Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ MSfAT: The End of Tears ❯ No War - No Peace ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yugi made his way, sliding on to the side of the stone bridge. The more he thought about what was happening to him, the angrier he became. How could he fall back in love with if he couldn't stand to look at Yami, or hear his voice? His vision started to blur as he continued to walk, and he was so into his hateful thoughts he didn't notice he actually passed Yami until the older teen turned around. "Yugi, where are you going?" he asked not knowing if he should help him. Could he help him? "I don't know. Maybe, I'm not going anywhere," he said after he stopped, but didn't turn around. "Yugi..." Yami started to move closer to him, but Yugi spun around to face him. He glared hard at the taller one, and finally cried out "I hate you! Everything that's happened to me is because of you!" Tears poured out of Yugi's reddened eyes, but he didn't back down. Yami's face made a weird expression, in reaction. He suddenly felt a pain as if someone stabbed him in the chest with a long needle, and clutched a hand over his heart. "That's right. Hurt! Hurt like you made me hurt! I hate you, Yami! I hate you!" he screamed out. The pain grew stronger with the fire in the words, and he fell to his knees putting one hand down to keep him from balling up. "Yugi..." he struggled for air. "...please..." "Suffer!" he growled "Suffer, and die, ATEMU!" Yugi yelled, but with two voices now. The second voice was dark, deep, and powerful! Yami looked up to Yugi to be frozen at the sight now before him. The once sweet young man was now covered with an aura of evil, and violence. His eye were completely red, and tears of blood streamed from his eyes, onto his white skin, and stained the stone floor of the bridge.

"It's so good to have you, Yugi," the voice said on it own, as it made it's own form behind him. The blue-ish, purplely glow turned into a tall dark skinned African man. "Atemu..." Seth started as grinned down as the suffering form. "... , you lose." "Not yet," echoing voices say in unison behind him. "Ah, son. Nephew..." he said unpleased with their sudden interjection. The jackal headed god, and the hawk headed god both glared at Seth, who's grin didn't waver. "New game! New rules!" Seth announced. Everything around Yami disappeared into white nothingness. He was still cramped over in pain, and couldn't manage to straighten up when the nothingness before him opened into a giant Egyptian eye. "Hello, Yami," a female voice rang around him. "Um.. hello. Where's Yugi?" he asked not being able to look away from the eye. "Hmm? Why do you care?" the voice replied. "Because... It's not like I don't care if he lives or dies!" A pause. "He's with Seth now. He's become one of his followers." Another pause. "Who is Seth?" "The God the violence," it answered causally. She didn't seem to have any problems answering questions, so Yami went on. "Why would he join someone like that?" he asked with hurt emotions. "Because of you. Just like Malik. Do you wonder why they hate you?" she asked. He finally felt himself breaking down at what he had triggered. He didn't want to leave in a world where Yugi hated him. It would be better if they could just start over, and if Yami did it right, they could live happily ever after - but it was too late for those desires. "You can choose." she says softly. "Choose?" he repeats in tears. "Choose." The eye closes, when Yami shoot awake in his bed.

He looked around his room in disbelief of what just happened. Was it real or was it a dream? Was he dreaming now? He took some deep breathes and felt his face - He felt real. He looked over and grabbed his phone. With a touch of the screen it displayed that it was the next day at 9 am. He dashed over to his window and flung out the curtain and pulled up the blinds. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing through the silence of his room. He put his phone down and opened the window. A warm breeze made it's way in, and Yami stoke his head out. Something was missing. The bewildered teen could feel something important missing, but it's like he forgot what it was. all he could do was get cleaned up, dressed, and grabbed his things and headed out for a walk without breakfast. He walked to the park downtown, and saw Joey and Tristan making lame attempts as flirting with random young ladies. As funny as it was to watch the idiots make bigger idiots out of themselves Yami was having trouble laughing. Whatever it was missing inside him had something to do with it.

He walked over to them smiling "Why are you 2 harassing these lovely young ladies?" he asked. As soon as the pair turned their heads away from the women they left while they had the chance. "Because, summer time is love time!" Joey said as Tristan made a pose. The word "love" somehow took Yami off guard. He looked surprised then frowned. "Whaaaaaaaa?!" Joey turned to see the girls gone, and they both look at him. "Hey-- Whoa, what's with that face?" Tristan asked to Yami's dismayed expression. "I don't know. I suddenly don't feel well," he said still looking down. Joey got serious with the situation. "You look like something really bothering you," the blond noted. "I think there is. I think I forgot something important. Maybe someone important." he said tiring to manage a smile. "Oh, don't worry about that! Happens to me all the time! Just clam down, and think about it. It'll come to you," Joey said giving a thumbs up. "Whatever it is, it can't be that bad. I'm sure whoever it's related to will forgive you," Tristan threw in, but that hurt Yami more. Tears started forming in his eyes, but he nodded. "I hope so. I'll see you guys later." "Ok, we'll call you later!" Tristan said as he walked off. They watched him until he was out of sight, and went back to skirt chasing. He just couldn't explain what just came over him. Who was he forgetting? His legs took him to a burger place, and he just looked around when he walked in. He could feel himself become sick from the smell of food, and quietly walked back outside. He could smell other food in the area, but somehow the smell of burgers was making him sick.

The more he tired to think the more it seemed like he was forgetting what was wrong. He walked to the cloeset movie theater in hopes something good was playing to take his mind off this pledging matter. He got tickets to some violent, and a drink. The movie was good, to it's credit, but there was something about the violence Yami suddenly wasn't in the mood for. He stayed for the whole movie and by the end, instead of pumped full of aderinaline and testosterone for the fighting, killing, and blood he was depressed. How could people get excited from watching such suffering? How did he ever think these kinds of movies were good? When he walked out he went a few blocks to get a soda out of a vending area. He wasn't sure why but he was unexplainably thrusty, and now he was getting a headache. It was as simple as his shadow, but shared it's vagueness... He walked out of downtown, with his drink almost finished. He looked down at a large puddle from yesterday's storm, and stared at his reflection. By looking at himself in a muddy unstable water he just tapped his toes in he felt closer to what he was missing. "I... I don't want to live like this. What have a done?"

As the young man looked up, the sky was changing colors - the normal blue the day sky was started to mix into darker blues and shades of purple. It was an unnatural thing to see, and fear was easily put into the ever stressing boy. "I don't want to forget," he started. The sky roared loudly, as if something inside of it was angry. "I will never forget! I will fight!" he roared back to the abyss above him. From the sky came a glow of gold and red - the red taking the form of a dragon, and the gold taking on a bird shape. They floated in a pause, then swooped down on the teen that was frozen of shock of the images.