a toned torso topped with dusky nipples. Yugi loved small cherries! So why did Yami's nipples have to look so tempting! It took all of his willpower not to suck on one of them straight off. 'Why hasn't he grabbed that damned stick yet! Wait- stick...? OH, SHIT!'
As his hikari's face grew hotter against his chest, Yami smirked. He knew Yugi loved little cherries, and it just so happened that his nipples looked like just them. It was all the spirit could do not to bust out laughing. But, luckily for Yami, Seto and Jou cracked up for him. Yugi swiveled his head only to see pointed fingers and wicked gleams in his two best friends' eyes.
They saw what was going on, and they would never let him live it down.
Oh, shit.