Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Just That ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warnings: Yaoi(MalexMale), Auish, OOCness, Rape, Minor, Mild Language, Mild
Violence, and Strong Angst.

Disclaimer: I don't own YuGiOh, but I do use its characters for my own sick and
twisted imagination.

Read these notes before you start story: I'm doing my own version of what happened
to Bakura in the past, so fuck what you have to say about me being wrong.

Yami No Bakura will be called Bakura in past and Bakura in present.

Yami No Yugi will be called Atemu in past and Yami Yugi in present.

Ryou Bakura will be called Ryou in present.

Yugi Mouto will be called Yugi in present.


Chapter 1


Ryou walked away from school, followed by Yugi.

"Do you think I could come over to your apartment today?" Yugi asked cheerfully,
bouncing up and down on his toes as he walked.

//Say No// said a deep voice in Ryou's mind. The boy flinched, Yugi gave him a
look of concern.

"What's wrong?" Yugi asked, his voice filled with pity.

"Nothing... oh, and you can't come because I'm busy.. sorry... " Ryou replied,
trying to cover up the disappoint in his voice. His yami would never let him do
anything, why was he so like this?

//Get away from him, now!// the voice demanded. Ryou quickly departed from Yugi w
with a wave, rushing torwards his apartment. He tripped over his own foot, falling
face down on the cement sidewalk. He let out a cry, the pants of his knees were
ruined, they were torn and stained with blood. He held onto his knees, letting the
blood dripp onto his hand.

He felt something vibrate on his stomach.

'Is is the millenium ring?' Ryou thought, suddenly getting sick to his stomach.
'Yes it is, oh no, that means he is coming out!'. The white haired hikari began to
cower, his yami appearing before him.

Bakura yanked Ryou up by his collar, growling.

"What did I say about hanging out with those pathetic friends of yours!?" Bakura
yelled in his vessel's face. "We're suppose to stay low until we can get the millenium

"Gah!" Ryou cried. "Please don't hurt me, I won't disobey you next time!"

"You know your pleads are worthless!" Bakura barked, punching his vessel in the face,
causing the boy's nose to bleed. The yami retreated back into the ring, leaving Ryou
bleeding and crying. His knees and nose hurt horribly, both bleeding.

'Why does he want the millenium items so much?' Ryou thought in his mind, still
crying. 'What pushed him to do this?'

Ryou did know Bakura had a horrible past, seeing his village destroyed before his
very own eyes at the age of twelve. Can't that be forgiveable, seeing that Yami Yugi
is now doing good?


Bakura sneered at Ryou's thoughts.

"He just doesn't know..." Bakura spat to himself, sitting down in his soulroom. The
white haired yami hid something very carefully from everyone because of his big ego.

He lost more than just his village. He lost something that kept him from going psycho,
the very thing that made him the sweet little boy before it happened.

They just don't know...

There is more than just that....

Bakura held onto himself, feeling his anger grow within him. He needed something to hit
and beat. That is what his vessel was for.

'Didn't I just get done hitting him?' Bakura thought to himself. He shrugged, coming out
of the ring once more. He looked around, looks like his vessel made it to the apartment.

"Y-yes, y-yami?" Ryou studdered, fear clearly showing in his eyes.

'This boy is so easily broken' Bakura thought, smirking.

"Yami, there a question I got to ask you before you beat me..." Ryou said, looking down
at the floor, flinching as he saw his jeans were ruined by blood stains.

"Hurry up and ask the damn question!" Bakura snapped angrily, feeling the urge to beat the
hell out of his vessel in a instance.

"What made you like this in the first place?" Ryou asked sadly. "I know it wasn't just the

Bakura's eyes widen.

"What the fuck are you talking about!?" Bakura spat. "Have you been going through my thoughts,
you worthless vessel!?"

Ryou shook his head, then suddenly felt his jaw punched, causing him to topple to the ground.

"No!" Ryou screamed. He pulled his arms over his head, cowering.

"You shouldn't have been looking in my thoughts, then!" Bakura yelled, yanking Ryou by his hair.
"I think I should do the same thing to you as that damn pharoah did to me!"

"W-what are you talking about?" Ryou studdered and stopped struggling, looking into his yami's
dull eyes.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" Bakura spat. His yami held onto his own head tightly,
returning to the ring.

Ryou blinked, confused.


Bakura flinched at all the memories in his past. They were horrible, sickening, and twisted.

"Why?" Bakura said out loud angrily, holding onto his head.



Authoress's note: New story! Hope you like the first chapter, because on the next chapter I'm going
to start with Bakura's past. Yay! ^_^ Got to love me, huh? Yeah, I just got done flaming some idiot
before she was yelling at her reviewers. She needs to get over it.