Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Misunderstood ❯ Lost and Found ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Pairings : Yami/Yuugi


*Yuugi's Thoughts*

~Yami's Thoughts~

/Yuugi' mind speech/

//Yami's mind speech//

{Yuugi's thoughts overheard by Yami}

[Yami's thoughts overheard by Yuugi]


Chapter 1: Lost and Found

Yuugi blinked several times as his eyes adjusted to the golden glow surrounding him.

*Where am I?*

He looked at the twisted stairwells and the hieroglyphs adorning the walls.

*I'm in my other's soul-room... again...*

He stood there, gazing at the intricate patterns, just admiring them.

*I wonder if these symbols spell out Yami's life?*

Yuugi felt something was off. A long time passed before it finally hit him.

*That's strange. Where's Yami?*

Usually when he found himself in Yami's soul-room, he was almost immediately met by the former pharaoh, always there to talk to him either to help him calm his troubled mind, or to simply keep him company. He considered searching for Yami, but immediately gave up the task as futile knowing from experience how easy it was to get lost in the pharaoh's mind.

/Yami... Where are you.../

Hearing no reply, he continued forlornly, /I wish I could somehow find Yami in this colossal maze./

Almost immediately, he felt a presence appear to his right. Turning, he found himself facing the Dark Magician. He was disappointed at first that it wasn't his counterpart that had come to greet him. But he immediately perked up on seeing the content expression the mage was wearing. Yuugi was pleased to have met his good friend once more, and he knew that had Yami been in any danger, the faithful mage was sure to be right there fighting alongside his beloved master.

Seeing the evident relief on the young duellist's face, the mage smirked, with uncanny resemblance to his master beckoned for Yuugi to follow. They then set off into the maze with the young duellist at the mage's heels.

Yuugi was surprised at the impossible pace they were going at.

*Of course this is just a preconception of my self as I perceive myself running around Yami's mind. Anything and everything is possible in here.*

He giggled as he imagined a mental barrier. Namely, the mage tripping across a rope stretched across the hallway only to end up further tangled in more ropes he fell into.

Suddenly he heard a soft thud and he looked up to see the mage in front tangled exactly as he imagined. Flushing guiltily, he began apologizing profusely to the mage for the mishap. He still hadn't learnt to garner complete control over his thoughts, and mishaps like these always happened. The mage's anger soon melted away at the sincerity he heard in Yuugi's voice. He touched the ropes with his staff, and the ropes immediately disappeared.

Yuugi blinked.

/Didn't know it could do that./ said Yuugi surprised.

The mage only smirked, amused at his little master's antics and resumed their journey to... wherever...

They suddenly came to a halt in front of a door encrusted with gems in the formation of a phoenix done in ruby and topaz. Yuugi got lost in admiring the pattern. When he looked around to ask the mage why they had stopped he found that the mage wasn't anywhere in sight.

/That wasn't very polite you know./ he said crossly.

Yuugi felt flickers of amusement wash over him. Sighing resignedly, he opened the door and stepped in. What he saw inside surprised him. The room was draped with red and gold curtains, in the centre of which was an enormous mahogany four-poster bed. Sleeping in the bed was the pharaoh dressed in his royal garb under fawn coloured covers.

*Note to self ... prehistoric dead guys need sleep.*

Not wanting to wake the spirit, he quietly climbed onto the huge bed and made his way over to the pharaoh. He perched next to his head and smiled at the sight. The pharaoh was resting on his side, with arms clasped as if he were holding someone. Peace adorned his regal features. Yuugi blushed as he imagined himself cuddled in the arms of the spirit.

*... Where did that come from?...*

He smoothed a golden lock and leaned down to place a small kiss on the spirit's cheek. He jumped back quickly surprised by his own actions.

*Two seconds I'm with him and I'm already kissing him. I really need to work on my self control.* he mentally chided himself.

The pharaoh chose that moment to awaken, and his first sight was that of a beautiful, petite boy flushing furiously backing of from him looking like a deer in headlights. The pharaoh chuckled softly and held out a hand to the boy. Yuugi took his hand and calmed down quickly realizing that the spirit did not remember his kiss. He wondered why he felt so disappointed.

He snapped out of his reverie when he heard the deep baritone of the pharaoh calling to him.

//Yuugi, what brings you here? What is troubling you?//

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