Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ MSfAT: All the Time In the World ❯ Beat 'em up time! ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Winter came, and all was well by then. Yami and Yugi walked to school hand and hand most days. The first days they did it, they got ribbed about it by the students, but that didn't last long. Joey, Tristan, and Yami gave a beating to however talked bad about them, and Yugi didn't have to worry about being bullied with making good use of his self defense classes. Winter break was coming around at this time, and Yugi was so excited about his first holiday with Yami! He was also starting to worry about having the fight Malik. It was something that stayed over his head, but he thought it would have happened by now.

Yugi had to walk home alone, because Yami and the others got into another fight. Them and the guys they fought all got detention. It wasn't for homophobic bullying, but the other guys threw the first punch. He decided not go straight home and ended up at Chestwood park a good distance from his home and school. He didn't know how he got there. It's like his legs just moved him there while his brain was on Stand By mode. Yugi's black overcoat kept him from being too cold to worry about where he was going, or going home at all. As he walked in the park he was the back of a familiar head. "Tea?" he called out, and the head moved but didn't turn around. Yugi ran over, and it was surely her, but she was very different. She looked up to him, with bags under her blank eyes. "Tea..." he sat down next to her, putting his bag aside. "What's wrong? Where have you been?" He took her hands pleading for her to talk. "Yugi..." she whispered with a light smile. She pulled him into a hug, and Yugi hugged her back without thinking. She smelled different, too. Instead of fruity body spray, she smelled like dust. Her clothes were darker colored, and he knew she didn't like to wear dark colors. "Tea..." he repeated. Tea silently pulled a knife from under her sweater sleeve, right behind his head.

Yami was already at home and in his underwear when he got a phone call from Grandpa Moto. "Hello?" he answered the strange number curiously. "Yami, come to the hospital! Yugi's been stabbed!" he cried into the phone. "What?! I'll be right there! What hospital?" "Jonah's Mission!" Yami hung up on grandpa, threw on clothes and ran to the hospital. It was a good thing the hospital wasn't that far away. He ran into the ER, and up to grandpa. "Oh my god... Wha--- How'd he get stabbed?!" Yami said and grabbed grandpa's shoulders. "I don't know yet. He was at the park. Who ever did it was already gone when someone else found him and called 911," he said on the verge of tears. "Who would be such a savage thing to my sweet grandson? What is this world coming to?" he ask starting to visible wobble on his old legs. Yami took a deep breathe, and sat them both down. Yami leaned down and put his hands over his eyes. "Where was he?" "Chestwood park." "That's a good walk from school." They were both quiet after that, until hours later when they were allowed to see him.

They walked in the low lit room. Yami went to Yugi's bed side and took him hand, facing the doctor. Grandpa walked up the the female and she smiled. "He was stabbed in a very sensitive spot in his back, but we've recovered him. He'll need some therapy, but he'll be fine later on." she said as happily as she could, while staying appropriate for the situation. "Oh, Yugi... Why ere you in the park?" Yami asked rubbing the half eyed boy's hand. His lips moved, but nothing came out. "What?" Yami leaned in closer, but he still couldn't hear him. Tears were still rolling down from the wounded boy's red eyes, and his lover's heart was breaking. "The person that found him told the emergency line he was repeating 'Tea' if that helps," she announced to them. Yami's eyes widened in shock, and he slowed turned his horrified face to the black doctor. "Tea?" he repeated, and "Tea" she confirmed. Yugi moved his hand from Yami's he touched his warm cheek. He walked to tell them it was Tea's fault. Something was wrong with her, and she needed their help! But, alas, he's lips moved and hardly whisper was heard. "Oh, Yugi. I'll avenge you. I'll get them for this," he growled in angry as his eyes turned a raging red. Yugi looked at him distressed and tired to speak again, but Yami put his hand on top of his, and kissed his forehead. "Do you know what's going on? Why would Tea stab him?" Grandpa asked stormed over to Yami's side. "It's an evil plan to kill us, or maybe just me. If they wanted to kill Yugi he'd be dead," he said getting up. "I can only say I'm sorry Yugi got hurt, but I'm going to go hurt them," he declared, and grandpa glared at him, and nodded. "You better make them pay," he said and let Yami pass. "There's a hospital right for you, when you get done," he doctor said with a smile. Yami turned to her, and couldn't help but laugh. She know looked like someone he knew or had seen before, but he couldn't place where. He didn't let him hold him for too long to leave the hospital.

When he was out of the turning doors, things were very quiet. He didn't notice until he started down the street, and there were no place, animals, or even animal noises. No cars, or car noises near by.Yami stopped and looked around with a grim cautiousness. When he turned forward Malik and Tea were standing a visible distance away from him. "We meet again..." he hissed. He started walking closer to Yami, taking off his cold weather clothing. He was wearing black cargo pants, and a lavender sleeveless hooded shirt that showed his mid-drift when he was done. Yami couldn't explain why, but it was abruptly getting warmer. He followed suit removing his coat, cap, and sweater, leaving a white tank top and his black leather pants on.

Yami put up his fists as Malik got closer, but he became visibly shaken when Malik pulled a long dagger from behind him. The dagger was fully black, making Yami wonder what it was made of and where it came from.  "You bitches don't know how to fight fair, huh?" he said starting to back away. He had to take of how he would get the blade away from Malik. Behind him Tea had fallen, and metal arm shields appeared from smoke onto Malik. The armors was light and thin with red, black and gold colors. It went from his hands to his shoulders. It was very efficient for stealthily fighters. He looked back and smirked. "Well, it's good you turned to useful for something," he commented coldly. "Yami," Yugi's spirit said next to him. "Yu-- Yugi!" Yami said smiling, and next to him was E. Yugi. They looked at each other and nodded, then turned into smoke. The smoke went around Yami's chest and into his hand forming a long dagger, and armor. The dagger was as long long Malik's. It was gold with a white blade, and the handle was in the shape of a Phoenix. The armor was only a little thicker than Malik, and also covered more. It went from his hands to his shoulders round his neck, and covered the very top of his chest. It was gold with round ruby jewels on the hand part, and a sapphire jewel on his neck. "I suppose we do this...NOW!" Yami yelled declaring the first attack!

Malik past self, Marik, briefly appeared behind him and former black glider bird wings that lifted him into the air before Yami's strike made a landing. "Oh, give me a fucking break!" Yami yelled up to him in frustration. "You should've known it wouldn't be that easy. It's your own fault for not accepting your past sooner. Now you will be punished in the present, and I will destroy your future, just as I did back then. Tea is as worthless as she was before!" he declared, and glared back to the girl's limp body. The pieces of the puzzle started coming together for Yami. The puzzle! Atemu appeared behind him glaring death to Malik, and the ancient puzzle was now around his neck. His eyes widen and narrowed. "You won't leave this battle alive, you fucking scum!" he yelled up his enemy. "Ha! you're more foolish, then I thought!" Malik yelled back and whooped down on Yami. He slashed at him with his knife, and Yami did a good job of blocking. He didn't know how long he could keep it up with Malik's surprising stranger, however. "Do something!" he yelled to Atemu. "go on the offensive, and I will." he growled in annoyance took to risk of blocking with his arm, and took a swing at Malik's chest. Malik moved back just in time, and only his shirt suffered damage. Yami took his dagger with both hands, and swung at Malik again, but this time a golden fiery flash came from it, and shoot Malik feet away from him. Malik was knocked a few feet away from him on his back, and put his unarmed hand on his bleeding chest wound. "Ah! You'll pay for that!" he barked getting to his feet. "You're the one that's going to pay!" Yami retorted and charged Malik, head on! Yami swung at Malik in fury, but Malik was able to block with both hands on his weapon. "Malik, what I did to you was wrong! But, what you did to Yugi is inexcusable!" Atemu yelled at the young man from the past. "My actions were just! If Yugi had come along without a fight, I wouldn't have been so drastic." Marik replied. "Torturing someone because of someone they love, and that you hate, is never just!" he scared in a rage. Yami's blade glowed again, and golden fire wings shoot out of Yami's back. Yami focused the force to push Malik back. Malik yelled in peril as he was knocked into a public trash can, knocking it over with his fall. "Damn you..." Malik hissed struggling to get up. As Yami walked closer to him, he began muttering something Yami couldn't understand, but Atemu could. "Oh no. Kill him, quickly!" Atemu yelled. Yami went to strike, but a black burst over Malik's body pushed him down.

A low, dark tone laugh came from Malik's body as he made it to his feet with ease. "The power of Seth is not to be ignored," the voice said with Malik's mouth. Yami got up readying his wings, and gripping the dagger. Malik's wound healed before his eyes, and he manically laugh at Yami and Atemu. He speared his wings and went up into the air, but with Yami following after him. "Whatever you wanted to do to me would have been enough. Touching Yugi is why you must die!" Atemu yelled. Yami swiped the glowing blade towards Malik. The gold energy went for him, but he dodged it, and went for Yami, with much greater speed. The Japanese teen didn't have time to block, so Malik's attack successful gashed Yami's left side. He screamed in pain, but it was like the wound did something to him. He looked at the blood at thought of Yugi in the hospital. Malik bewailed out a loud cocky laugh, and went for Yami from behind. Yami closed his eyes, and dove in Malik's direction. As his eyes were closed he saw yellow instead of darkness, with a small amount of red moving in to. He felt pain on his face and heard Malik gasp, and the yellow was replaced fully with red. When he opened his eyes he and the brown teen were face to face, Malik with a horrified expression. Yami felt something warm on hand and looked down to see he stabbed Seth's follower in the stomach, and the blade was sticky out of his back. Malik had cut his cheek, and some of his ear. His arm was stuck in the pose passing Yami's head. "You lose... forever." Yami whispered. The Egyptian glared, and fell dead to the ground. An eye suddenly appeared over them. Yami looked up and was stunned to see a giant eye in the sky. He gulped when the eye moved to see everything. When the eye closed and disappeared both he and Tea's bodies turned into sand and blew away in an abrupt gust.

The weapon and armor turned back into both Yugis', and Atemu appear in full flesh as the wings disappeared. They were all smiling, and E. Yugi  hugged Atemu. "That went better than I thought it would!" Yami and Atemu said in unison. Atemu laughed, and Yami made an awkward face. "You're so strong," Yugi said putting his head on Yami's arm. "Yami smiled, and moved to put his arm around him. When his arm went through he nodded. "You better get back in your body." he said, and Yugi giggled. "I think we're free now, or something..." E. Yugi said, and they all looked at him. "It wasn't explained in full, but I've been avenged, so I guess we fully become one, or we move on to the after life... or..." E Yugi tilted his head in confusion. "If you go to the after life, and you're us, don't we die, too?" Yami put up his hands. "It's not that easy, apparently..." Yugi said rubbing his head. "I don't think we have anything to worry about," Atemu said confidently putting his hands on his hips. He walked up to Yami and put his hand out. Yami gave him his hand, and they firmly shook. "It's nice to see them getting along." E. Yugi said to Yugi, and he nodded in agreement. Atemu turned into a sprit, and took E. Yugi's hand. "While, I guess we'll see you later or something," Yugi said as the both watched them ascend. E. Yugi shrugged and they both waved and disappeared as they went up. "Come on back to the hospital," Yugi said before disappearing. When Yami walked into Yugi's room holding his winter clothes he took off, he and the doctor were talking and laughing. "Oh, back so soon?" she said looking over to him. "You're boyfriend's back to normal." Yami walked over to Yugi's side and kissed his soft warm cheek. "Oh, Yugi!" he said with a soft chuckle, as Yugi kissed him back. "I'll take this as my que to leave. Don't get too excited in here, boys." she said exiting. "I'll always before around just for you, Yami." Yugi said putting his hand on Yami's cheek. "I will always be here for you as well, my love."

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