Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Misunderstood ❯ Troubled Mind ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh

Pairings : Yami/Yuugi

*Yuugi's Thoughts*

~Yami's Thoughts~

/Yuugi' mind speech/

//Yami's mind speech//

{Yuugi's thoughts overheard by Yami}

[Yami's thoughts overheard by Yuugi]

Chapter 2: TroubledMind

//Yuugi, what brings you here? What is troubling you?//

Seeing the boy scrunch his face looking perfectly adorable, the pharaoh valiantly exerted his self control to stop himself from glomping his secret love, and smothering with kisses. He drew himself up on the bed. ~He is too cute for his own good.~ Lately, the pharaoh had been a little worried about his little aibou. It has been 6 months since battle city, and 4 months since Yuugi's grandfather had died. After the battle city tournament, the ancient spirit recovered his memories and his power, and he was truly grateful for it, for soon afterwards, Yuugi's grandfather died, and the poor boy was heartbroken and suicidal.

******Flashback************************************************* *****

Yuugi was huddled in his bed, rocking himself. He had been in that position since his grandfather's funeral, and there was no one to console him. None of his friends were in Domino city for their own reasons. Huddled over, he muttered again and again, "He is gone (sob). He left me. There is no one left for me to live for. He promised (sob) that he would never leave me. He Promised."

The pharaoh materialized next to Yuugi and hugged his aibou close.

"But Yuugi, he hasn't left you, he will always be alive in your heart." said the spirit.

"I know that Yami, but I'm all alone. Who will take care of me? Who will I live for?"

"You will always have me and your friends, Yuugi. I'll always be there for you. I can live with you now. Yuugi look at me. I have enough magic to materialize now. I will always be here for you."

These words finally got through to Yuugi. He looked up and gasped to see the spirit in actual physical form next to him. A smile flitted across his features, but was quickly gone as he broke into another fit of crying. The pharaoh held the boy in his arms, rocking him, allowing him to release his pain through anguished sobs.

It was a long night.

******Flashback End**************************************************

Yuugi snapped out of his thoughts and smiled softly at the pharaoh in greeting, regaining his composure. ~Cute. Wonder why he was blushing though... ~

//Yuugi this is the third time this week you came to my soul room.//

Yuugi stared at him for a few seconds, then said, /Yami I don't think I came here because I'm troubled./

The pharaoh was surprised by the answer. Yuugi always ended up in his soul room whenever he had a mental dilemma. He didn't understand what his little angel was implying. ~My little angel? There I go again. Bad Yami. Concentrate. Your cute aibou needs you. Cute. AAAAAAAAAAAH... There I go again... ~

/I think I am here because of you. I was drawn here because I sensed your troubled mind. I think I am here because of you. Your mind must have been pretty exhausted for you to have to resort to actually sleeping in your soul room. I thought you said spirits don't need to sleep. Are you worried about school this fall?/

Yami was taken aback by what Yuugi just said, and the more he thought about it, the more sense it made. Yami was more than a little worried about the school he was joining with Yuugi in a month's time. Seto Kaiba had lately been less hostile to Yami. He suspected that the former High Priest's memories were resurfacing. Five millennia ago, Seto and Yami had been cousins and given his over protectiveness towards family, he had always crossed limits to watch out for him. ~This being one of the reasons why he decided to become the Pharaoh's Priest, although I never could get him to admit it.~ Seto offered to create documents for Yami to be submitted to the authorities to justify his suddenly popping out of nowhere. The story was that he was an orphan taken in by Yuugi's cousins when he was young due to their incredible similarity and that the couple desired a child. And now, the couple had died in a car accident, and since Yuugi's Grandfather had also died recently, Yami had come to live with Yuugi.

/Yami? Hello!!! What happened? What are you thinking?/ inquired Yuugi, leaning forward into the spirit's face, scrunching his forehead, violet eyes peering into unfocused crimson.

Yami focused to find himself staring into lilac pools. Realizing their proximity, Yami moved back and looked away trying valiantly to control his oncoming blush and succeeding. After all, he was the King of Games.

{Here I am in the mind of a 5000-year-old pharaoh and mega duellist. What was I thinking? I shouldn't have come here. He can't bear to even look at me. (sob) He doesn't want me. I am just disturbing him. I probably should just leave now. He doesn't need me pestering him.}

Yami's head snapped up as he caught these thoughts. He cursed himself for his stupidity. He needed to be more careful around the sensitive youth. He found himself staring at the retreating back of Yuugi. Yuugi paused at the door and turned around to face the spirit.

/Yami! Know what! Everything will be just fine! Of course you are a little worried about how things will turn out. But don't you worry with you're looks and personality you will be popular in no time flat!!!/

Yami was shocked. Not at the words, but the tone. Yuugi sounded sincerely cheerful. He realized that had he not overheard the boy's thoughts, he would never have realized how Yuugi truly felt. He sought to amend his mistake, and offered to guide Yuugi to his soul room, hoping to talk to him on the way out.

/Yami! That won't be necessary. I'm sure the Dark Magician will guide me safely. Besides you need to rest./

//B-But Yuugi -//

/No buts Yami. Sleep. We will talk in the morning. Good night/

With that Yuugi closed the door behind him.

//... Good Night... Yuugi...//

{He wants me gone as soon as possible. (sob)}

The pharaoh struggled to get off the four poster bed as he heard these anguished words. Intent on catching up with the boy and clearing the misunderstanding, he ran to the door. But by the time he reached the door, he sensed Yuugi exiting his soul room and entering his own. He attempted to contact Yuugi through their mind link, but found himself blocked...

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