Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ More than just a Kute Kitty ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yami: This doesn't have us in it!

K: -___-

Yami: It's about the tomb robber!

Yugi: And Ryou.

K: *sighs* Some people might want to know what happened between them.

Yami: Like whom…

K: BakuraxRyou fans.

Yami: -____-

Yugi: *holding a sign 'Read so my sexy Yami would shut up.'*

Yami: O___o


A tall brown haired, blue eyed cat boy was pacing in front of his two loyal friends. He stopped and turned to them.

"We can't let J. C. P. get them they are innocent in this age."

"Age?" Yugi questioned.

The other nodded, "They were enemies in a past life and now he's our enemy."

"Why is he still alive then?" asked Ryou.

Blue eyes shook his head (you should know who he is if you don't then you aren't very much of a Yugioh fan.) "I'm not sure how. Rumor is he's immortal.

Yugi and Ryou exchanged looked with each other.

Blue eyes handed them both a folder. "This contains the profile of the person you're watching."

Yugi whistled looking through the pictures of the person, "He's hot."

Blue eyes quirked an eyebrow and Yugi shrugged back in response.

Ryou giggled when he looked in his folder then exchanged looks with Yugi and they both giggled.

Blue eyes sighed. (I'm not going to call him that forever.)

A pure white cat was walking on top of a brick wall. Its eyes were trailing on a person who was walking out the school doors. The cat looked up at the other cat that had black, red and blond spiky hair on top of its head. They both nodded to each other and then the other jumped off the wall and went to an alley.

The white cat turned back to the person he had to watch. The boy finally reached the school gates and the jumped off following the boy.


Bakura turned and saw no one there, he blinked then began walking again.


Bakura whirled around glaring then looked down to see a white kitten staring at him with large green eyes. (Ryou in the first few eppys he had green eyes and Bakura had a pinkish-red eyes.)

"What do you want?" Bakura demanded from a cat. (K: O___o Bakura: I wouldn't want anything from a cat. K: I bet you would. Bakura: -___- )


Bakura glared at it then stalked down the street heading home with the kitten following.

Bakura slammed the door to his house knowing his father wasn't home.


Bakura slowly turned and saw the kitten by the door. The white kitten stared at him intensely while Bakura stared back, twitching.

Bakura grabbed the cat by the nap of its neck and brought it to his face. "Why are you following me?"

The kitten stared then licked Bakura's nose.

Bakura gave it a quire look, "Usually animals don't like me, hell no one likes me."

The kitten nuzzled his face to Bakura's.

Bakura twitched then dropped into a couch holding the kitten that was still nuzzling him.

Bakura sighed, "You're a strange cat. Why would you like me? I hate animals." 'Why am I even talking to it?!'


Bakura looked down, "If you want to stay just stay out of my way." He dropped the cat on the floor and went up the stairs.

The kitten blinked then followed Bakura. When it got to the room Bakura he was laying on the bed with an arm over his head.


Bakura sat up and frowned down at it. "I guess I should make dinner." He walked over the kitten and went back down.

The cat blew a lock of hair out of its eyes, then followed him again.

The cat sighed as he waited for Bakura to finish showering. 'I wonder if Yugi's having any problems.' He looked down the halls. 'Where's Bakura's parents? Maybe that's why he acts this way.'

He heard the water stop running and the shower door opening then some rummaging.

The door opened with Bakura in a towel and using another one to dry his hair coming out.

He noticed the kitten staring up at him and for some reason he blushed.

"What are you staring at?"


Bakura walked quickly to his room and changed into fresh clothes then began to blow dry his long hair.

The kitten had watched the whole thing with a glint in its eyes when it watched Bakura drop the towel to changes. He gave a kitty grin when he noticed Bakura blushing while he was changing.

'Why am I acting like this in front of a cat. It's not a person, it's not like it can talk to other people,' Bakura thought still drying his hair.

After drying his hair Bakura sat in his desk trying to do his homework. The cat jumped on the desk looking at the papers.

Bakura looked at the cat then pushed it off the desk and went back to work but the cat jumped back. Bakura glared at it and tried to ignore it but for some reason the cat's eyes were hard to ignore.

He shook his head then turned away from the kitten but when he did the kitten began meowing loudly. Bakura groaned then turned back to the kitten, picked him up and laid on the bed with the kitten on his stomach.

"You are so annoying," he stared at the kitten accusingly.


Bakura sighed, laying the cat on the side of the bed and pulling the blanket over himself.

"I'm going to sleep you strange feline, so don't bug me," Bakura reached for the lamp and turned it off.

The kitten stared at Bakura's face then leaped off the bed and glowed while heading to a dresser.

The kitten was now a… naked white haired boy. (Bakura: *drools* K: O___o who's worse you or Yami?)

After the boy got the clothes he wanted to use for tomorrow he laid them under the bed. (Bakura: How original. K: Why are you here? Bakura: Umm.)

Then the boy heard silent beeping only he could hear with his sensitive cat ears. He took out the small headphones from behind his ears.

"Ryou you there?" his friend on the other line asked.

"I can hear you loud and clear Yugi," he responded.

"Did you get found by Bakura?"


"That's good. Yami found me too. How do we warn them about J. C. P.?"

"I don't know Yugi but why would he want them?"

"Something about a past life. Anyway Yami's cute."

"Yeah so is Bakura," he snickered.

"So are we up to the plan, Yugi?"

"Of course."

"Okay. Talk to you later."

"Yeah. Later," he pressed a button on the headphone, ending the transmission.

He looked at Bakura then sighed. 'I hope he's nicer when I'm more human looking.'


Yami: Where's Bakura and Ryou weren't they just here?

K: *shrugs* I don't keep track of them as much as you and Yugi.

Yami: -____- right…

Yugi: ^_^; um… read and review. Please?