Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Just That ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warnings: Yaoi(MalexMale), Auish, OOCness, Rape, Minor, Mild Language, Mild
Violence, and Strong Angst.

Disclaimer: I don't own YuGiOh, but I do use its characters for my own sick and
twisted imagination.

Read these notes before you start story: I'm doing my own version of what happened
to Bakura in the past, so fuck what you have to say about me being wrong.

Yami No Bakura will be called Bakura in past and Bakura in present.

Yami No Yugi will be called Atemu in past and Yami Yugi in present.

Ryou Bakura will be called Ryou in present.

Yugi Mouto will be called Yugi in present.

Marik Ishtar will be called Marik in the past.

To one of my favorite readers (aka: DemonandGoddess): Thank you for encouraging
me throughout all my fanfictions, you are one of the people that makes me love
to write fanfiction. ^_^ Thank you for everything!

Chapter 3


Bakura was thrown back into the jail cell he had woken up earlier in. He growled
at the guard, pulling his knees to his chest and sighing. What did the pharoah
want to do to him? He wasn't sure, but no matter what he was going to find away
to kill the pharoah.

It was all his fault his village, mom, and Marik was taken away from him.

All of them were dead, well, maybe there was a tad bit chance of Marik being

'I have to know if Marik is all right' Bakura thought sadly.

"G-guard?" Bakura gulped, flinching at the ugly man that faced torwards him.

"What the hell do you want?" The guard growled.

"I w-want to know..." Bakura studdered, slowly moving with the flow of his setence.
"I-if... Marik is alive..."

"oh, that cute little blonde head?" The guard smirked. "Yes, he is, but he won't be
used by the pharoah."

"Do you mean that he is going to be sold off?" Bakura said, panic growing inside of
him. He felt butterflies in his stomach, waiting for the answer.

"No!" The guard barked. "Random Leaders around the palace will be using him."

"How will they exactly 'use' him?" Bakura said, trying to dig out information.

"You'll figure it out when you see the pharoah," The guard chuckled, seeing the boy's
face frown in confusion.

Bakura rolled his eyes, laying down. He closed his eyes, going into a restful sleep.


"Wake up, boy!" The guard yelled, Bakura's eyes quickly opening. He groaned, wiping
the sleep out of his eyes. "The pharoah wants you, now!" Before the white haired boy
could get up and stretch, he was roughly yanked to his feet, getting dragged.

"Let go!" Bakura growled, trying to pull his arm away, but the guard's grasp was too
firm. He was pulled into a room that he wasn't familar with. The room was red, laced
with gold curtains. There was many tan clay bowls of fruit on wooden tables.

'This must be the pharoah's room' Bakura thought, sneering.

"Now, we must wait for the pharoah to be done with his meeting," The guard said,
crossing his arms over his chest. The white haired boy was just about to seat down a nice
wooden chair, but was yanked. "Don't sit down in the pharoah's chairs!"

Bakura rolled his eyes once again, his legs weak from walking long ways to get to the

He jumped, hearing the door swung open harshly. There was the pharoah, breathing hard,
and looking angry.

"Get the fuck out of my room, guard!" Atemu yelled. "As for you, slave, go sit on the bed."

Bakura sat on the bed, which had red covers. He shifted on it, feeling uneasy. Maybe he was
going to be assigned a few chores to do, like cook for the pharoah, but he didn't know even
how to cook! He let out a cry of surprise at he was pushed down on the bed, and growled feeling
sudden weight on him.

"Such perfection..." Atemu breathed in the surprised boy's ear, letting the hot spicy breathe
make the boy shudder. "You know what I'm about to do to you, right?"

Bakura shook his head, confused why they were in this position. He gasped, feeling the
pharoah's mouth cover his. The white haired boy tried to push the pharoah off of him, letting out
a cry.

'Marik....' Bakura thought weakly, the kiss breaking off.

Atemu lucked his lips, looking at the boy, who looked like he was about to cry.

"Marik..." Bakura said weakly, out loud this time.

"Who is, Marik?" Atemu sneered. "Your little whore?"

"What?" Bakura said, confused by the word."He is my lover!"

Atemu smiled, a idea coming to his mind.

"Stay here, slave," Atemu said, getting off the boy. He growled lowly, his royal robes were tight
on his lower waist. He walked out of the room, grabbing one of the guards. "Get the slave Marik."

The guard nodded, quickly running to the jail cells to get the blonde head boy.


"Is Bakura all right?" Marik asked to himself, tears rolling down his tanned cheeks."I miss him.."

"Marik?" A voice barked, making the boy jump.

"Y-yes?" He squeaked, then felt his arm roughly grabbed."W-where are you taking me!?"

"Shut up and don't ask me questions!" The guard yelled at him, dragging the tired and hungry boy
down the fancy hallway. They seemed to walk for eternity, until they approach a teenage boy dressed
in fine jewelry.

'That has to be the pharoah' Marik thought, flinching.

"This will be entertaining," Atemu said, grabbing the boy by his arm and shoving him into the room.
He smiled, getting excited as he saw Bakura laying down on the bed.

"Bakura!" Marik called out.

"Marik!" Bakura said, just about to get off the bed to hug his lover until Atemu pinned him down.

"Don't try anything, slave," Atemu said, pinning the boy's wrist above his head. Marik gasped, then
tried to move his arms to help Bakura but they were tried to the chair.

"Don't do anything to him!" Marik cried. "Please!"

"Shut up!" Atemu growled. "Do you want me to shove a gag down your pathetic throat!?"

"I don't care!" Marik screamed. "Please let him go!" Atemu growled angrily, pulling out a round
object and shoving it in the sandy haired boy's mouth. The boy used his tongue to push the gag out,
further irriatating the pharoah. He growled angrily, pulling out a leather strap.

Atemu shoved the gag in Marik's throat again, then strapped leather around his head and mouth, making
it where the boy couldn't push the gag out of his mouth with his tongue.

"Now, shall I continue, my slave?" Atemu purred, jumping on top of Bakura again.

"No!" Bakura yelled angrily. "Take that filthy thing out of Marik's mouth!" Bakura earned a slap,
wincing slightly in pain.

Atemu muffled Bakura's yelled with his hand, keeping all his weight on the boy underneath him.

"Finally... time to play..." Atemu said, removing his hand off of Bakura's mouth, pulling him into a
lustful kiss.....


Authoress's Note: Well, thats chapter 3! Don't kill me since I haven't gaven you any limes and lemons
yet, usually I'm a sucker for writing them early, so I'm trying something new this time. T_T So don't
blame me if I'm doing bad so far. Also, there is going to be haggles in my updates because less than a
week school is starting! I'm pretty upset because I did end up with the people I wanted to end up with.
Anways, I'll update as soon as possible.