Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ More than just a Kute Kitty ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yami: And this is about?

K: A kitty.

Yami: And?

K: Yugi and Yami couple.

Yami: Good enough for me.

K: Okay…

Yugi: Where am I in the summary?

K: You're kind of in it.

Yugi: I am?

Yami: * realizes where Yugi is in the summary * Oh Ra… * faints *

Yugi: * blinks * Yami?

K: Umm, read please.



"Hey Yami!"

A boy with red and black spiked hair and blonde bangs turned to the voice.

"Hi Jounouchi-kun," the boy called Yami said and with crimson eyes filled with amusement at his friend.

Jounouchi came up to Yami then stopped, leaning on his knees trying to catch his breath.

Yami chuckled, "So Jou what did you need?"

Jou looked up; "I wanted to know if you can come to the arcade with me and the others."

Yami shook his head. "Can't. Mom asked me to help grandpa with the shop."

"Oh," Jou sulked. "I wanted to beat you at Energeiz." Then he smiled, "But ya gotta listen ta your mom."

Yami nodded, "Right. See ya, Jou."

"See ya," Jou then ran towards Honda who was coming out of the school.

Yami smiled then began walking home.


Yami stopped and turned to an alley.


He walked cautiously into the alley and spotted a box with something in it.

He crouched in front of the box then a white little head popped out of the box, which made Yami fall back.

"Meuh?" It cocked its head.

Yami stared at it. It was a cute little kitten with big violet eyes; its fur was shiny and white with black, red and yellow spiked on its head. It's fluffy tail moving back and forth slowly, it's little paws holding it up with the side of the box.

Yami blinked then smiled. He reached over and scratched the kitten's ear.

The kitten closed its eyes, purring and nuzzled Yami's hand.

Yami picked it up and set it on his lap. "Aren't you a cute little thing."

The white spiked head feline nuzzled his stomach then looked up at him with its big violet eyes.

"There's something different about you different from the other cats. Maybe I can take you home." Yami stood up holding the kitten.

"Just act really cute and maybe mom would allow you to stay," Yami said looking at the kitten that blinked up at him.


"Mom I'm home!" Yami shut the door with the feline tucked under his arm.

Ashita, Yami's mom came to greet her son but stopped when she saw the bundle under Yami's arm.

Yami became nervous at his mom's obvious stare.


His mom took the kitten out of his arms. "It's so cute!" Yami sighed. Ashita petted the kitten fondly, which for some reason made Yami feel like he was going to burst and take the kitten from his mother's arms.

He shook the feeling off. "Can we keep him?"

Yami was surprised. His mother was asking him the question.

"That's what I was going to ask you."

"I see. Well help your grandfather and watch the kitten," she gave the kitten back to Yami. "And I'll get some things for the little cutie."

His mom grabbed her purse and went out the door.

Yami and the kitten blinked. Yami looked at the kitten; "My mom can be so strange."

"Meuh?" it cocked its head.

Yami smiled scratching it's neck then carrying it to the front of the store to help grandpa.

For some reason there were a lot of customers in the store but Sugoroku, Yami's grandpa didn't mind. The problem was that Yami couldn't go near the kitten with all the customers playing with it.

'What's my problem? It's just a cat,' Yami shook his head but couldn't stop the jealous feelings he gets when someone else was touching the kitten.

Finally Sugoroku closed the shop at the same time Ashita came in, carrying a few bags.

"These are the toys, food, brush, bathing supplies, dishes, and this cute violet collar that matches his eyes. Is it okay if I name him Tenshi?" (Tenshi means Angel.)

Yami sweatdropped and he could feel the kitten sweatdrop as well.


"Isn't it an adorable name, Yami?"

"Umm, sure."

She handed the collar to Yami. "Here you put it on him while I put these away."

Yami looked at 'Tenshi', then sighed.

"My mom's to energetic for her own good."


Yami set 'Tenshi' on the kitchen counter and snapped the collar on him.

"Meuh," 'Tenshi' scratched at the collar.

"You have to have it on, or someone else might take you in if you run off, or get lost."

'Tenshi' stopped clawing at the collar looking up a Yami.

Yami could feel that 'Tenshi' didn't want to leave, which confused him.

'How the heck can I feel its emotions and why was I talking to it?'

Yami sighed once more. "There's something about you that makes me want to protect you and care for you." Yami tapped its nose.

'Tenshi' gave a meuh that sounded like a giggle and jumped into Yami's arms.

At dinner, Ashita would not stop talking about the kitten and Sugoroku would make faces at her comments.

Yami had his head resting on his hand and was stirring the soup slowly.

'My family is strange. They act younger than I do.'


Yami looked down from his food and saw 'Tenshi' nudge his leg.

"Aww, I bet he wants you to finish your food quickly," Ashita said.

Sugoroku rolled his eyes, "I don't think so you just want Yami to finish his food quickly."

"It was worth a shot," Ashita shrugged.

Yami blinked at the comment but ate his soup faster.


"Yami you have school tomorrow, so, get to bed!" Ashita shouted from upstairs.

Yami was absent-mindedly petting 'Tenshi' who was on his lap while watching TV. He turned the TV off then carried the kitten upstairs. When he got to the bathroom he set the feline near the sink, grabbed a toothbrush and began brushing his teeth.

Yami chuckled as he watched 'Tenshi' paw at it's own reflection.

After he finished brushing his teeth the kitten jumped off the counter and ran to Yami's room.

'How did he know where my room was?' Yami then shrugged the question off and followed the kitten.

He changed into his black silk pajamas and he could feel eyes on him. He turned and saw 'Tenshi' watching him change.

Yami quirked an eyebrow at the kitten, while the kitten responded by cocking his head.

Yami climbed into his bed and the kitten jumped onto the bed.

"I guess you can sleep on my bed," Yami slipped into his blanket. The kitten watched him drift off to sleep he then silently jumped off the bed, landing on the floor.

The kitten glowed a little and began to take form. What replaced the kitten was a small boy who was umm…naked. (Yami: *whistles* K: Yami! Hentai!)

The boy went to Yami's closet and dug up some clothes and shoved them under the bed so he could use them later tomorrow.

He began picking behind his white cat ear and brought out tiny headphones.

"Ryou you there?" the boy whispered.

"I can hear you loud and clear Yugi," Yugi heard the respond.

"Did you get found by Bakura?"


"That's good. Yami found me too. How do we warn them about J.C.P?"

"I don't know Yugi but why would he want them?"

"Something about a past life. Any way Yami's cute."

Ryou snickered, "Yeah so is Bakura."

"So are we still up to the plan Yugi?"

Yugi grinned, "Of course."

"Okay. Talk to you later."

"Yeah. Later," Ryou cut the transmission.

Yugi put the headphones back and stared at Yami fondly.

'Good night Yami. See ya at school.'


Yugi: O___O I'm the cat!

K: Yep.

Yugi: And Ryou's one too!

K: Yep.

Yami: And aibou was naked!

K: ~___~

Yugi: *blushes*

Yami: With cute kitty ears and tail!

Yugi: *blushes deeper*

K: Yami stop it! Okay readers I know this story is strange but it's been

bugging me all night so I wrote it.

Yami: Review so I can be with my chibi hikari neko!

K: *sighs*