Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ MSfAT: The End of Tears ❯ To Live Without ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yami shoot out of his bed, awakening in a sweating fit of shock! He felt like something set his soul on fire! He looked at his hands, then grabbed his phone. It had the same time and date as it did when he first "woke up". He closed his eyes and tried to call out his inner self, and there was no answer. He grunted as he got out of bed and went straight into getting dressed. He really didn't how he was going to fix this, but he had to try. He cleaned himself up quickly and ran down to exit his home, but he stopped when he touched the door knob. He felt a very wrong ominous presence on the other side of the doorway. He knew whatever it was on the other side of the was something he wasn't going to like, but he was choosing to face it now.

With a blink he was surrounded by sand. "What's going on...?" he asked in dismay. He was suddenly between the clash of Marik's followers and Atemu's group right before it started. He looked between the groups as they started to mix in battle, and watched as the first of them started to die."Wha--- wait! Stop!" he yelled to no avail. No one could hear him, as he wasn't really there. He turned just in time to watch Yugi and Atemu fall on the other side of his back. He ran to their side and fell to his knees at their last words.

"Why...? What would make you want to die for someone?" he said after he put his hand over his eyes. "True love", a pleasant voice said behind him. He turned to see Anzu in her dancing clothes and past Yugi in his fanciest royal garb - the robs he wore the night he entertained Rehema. "I've made the same mistake, but I've already died", Anzu said and moved aside to display Tea hanging from a rope tied to a plank in a ceiling. "This time I died before I gave birth." "Tea...," Yami muttered in sorrow. "It is also too late for you", E-Yugi pointed out to Yami. "I will always love Atemu, but Yugi has sworn hatred to you." "Where is Atemu?" Yami asked as he finally made it to his feet. "I don't know, but I know he's not here", E-Yugi replied with his arms crossed. "Where's Yugi?"

Yugi was floating in a black abyss of his own. "Do you want to live?" a rough deep voice asked in his surroundings. "I want to live..." he mustered out of his weakened state. "Do you want to live for me?" "I want to leave to ...destroy Yami..." "I will have the Pharaoh's soul?" "You will... have his soul. I will... have his head... And, I will... bathe in his blood..." Yugi opened his eyes to a moving formed face in purple clouds above him. "Go forth... little one..." it grumbled. The clouds swirled around and engulfed the teen's body in it's purple fog. The fog appeared and disbursed in front of Yami while from behind Anzu and E-Yugi. They all let out surprised yelled before they suddenly appeared in a sanded area. Yugi, Marik, and his followers were on the opposing side of Yami, Anzu, E-Yugi, and Atemu's follows, but the Pharaoh-himself- was still missing. Yami was wearing Atemu's clothing, however. E-Yugi looked over to Yami his beloved king's clothing and looked surprised at first, but then looked down and nodded with a light smile.

Modern Yugi was wearing light armor, as was Marik. Marik insisted on wearing some form of pants. Yugi didn't have a problem wearing a sheen-length dress looking outfit, that was nicely dark colored. It was the opposite of E-Yugi's chosen fashion. M-Yugi had a metal head band with hieroglyphics on it, light armor on his  arms, and armor plates on his sheen. Marik had the same, but less of it was visible under his dark cloak shirt and pants.

Tale stared at her son -or more so her former son- the other Yugi and the rest of what they were up against. "Pharaoh, don't hold back", she said to Yami. He jumped slightly with knowing she was addressing him, and looked back to her and the others. "Alright... We're going to do this", he said with much less confidence in the situation. E-Yugi pulled out his Osiris dagger, as M-Yugi pulled out a long dark and red tribal dagger. This dragger was in the form of a two headed black asp with stones in the design's eye holes. The Yugi's had the same length dagger, but that didn't mean this was going to be a fair fight. M-Yugi's dagger had the hieroglyphics praising Set down the side of the hilt. "This is going to be fun. I'll finally get my revenge!" Marik called out before wind whipped some sand around. "I will dance in you blood..." M-Yugi proclaimed pointed the weapon at Yami. Yami grimaced to Yugi's new-found tone of hatred, but had no intention of backing down. Marik made the first charge and as they ran black horse arose from a magical thick smog from underneath them. Yami and E-Yugi's group charged and white and brown horses arose for them from mystical twisted of sand.

Yami unsheathed his sword and went for Marik, but Yugi made his way to the older teen first. "Yugi?!" Yami looked him in the eyes before the boy's dagger came at him. The horses circled around each other in the clash of the blade and pasted into the rest of the battle. E-Yugi tried to attack his modern self from behind but was knocked out of the way by one of Marik's basic minions. He was almost knocked off his horse, but his grip held true. The animal bucked up and charged into battle again. Tale and Anzu were putting up a more than decent fight on their end, but Anzu left the older woman's side to attempt to face her ex-lover herself. Her horse jumped into the air and she came down with her spear aimed for his head! He turned to her with an indifferent expression but smirked just before a black horse knocked her off course and off to the side into the sand. The large animal landed on her foot when they hit the sand, but due to sand not being that hard she was still able to get up and fight.

Behind her the rider that got her off Marik was coming up behind her with a sword ready as she started to remount her steed. E-Yugi and Tale came up on both the minions' side and Tale beheaded the offending rider. The rider and horse both fell and disappeared into black and purple smog. Tale kept on, but Yugi stopped and waited for Anzu to get back on her horse. They both rode off to help Yami, who was being kept busy by Yugi's Japanese self. M-Yugi was soon aided by Marik's underhanded rear attack, and the Pharaoh was easily out matched. That is until E-Yugi jumped in the space between M-Yugi and Yami as soon as he had the chance, and Anzu was back on Marik's tail. "You're a fool to think it's that easy", M-Yugi hissed to his ancient counterpart, and wasted no more time before coming at him with his black dagger.

Fortunately, Anzu's horse was as graceful as herself making getting away for her ex's offense less difficult. Her spear added more ease to attacking him without having to get close. She pulled back when she saw that Marik was at the point of trying to grab the spear from her, and make a run for it. She looked over when Tale cried out a horrifying scream of pain. "Tale!" Anzu looked over to her, and looked back to Marik. "Your mother is hurt, Malik! Don't you care about your own mother?" she yelled at villain chasing her. "That bitch can die, right along with you!" he yelled at her. "You're not Malik! You're not the man I feel in love with. You're right.
I was a fool. A fool to follow you, and tolerate your madness. I will correct my mistake now!" Anzu turned as far around as she could and whacked her steed across it rear. The horse stopped running and start jumping wildly when she whacked it again, the horse landed a successful back-kick to the front of Marik's animal and it also separated Marik from the animal.

Anzu called over to her mother-in-law but she didn't wait for a reply as she charged Set's leading follower. She aimed her spear true, but it was broken into pieces it it's clash with Marik's ceremonial dagger. Anzu saw frozen in shock of her weapon being destroyed and Set's magic basically making it explode from her hand. Her horse reared up to slam in it's hooves down on the person that disarmed it's rider, but his own animal moved around him and the horse got out of the way on it's own. "So, what are you going to do now?" he asked as he stood with his dagger pointed out to her.

Tale had her arm over her stomach wound as she fought off 2 minions on her own. When she spotted 2 more coming up, with alley riders chasing them, she went on the retreat, and headed directly towards the scene of the dancer and the violent God's follower. "Anzu!" The young lady looked back to hearing her name. "Tale!" she cried in distress. Tale got between him as Marik got back on his horse. "His magic ruined my spear. What should I do?" Tale looked back to her and she planted her sword into the sand where the dancer could reach it. "I don't have much more time with this wound", she said leading her horse to go towards Marik. The teen looked at his begotten mother with a cold grimace.

He felt nothing towards her as he stabbed Tale in chest with with her last bit of strength the stronger of them grabbed Marik's arm in a death grip. As her vision begin to fade, and her hearing started to mute her son's cusses fell on deaf ears as she smiled to the last vision of the innocent smiling child Malik once was. Tears were leaking uncontrollably from the grieving dancer's face, but that didn't stop her from picking up the sword left for her and swinging for the cold murderer's head. Marik blocked her swing with his dagger, and Anzu felt something in her back.

She somehow couldn't cry out for the pain that she felt in her back. She turned her head to face the maiden that had given birth to Marik's son. She looked at Anzu coldly and ripped her dragger from the dance, making her blood whip out on her clothes. Both Yugi's broke apart from their quarrel to look over to the falling woman, as Tale's body and steed disappeared first. "Ah-- Ah...! Anzuuuuuuuuuuuu!" E-Yugi made his way over to his friend, and M-Yugi just watched him go. "Weakling", he scoffed to his old self. He didn't feel the need to chase after him, as that wasn't his target. He turned to see Yami taking out some of Marik's followers on his own, and rushed behind him. Yami hit pure luck on just moving out of the way as Yugi's dagger came at his back. "Yugi, please don't do this", he said in with was suppose to be a beg, but what came out in a demanding tone. "Fuck you, you sorry idiot! You don't care about anyone, but yourself", the younger roared at him. Yami was visibly taken aback by Yugi's terrorizing roaring voice that definitely had a demonic additive to it.

"I am going to eat you!" M-Yugi screamed and went into attacking the one he once loved. It was hard to keep the animal and himself out of the way of the furious attacks being sent. "Yugi! Atemu! What do I do?" he yelled to anyone that would answer, in all truth. Yugi looked up from the spot that Anzu fell in, her body now gone and watched the battle between them. "You die! That's what you do! That's what you deserve", M-Yugi answered for them as he slammed more attacks on him.

M-Yugi managed to land a cut across Yami's face, but instead of blood coming out darker skin appeared from under the injury. Yami was surprised at how the slash at his face felt more like being stretched with a needle. A memory hit Yami the way that cut should have and he suddenly ran away from M-Yugi and headed towards Marik. The Yugi that was in front of him made a horridly disgusted face and growled after him "Where the fuck do you think you're going? Get back here, coward!" Yugi gave chase but stopped when he was Yami was making his way to Set's main follower. Marik turn to him and grinned wildly. "Finally!" he said as they engaged in their own battle. The others around them slowed to a stop as Marik and Yami Atemu's blades clashed together. "I'll kill you for what you did to me!" Marik proclaimed as he attacked the new and old king. Yami Atemu suddenly put himself in a very risky position and knocked Marik off his horse and they both rolled into the sand. "Wha--? Get off me, you damn tyrant!" Marik yelled as he started to panic. The flashbacks of his rape were swirling in his head so strongly they were making him visibly dizzy. "Damn you..."

Yami Atemu was the first to recover, and he frowned as his memories continued to move into his mind. "I'm sorry for what I did to you. I'm still getting into a lot of trouble, and causing much hurt for losing control of myself." He looked up to M-Yugi as the teen glared death into him, and E-Yugi looked at the scene in sorrow. "None of this would be happening if I wasn't so... me...", he said looking down and away from everyone. "But, we've all made our chooses, and now we have to take reasonability for them. But... since I am the cause of all this I should be the one to pay the price. I won't pay it by the hands of someone I never loved, however."

Yami Atemu passed by the stumbling Marik without looking at him. "Don't you dare... Ignore what you did. I said I will kill you..." The dark skinned man turned and stabbed into the king's back, but frozen in place when he didn't fall. As he continued to walk stab wound revealed another patch of darker skin. "Yugi..." he calmly purred and reached for the lighter skinned boy. The 17 year old's vision started to break up, and he let himself be pulled down into Yami Atemu's arm's. E-Yugi got off his horse and walked over to them and put his arms around both of them. He smiled at E-Yugi as the shorter one in his arms begin to cry. "Let me go... I hate you!" he screamed, but not with the same force he pervious had, and he was making no moves to get out of the warm embrace. "I will always love you", E-Yugi said sweetly. "And, I you, Yugi," was returned in a much more enlightened tone from the young man. A disgruntled roar came from the weeping one, as he clenched his blade. "I don't want to hear that, anymore!" M-Yugi pushed them apart. Yami and E-Yugi didn't fight back in the action. "I hate you! You were perfectly ok with me die, because you're the one in denial!" "You're right", he replied calmly. "And, I deserve whatever punishment you see fit to deal me."

M-Yugi seemed as thought he was suddenly hit by something. He grabbed his side of his face, and suddenly fell to his knees, dropping the dagger and grabbing his stomach. He was loudly sobbing as all the followers started to disappear. Marik could only watch as the battle was ending without the Pharaoh's blood slashed all over him. "This... can't be happening..." he whispered as he could feel himself becoming weaker. The modern Malik -  the Malik that was grieving Tea's suicide- appeared behind in tears of his lost lover. "It's time for you to disappear. You're no better than to know that you swear your soul against. This is my life, and my body now. Be gone, evil spirit!" M-Malik demanded to him. Marik's watched in terror as his body and his very existence started to fade away. "No... Nooooo!" echoed into the area as the last of the villain's being.

"I don't want to die... Not before I've done anything with my life... But, can I kill someone...? Can I really bring myself to end another life, even if it's to save my own?" Yugi continued to sob. The winds started swirling around them and various voices called out to the weeping one. The calls of his friends, the growl of Set, the calming purrs of Horus, and Udjat, mixed in with many other through out both of his lives.  Something had to gave now. If things went on like this Yugi's sanity would break, but he was the one that had to make this decision. "I just want to live... WITHOUT YOU!"