Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Just That ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warnings: Yaoi(MalexMale), Auish, OOCness, Rape, Minor, Mild Language, Mild
Violence, and Strong Angst.

Disclaimer: I don't own YuGiOh, but I do use its characters for my own sick and
twisted imagination.

Read these notes before you start story: I'm doing my own version of what happened
to Bakura in the past, so fuck what you have to say about me being wrong.

Yami No Bakura will be called Bakura in past and Bakura in present.

Yami No Yugi will be called Atemu in past and Yami Yugi in present.

Ryou Bakura will be called Ryou in present.

Yugi Mouto will be called Yugi in present.

Marik Ishtar will be called Marik in the past.

Chapter 2


Bakura took a deep breathe... his past began to come back to him...

**Flashback of 5000 years ago**

(A/N: This will be lasting a few chapters... so, yeah)

Bakura sighed softly, feeling his friend's fingers run through his long, white, and
a bit dirty hair. He snuggled closer to the friend, inhaling the scent of cinnamon.

"Your my only friend," Marik said sadly, running his finger's through Bakura's

"I will be here for you, always," Bakura said, wrapping his arms around Marik's neck.
They were both lovers, but haven't engaged into anything 'sexually'. They were both
twelve years old and lived in a small village that wasn't too far from the pharoah's
palace. Every now and then guards came and go.

The sun was setting right now, Bakura pulled away from Marik, looking into his lavender

"I must be going now," Bakura said to his friend, looking down sadly."Its night time, and
my mom is probably expecting me home now for dinner."

Marik's eye began to water, and he looked away. Bakura regreted leaving the sandy blonde
haired boy alone like this, but he had to go. He got up, walking across the sandy ground
to the small wooden house he lived in. He peeked his head in, but was disappointed to
see no one in sight.

"Mom?" Bakura asked, looking around. He glanced torwards the side, and at the edge of his
eye he saw a body on the floor. He looked down at the body and his face turned pale.

"Mom!" Bakura shrieked, dropping to the floor beside the body, which was coverd in blood.
"Mom! Who did this to you! Please wake up!" He shook the body violently, but the woman's eyes
never open. The white haired boy dropped his head onto the body's chest, his body shaking.
He began to sob onto the chest, tears soaking in with the blood.

Bakura heads flew up, hearing a scream from outside. He ran to look out the small window
his house, seeing all his villagers running from people in shiny armor. The pharoah's guards.

"Marik!" Bakura cried, flinging himself outside, frantically searching for his lover. He
felt himself roughly grabbed by his shoulder and a metal covered glove clamped to his mouth,
muffling his screams.

"We shouldn't sacrifice this one for any of the rituals," Bakura heard a voice say."He would
make a lovely slave...."


"Bakura!" Marik screamed, seeing his boyfriend yanked by a guard. The sandy blond haired boy
stumbled, reaching his hand out, but felt something come in full impact with the back of his
head. He felt his body topple to the ground.

His world faded into darkness...


"Marik!" Bakura screamed, but his words were muffled into nothingness as he saw Marik get
hit in the back of the head by a guard.

"Well, he will wake up in time!" The guard chuckled, fondling with the unconcious boy's butt.

"Get your dirty hands off of him!" Bakura screamed through the metal hand, and began to kick
and throw his arms everywhere. Tears ran down the boy's cheeks, feeling his body go numb from
too much struggling.

His saw all of his fellow villagers being torn to pieces, some being dragged to be sacrificed
for the ritual that the guard was talking about.

Bakura's life was falling apart. He hated the guards, he especially hated the pharoah.

Bakura learned that the pharoah was at the age of fourteen right now. Maybe he could outpower
him somehow, there just had to be a way.

'I want to kill the pharoah' Bakura thought darkly, his tears disappearing. He closed his eyes
tightly and exhaustedly, falling to sleep.


Bakura opened his eyes, blinking. He looked around himself, seeing he was in a jail cell. He
gulped, shaking.

"Your awake, finally!" He heard a voice bark. He looked to see a guard standing outside the
jail cell. "We have to get you fixed up, your the pharoah's present."

Bakura's eyes widen. He wasn't no present! He wanted to kill the damn pharoah, not be his
fucking present.

'Wheres Marik' Bakura thought, anger replaced by sadness. He saw the jail cell door open, him
getting roughly yanked by his arm. He was dragged out into a fancy hallway, until he was shoved
onto a stool. He flinched as cold water was dumped onto him, making his raggidy tan tunic stick
to his skin. He blushed, feeling weird being in a wet thin tunic.

He felt something being put on his arm. He looked down, seeing a gold band on it. He then was
roughly yanked out of the room, being pulled down the fancy hallway once again. He frowned at the
people glared at him.

"Pharoah Atemu!" The guard barked, roughly yanking Bakura in the throne room. "Your present!"

Atemu raised his eyebrow at the white haired boy, who was dressed in a thin, tan, and ragidy
tunic, which was dripped wet. He saw a gold band on the boy's arm.

The reason Atemu wanted a slave was because he was going through puberty, which meant he needed
someone to take out his sexual fustration on. He also destroyed the village, gathering villagers to
do a ritual that was needed for the palace.

"Bring him to me!" Atemu yelled, resting his chin on his hand angrily.

Bakura glared at the pharoah, who was apparently named Atemu. The twelve year old was yanked to stand
in front of the pharoah, he looked deeply into his eyes, as if he were trying to kill him.

"How old is this, boy?" Atemu ask, knowing the boy was a bit young.

"I don't know, why don't you ask him?" The guard replied.

"How old are you, boy?" Atemu asked Bakura.

"I will never tell the likes of you!" Bakura growled. "I hate you, I wish you would die!" Atemu slapped
the boy, making him whimper and fall to the ground.

"I said, what is your name?" Atemu asked angrily, expecting a answer strictly this time. "Or you next
punishment won't be a good one!"

"T-twelve!" Bakura said, tears running down his cheeks.

"Good boy," Atemu said, grinning. "Now, what is your name?"

"Bakura," Bakura said.

'You might as well know the name of your future murderer,' Bakura thought, snickering to hisself.

"I want him out of my sight, I shall have use for him later!" Atemu yelled, the guards pulling Bakura


Authoress's notes: So, what do you think? This isn't exactly a slave fic, not the same kind you would
read. This is strictly based on how Bakura's village was destroyed and what was taken from him. It is a
once thing, then I will get into him being a tombrobber. Gah! I'm giving it away, well, review if you want
your next chapter to come fast! Bye!